+===========================================================================+ I I I I I (c) 1996 . +=+++=I (c) Igor I I ++ I IIIII Zhirnov I I ++ I I+===I=+=I+===I I I ++ I II I+=+I I+=+ I I I II III +==+I I I +====I I=++II =++ I I +==+ +==+ +===++=====++==++==+ +=====+ I I I I I I I +=+ =I =I I I I II III I I I =I =+=I ==+=++=I +===I I I I +=+ I I +=+I I+=+ I I I I I I III +==+I I I I I I =++II =++ I I +===+ +==+ +==+ +====++==++==+ +=====+ I I I I I I =+=====I =I I I I I IIII I I I I I I+====++=+=II+=+ I I I II=I+=++=+++ I I I IIII+I I I ++ =II I I=I I I +=========+ +======+ ==+ +===+ +==+ +==+ I +===========================================================================+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ⠪, 襬 ।⠢ . | | --=======================================================-- | | ⥬ 祩, 뫠 襫 | | , ᨤ ⮫ ࠡ⠫ 㬥⠬. | | ᢥ 襬 ⮫ ࣠ . - ࠧ | | த , -. | | 蠫 冷 ⠥ 2 1925. "" ᪠ , | | "" ᪠ . ।, த ।⠢ | | ᮡ த ⢥殢, 筥 ᪠ . 稭 | | . | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ਢ ᠭ --================================-- 宦 . --====================-- : ----- ன १ , 砩 , 㦥. 뢮 ⭥ 뢠, 筥 ⠭ . ࠪ. ࠪ: ------- *Oil Can* ,*Matches*, *Maracas*, *Wood Alcohol*, *Bottle* *Flask*. 쬨 *Key* ⮫. 멤 㫨 쬨 *Gas Can* ୨ ࠪ ᯮ , ᬮ 뢮 䨫쬠 . ᬮ ⮩ ୨ ९ , 室 㤠 멤 , 㡥 . ⠢襥 *Ace of Diamonds* *Gold Bullet*. 冷 ࠧ *Bottle* *Token* ᯮ ᡮ 㧭 த, 祣 *Oil Lamp*. , ॡ. ॡ: ------ ᯮ *Oil Can* *Oil Lamp* *Matches*. 쬨 *Cane* ⥭, 冷 뢠 . । 㭥 㤥 㦠 , , ⮩ ३ ᯮ *Maracas* 㯮, 室 ⭨. 楩᪨ ⮪: ------------------- *Stone* . 쬨 ⠢訩 *Amulet*. ⮫ 襣 , ६ ⠭ *Cane* - *Cell Key*. ன . 室 , ன , 祪, ⮬ ⮬ . 襬, ⠢ । *Wood Alcohol* *Flask*. 誠䮬, ⠪ ࠧ, ⮡ ४뢠 ᮡ . ன 誠 쬨 ⠬ *Shotgun* 㦥 , *Cell Key* *Winchester* ⠬- *Sheriff's Budge* *Bullets for Winchester*. 頩 誠䮬, ⭨ . - ठ: -------------- 쬨 ⠬ *Wipe*, *Cast Iron Plate*, *Cartrige Belt* 室 㣫, ⨣ ⮬, *Bag Full of Gold Coins*. 㡨 ୮ ⮫쪮 *Gold Bullet* ⠢訩 *Sack Full of Scorpion* ᯮ *Cast Iron Plate* ᥡ. ᬥ⥫ *Voodoo Hangman's Rope*. ५ *Winchester*. 室 , 筥 . ᯮ ᥡ *Voodoo Hangman's Rope* - . ࠧ襣 *Sack Full of Scorpion* , ⥯ ⮫ 砣. ⠢ 訩 , ⠬ *A Stick of Dynamite* *A Piece of Dried Meat*. , *Gatling Gun*, *Short Fuse*, ᤥ , 窨 騭. ᯮ *Matches* ⪥ ᬠ뢠. ⮣ ᤥ , ୨ ⭮. 室 ࠧ訩 , ⠭ ࠦ ५, ⨢ 㤠 ਤ. ࠢ 訬 . *Machine*. ᯮ *Sheriff's Badge*, ⥬ *Wipe* ⮡ ਢ ⢨. . 쬨 *Flask* ࠢ . *Bullet for Winchester* . ⮣ ⮩ , ࠧ ९룭 ⨢. ⨭: --------- *Matches* ⥭ . ᬮ ⥭, ᯮ . 쬨 *Sheet from Newspaper*. ᯮ *Dried Meat* 誥 . *Token*, 㣫 *Night Valet* *Flask* ⨭. 室 ⨭. ⠬ *Arrow*. ᯮ 㯨. . 쬨 ⠬ *30/30 Bullet*, *Bulb*, *Pearl*. ઠ *Key*. 頩 १ ⨭ ਤ. 쬨 *Costume Jewelry Ring*. ᯮ *Key* , 室. ᯮ *Diamond Ring* *Diamond*, ᯮ 䨣 ࠪ. *Bullets for Winchester*, *Instruction Sheet*, *Diary*. 室 , ன ३, ⨢ *Night Valet* ⮩. 멤 孥 , ⥯ ⮫ , 㯠. 室 . ⮫ *Key*. ᬮ *Shutter Release*, *Instruction Sheet*. ᬮ ⥭ 頩 ਤ. ᯮ *Bulb*, *Shutter Release*. ᯮ *Key* ⠢襩 . ⠭ , ⮨ . ᯮ *Flash* 壮 㣥 ( 㡨). ᯮ *Token* ࠤ. ५ 襭, ᯮ 誠. , 쬨 *Flask* *War Stick*. ਣ⮢ *Oil Lamp* (ࠢ ᨭ 㦭). ᪠ . ᯮ *Oil Lamp*. 襩. 룠 १ ய , ( ᪠, ।⠢ ᮡ . ᯥ樠쭮 ⠫ 뢠. 誮 뫮 . ᮢ, 뢠.) : ------ ᯮ *War Stick* ⮤. *Box of Cartridge's*. ᯮ *Small Key*, த 룠쯮 . , 㦥 㤠 㤥 룠 ᯮ *Indian Amulet* , ७ १ ய. 饣 窨. *Flask*, 孨 ⮣ , *Top Hat* *Key*. ᯮ *Key* ⢮⮩ . , 쬨 ⠬ *White Book*, *Watch Maker's Manual*, *Locked Book*. *Small Key* ன *Locked Book*. *Book on Navajio Nraditions*. ਤ. 쬨 *Pocket Whatch*. ⮫ *Printing Plate*. ᢥ , ⮨ ⮫, *Whait Book*. ᯮ *Printing Plate* ઠ ⮫. . ᯮ *Pocket Watch* 㣨 ⢮ . 㢠, ⮫쪮 㬠 ५, . 쬨 ⮫쪮 *Story Board*. ᯮ *Top Heat* . *Boxes of Cartridges*. 孨 ⤠饣 殩. ⠭ ⨢ 筮 ५ *Winchester*. 룠 ⭨ . ᯮ *War Stick* 業 , *Ace of Spades* < O.E.J. >. 쬨 *Message*. . : ----- ⮫ 쬨 *Oil Can*. 쬨 *Roll of Film* ⠦. *Bag of Pemmican*. ᯮ *Oil Can* , ⠭楢 宫. 楢 宫: ----------------- ⮫猪, *Hammer* , *Box of Cartridges*. 業, ५ ਯ. 㢠 , *Guitar String*, *Musical Score*, *Key to a Safe*. ࠢ ন 梥, ⥬ ண 誠. ୨ . : ----------- 誠 㤮, ⠬ 室 ਤ. ᯮ *30/30 Bullet* ⮩ . ᯮ *Hammer* , ந . : ---- *Blasting Cap*, *Map*, *Light Bulb*. ᯮ *Guitar String* 筮 ⮫. ᯮ *Light Bulb*, *Musical Score*, 3 . . ᯮ *Roll of film* 筮 ⮫ . , ⮫, *Astronomy Book*. ⨭. ன ⠬ ⮣ , 稫 ࠭. 室 죠, ᯮ *Pearl* . ᯮ *Key to a Safe* . 孨 . *Indian Amulet*. 쬨 *Box of Cartridges*, *Hill Century's Money*. ன , 祭 ? ᪠: ---------- 쬨 *McCarthy's Message*. ᥤ *Flask*, १, *Detonator Box* *Box of Cartriges* 룠 १. ⠭: ------- ⠭. 뢥 "Station", ᢨ 室 孥. 쬨 *Key*, ५ *Eye-Bolt*. ᯮ 稪 3 ࠧ . 롥 . ᯮ *Blasting Cap* த. ᯮ *Detonator Box* ⨢ . ୮ 譥, ⠢ ᤥ , 祣 . *Hill Centery's Money* *Key*. , , ࠭ 襫 alis (%$#&)...... , 㦥⢥ - ७६ 襩 , ᥫ ⥫ . .... ਣ쭮: -------------------------- १ ᠫ. ९루 ⭨ , ன ⠦. ⮬ , 뫮 १ ࠧ襭 ⥭. 룠 . 쬨 *Golden Eagle*. Mc Carthy's . ⠭ । 㭨 ᮤন. 㣮 , , 室 , 㭨 "Cask of Silven Salts". 㦨 㡥 . , ⠬ 㡥 . 室 ⭮ ⮭ 騩 *Golden Eagle*. ⥫. ᬮ- ᥤ쬠 " ⢥殢", 쪨. , 祩 ⥫ ९㦠? ᭮ , 뤥ঠ, ⮫쪮 , ⥡, 뫥, ⥫. : ----------- *Soap*, *Colt Gun*. ୮ 譥. *Colt Gun* , , ᮫ . *Colt Gun*. ⭨ , 룠 譨. ᯮ *Soap* 㢠. *Metallic Brush* *Flask*. ᯮ *Metallic Brush* 㯥 譨. . 룠 㤠. 쭮 饭: -------------------- *Engineer Notebook*, *Dead Leaf*. ᯮ *Dead Leaf* . ᬮ . 롨ࠩ ⭨ 㡥 殢 , ᯮ 㦨. ਤ *Flask*, 㣮 *Pick-Axe*. 쬨 *Sheet of Paper*. , 䨫쬥 " ࠬ " , 㣮 ய ﬨ. 㢠 㭮 *Colt Gun*. 㡥 ७ 㭮, ⮫쪮 *Pick-Axe*. 쬨 *Candlestick* ⮫, *Water Pitcher*, *Jet Stone's Scratch book*, *Scorched Book* ᢥ, *Needle*. ᯮ *Water Pitcher* 쪮 ࠦ 쥬, ⮨ ਤ. 室 , 쬨 ⠬ *China Piggy Bank*, . *Microscope Glass Plate*. 砣. ᯮ *Microscope Glass Plate* . । 㢨 梥⮢, . 室 . : ----------- ⮫. 쬨 *Vial of Poison*. 㣮 ⮫, ᯮ *Vial of Poison* *Needle*, ⥬ ᯮ *Vial Poison* 樫 . 室 㦤 ⠭ 쪨. ᯮ *Poisoned Needle* ਪ. ⠢訥 *Piece of Straw*, *Key to the Goal*, 쬨 *Bottle of Ammonia*. ᯮ *Key to the Goal* . ᯮ *Vial of Poison* 樫 . ⮫ 쪮 ⢥⨥ ⥭. ᯮ *Piece of Straw*, ⥯ ⮩ , ⠭ ⨢ 㯠, ।⮨ ४ ࣥ 㡪. - 릮. 쬨 *Vial with a Potion*. 室 . " 묨 쬨": ----------------------------- ᯮ *Vial with a Potion* ⥪饩 . *Bucket of Glue*, ⨭. 窠. ᯮ *Bucket of Glue* ⢥⨥ ⮫, ᢥ⮢ ⭨. ᥪ㭤, *Hammer Head* 㬡窥 ᠥ ⢥⨥ ண ⮫쪮 뫥. *Lead Ingot*, । ࠥ *Winchester* *Flask*. 室 , 㡥 -. *Cobra's Wig*, *Silver Dollar*, *Flask*. ᯮ *Silver Dollar* . १ . ᯮ *Box of Matches* ⮣ ⮡ ࠧ . ᯮ *Lead Ingot* . 쬨 *Scorched paper*, *Evil Wand with a Mineral Tip*, *Aztec Legend Parchment*, *Ammunition*. 室 ⮭, 㡥 㢠 쬨 *Knife*. ᠩ *Bottle of Ammonia* , ⮫쪮 諨 ( ࠧ㤨 ). ᯮ *Cobra's Wig* 窥 ⨢ . ன . 뢮: --------------- 㥩 ૠ. ᯮ *Evil Wand with a Mineral Tip*, 㡨 . . 쬨 *Rubber Glove*, ᯮ . ᯮ *Knife* . ன ⨫ , 冷 . 訡㫮, --!!! . *Sack of Coal*, ⥯, . ᯮ *Sack of Coal* *Box of Matches*, 砣, ।. ⨯樥. , ....... ??? Writen by Igor Zhirnov, 2:5048/7.13 P.S.: ਭ 筮 ᠭ, ⮬ ᠫ . 㬠 訡 ⥫. ᨡ ᥬ, 㤥 ᯮ짮. !!!!
Last-modified: Sat, 03 May 1997 08:56:01 GMT