our lawyer's secretary/translator distorted all documents in our refugee claim. One of our two lawyers submitted several messages to IRB in protest of some outraged events. He claimed that the IRB members took advantage of the distorted translations, using them as a tool against us. IRB members used offensive, illegal methods against Lev. They interrogated only him. No questions were given to other family members. IRB commissioners demonstrated their opinion that Lev GUNIN must be punished for his ideological (political) views. Two members of IRB, immigration judges, gave the whole initiative to the third member, an immigration officer, a Jew and - probably - Israeli, who only spoke. During our refugee hearings she manifested an outraged malicious hatred towards us, and maintained close contacts with the Israeli embassy in writing, in our case. IRB members maintained the atmosphere of hostility and arbitrary attitude towards us. Denying our refugee claim, the IRB members not just acted unfair. Their negative decision was not just a refusal to recognize us as refugees, but a declaration-manifest, which rejected the basic human rights in principle. In form of declaration, they denied in principle rights to have an independent opinion, practice or not to practice religion, be protected by the state. IRB members claimed that if government paid for immigrants' transportation, immigrants became the property of that government (a kind of commodity). IRB members also claimed that police' and other institutions' refusal to give protection was justified if people had an alternative political /ideological opinion (even if that opinion was not expressed to police). They claimed that we alienated Israelis by keeping controversial opinions, and refusing to change our views. And so on... The IRB's negative decision became not just a matter of our personal fate, but also a matter of human rights in general. 1998. In her speech in the Federal Court, Mrs. Murphy, the Minister's of Immigration representative, confirmed the IRB members' negative attitude towards human rights, and also widened personal accusations against Lev Gunin, turning the question of our refugee status into the question of his "inadmissible" (by whom?) ideological views. As IRB did before, Mrs. Murphy refused even to mention Alla Gunin, Elisabeth Epstein (Gunin), and the children. The Federal Judge, Mr. Dube, just copied Mrs. Murphy's and the IRB statements, refusing to evaluate arguments of the TWO sides. He claimed that - because in their refusal to recognize us as refugees IRB members used the formula "no minimal credibility", - such cases are automatically denied by the Federal Court. In reality, his decision was made in contradiction to another Federal Court judge's decision in our case, and also contradicted the IRB's final (conclusive) decision. In that decision IRB agreed that some persecutions against us (they called them "difficulties") could take place because we abused the Israelis by refusing to obey their demands to change our views. Mr. Dube also revealed his partiality by distorting some important events and attacking our lawyer in personal. A person, whose name was also Dube, was involved into negotiations between the immigration officer, Mrs. Malka, and the General Consul of Israel, in our case. We could not find that person among the IRB headquarters' staff, or among other immigration divisions. All faxes were submitted to Israeli consulate from Mrs. Malka, without mentioning any other name (s). However, the responses from the consulate were submitted to Mr. Dube. We feel that this mysterious Mr. Dube has something what to do with the Federal Judge Mr. Dube. IRB and Mrs. Murphy's accusations against us were such, which are the prerogative of the criminal court. They accused us so sharp as if we were killers or terrorists. In reality we are innocent people, never accused in defamation, or fraud. In the same time, the way they acted might be easily considered as a criminal offence. We are appealing not just because of incredible injustice, but because the removal back to Israel means DEATH for us. If nobody in the whole world could prevent it, it would mean that if people are deprived and innocent they might be kidnapped and taken to another country by force. It would mean that demonstrative humiliations over human rights, such as the IRB members and Mrs. Murphy expressed, are tolerated. There are rumors among UN staff that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights might be changed soon to fit to the brutal and ultra-religious regimes' requirements. Please, do something for us before it happened! The only way to save us is to help us in obtaining the permanent residents status in any civilized country. That could prevent our eventual removal to Israel. Please, help! Family GUNIN: Alla, Lev, Ina, and Marta GUNIN Elisabeth EPSTEIN-Gunin Tel. (514) 499-1294 E-mail: [leog@total.net] From Lev GUNIN, April, 1999 Dear Friends! In 1991 I was deported from my native Belarus to Warsaw because of my political opinion. Together with my family (wife and 2 children) and my mother I wanted to move from Warsaw to Germany. On the Central railway station in Warsaw we were captured by Israelis and were taken to Israel against our will. We were widely persecuted in Israel and were refused an exit vise during 3 and a half years. In 1994 we managed to quit Israel and came to Canada seeking a refugee status. In an outraged manner, openly accenting their rights for injustice, the members of IRB committee refused us the status. Deportation to Israel means death for me and members of my family. The only solution is to start a legal immigration to Canada. But we need travel documents to afford it because: 1) our Israeli passports have expired and to extend them is not possible 2) I asked the Israeli embassy to cancel my Israeli citizenship We made an appeal to the Federal Court, but our appeal was automatically rejected without any analysis of our file, just because of the formula that the Immigration and Refugee Board used in their conclusive decision. In the Federal Court, the Immigration Canada representative, Mrs. Murphy, expressed outraged accusations against me, as if by claiming a refugee status and by criticizing the IRB decision I have committed the most violent crime or was a terrorist. Almost 5 years we (my family, and me) live under a threat of deportation, under the wild persecutions of the Immigration Canada, institution, which put the equal sign between my peaceful and legal human rights activism against the former Soviet and Israeli governments' violation of human rights - and terrorism!!! Please, help us! My best wishes, Lev GUNIN August, 1997 E-Mail: leog@total.net PREVIOUES DOCUMENT <> NEXT DOCUMENT PEVIOUS DOCUMENT: [[[GROUP of DOCUMENTS NUMBER 4]]] DOCUMENT NUMBER 5 From Lev Gunin File number 3082-7125 CONCLUSIVE DECISION (Paragraph 69.1 (9) of Immigration Law) This is the translation in brief P.1. Paragraph 1. Lev Gunin, Marta and Ina Gunin, Alla Gunin, and Elisabeth Epstein are not recognized as refugees. Paragraphs 4-7. This is demanders' declaration in brief: They came to Israel in April 1991. When they arrived in Petach-Tikva theirs neighbors, orthodox Jews, were persistent [and aggressive] in their attempts to convert them [from atheism from one side, and passive Christianity from another side] to Judaism. Children, then 5 and 6 years old [*1] - (see commentaries), were abused during a religious celebration at a kinder-garden [*2]. The governor has found the situation ordinary. Dispute the transfer to another kinder-garden children faced abuses. They were bitten, bite by another children [*3]. The kinder-garden administration refused to protect them. Demander was mocked by the employers [*4] and bitten by his colleagues because he is not a true Jew. P.2. His wife has difficulties in finding a job [*5] , and when she was at least hired she was insulted, bitten and - under certain circumstances - became a victim of a sexual harassment[*6]. There were multiple insults and abuses from theirs neighbors, who were furious because demanders in their eyes are not true Jews. They turned to police in innumerous occasions with no results. One time police itself abused and ill-treated the demander under certain circumstances. His lawyer told him that nothing could be done against police. They contacted innumerous organizations including Amnesty International. They wrote to members of parliament and contacted a number of lawyers with no result [*7]. The demander also said that he was persecuted because of denouncing fascism [7-a]. Demander's mother also became a victim of multiple aggressions. She was attacked by a group of youngsters when she went to pick up the children from school [*8]. Policemen at the police station refused to pay an attention to that incident. In Nov. 1993 she was attacked by her neighbor; she stroke her by a basket with oranges and cried to her "goy!". It tool place at a market. In January 1994 in company with her children she went to pick them up from school, when she was attacked by a group of youngsters, who thrown stones at her and injured her [*9]. One evening in 1994 [*10] youngsters, friends of their neighbor, have thrown a little box at her door [*11]. She composed a letter to police in that case but police never responded [*12]. P.3. Paragraphs 1-2. In context of that the demander together with his family including his mother came to ask a refugee status in Canada [*13]. Paragraph 3. After seeing that declaration, studying their lawyer's arguments and other material we came to a conclusion that demanders are not refugees. We came to that conclusion because of the next reasons: Paragraphs 4-6. Demanders claim that they flied Israel for seeking an asylum and because of a number of incidents, which victims they became. But the tribunal is disagree with that because [...] they all came to Israel according to Israeli authorities permission and acceptation, and also because they took an advantage from benefits of a free transportation to Israel, Israeli citizenship, a certain amount of money for settlement, a free language course, and other benefits. They also might use other help because we have the documentation indicated that the population in Israel gives material help to newcomers. P.4. Paragraphs 2-5. It is possible that during their life in Israel they faced some difficulties because some individual ultra-religious feel that their rights are violated because of the presence of 2 secular adults who refuse to practice their religion. But there are no evidences that Russians are persecuted because of their religion, nationality, or because they are mixed couples or because they express anti fascist views as pretend the demander. In result we were convinced that the demanders are [dangerous for their state] exaggerators who painted a picture of their state as a state of slavery, injustice, where Russians are bitten if they do not work quickly enough, where Russian children are victims of mockery committing by theirs classmates and teachers, and where Russian women are victims of sexual harassment. And that all is going on without any possibility to obtain a protection from the state. As a result of that the demanders turned to police in several occasions without success, to innumerous organizations, human rights groups and to Amnesty International, composed letters to members of parliament and contacted more then one lawyer without getting any protection from the state. It is incongruous to that documentation about Israel, which we have chosen. This documentation present Israel as a democratic society, maintaining a justified juridical system in favor of the citizen. Police never have any discriminatory behavior towards Russian or Arabs. P..5. Paragraphs 1-5. Multiple human right organizations are also presented in Israel, both local and international. Documentation, which we present, we consider as completely reliable, when the demanders' documentation we consider as unbelievable. The tribunal ignored demanders' medical and other certificates and documents because we have found that their documents show nothing in particular. COMMENTS 1. Children age is given incorrectly. Probably, because our children were younger, and that could give us more sympathy. 2. It is false. Our children were abused during the celebration as well as in cause of that celebration (they were not allowed to a "suka" and were kept in a dark room - because they are "Russians"). It is clear from our declaration. 3. It is false. They presented the event as if our children were abused not by the teacher but by the children during the celebration, when in reality it is the teacher who abused them. 4. They combine two different event into one what is juridicaly incorrect. 5. Without a notice that my wife could not find a job because she was considered as Russian that sentence is incorrect. 6. It is false. She was not sexually abused. But she was beaten because she refused to obey the sexual pretensions of an Israeli. It is also false because it happened not at her first working place but when she became a cleaner. 7. It is false. Complains to Amnesty International gave a result. In result of them Israeli government let us leave the country. 7-a. It is a direct distortion. First, the discussion about fascism arose during our immigration hearings but does not reflected in our declaration. On the other hand, I never claimed that I was persecuted in Israel solemnly because of denouncing fascism. The discussion about fascism was related to my article and to a commentary to it made by the editors of that newspaper. They wrote that I have to be punished for my views, that my works have to be destroyed and expressed their aggression towards my poor person. 8. It is false. Two different events, which happened in different years, are confused together here. They combined the event consciously in a kind of nonsense: to make all our declaration non-reliable. 9. It is false. It is the second from the above-mentioned events, it mixed with the previous in a strange way. It is absolutely contradictory with what may be found in the declaration. 10. We gave a precise month. 11. It is false. A huge box, which was released to hit our front door (to the entrance to our apartment, and not to my mother's door - as the tribunal wrote) from the above flour, has damaged our door. It was breached through. The tribunal presents the events as if there were no damages. They claim that in a non-justified wave of panic my mother turned to police, and - naturally - was refused. They try to present us as exaggerators. 12. My mother did not compose her letter to police herself. Other people assisted her. 13. It is false, because that paragraph may be interpreted as if we flied Israel because somebody threw a little box in our door direction. In reality from one hand the event with the box was falsified itself, from another hand, it is clear from the real text of declaration and from immigration hearings that we left Israel in result of systematic persecutions and because we were afraid under serious circumstances. Translation from French and comments were made by Lev Gunin NEXT DOCUMENT: [[[DOCUMENT NUMBER 6]]] PREVIOUS DOCUMENT: [[[DOCUMENT NUMBER 5]]] DOCUMENT NUMBER 6 FROM Lev GUNIN FILE Number 2948-6524/ 95/76/23/18 ID: 3082-7125/7174/7220/7231/7317/ LIST OF SUPPLEMENTS or LIST OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS SUPPLEMENTS This is the list of Documents, which I have submitted to Immigration Canada in support to my refugee claim. There were, I think, more then 50 of other Documents, which are not listed here. I believe that the total number of documents, which supported my claim, was about 180-200, and none of them was rejected by the Immigration Board as non-reliable... TO VIEW THE ORDER OF DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ON INTERNET FROM THE LIST BELOW, CLICK HERE: [[[DOCUMENT NUMBER 7]]] 1. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 5-a. 5 pages. Letter to Jerusalem Post. 19 June 1991. Refers to Introduction, page 2, paragraph 4. 2. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 6-a. 3 pages. Fax from Israeli consulate to Mrs. Judith Malka. Refers to Document 1. Paragraph 1.2., point A). 3. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 7-a. 3 pages. Fax from Maitre Michel Dor¨ to Maitre Yves Boirond. Refers to Document 1. Paragraph 1.2., point A). 4. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 8. 3 pages. List of Organizations, Institutions, Persons and Governmental Boards, Where We turned for Protection in Israel during 1991-1994. Refers to Document 1, page 3, point C). 5. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 9. 2 pages. Mrs. Marina Heifetz's autograph. Refers to Document 1, page 3, point C). 6. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 10. 2 pages. Postal receipts. Refers to Document 1, page 3, point C). 7. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 11. 2 pages. Fax receipt. (Fax was submitted to Amnesty International in London). Refers to Document 1, page 3, point C). 8. A room was prepared for a document, which I did not attached. 9. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 13. 2 pages. Medical document from Asharon (or Ha-Sharon) hospital. Refers to Document 1, page 5, line 5. 10. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 14. 2 pages. From medical center "Golda". Refers to Document 1, page 5, line 5. 11.SUPPLEMENTS, Document 15. Medical certificate. Refers to Document 1, page 5, line 5. 12. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 16. Evaluation psychologique. Refers to Document 1, page 5, line 5. 13. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 17. Medical certificate. Refers to Document 1, page 5, line 5. 14. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 18. Medical certificate from Reddy Memorial Hospital. Refers to Document 1, page 5, line 5. 15. SUPPLEMENTS, Documents 19 (number of documents: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I, J,K, L,M,N,O,P). All of them refer to Document 1, page 3, point D): 16. Document 19-A.1 page. U.S. Jews hold fire in rift with Netanyahu. 17. Document 19-B.1 page. Arabs seek resumption of U.N. session on Israel. 18. Document 19-C.1 page. Israeli immigrants finding work. 19. Document 19-D.1 page. Ethiopian Jews Riot Over Dumped Blood. 20. Document 19-E. 1 page. A group of children marched along St.-Alexander... 21. Document 19-F. 1 page. A mourner pauses... page 2 22. Document 19-G. 7 pages. We do not need your love, but just stop beating us! 23. Document 19-H. 7 pages. Interview with Jonathan Gefen. 24. Document 19-I. 1 page. The Bungling Bank Robbers of Israel. 25. Document 19-J. 2 pages. Fleeing the Promised Land. 26. Document 19-K. 1 page. Name On the Tombstone. 27. Document 19-L. 3 pages. MAOZ, Messianic Jews Almanac. An urgent call to stop the recent Israeli bill, which could forbade all religions beside Judaism. 28. Document 19-M. 3 pages. MAOZ, Messianic Jews' Almanac. ONE YEAR IN PRISON FOR POSSESSING A NEW TESTAMENT. 29. Document 19-N. 1 page. MAOZ, Messianic Jews Almanac. AN URGENT CALL FOR PRAYER AND SOLIDARITY: "This bill before the Knesset would render illegal the possession, production, reproduction, importation and distribution of literature or information, which may serve to persuade another to change his religious views or affiliations". 30. Document 19-O. 2 pages. MAOZ, Messianic Jews Almanac. A CALL FOR PRAYER AND PROTEST. 31. Document 19-P. 1 page. MAOZ, Messianic Jews Almanac. YOU CAN BE ACTIVE IN THE STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM IN ISRAEL. 32. SUPPLEMENTS, Documents 20: from A to K: Israeli visas. (Total number - 11 documents). Refer to Document number 2 (in Documents, not in Supplements), paragraph 1.16. 33. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 21. 34. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 22. 35. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 23. < Group of documents, which could be attached later 36. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 24. 37. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 25. 38. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 26. 39. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 27-a. 3 pages. (From "Courier" newspaper). Lev GUNIN. A Jewish Apartheid? Refers to Document number 1, page 5, beginning of the part "ME". 40. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 27-b. 1 page. Letter for radio "RECA". Refers to Document number 1, page 5, beginning of the part "ME". 41. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 28. 4 pages. From newspaper "Vremia". Lev GUNIN. Why Israel Is Against The Victory Day? Refers to Document number 1, page 5, see part "ME". 42. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 29-a. 1 page (in Russian; translation was done, but disappeared from my file...). From newspaper "Vremia". Interview with Lev GUNIN. (Life of Lev Gunin, Permanent Dissident). Refers to Document number 1, page 5, (part "ME"), see the last line of the page 5. Also refers to Document number 1, page 7, lines 3-4. 43. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 29-b. 2 pages. Complains to "Vremia" newspaper, regarding the interview. Refers to Document number 1, page 5, (part "ME"), see the last line of the page 5. 44. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 30. Examples of threats submitted by Israelis. Refers to Document number 1, page 6 (upper part of the page). page 3 45. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 31. 2 pages. Explication. In French. I wrote it and submitted to my lawyer Maitre Le Brune (asking him to add it to my file) in a protest against another provocation by Mrs. Malka. Refers to Documents, Group of Documents Number 4. 46. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 32. 4 pages. 45 Years With Pain In The Heart. Refer to Document number 1 from Documents (not Supplements), page 4, paragraph 1.3., CILDREN. 47. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 33. 6 pages. The Silence of the Lambs. Refer to Document number 1 from Documents, page 4, paragraph 1.3., CILDREN. 48. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 34. 2 pages. Your Blood has to be Avenged. Refer to Document number 1 from Documents, page 4, paragraph 1.3., CILDREN. 49. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 35. (Refers to Document number 1, page 7 (on the top). 50. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 36. 2 pages. Affidavit form Asharon (Ha-Sharon) Urgency. Refers to Document number 1, page 7 (on the top). 51. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 37. 2 pages. Medical document from doctor Pinkas. Refers to Document number 1, page 7 (on the top). 52. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 38. Was reserved. 53. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 39. 2 pages. Medical document from an urgency. Refers to Document number 1, page 7 (on the top). 54. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 40. 2 pages. An appointment issue with a neurologist. Refers to Document number 1, page 7 (on the top). 55. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 41. 1 page. Declaration to the police in Petach-Tikva. Refers to page number 8, upper paragraph. 56. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 42. 57. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 43 (a and b): a : Barak, Avraham, tel. (03) 528-0878. b : 5 pages. Letter from Israel. Description of threats in my address. Refers to Document number 1, page 8. 58. SUPPLEMENTS, Documents 44. 3 pages. Human Rights Watch Documents: Law Effectively Legalizing Torture in Israel, Police and Army Police Brutality in Israel. Refers to Document number 1, page 8. 59. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 45. 7 pages. A Raven Will Never Peck Up Raven's Eye. An article about police brutality and unpunishement of policemen. Refers to Document number 1, page 8, 60. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 46. 61. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 47. 62. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 48-a. 2 pages. Results of Special Musical Attestation Committee in Tel-Aviv, which defined the level of professional skills and abilities. Refers to Document 1, page 10, point 4. 63. SUPPLEMENTS, Documents 48-b. 3 pages: 64. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 48-b: 1-st page. Diploma in superior studies in Music. Refers to Document 1, page 10, point 4. 65. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 48-b: 2-nd page. Attestation D'Etudes Superior. Refers to Document 1, page 10, point 4. 66. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 48-b: 3-rd page. Attestation D'Etudes Postsecondair Professionnel. Refers to Document 1, page 10, point 4. page4 67. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 48-c. 3 pages. Refusal from "Talpiot" course. ( A course, which could give me professional employment authorization, was refused to me). Refers to Document 1, page 10, point 4. 68. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 48-d. 2 pages. Letter from the Minister of Culture and Education of Israel Mr. A. Rubinstein in response to my lawyer Maitre S. Levin declaration. Refers to Document 1, page 10, point 4. 69. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 49. 1 page. Letter from Maitre S. Levin to director of Petach-Tikva's governmental labor exchange. Refers to Document 1, page 10, point 5. 70. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 50-a. 2 pages. Civil court's in Petach-Tikva decision. Refers to Document 1, pages 10-11, point 8. 71. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 50-b. 1 page. Dr. S. Levin's letter to the National Insurance. (Regarding refusal to register me at the labor exchange). Refers to Document 1, pages 10-11, point 8. 72. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 50-c. 1 page. Dr. Levin's letter to National Insurance. Refers to Document 1, pages 10-11, point 8. 73. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 51. 3 pages. National Insurance Institute's refusal to send the allowances, determined by the law. Refers to Document 1, pages 9, 10, 11. 74. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 52. 75. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 53-a. 3 pages. Illegal order issued by the Income Tax Board from Jerusalem. (No fresh immigrant receives such orders). Refers to Document number 1, page 11. 76. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 53-b. 2 pages. Another order from General Reports Centre, Jerusalem. Refers to Document number 1, page 11. 77. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 54. If there are not enough documents like 53 (a} and b}), then other documents of this kind could been added. 78. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 55. 3 pages, 6 documents. Orders to appear at the draft board at Tel-ha-Shomer. 79. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 56. 80. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 57-a. 1 page. Letter from Mrs. Judith Malka to Mr. Michael Dore. Refers to Document number 1, page 13. 81. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 57-b. 3 pages. Letter from Mr. Dore to Commissioner Mr. Yves Boisrond. Refers to Document number 1, page 13. 82. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 58. 1 page. True translation of my wife's (Alla Fishman) Birth certificate, made in Israel in 1994. Refers to Document number 1, page 13. 83. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 59. Translation of the same birth certificate, distorted by Mrs. Eleonora Broder. Refers to Document number 1, page 13. 84. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 60. 85. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 61.. 86. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 62. 87. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 63. Group of Documents Number 4 of Supplements. All documents in the group refer to Document number 1, Page 15, 1.6. - RESUME. 88. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 64. 1 page. An affidavit from Mr. Iwan Edvards, Conductor and Director of Montreal Symphony orchestra chorus and St. Lawrence chorus. Page 5 89. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 65. 1 page. A Letter From Mrs. Margaret Rumscheidt, President of St. Lawrence Choir. 90. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 66. 1 page. Festival Mozart Plus. 91. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 67. 1 page. List of Singers, participated in Festival "Mozart Plus". 92. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 68. 1 page. List of Singers, participated in Festival of contemporary music. 93. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 69. 1 page. A contract concerning the audio cassette release. 94. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 70. 1 page. List of Participants in Festival in Hilton Dorval, in April, 1996. 95. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 71. 1 page. List of Participants in Festival in Hilton, Dorval, in April, 1996. 96. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 72. 1 page. An Affidavit in my participation in Cultural (Musical) Festival in Terrebonne. 97. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 73. Newspaper Polonia-Montreal. One of newspapers, which I am editing in Montreal. 98. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 74. Newspaper "Russian Voice". One of newspapers, which I am editing in Montreal. 99. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 75. Newspaper "Romanian Voice". One of newspapers, which I am editing in Montreal. 100. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 76. An Affidavit from Mrs. Zelia Nisman, Toronto. 1997. Next numbers were reserved for other documents of this kind, which could be added if needed. 101. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 77. 102. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 78. 103. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 79. 104. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 80. END OF GROUP 4 OF SUPPLEMENTS 105. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 81-a. 8 pages. From "Yitogi" newspaper. By Rivka Rabinovitch.HAIM NUMBER ONE AND HAIM NUMBER TWO. (About slavery tendencies in Israel). Refers to: a) Document number 1 of Documents, page 1-2, Introduction, paragraph 3 of Introduction; also - Document number 1, page 3, paragraph C); b) Document number 1, top of the page 4, comments *) and **); c) 106. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 81-b. 3 pages. By Irma Zokol. From "Yitogi" newspaper. IF I WAS A TRADE UNIONS MEMBER. (About the slavery tendencies in Israel). 106-a. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 82. 2 pages. An affidavit from Lev Ginsburg, composed in Israel, in 1994. Next numbers were reserved for the same kind of documents, which could be added later if needed. 107. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 83. 108. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 84. 109. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 85. 110. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 86. 111. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 87. 112. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 88. 113. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 89. 114. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 90. 115. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 91. EXAMPLES OF MRS. BRODER DISTORTIONS OF NEWSPAPERS' ARTICLES (AND OTHER DOCUMENTS) ALL DOCUMENTS OF THIS GROUP REFER TO DOCUMENT NUMBER 3 (TRANSLATOR'S SABOTAGE). 116. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 92. 1 page. A copy of the original of my wife's birth certificate. 117. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 93. 4 pages. From "New Russian Word" newspaper. Russians, Get Out Back! Article by Savely Kashnitzki. 118. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 94. 2 pages. From "New Russian Word" February 1995 issue. About Hitler's "My Kampf"'s edition in Hebrew in Israel. 119. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 95. 2 pages. From newspaper "Nasha Strana". Wake Up, Israel. About the resemblance of the fascist's slogan in right-wing propaganda in Israel. End of This Group of Documents. 120. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 96. 2 pages. Natan Charanskzs statement, which illustrate his double position: rejection of "speculations" that Israeli society is sick in his statements for Immigration Canada, and declarations about that when it helps to obtain money (in his fundrisen compaigns). Refers to Group of Documents number 4. 121. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 97. From newspaper "Novaya Gazeta". To Celebrate! A letter to the editor by a World War II veteran Vladimir Kogan in protest of admiration of fascism by among young Israelis and refusal of the state of Israel officially recognize the Victory Day (in relation to the Victory over fascism). Refers to Group of Documents number 4. 122. SUPPLEMENTS, Document 98. End of List: See the referring documents! Please, Save Our Souls! NEXT DOCUMENT: [[[DOCUMENTS NUMBER 7 - BRIEF DESCRIPTION AND SAMPLES]]] To The Federal Court of Canada from Alla Gunin. FEDERAL COURT Supreme Court Building Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0H9 Alla Gunin 3455 Aylmer St., Apt. 201 Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H2X 2B5 Tel.(514)944-1294 See the list of the places where the copies of that appeal are submitted below. Dear Sirs! This appeal is formal. It composed not by a lawyer but by the refugee claimants themselves. Despite a temptation to treat it as a non-official letter we want an official response. We believe that we are victims of partiality, a wide-scaled conspiracy against Russian-speaking refugees from Israel and political repression. That became possible only because some refugee boards of Canadian Ministry of Immigration are manipulated by the foreign state. This is the main reason why our refugee claim was denied. Our case is extraordinary. My husband was a relatively well - known dissident in the former USSR and was severely persecuted by communist authorities. He was a dissident also in Israel. He was persecuted for his views in Israel as well. The state radio and newspapers called to take the law in own hands and to "punish" him. We were beaten, assaulted, and disgraced. All members of our family faced constant mockery. Our case is extraordinary also because we presented so many documentary proofs of persecutions as probably nobody else. The documents we presented are absolutely reliable and legal. Even in the tribunal negative decision we can read that the tribunal agree that under certain circumstances persecutions, which we described "could take place". We also presented unbeatable evidences that a threat to our lives and to our mental and physical health exist in Israel. Our claim is special also because we did absolutely everything for our defense in Israel. We turned to police, to the Ministry of Police, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the Minister of Culture, to all human rights organizations, including Amnesty International's headquarters in Tel-Aviv, to famous parliament members, to newspapers and to any other possible sources. We have Amnesty International confirmation in our case, which arrived here in response to tribunal's inquiry. The reason of tribunal's negative decision and our eventual deportation from Canada was expressed by the immigration officer, Mrs. Judith Malka. During our 3-rd immigration hearing (it can be listed as 2-nd by Immigration) she hinted at her desire to send my husband to Israel because he must be punished there for his views. We believe that not the commissioners but she was the only person who made a decision in our case and that she also composed the text of the decision. She and the chairman of the tribunal said us that we may be persecuted in Canada as well, our children may be beaten and we may be also discriminated against. We understood their words as a bad hidden threat. Tribunal's negative decision and Mrs. Malka and Mr. Boisrond's insinuations during the hearings send us the message: We must be punished! But what for? We are innocent people, and we did no crimes, ever! The answer why we have to be punished may be found probably in paragraphs #4 and 5 of the decision's text, which suggests that immigrants from ex-USSR in Israel have no rights to claim a status of refugee in Canada because they are property of Israeli government. Israel bought them paying for their transportation to Israel, and for other things for them. So, they belong to Israel forever. And the paragraph 6 suggests that the ordinary Israelis also paid their part to be our masters! This very fact that this suggestion is made indirectly and that the information about the mentioned payments made by Israel and Israelis is incorrect is not really matter. I am absolutely sure that our lives will be in danger in Israel and that my husband will be killed or imprisoned immediately or soon after our arrival to Israel. What will be with us without him, what will be with his mother? Please, take pity on us! Save our souls! Save my children! Sincerely yours, - Alla Gunin Dear Sirs! We came here as thousands of other refugee claimants who flied from their countries to Canada. But our case is special, may be - even unique. In ex-USSR I was a dissident; I was severely persecuted by communist authorities. I was relatively well known in my native republic. Under certain circumstances I refused to declare that I never desired to immigrate to Israel. Now I actually claim that I was deported to Israel from my native Belarus because of my political activity. My family and me tried to escape to Germany but were seized in Warsaw by Israelis. They took us to Israel by force, and we have certain evidences. In Israel my family and me, we were severely persecuted. I presented the reasons of these persecutions in my claim, and also during my immigration hearings. I was considered as a dissident in Israel, too. Our case is special also because we presented more documentary proofs of what happened to us then probably any other refugee claimants. Persecutions against us in Israel were massive, systematic and dangerous to us. They caused physical and moral loses to us. Despite clear evidences and undeniable proofs our claim was denied. It happened only because of wide-scaled conspiracy against Russian-speaking refugees from Israel, and because the immigration committee assigned to our case was manipulated by a foreign state. We have several well-grounded reasons: enough to accuse members of the committee in partiality. Almost all basic juridical norms and elements were violated during our 3 immigration hearings (see Document # 1). The basic moral and political norms of Canadian society were replaced by the norms, which traditionally acting in Israel. Mrs. Judith Malka, the immigration officer, spoke to us and acted as Israelis normally do. She openly expressed her hatred to us personally - and to Russian speaking people in general. Her manner and her ironical attitude were assaulting. Besides, she openly assaulted us directly several times (see Document #1). Her aggression and threats can be explained only by her partiality. When she couldn't control her emotions of hatred and detestation she left the room of the hearings two times. May be her reaction was so visual because she's a Jew and - it looks like that - an Israeli. Then - why she was allowed to be a member of the committee assigned to such a hearing? We have 7 main points in connection with that: 1. It is absolutely clear that the two commissioners refused to participate in our hearings (in other words, kept them out of the way of the hearing). Mrs. Malka was given an option to speak non-stop during almost all the time excluding rare exceptions. She accused us, shouted on us, declared pure political pro-Israeli propaganda and accused me in acting against Israel without any interruption from the judges. Of course, they can claim that they participated by hearing and analyzing. But then their passivity caused a situation when they had to analyze only what Mrs. Malka gave them to analyze.When Mr. Boisrond spoke he never opened his own topic and used his role for illegal methods of pressure to distort my responses to Mrs. Malka's previous questions. 2. The commissioners refused to sign the decision. There are no their signatures on that document. That's another proof that Mrs. Malka composed that d