with MSDOS 3 to 7 (Win95), DosEmu (Linux), DBLSPACE/DRVSPACE, NWDOS 7. Freeware by Franck Uberto. RAMDRIVE.RAR 5391 22-04-97 see name RAWTOGIF.RAR 11415 05-09-92 see name README.COM 4217 23-08-97 TxtViewer REC003!!.RAR 11496 06-12-95 (C) 1995 Sergey Vasiljev of Sergey's SoftWare Developers Group +---------------------+ I Simple Recoder FromI I Russian Layout intoI I English one. MadeI I for recoding russianI I language letter intoI I english ones withI I russian words , butI I with enlgish chars:)I +---------------------+ | Version 0.003/+ | +---------------------+ !!!BUGFIX RELEASE!!! 北北北北北北北北北北北 FiDONet 2:460/63.79 REC0_003.RAR 11425 26-11-95 (C) 1995 Sergey Vasiljev of Sergey's SoftWare Developers Group +---------------------+ I Simple Recoder FromI I Russian Layout intoI I English one. MadeI I for recoding russianI I language letter intoI I english ones withI I russian words , butI I with enlgish chars:)I +---------------------+ | Version 0.003 | +---------------------+ !!!BUGFIX RELEASE!!! Uploaded by the author. Full sources included. ----------------------- This is my first Pascal programm, so don't..... RECODE.EXE 8792 17-05-97 Cool Converter!! RECODE.RAR 13198 21-05-97 彞啷え喈㈤í REFOX.RAR 104366 27-05-97 for FoxPro REFRESH.RAR 1980 11-08-97 Discette util RELEASE.RAR 17288 20-03-95 傠`悃獱 啷Жぅ RELRUS.RAR 5452 11-01-97 COOL RELCOM Converter ;) v1.1 (c) V.Vainshtein Send Qestions to 2:5090/13.12 REPIC.RAR 51211 22-03-95 冟犱ㄧメ 啷 REPORT.RAR 4476 01-09-97 Spy int21 RESIDENT.RAR 830 04-04-95 嚝 猸í :) REST2.RAR 7403 04-08-97 惀°猕 か ヨ. 汊啷ィ ぅ瑺. RETTER.RAR 12267 17-03-95 岙遴牠キē 屺徕. ō洚喱犳è RHK.EXE 3132 12-09-97 Russian "" Killer RIPPER4.RAR 60205 22-07-97 Ripper v4.95 RKM272.RAR 60480 22-02-97 +======================================+ I RKM v2.7 Build 2  17.02.97 I I 戙p-p汜ㄤí犫畃 I ------------------+------------------- I 悹‘鉅モ ⅴГ | 悹‘鉅モ ⑨ィ I I 儴—狅 瓲徕p獱 | 姰ppオ妯 p/H I I 惃岙 p牞 | 姰オ妯 鑠ㄤ猱 I I 埇p 鑠ㄤ猱 | 儬瑗 愍p牠 I I 鉅  悖 I -------------------------------------- I 弍鈖 ㄡ牠: RKM -? I -------------------------------------- I Copyright (c) 1997 by Dub Corp I +======================================+ RKS.RAR 6508 29-06-95 keyrus RMASTR02.RAR 53291 25-09-91 Raster Master RMORFV03.RAR 248884 09-05-93 RMORF v0.3 - morphing animation program-FAST! Strong competition to the popular DMORF morpher, RMORF takes 320x200 TGA files as input, producing GIF or TGA frames as output, or complete FLI animations. Generation: 4 sec/frame on a 486, 8 sec/frame on a 386SX (integer math)--FAST! $20 shareware registration removes 320x200 input limitation. ROTOR_09.RAR 68827 11-02-93 Animation? ROW.RAR 40736 22-04-95 帯獱 痯p牞瑺猱p ROW. RPIC05.RAR 31534 02-09-91 Viewer RTAG20A.RAR 79386 06-04-93 RTAG v2.0 - Ray Tracing Animation Generator. RTAG compiles an animation control language and produces files to cause ray tracing programs like POV-Ray or Polyray to generate the sequence of frames for an animation. The language provides full arithmetic expressions, looping control and spline path generation. Using RTAG you can create animations with accelerations and/or object interactions. RU01.RAR 56605 11-06-93 Raster Utilities: Raster Clip (Screen Clip), RastPort (Conversion Program), Bin2Src, and xinfo. Programmers tools to convert PCX files to a format useable by Turbo C/Pascal. Images can be displayed with the putimage function. Supports images > 64K. NO DELAY SCREENS! BONUS PROGRAM when you register! From the makers of NFX and Raster Master! RUSDOS.RAR 2292 04-09-96 +--RusDOS v1.0 --- File and Dir name will be RUSSIAN !!! -----+ |+ You can set Case sensitive or no mode. +---------------+ | |+ You can use all DOS shell programs |Use It | | | and Norton Utilits for correct work. |all CORRECT.. | | |+ Memory NOT used. +---------------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ RUSP.RAR 347123 19-07-94 spellchecker S-ICE262.RAR 209628 31-12-96 see name SAFEEYES.RAR 70000 23-03-97 廝巸P寣 憤煉垷 噽垝厠湇巸 搾帉媴崍, 値噸垔灆厓 彁 悁亷拝 崁 倛剠巹垜弸厜崕 拝悓垗媴 (倓) SAL.RAR 5253 27-04-95 Screensaver SAVER.RAR 3221 07-04-94 DUMPer SAY.RAR 31421 25-05-96 govorilka SAYTIME.RAR 48967 21-12-94 棤犭 .岙 :) SB_SPEAK.RAR 3220 05-05-94 SoundBlaster->Speaker SCANDISK.RAR 125242 05-01-96 see name SCC.RAR 46379 25-05-94 Calc SCCTL.RAR 8075 22-07-97 帯酄‘忡í 13-Л犵. 桠啜瀹. . - 忇ム獱 喈 徙 - 垽キ猕洙獱妯 Бㄢカ. By Sergey Nabiullin aka Economix, 2:5049/7.5@fidonet SCDP.RAR 2054 18-09-96 +--------------------------- | Small compact disk player I |(C) 1996, Voodoo BytepeckerI ===========================+ SCDPR_06.RAR 5863 29-10-96 +----------------------------------- | Small compact disk player I | Resident version 0.6 I |(C) 1996, Voodoo Bytepecker // D$C I ===================================+ SCDPR_09.EXE 32867 09-03-97 Small CompactDisc Player SCLAD.RAR 784394 29-02-96 buh.proga SCODE.RAR 6078 22-07-97 +------------------------------+ | 帯酄‘忡í 13 - Л犵. | | 桠啜瀹.  | +---/ Version 0.21 bugfix /----+ | 忇ム獱 喈 徙 | | 垽キ猕洙獱妯 Бㄢカ | +-------[ 2:5020/469.3 ]-------+ SCODE20.RAR 8660 22-07-97 +====================================+ I Verifing of tradecode EAN-x/UPC-x I I utilites I --------[ Version 2.0/286 ]--------- I I I Supports ---+ coding standards I I +--------+-----------+ I I EAN - 8 EAN - 13 I I UPC - E UPC - A I I +--------------------+ I I Provides checksum control and I I manufacturer identification I I I I +[Ilya Bogaev aka (cs)BREDcorp.]+ I +=塠2:5020/469.3 aka 2:5020/677.14]=+ SCORPION.RAR 25040 22-07-97 Protect SCP101.RAR 243151 23-09-92 Screen Capture SCRFE100.RAR 118528 28-02-93 Screen Font Editor v 1.00 is an integrated text-mode screen and EGA/VGA font editor, easily allowing you to create beautiful text mode font displays or just EGA fonts by tapping into your EGA/VGA hardware. Pseudo- graphic displays similar to those found in PC-Tools(R) and Norton Utilities(R) can be made by programmers &others for any purpose. Many fonts & a demo included. Cost: $12.95 SDD53-D.RAR 584181 20-03-97 SciTech Display Doctor v5.3: SciTech Display Doctor provides high performance VBE 2.0 device support for playing the latest games. This is a special DOS only version for customers without a copy of Windows (ie: DOS and OS/2 users). If you have a copy of Windows, please download the full Windows installation version. SDRV.RAR 26526 04-06-96 Speech Driver SEA.RAR 477343 23-09-97 Sea 1.2 SEA13.RAR 557333 26-09-97* SEA 1.3 - FASTEST VESA compatible mouse controlled viewer/converter around. Views PNG,GIF,JPEG,TARGA,BMP&RLE,PSD,TIFF, PCX,LBM(IFF),PNM(PPM, PGM, PBM),CEL,WPG and Dp2e-LBM, BBM & PCC images. Plays AVI, FLI and FLC animations. Offers conversion between the listed image formats. All combined in a Graphical User interface. SEAL.RAR 120689 23-05-97 劌珷 鐮猊 SECOND.RAR 8613 01-12-95 潩++ +++ Secondary HDD 2.10b. 橁陓++ ||++ (c)Stealth group : 槝榺++-+--+|+++-+ Eugen Kuleshov | 潩榺|'-+-,||| | ("挩鍫 憼癄") | 觋++--+--+++-+-+----------------+ SERVANT.RAR 15176 17-03-95 telephon answerer SETKA.EXE 30957 23-02-97 崰徕喈ョ瓲 鉅~ㄦ か 猱酄 SFTVIEW.RAR 8906 29-05-95 +---======================---+ | SFT viewer 1.00 beta | : --====================-- : | Powerful & very useful | : resident viewer for : | DOS System File Table | | --====================--  : 棛櫂棙櫂 B Y 槜槞槜棛 : | -穯惙-窅-窅 惙 -窅- | : - I - - I 儚稩 I I I : | - -綇-綇-綇-綇 - | : --- 2:5021/6.15 Fidonet ---: +---======================---+ SHARA.RAR 8319 28-06-97 FlopSpy SHGIF55C.RAR 145941 14-01-92 ShowGIF SHOTALK.RAR 176242 23-08-93 Speaker ;) SHOW38A.RAR 291598 01-03-93 DataShow V. 3.8A, 1st. March 1993: ShareWare Program in which You can make Beautiful Presentations, Slide Shows, Demo Programs, School Tutorials. Both text and graphic mode. PCX, GIF files and WAV Sounds. An integrated environ- ment for script design. Use the mouse or keyboard to draw. See the many HOT examples. An absolute MUST! SHOWLOGO.RAR 47154 18-08-93 ScreenSaver SHOWM331.RAR 142486 02-01-93 ShowMe Saver SILOGEX.RAR 24475 15-01-97 From Alexey Kulentsov, 2:5020/449.14 弍p牞瑺 ⅴぅ 痯 岐. ㄡ瀹きí牞. 惀Жぅ か DOS. SINFO22.RAR 46725 23-12-94 Small Info - for VESA Bios only :-( SIS7BIOS.RAR 3166 27-11-95 SiS-471 ROM BIOS Image Write Utility w/source by ThunderBAUD 2:5075/3 version 1.01 SKEM10.RAR 91618 11-08-92 Paint ??? SKYGLO25.RAR 277687 07-04-91 姞噔 崶 SLIDE_10.RAR 222480 11-02-93 Presentation System SLOWSC.RAR 135529 21-12-92 Slow Scan TV using soundblaster SMACKPLY.RAR 86786 17-08-96 smk player SMACS.RAR 25843 28-05-94 Player SMARTDOC.RAR 38795 24-09-94 SmartDoc 1.2 - Prints Windows Help and extracts plain text from Windows Help files. SmartDoc can take any Windows Help file and extract the text from within it and write it to a file, ready for processing by another program such as a word-processor.It can also drive the Windows Help engine to print the complete Windows Help file. Shareware. SMOOTH.RAR 2670 15-01-95 Text viewer SOURS510.RAR 221290 12-04-97 Sourcer 5.10 The best Disassembler you can get. Disk [1/1] SP2_06.RAR 109524 22-07-97 Spectrum Emulator SPAINT_1.RAR 48222 11-02-93 Screen Paint SPCEIN.RAR 29268 01-07-92 Show Hard disk Space Graphically SPEAK.RAR 31894 12-09-96 劗犳 か ‘牜 敭洚, 釥 む牘ⅴ (SPEAKER, COVOX, SB), obj ō猊噤ォ釥 か Pascal. SPEAKER.RAR 5507 13-01-96 Speaker drv for Win SPECTRUM.RAR 58383 17-04-96 Spectrum Emulator SPEECHER.RAR 26029 05-06-96 SPEECHER.EXE 劆狅 酄 イ瓲Л犵キ か "犩á牠" 瓲 SB, 岙ぅ唳ì 錉┇, ‘ 溧牕,  瑺 徕喈. 悹‘鉅モ 猱  瓲绋 む牘ⅴ酄 SDRV ("攷崊寑攷"). 彣瑷猊 犰瑺, 2:5050/13.40@fidonet Vladimir Kiselev SPINRITE.RAR 103279 12-10-92 Hard Utility ??? SPL37_1.RAR 278367 11-02-93 Show Partner Lite 1/2 SPL37_2.RAR 261952 11-02-93 Show Partner Lite 2/2 SPY.RAR 7544 13-08-97 spy 4.4 SPY40.RAR 10325 22-07-97 SPY V4.0 Security Log System A.V.Lemenkov, AVL_Software FidoNet 2:5050/13.4 AKA 2:5050/9.7 SPY43.RAR 9780 16-12-96 +=[鏬===================+ I  SPY Version 4.3  I I Security Log System I ----------------------- I (C) by DISMEMBER I I FidoNet 2:5050/13.4 I +=======================+ 觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋 SPY44.RAR 15379 22-07-97 ======================= | SPY Version 4.4 | | Security Log System | +-----------------------+ | Full history save | | Stealth log | | Easy to use | +-----------------------+ | (C) by Alex Lemenkov | | FidoNet 2:5050/14.13 | ======================= SPY45.RAR 5835 22-01-97 ======================= | SPY Version 4.5 | | System Spy for DOS | +-----------------------+ | Full history save | | Stealth log | +-----------------------+ | (C) by Alex Lemenkov | | FidoNet: 2:5050/23 | ======================= SS.RAR 5771 17-03-95 super service ST156.RAR 68835 09-06-97 SCREEN Thief - Screen Capture System! SCREEN Thief v1.56 is a screen capture program that will capture the screens other programs cannot reach! Captures directly to .GIF, .PCX, .TIF or .BMP format, supports all VGA modes, plus extended support for Trident, Cirrus, Paradise, Tseng, S3-911 and Oak cards in SVGA modes. Will even capture soft fonts in text mode (such as those used by DOS 6). Requires 286 AT or better with VGA display. STANDBY.RAR 8180 05-02-95 STANDBY v2.2+ beta HDD Saver. Parking of heads. Turning to STANDBY or SLEEP mode. STM2MOD.EXE 10921 26-01-95 converter STRINGS.RAR 29113 22-07-97 彯ㄡ 猊猱㈦ 徕喈 錉┇犲 RAM (c) 1995-97 by Sanders 偔ì牠ē!!! 劆狅 酄 ‰珷 酄о牎牠 か 绛 ㄡМ-   岙ぅ唳ㄢ 獱. - 忄 ā ィ. SUNMAP.RAR 88331 18-02-93 懏ョ瓲 獱噔 SWAPDRV.RAR 5456 22-04-97 see name SYGNAL.RAR 81683 23-02-97 @X0FvCI aNALYSIS 2.06 *lPT-cRACKED* [mDS/uCF] @X0C---------- /\/\ mARQUIS ----------- @X09 潩 潩 潩潩潩潩 潩潩潩潩 @X09 槝 槝 槝 槝槤潩 @X09 槝槤 槝 槝槤 槝 @X09 觋觋觋觋 觋觋觋觋 觋 @X0E----------------------------------------- @X0B u N I T E D c R C K I N G f O R C E @X0E[dOS/sTRANGE]------------------[dEZ 1995] -==- SYNFO31.RAR 438659 02-07-97 Dr.Hardware Sysinfo v3.10e *CRaCKeD* SYSCOM3.RAR 886558 02-07-97 System Commander 3.0 SYS_COM.RAR 291519 03-10-96 System Commander 2.24 [1/1] 觋槝 陿 陿欔槤 潣 潩槝 A Group 棙 棛 棙 槞棙 潣 That Gives 潣槞濌 潣槞陿槞 槝 棛 Slightly 陿槝 陿槝 陿 棙槝潩 Less Than 棙 棙 棛 陿橁 隄 A Fuck. -XeN TAB123.RAR 43997 02-05-92 SpreadSheet Utility TALKER.RAR 8254 17-05-93 悹Л毳 岙楗  ā獱 TART150.RAR 141803 19-06-95 TombStone Artist v1.50; Full-Featured RIP paint program for creating Rip Script graphics for BBS use. Supports Bezier Curves, Arcs, Copy and Paste, along with standard paint commands. With TA, a sysop can create excellent graphic screens for their BBS, including buttons and mouse regions. TAXA.RAR 876940 11-10-96 Tamozhennaya proga TB.RAR 49372 17-03-95 font TDRACE11.RAR 35254 01-10-96 :SLY PRESENTS: +==================+ I TDR Ace v1.1 I I------------------I 冪 View TDR files I 冪 Multi-TDR file I I select & search I 冪 Ins calculates I I dir size I 冪 Self virus checkI 冪 Norton-like I I------------------I ISmall,Fast & Free!I +==================+ >:DOWNLOAD IT!:< TDRAW460.RAR 153731 23-05-97 THEDRAW SCREEN EDITOR VERSION 4.60 - (02/93) A text-oriented screen design tool. Similar is some regards to a graphics paint program. Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS, pulldown menus, full mouse support & online help. Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR, PCBOARD, WILDCAT, COM, BINARY, BSAVE, OBJECT (C/Pascal/QuickBasic), and source code in Asm Pascal and C formats. Registr: $22-$25 TDRAW461.RAR 276294 22-03-93 THEDRAW SCREEN EDITOR VERSION 4.61 - (03/93) A text-oriented screen design tool. Similar is some regards to a graphics paint program. Offers multiple page SPRITE editing, powerful Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii FONTS, pulldown menus, full mouse support & online help. Saves files for ANSI, ASCII, AVATAR, PCBOARD, WILDCAT, COM, BINARY, BSAVE, OBJECT (C/Pascal/QuickBasic), and source code in Asm Pascal and C formats. Registr: $22-$25 TEMPRA.RAR 297479 27-04-91 Tempra GIF TEXTCNV.EXE 7377 14-09-97 converter TFC-CDNF.RAR 108216 25-08-97 濏觋觋觋觋眄觋觋觋觏黻觋觋觋頋 觋槝槝 睒槝陿 睒槝陿 槝槻 矘槝 矘槝 槝槺 槝槝 槝槝潣 觏眄潩潩濏頋潩潩眄眄潩潩潩潩黻 +===----===-----=--==---=+ |. o O pROUDLY pR頢铒TS O o .| I 靜 o I | O o o . /\ . o o O I I | | CD - i颋O FOR DOS I YOU CAN WATCH AND COPY | I UP TO 99 TRACKS FROM THE I CD (KEWL FOR RIPPERS) | +-----====----==-=====---+ +-[08/03/95]-+ +-[01/01]-+ Russian Trading Alliance = Trading in Russia by = ShadeS of GoD '95 THE_DRAW.RAR 283092 28-01-97 ANSI Editor TICK.COM 82 06-03-95 徕牏モ 忪 scrolllock TIME4BAT.RAR 2667 25-08-95 COOL! TINYPROG.EXE 44792 11-05-93 3.8 TINYUUE.RAR 2810 26-11-95 楆觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋 TinyUUE v1.4, Tiny UU-ENCODER ------------------------------- Fastest UU-Encoding Pure Assembly code Smallest size (1300 bytes) Supported all checksums Sections split on 100-lines Sections count limit=65535 棟潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩潩 棙脖 (C) 1995 by Dismember 氨矘 棙脖 2:5050/14.13@fidonet 氨矘 觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋觋 TLB_V240.RAR 174768 19-03-95 A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.40) Requires the companion standard package, TLB-V240.ZIP. TMAGIC1.RAR 168827 07-04-97 convert util(PCX->ASCII) & .ANS screens TORMOZ.RAR 12875 11-01-96 挳喱ǐ  TRAPP103.RAR 4955 20-05-97 TRAPPORT v1.03 sources By CodeMaster 2:5002/24.23@Fidonet TRITON.RAR 10992 25-10-95 HDD protect TRS.RAR 9715 02-07-97 Transliterator TURBOFB.RAR 16732 03-04-95 for BBS TURBO_CD.RAR 102792 10-11-96 Cashe TVDRV.RAR 7941 14-05-95 PC to TVset TXT2COM.RAR 3305 19-03-95 converter UCFHS117.RAR 42068 22-07-97 @X0B HackStop v1.17 *REGiSTERED* [D鄏K/ucF] @X09----------------------------------------- @X0BHackStop - protects EXE and COM programs. @X0BDesigned to drastically hinder analysis, @X0Bmodification, hacking, cracking and @X0Breverse engineering of your programs. Yet @X0Bunhackable? <----------------- Hahaha @X09-------------== D鄏K-M囡 ==------------ @X0A 潩 潩 潩潩潩潩 潩潩潩潩 @X0A 槝 槝 槝 槝槤潩 @X0A 槝槤 槝 槝槤 槝 @X0A 觋觋觋觋 觋觋觋觋 觋 @X09----------------------------------------- @X0B u N I T E D c R C K I N G f O R C E @X09[DoS/pROTECTiON]---------------[mAI 1997] . ..::[ d E V O T I O n ]::.. . UINSTALL.RAR 3350 03-05-95 +================================+ I Crack Soft crack lab presents: I -------------------------------- I 摥á釥 埈徕牜猱p! I ------------+++++++------------- I Crack Soft +++++++ 2:463/136.9 I I Yuri Kuzmenko | Work time: 0-6 I +===============================+ UNDIS3B5.RAR 33585 18-06-96 UnDISKer 觋觋觋觋 Version 3.0 beta5 UNIFORM.RAR 39642 05-06-96 呴 瓲 痯ì獱 か p牎 え岐モ牞 p牕 洚p瑺猱 (pェàキ, 悚瓲 瓲徕p,  瀹p p牎). UNLZEXE.RAR 7561 22-07-97 Unpacker for LZEXE UNP410.RAR 33675 22-07-97 UNP V4.10 Executable file expander ----------------------------------- Uncompresses files compressed with DIET, EXEPACK, LZEXE, PKLITE and many other file compression utilities. UNP also allows you to convert files from COM to EXE and vice versa, optimize EXE headers, remove overlay data from EXE files and more. UNREAL.RAR 4946 20-02-97 UNREAL-MODE v1.0 : Linear mem in real mode ! Directly access up to 4 GB of memory without any DOS-EXTENDER just using a CPU bug !!!!!! | __ __/|_____/\_________/| | | / | | __ \ | | | / :|: __/__ . __| | | / _ ||| __ \ / || | | \___ |___| ______/ \ __|Mb | ==========\|===|/=========\/================ UTI.RAR 17729 30-10-96 UTI - The Mutlitarget Utility v0.04, Copyrigth (c) by SK Soft, 1995-96 2:5000/100.99@fidonet UTIL.RAR 1116757 23-03-97 old utils UUDECODE.RAR 2894 02-10-97* utils UUE100.RAR 7885 22-07-97 UUE2UUE utility v1.00 02-May-97. Extract UUE files from text file (C) Jack Pavlov, 2:5070/40@fidonet, Irkutsk, Russia UUPC620.RAR 1268023 03-04-97 Relcom Programm :) UVESA31.RAR 20351 27-07-93 Universal VESA TSR for most SuperVGA cards V&ED.RAR 353349 24-06-97 绐 ㈧睽喈 啷 VBREAK.RAR 2726 17-03-95 Virtual breaker VFD_16D.RAR 79283 23-07-95 VFD v1.6d (Video For DOS) is a DOS command-line motion video cross- compiler that creates and converts among FLI, FLC, AVI (dib & rle) formats plus MPG input. Reads and extracts BMP, RLE, DIB, TGA, PCX & GIF. Many FX and editing features. Includes AVI player for DOS, and adds/displays AVI text comments. Req 286, 4Mb, Fixed Disk. VGA2EGA.RAR 5882 12-02-97 脖 VGA2EGA v0.01 氨 I | I 彯Б铳 岐犫 - | I 猱嚯 酄 忄ァ泐楱 | I VGA-猱 瓲 EGA ! | I 崰ìム, | I Computer Slang Dictionary | I | I [鑍 癄猕 512 ┾ | I [鑍 堘瀹き氅 猊 {ASM} | I [鑍 嚑`悃獱/㈦`悃獱 ě | I 牠き 徕喈 | I | ---[Alex Gorlach, 1996]==== VGACOPY.RAR 222951 15-02-95 DiskCopy programm VGACRC.RAR 5859 31-05-97 Checksum Video BIOS Corrector ver. 1.1 File: VGACRC.EXE Size: 3402 byte Freeware version. (C) Copyright by Igor Diagilev, 1997. Khabarovsk 2:5040/9.21 @ FidoNet VGAPAL.RAR 23596 06-05-92 see name VGARAM.RAR 8431 17-03-95 VGA memory to DOS memory VGA_TV.RAR 18652 14-05-95 TV standart work VIDEO.RAR 6601 24-12-94 堘瀹きí ... VIDEO12.RAR 213805 26-01-95 ⑩犫ě犳 沌モ ⅷぅ犪幞 8-() VIDEOID2.RAR 8429 06-02-92 see name VIDEOT.RAR 26898 14-03-91 VideoTest VIEWMAIL.RAR 22297 06-09-97 汊ǐㄢ獱 か 忄 crack collection VIGIL.RAR 1782 25-03-94 =8I ??? VISTAPRO.RAR 889943 07-09-97 儱酄猱 ┃牔ォ VKETTE.RAR 5897 17-03-95 劏岐 酄‘鉅モ ‰徕啷 VME1.RAR 20465 05-12-96 Virtual Mode Extensions on P5 VMOUSE.RAR 16416 23-01-95 +=[鏬====== VIRTUAL MOUSE =========+ I MS Mouse Keyboard Emulator I I (C) 1994 by FRIENDS Software I ---------------------------------- I VIRTUAL Mouse version 1.0b I I MS Mouse Interface version 6.26 I ---------------------------------- I Works fine with all known soft I I Detects & utilizes 386 CPU I I Takes only 2.5Kb of RAM I I FREEWARE I +==================================+ VOC2EXE.RAR 9655 17-03-95 VOC TO EXE Release V1.00 Convert file VOC in .EXE VOC2MOD.RAR 14840 17-03-95 MOD Edit users utility! This program converts raw sound data, VOC files and now WAV files, to SAM files (for use as MOD instruments). All major VOC and WAV types are now supported! Great speed enhancements were added to this version! Convert WAV, VOC, or raw to SAM, or SAM back to RAW for editing! Ver 3.00 (03/05/93) VP2_0.RAR 74447 17-03-95 Visual Player VPCX.RAR 40886 08-11-95 util VPIC60E.RAR 211498 20-03-93 see name VRUN.COM 2869 18-10-93 嚆後ㄤí犫 VSB102.RAR 8358 28-09-94 Virtual SB VUIMG340.RAR 102240 01-05-93 Viewer W2D(141).RAR 5990 08-11-95 WinW2Dos v1.4 忇ギ∴牕悭 錉┇ 洚喱犫 WinWord 1.1 & 2.0 猊猱㈦ 錉┇ c a鈋p璦猕o 猳えpoⅹo 啜ㄦ. W4W2TXT.RAR 9701 09-08-96 converter WALL1_3.RAR 11163 18-09-97 +---------------------------------- | 尌  Windows I +---------------------------------- | 尃 酄Кム :) I | 姰ǎ汔犳 exe I | 侂徕喈鉅 I | 忇猸氅 ō猊噤ォ I | 偉噌 1.3 I +---------------------------------- | Copyright (C) JNC Soft 1997 I ==================================+ WATCH.RAR 78916 22-07-97 WatchDog 2.1 ------------ 懆徕ガ 楱怆 え岐: 姰喈 int 13h 姰喈 む牘ⅴ喈 DOS! 忇イ惘啷Δキē 忄犪屺喈ⅹ! 戔犫汜-徕喈獱 text modes 彔酄 Л脲 忏 彯いムΚ Compressed drives Freeware WATCHHOG.RAR 8846 03-04-95 彞啷`悃 BBS メ ⅷ岖 WAVEPLAY.RAR 5485 29-08-97 WAV files 8 bit mono player (SoundBlaster, PCSpeaker) by Alex Morshchakin aka Scout 2:454/2.15 aka /7.15 with PLM & ASM Sources SPS WD2LEX.RAR 27335 23-12-94 converter WD740.RAR 798788 28-01-97 Word'n'Dead - cool! WD760.RAR 924538 01-07-97 Word'n'Dead - very cool! WHALT275.RAR 33072 26-02-95 彞啷铉牜獱 啷Θ ぅ瑺 - os! WIN95RBT.COM 236 16-05-97 Reboot your Win95! ;))) WIN_TIFF.RAR 24003 29-06-96 converter WMF2RIP.RAR 12600 24-01-95 converter WOWII132.RAR 55846 07-09-97 WOW ][ v1.32 Player WP225.RAR 37166 22-07-97 +--------------------------------------+ | WP - 彁帓厞拵 剤憡巶 強 | | 偉噌 2.25, 偁啜牠 "A" | | | | 嚑楱鉅 え岐 強  玮キ/屺: | | 楱闋モ 酄Гカ Ε徕. え岐, | | え岐モ BOOT-幞. 彯Б铳 | | 忪 癄喈 か 獱Δ え岐. | | 彯いムΘモ 16 ǎ汔犳ī か | | 16-猕 酄Йㄧ М猊, | | 獱Δ ě 猱嚯 ōえⅷゃ牜飙 | | 瓲Л犵狀忉 ì, 癄喈 牏 | | ぎ徕惘 獱Δ え岐. 彯Б铳 | | 脞 え岐 鉅, 玮  °ぅ - | | ぎ徕惘キ  `悃 え岐モ. | | 彯Б铳 鐮忪 ō洚喱犳 - | | 楱楗脲 汜忄徕 猊