²²±±ê˜²°°˜˜˜˜²˜˜˜²²˜ ê ° ê DISK [01/01] [01/04/96] -x- tRX dOX dIVISION -x- BETK_ESL.RAR 32915 23-12-94 Betrayal At Krondor SOLVE BET_KR_F.RAR 17655 23-12-94 Žˆ‘€ˆ… ˆƒ› "BETRAYAL AT KRONDOR" BET_K_TR.RAR 2724 06-11-94 Betrayal At Krondor trainer BGAMNRUL.RAR 4222 21-05-95 History of Backgammon BH-SSINS.RAR 2446 31-05-95 ˜ ˜ ˜ ê˜ê ˜ ˜ ˜ê ˜ê˜ ˜˜ ê˜ê ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ê˜ ˜ ˜ê ˜˜ ˜ ˜ ë˜ ë˜ ˜ ˜ê˜ ˜ê ˜ êêê êê êê ê ê ê ˜ê ˜ ˜ ˜ê˜ ˜ ˜ ê ˜ ˜ê ˜ê ˜ê˜ ˜ê êê˜ ˜˜ ˜ê êê ˜ ˜ê ˜ê ˜ê êê˜ êêê ê ê ˜ ˜ êêê êêê +================ êêêêêê ===============+ I @X02 BuTTHíLEšSuRFîRS PRîsîNTs :@X00 I +---------------------------------------+ I SYSTEM SHOCK *RELEASE VERSiON* I I IMPROVED INSTALL BATCHFILE ! I +=======================================+ BIO1CHT.RAR 8741 22-07-97 BioMenace 1 BIOFORCE.RAR 9378 09-01-96 No comments. BIOFORGE.RAR 8878 27-11-95 B I O F O R G E BIOF_ESL.RAR 7829 08-05-95 BIOFORGE Full Solve BLASTM58.RAR 870 23-12-94 Blaster Master 5.8 Crack BLAWAY.RAR 3630 17-04-97 No comments. BLOBBY-T.RAR 4326 22-07-97 Blobby BLONAWAY.RAR 4001 08-01-96 No comments. BLOODMAG.RAR 3756 01-05-97 No comments. BLOODTRN.EXE 2009 17-05-97 see name BLOODW.RAR 2174 01-05-97 No comments. BLOOD_TR.RAR 7405 23-12-94 Bloodstone Editor / Trainer BLOO_RSL.RAR 8937 23-12-94 BLOODNET - 90% Russian solver BLUDEMTR.RAR 911 14-12-94 Demon from Microvalue Trained by ABACUS BLUEFORC.RAR 5996 27-11-96 ‘®«î襭 ¤«ï Blueforce (Tsunami) BLUEMAX.RAR 713 29-04-94 Blue Max BLUE_FOR.RAR 4875 10-12-94 BLUE FORCE ®«­®¥ ®¯¨á ­¨¥. BLUE_RSL.RAR 7307 31-03-94 § § § ë § § §LESHIJ ë ë §++ ë ++-- §++--§ GAME ë ++ § ++ ++ ++ ++ § § GALAXY ì §++--+§++-++ ++-++ §ë ì Proudly § § § § § § ë Present ¢¢¢====================================¢¢¢ ë | BLUE FORCE - Full Russian Solver | ë ¢¢¢====================================¢¢¢ ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç DISK 1/1 ç BMPY_TRN.RAR 8848 22-07-97 Bumpy Arcade Fantasy BNET-SOL.RAR 8102 01-05-97 No comments. BNET.RAR 8642 27-12-94 BLOODNET BNZ-L3T.RAR 11960 23-12-94 LEMMiNGS III LEVEL CHEATER BO-CRK.RAR 45037 06-11-94 BRIDGE OLYMPIAD FROM CRACK BRA.RAR 5512 01-05-97 Solution for BIG RED ADVENTURE (R) +++++++ ---ëWëAëRëEë---+ +I˜+++I˜I++++++++ |+===+˜II˜II˜II˜II˜+=+I˜++˜II˜++˜I ++˜II˜II˜II˜II˜+I˜˜II˜II˜I ++====Ÿ++Ÿ++Ÿ++Ÿ++==Ÿ++===Ÿ++Ÿ++Ÿ+ +-----++-++-++-++---++----++-++-+ BRA_SOLV.RAR 5946 16-08-95 BIG RED ADVENTURE : SOLUTION (Russian) BROKSW.RAR 6315 05-06-97 sol BROK_RUS.RAR 6463 16-05-97 Broken sword russian solution (C) Grigoriev Alex BTET.RAR 3548 04-02-95 P¥§¨¤¥­â­ë© ’¥âà¨á. BTHORNPW.RAR 2532 22-09-95 BlackThorne Level Passwords BTHRN-T.RAR 14443 22-07-97 see name BUBBLE.RAR 740 29-04-94 Bubble Bobble Unlimited lives BUGS_CHT.RAR 12003 23-12-94 Cheat for Battle Bugs BUREAU13.RAR 15107 27-11-95 Bureau 13 Hints and Walkthru BUZZ_EDC.RAR 8326 27-12-94 "BUZZ ALDRIN'S RACE INTO SPACE" BWINGCRK.RAR 2728 12-05-95 Crack Patch X-Wing: B-Wing Expansion BWS.RAR 30959 22-07-97 BWS GAME CRACKER'S TOOLKIT v1.01 Three nice easy-to-use utilites creates small and powerful game trainers. Freeware by BWS Crack Laboratories. C&C-MAP.RAR 84743 22-07-97 COMMAND AND CONQUER (c) Westwood 95 ULTIMATE MAP EDITOR V 2.9 Beta -x- tRX dOX dIVISION iMPORTS -x- C&CEDIT.RAR 9214 22-07-97 see name C&CSTR.RAR 72143 02-11-95 Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ v3.2 C&CSTR32.RAR 72143 30-11-95 Release v3.2 - standard revision C&CTRN.RAR 71324 05-01-96 see name C&CWIN95.RAR 6782 22-07-97 Command and Conquer Win95 fix C&C_UFAQ.RAR 64765 26-10-95 Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ v2.2 C-FAQSLV.RAR 6656 07-06-95 Flight of the Amazon Queen Full Solve C2CRACK.RAR 2062 22-07-97 Crack v1.0 beta “==============================¸ | Magic Corporation'1996 | ”======Ÿ=======================µ | Game | Cyberia ][ | | Type | All Saves | | Date | 31.12.1996 | ”======Ž=======================µ | Crack by Kirill Bogolubov | ’==============================¾ CAESAR.RAR 900 21-05-95 25,000 Dn. in Caesar CAID-270.RAR 47968 07-04-94 CrackAid V2.70 CANF_TR.RAR 3619 27-12-94 CANNON FODDER - Bomb & missile trainer CAP110.RAR 399353 22-07-97 Capitalism CARCRACK.RAR 4965 22-07-97 ...SUPERiOR COURiERiNG PROViDED BY.... ììì++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ììì ì++++[]++\¯¯¯¯¯\\¯¯¯/+/¯¯¯¯¯¯\+++ì ì+++++++++| \| |+| /++\_/+++ì ì+++|¯¯|++| |\ |+| |++++++++ì ì+++| |++| |+\ |+| |++++++++ì ì+++| |++| |++\ |+| \++/¯\+++ì ì+++|__|+/____\+/___\+\______/+++ì ììì++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ììì [iNC]ognito Couriers \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ......... _________________________...... 1997© ......../\ __ \ __ \ __ \...... .......\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \...... .......\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ __ \...... .......\ \ \/ /\ \_\ \ \ \ \...... .......\ \____/\ \_______\ \ \ \...... .......\____/ \/_______/\__/\/__/....... ......................................... .·+¯`·.¸¸.-> â)/\(¥£¯â ¯¥ +rrï\/⣠®<-.¸¸.·+¯`·. +++++++++ Carmageddon Beta time crack (X/1) ««««««««« -= DaShiTz =- CARD2KEY.RAR 3250 22-07-97 §Card§Games§for§0S/2§3.xx§§§§§§§§§§§§ §Keymaker§by§SkullC0DEr§(S)1996§§§§§§ +--+_++ ++ + +--+-+++--+++-+--+¾+--+ --½+‘-‘--+‘-‘-‘--‘+-+--+-- +----½| +--+--++--++--+ ++-+ +-+++--++--++--+ ‘-- +-‘--+‘--‘+-‘--+‘+-+‘--+ +---+ §UCL§UkRAiNiAN§HQ§§§§§OS/2§Hack§TEAM§ §bMG§C0URiER§§§§§§§§Team§OS/2§Member§ CARMAG~2.RAR 5236 22-07-97 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - NEW CARS FOR CARMAGEDDON DEMO - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CARMA_CV.RAR 21809 22-07-97 Carmageddon demo/beta text-file decoder. CARPETRN.RAR 6622 21-05-95 CARPET Triner INSTRUCTIONS! CATAC_TR.RAR 6504 27-12-94 Curse of the Catacombs Int-Trainer. CATAGOD.RAR 14301 22-07-97 for Catacomb Abyss 3D CAV_N_TR.RAR 874 30-04-94 Caveman Ninja Trainer CC-EDIT.RAR 49781 22-07-97 Command and Conquer Editor v1.4 (revision 4) Allows editing of: * weapon payload for infantry, vehicles and structures * infantry and vehicle costs * structure costs * structure power requirements * structure power production * structure and unit hit points * stealth capabilities of vehicles * vehicles firepower * unit and structure ownership * unit and structure tech. levels CCEDIT.RAR 33413 22-07-97 Command and Conquer Editor v1.3 Allows editing of: * weapon payload for infantry, vehicles and structures * infantry and vehicle costs * structure costs * structure power requirements * structure power production * structure and unit hit points CCEDIT14.RAR 50009 22-07-97 Command and Conquer Editor v1.4 (revision 4) Allows editing of: * weapon payload for infantry, vehicles and structures * infantry and vehicle costs * structure costs * structure power requirements * structure power production * structure and unit hit points * stealth capabilities of vehicles * vehicles firepower * unit and structure ownership * unit and structure tech. levels CCEDIT20.RAR 314804 22-07-97 CCEDIT v.2.0 CCMISS.RAR 24147 22-07-97 see name CCSAVE.RAR 9648 22-07-97 see name CD2EMU.RAR 2574 22-07-97 see name CDN_SOL.RAR 4771 27-12-94 COUNTDOWN FULL SOLUTION CDS_PENT.RAR 15435 22-07-97 Wizardry 7 patch CD_CRACK.RAR 20195 22-07-97 Path for Duke Nukem to play a Plutonium Pak version without cd in drive. CF-DGB.RAR 23956 06-07-94 DOS /V GameBuster 3.00 cracked version CF-F1!.RAR 3435 27-12-94 FORMULA 1 *FINAL* -[+1]- Interactive Trainer CF-LAC.RAR 9752 22-07-97 Lamborghini Challenge CF-SIL2!.RAR 4498 27-12-94 SILVERBALL PLUS 2 Interact/Ingame Train. CF-SOCK!.RAR 3328 27-12-94 Soccer Kid Interac/Ingame Train [+4] CF-TUBE!.RAR 3580 27-12-94 TUBES! Interac/Ingame Train[+4] CFODDER.RAR 9139 23-07-95 Cannon Fodder Crack CFTUBFS.HA 10617 27-12-94 +17 OPTiON TRAiNER /w MENU + REALTiME PLASM CHEAT34.RAR 50157 19-06-95 Super Cheat v.2.34 CHEATER.RAR 69558 07-04-94 Super Cheater v2.40 CHEATMK.RAR 12483 22-07-97 How to access the Debug Mode for Mortal Kombat on the Sega Genesis. §-========================================-§ ¯/\/\¯ SixPacK of RaZoR 1911 / RiSC ¯\/\/¯ §-========== RiSC Couriers 1994! =========-§ CHEATS.RAR 16494 18-03-97 many cheats CHEATS1.RAR 74002 19-03-96 another many cheats ;) CHRNOMAS.RAR 20482 16-12-96 sol CIV2RUS.RAR 38563 22-07-97 see name CIV2_RUS.RAR 69730 22-07-97 see name CIVIL_ML.RAR 135074 07-11-94 multiplaying version of civilization. CIVPASS.RAR 3098 23-05-95 Pottery CLANDEST.RAR 12995 02-06-97 sol CLASSIC5.RAR 27639 22-07-97 see name CLASSIC6.RAR 5177 22-07-97 see name CLOCK-CT.RAR 4849 27-12-94 CLOCKWISER * CRACK FIX,Trainer. CLOCK-T.RAR 4781 23-12-94 CLOCKWISER [+1] TRAINER [1/1] CLWISRCR.RAR 70696 01-10-94 clockwiser CM3000.RAR 910044 10-12-96 Chess Master 3000 - VGA on EGA! CMA-PD2.RAR 4302 27-12-94 PINBALL DREAMS II + 1 (Unl.Balls) CNU-CFIX.RAR 2132 31-05-95 Colonization Install Fix :) COBRAHNT.RAR 1907 07-04-94 Cobra Mission Hint COBRAMIS.RAR 8429 07-04-94 sol CODES.RAR 13780 19-03-96 Codes for games COLBEQSO.RAR 16211 07-04-94 The Colonel's Bequest Sol & Hints COMAN_ED.RAR 210149 27-12-94 All Comanche funs Mission editor COMCHEAT.RAR 8197 07-04-94 Commanche cheats COMMEDT.RAR 20281 07-04-94 Commanche edits COMP_RSL.RAR 7957 27-12-94 COMPANIONS OF XANTH - Russian Solver COMP_XAN.RAR 7716 07-05-97 sol CONGO.RAR 7148 11-05-97 sol COOL_TRN.RAR 5215 27-12-94 Cool Spot Final +4 Trainer CORR7TRN.RAR 13666 08-06-94 Corridor7 Trainer CORTRPT.RAR 13089 27-12-94 INTERACT.TRAIN.CORRIDORE 7![+10 OPTIONS] CORTRPTG.RAR 91447 22-07-97 __________/\___________ _______ <====\_______ \ //: /=======> :::::|: |/ /\/: \// . __/__.::::: :::::|. .____/ / . \ \_ |::S!: :::::;____| \_______/__________;::::: <======[ PENTAGRAM PROUDLY PRESENTS ]======> -/- INTERACTIVE TRAINER FOR CORRIDORE 7! -\- <=============[ +10 OPTIONS! ]=============> è=- A Menace Corp. couriering job -=è COUNT-DW.RAR 4689 07-04-94 Countdown sol COURT.RAR 740 31-12-94 Great Court Remove doc check CPM-MTRN.RAR 5750 23-12-94 Mystic Tower Savegame Patch Crystal Phasematic CRACK.RAR 1683 28-03-95 Crack Dragon CRACKAL.RAR 2011 29-01-95 Crack for Alladin CRACKER.RAR 10109 15-04-95 Cracker v1.0 by The Corner Crackers CRACKLST.RAR 106821 14-08-96 ‘¯¨á®ª ªà ª¥à®¢ (¤«ï 861 ¨£àë) ¢ ˆ­â¥à­¥â¥. CRACKUFO.RAR 908 23-09-94 see name CRON.RAR 1938 17-04-97 •à®­¨ª¨ ¬¥ç  CRUSD_CR.RAR 1856 27-12-94 CRUSADERS OF THE DARK SAVANT CS-ALTRN.RAR 2828 23-01-95 Disney's Aladdin Interactive Trainer CTR-BSCK.RAR 2173 22-07-97 BENEATH A STEEL SKY [CRACK] -CONTOUR!- [1/1] _________ ______________ __:__________ / ______ \/ _ \ _ ____ \/ | \___ / / |__/ | \ | \/ \ | \ | / / /RD \_____\_____/ |__/\_ /_____/\___/\__\ \_ +----------:---' \/---------|------\__/+ §ëë--=== RiSC COURiERiNG '94 ===--ëë§ CTR-C200.RAR 91190 23-12-94 [C.I.T.Y 2000 Crack!§§§] CTR-T15R.RAR 4443 23-12-94 TERMiNATE 1.50 *BYTECRACK* CTR-TFIF.RAR 108777 23-12-94 Tie-Fighter Install Fix CURSE.RAR 1843 06-11-94 Curse of Azure Bonds crk CYB2SOL.RAR 13030 19-04-97 Cyberia 2 sol CYBERIA.RAR 7318 01-11-95 Cyberia - Russian Solution by Cristobal CYC-TRN.RAR 8671 22-07-97 +-------------------------+------------+ | Cyclone 5+ option | Released: | | Trainer | [12/12/94] | | |-=INFINITY=-| | [o1/o1]| | +-------------------------+------------+ | ˜˜ ˜˜˜—˜ ˜˜˜êê ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜—˜ êꘘêê ˜˜ | | ˜™˜—˜ ˜˜˜ ˜™˜—˜ ˜˜ ˜˜ ˜ ˜˜ | | ˜˜ ˜™˜—˜ ˜˜˜ê ˜˜˜ ˜™˜—˜ ˜˜ ˜ ˜˜ | | ˜˜ ˜™˜—˜ ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜ ˜™˜—˜ ˜˜ ˜˜ ˜ ˜˜ | | ˜˜ ˜™˜˜˜ ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜ ˜™˜˜˜ ˜˜ ˜˜ ˜˜˜˜˜ | | ˜ | | "THE QUALiTY RELEASES NEVER END." ˜ | | ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ | +--------------------------------------+ Leeched From: -=:TIA/INFINITY/WHQ:=- C_CCASH.RAR 11998 22-07-97 êêêê êêêê System <<<<<<<<< êêê ˜ ˜ >>>> Destruction ê ˜ê C O U R i e r z! -------- Presents ------------ êêê —ê êê ˜ —ê êêê ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ êê ˜ ê˜ êê C-O-M-M-A-N-D n C-O-N-Q-U-E-R Money Cheater. Works on all savegames!! Tells you savegame info also! -------- sD! oUt! ----------- D-LEM3SG.RAR 3946 27-12-94 Lemmings 3 Super Savegame! D-MTTRN.RAR 9485 27-12-94 [DREAD] Mystic Towers +20ish Trainer D-OS2TRN.RAR 8749 06-11-94 [DREAD] Osada ][ Trainer D-OSADA2.RAR 52746 06-11-94 [DREAM] Osada ][ Doc D-RRTINT.RAR 4528 22-07-97 RailRoad Tycoon DeLuxe D-UTOP16.RAR 4913 27-12-94 Ultratop v1.6 TSR Crack D2SECRET.RAR 19769 23-05-95 Doom II secrets (eng) D2TRN.RAR 85212 22-07-97 Dune II D2UTIL.RAR 55278 25-03-95 Package for DUNE II game. DAEDALUS.RAR 11050 01-05-97 see name DAGGERF.RAR 23960 17-04-97 see name DAGGU20C.RAR 53902 22-07-97 DaggerFall DARKFORS.RAR 1649 11-01-96 see name DARKLECR.RAR 1699 06-11-94 Dark Legions patch DARKLREF.RAR 1842 27-12-94 Dark Legions Reference Docs DAVE.RAR 792 10-12-94 Creack for Dave Dangeron DAVE3CHT.RAR 2471 08-05-97 Šàíª ¤«ï Dave 3 DAWNRIDE.RAR 761 29-04-94 Dawn Rider Unlimited machine gun DAYT_ESL.RAR 7533 27-12-94 MANIAC MANSION 2 HINT FILE! DD2.RAR 737 31-12-94 Double Dragon ][ 255 credits besides of 2 DELTACRK.RAR 109271 27-12-94 CRACKED EXE FOR DELTA V (LEVELS 3 & 5) DELTARUS.RAR 984 23-09-94 Delta V - key list DESC-DEV.RAR 251594 22-07-97 Descent Editor DESCEDIT.RAR 15148 22-07-97 see name DESCHEAT.RAR 8695 22-07-97 see name DESERT-T.RAR 12294 31-05-95 Desert Strike trainer DEUS.RAR 6169 18-04-97 sol DEUTEX29.RAR 151665 22-07-97 DeuTex/DeuSF 2.9 November 94 a WAD composition tool for DOOM Copyright (c) Olivier Montanuy 1994 (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) DGATTERR.RAR 25423 07-11-94 "Dorovan's Key" Solve by Black Dragon DGEN_EQD.RAR 5137 29-05-94 D/Generations VGA [Real Release] doc DHACK_LN.RAR 118573 19-09-97 Diablo (LongNames!!) DIABCHT.RAR 76099 22-07-97 see name DIABL.RAR 9865 01-06-97 see name DIABLCRK.RAR 28902 02-05-97 see name DIABLO.RAR 42686 22-07-97 see name DIABLO0.RAR 14132 18-04-97 see name DIABLO1.RAR 82375 22-07-97 see name DIABLO6.RAR 1764 01-03-97 crk DIABLOSO.RAR 10403 31-05-97 sol DIABMOV.RAR 60125 22-07-97 see name DIA_CRC.RAR 71933 22-07-97 Diablo DIEHARD.RAR 730 29-05-94 Die Hard Remove security code DIG-DOCS.RAR 5304 17-04-97 see name DIG.RAR 11012 23-12-96 sol DIGSOL.RAR 4769 09-12-95 The full walkthrough of Dig DINOP_TR.RAR 3023 23-01-95 Dino Park Tycoon Trainer v2.0 DISC2.RAR 5323 13-05-97 sol DIZZYSOL.RAR 3758 17-04-97 see name DLSOLVE.RAR 1959 09-01-90 Dragons Lair Sol DL_CRK.RAR 2059 22-07-97 “== Crack to DarkLight Conflickt ===¸ | | | Šàïª ª ¨£à¥. | | | | ç ®Sª¨¯ ­®. | | ç ‘«®¬ ­®. | | ç ®Sª¨¯ ­®. | | ç Sasha Alex. AKA Mr. Chuvack. | | | +-Copyright (c) 1997 Excalibur Inc.-+ DM2CHNST.RAR 13926 31-05-95 for Doom II shortgun ;) DM2CONV.RAR 22690 22-07-97 ======================= DM2CONV v1.2 by Vincenzo Alcamo ======================= This tiny program converts DOOM levels for use with DOOM II. DN1TRN.RAR 5221 12-03-94 Duke Nucem 1 trainer DN2TRN.RAR 2476 12-03-94 Duke Nucem 2 trainer DN3DWP.RAR 21498 22-07-97 DUKE3D v1.0S Weapon Patch by Todd Replogle ------------------------- Lost Soul // GTHG The Lord Of Saved // GTHG PRESENTS IT ! ------------------------- DN3TRN.RAR 2595 22-07-97 Duke Nukem 3 DNGMAST2.RAR 7037 27-11-96 Dungeon Master II tools,hints DOD!ALTR.RAR 25770 29-01-95 Trainer to Alladin DOD-BDCH.RAR 4226 23-01-95 Money Patcher for BattleDrom DOD-BST.RAR 4113 23-01-95 Blake Stone Trainer DOD-SHTR.RAR 1762 23-01-95 SWORDšOFšHONOURšTRAINERš+1 DOD-ZL2T.RAR 3942 23-01-95 ZOOL ][ +4 INTERACTIVE TRAINER DOGNP_TR.RAR 6045 23-01-95 Interactive Trainer for Dognapped! DOS4GVM.RAR 21622 22-07-97 see name DOTT.RAR 15147 27-11-95 Day of the Tentacle (Maniac Mansion 2) The Copy Protection Codes DOTTHINT.RAR 7432 06-11-94 Day of the Tentacle Hint DOTT_RSL.RAR 6779 23-01-95 DAY OF TENTACLE - Full Russian Solver DOTT_SOL.RAR 6415 25-01-95 Day of the Tentacle DRACER-T.RAR 3042 22-07-97 Deadly Racer DRACTRN.RAR 3443 22-07-97 __________/\___________ _______ <====\_______ \ //: /=======> :::::|: |/ /\/: \// . __/__.::::: :::::|. .____/ / . \ \_ |::S!: :::::;____| \_______/__________;::::: <==========[ PENTAGRAM PRESENTS ]==========> BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA TRAINER <==========================================> DRACTRN1.RAR 8623 22-07-97 Dracula DRACU_TR.RAR 8514 23-01-95 TRAINER FOR BRAM STOKER`S "DRACULA" DRAGLORE.RAR 6753 25-11-96 see name DRAG_ESL.RAR 12426 23-01-95 SOLVE FOR DRAGONSPHERE!!! DRAG_SPH.RAR 7165 10-12-94 DragonSphere - ®«­®¥ ®¯¨á ­¨¥. DREAM.RAR 4692 04-01-97 sol DRUID.RAR 10308 08-05-97 sol DS!-COLO.RAR 6820 31-05-95 Colonization sol DS-DESTR.RAR 3509 23-01-95 Dream Syndicate DOX Division DS-FIX.RAR 4482 31-05-95 Desert Strike Fix crk DS.RAR 15436 22-07-97 Wizardry 7 patch DS2.RAR 15182 29-11-95 Darksun II: Wake of the Ravager WALKTHROUGH DSAV_MSI.RAR 1856 10-12-94 CRUSADERS OF THE DARK SAVANT DSBIOWLK.RAR 4860 23-01-95 BioMenace v1.0 Walkthrough DSEED2.RAR 4685 11-05-97 sol DSUNTRN.RAR 19887 22-07-97 DarkSun DUBLDR2.RAR 737 29-04-94 Double Dragon crk DUK&HERO.RAR 4085 11-01-96 codes DUKE3D-E.RAR 24621 22-07-97 see name DUKE3D.RAR 7464 15-11-96 sol DUKE3D1.RAR 16968 20-04-97 description DUKE3DE.RAR 485280 22-07-97 see name DUKENUKM.RAR 3753 26-10-94 many cheats DUN2F.RAR 997 02-07-95 Duna II crk (money) DUN2TRNS.RAR 6924 22-07-97 see name DUNE2ADD.RAR 19502 21-03-95  á¯ ª®¢é¨ª PAK ¤«ï DUNE 2 DUNE2COV.RAR 2314 22-07-97 +------------+ +---+ +---+ | Covox ++ | D | | D | | driver for ++ | U | | U | | DUNE ][ | | N | | N | | Writen by | | E | | E | | Lazy C0DEr ++ | | | | | 17 Nov '95 ++ | 2 | | 2 | +------------+ +---+ +---+ DUNE2CRK.RAR 11233 22-07-97 see name DUNE2LA.HA 591 23-01-95 Labels for DUNE II DUNE2LAB.RAR 3822 19-09-97 see name DUNE2SAV.RAR 22750 06-11-94 see name DUNE2TRA.RAR 14080 22-07-97 see name DUNE2_EN.RAR 24264 22-07-97 see name DUNE2_PT.RAR 184865 07-11-94 Dune II:Patch Installation Instructions DUNE2_SE.RAR 6787 18-03-95 ¥¤ ªâ®à á業 à¨¥¢ ¢ DUNE2 DUNE2_TR.RAR 21472 22-07-97 see name DUNEHINT.RAR 4723 07-04-94 see name DUNEUTIL.RAR 19172 22-07-97 see name DUNE_RDC.RAR 12511 23-01-95 FLT Trainer For Dune II DUST.RAR 2643 17-04-97 sol D_GEN_TR.RAR 5300 29-05-94 Trainer D/Generations VGA D_SUN_CR.RAR 4258 23-01-95 Crack for DarkSun D_SUN_TR.RAR 7676 23-01-95 Interactive Trainer For DarkSun-The Shattered Land E-DSOLVE.RAR 18722 23-01-95 Dragon Sphere Solve + Final Save Game E2TRNFLT.RAR 7059 22-07-97 Elite 2 EBFUCK.RAR 4638 22-07-97 Electro Body ECO1SOL.RAR 4497 07-04-94 see name ECO2SOL.RAR 12533 07-04-94 see name ECQ1_ESL.RAR 4497 23-01-95 EcoQuest I: The Search for Cetus ECQ2_RSL.RAR 12537 23-01-95 ECO_QUEST II ECSTAT.RAR 19023 02-07-95 Ecstatica ECSTSOLV.RAR 3091 23-12-96 sol EDITUFO_.RAR 18318 22-07-97 see name ELITDOC.RAR 14234 29-05-94 see name ELITE2.RAR 7348 22-07-97 see name ELV.RAR 6696 07-04-94 Elvira sols EMP94CRK.RAR 3161 24-01-95 Empire Soccer '94 Byte Crack ENIGMA.RAR 139333 19-04-97 Diablo trainer EOB.RAR 732 29-04-94 Eye of the Beholder I Super weapon EOB2.RAR 739 31-12-94 Eye of the Beholder II Super weapon EOB2CRK.RAR 17772 22-07-97 see name EOB2EDIT.RAR 15582 22-07-97 see name EOB2MAP.RAR 10580 22-07-97 see name EOB2SOLV.RAR 59749 29-05-94 Eye of the Beholder EOB2TRN0.RAR 3443 22-07-97 see name EOB2_SOL.RAR 47515 06-11-94 EYE OF BEHOLDER ][ FULL SOLUTION EOB3CHT.RAR 13150 11-04-95 Šàíª ¤«ï Beholder 3 EOD-OLDO.RAR 54632 26-09-94 Overlord EP3TRPTG.RAR 14202 24-01-95 INTERACTIVE TRAINER: EPIC PINBALL 3! EPIC3_TR.RAR 6200 24-01-95 EPIC PINBALL 3 [+7] TRAINER EPICTRN.RAR 3790 22-07-97 see name EPICTRN1.RAR 2724 22-07-97 see name EPPBTRN.RAR 6443 24-01-95 EPIC PINBALL Trainer EQ2.RAR 5489 11-01-96 sol ERIC_ESL.RAR 5792 24-01-95 Solve for Eric ESTATICA.RAR 9586 23-05-95 ECSTATICA SOLVE ETINCODE.RAR 8100 22-07-97 The Legend of Etin -CrackCode- [1/1] -ç- Passed TechnodromE - Moscow coolest -ç- EWW2HD.HA 77670 23-01-95 World War ][ - HD install Fix EXTRCRK.RAR 283802 07-12-94 In Extremis 100% CRACK! EXTRE_CR.RAR 75060 24-01-95 CRACKED: In Extremis 100% CRACK! EX_CSPOT.RAR 7526 24-01-95 Cool Spot +3 Option Trainer EX_DETHD.RAR 4400 24-01-95 HD Install For Detroit From Impressions EX_TWRDF.RAR 7676 24-01-95 Tubular Worlds +6 Option Trainer Fixed EYEIIDOC.RAR 43451 29-05-94 Eye of the Beholder II Sol F1.RAR 176995 04-04-97 game! F14F_EQD.RAR 2236 24-01-95 QUICK KEYS for F14 Fleet Defender. F29.RAR 726 29-05-94 F-29 Retaliator.Remove disk installing. FABLE.RAR 7665 01-05-97 sol FABL_RUS.RAR 6494 16-05-97 sol FACES.RAR 2725 29-05-94 crk FAKECD.RAR 8760 22-07-97 see name FAKECD_D.RAR 4307 22-07-97 see name FAL3_EDC.RAR 6954 24-01-95 BOOK DIARY OF A FALCON 3 PILOT FANTOSMO.RAR 2083 07-01-97 sol FATESOLV.RAR 8366 07-04-94 Indiana Jones FBACK-.RAR 6858 10-12-94 ‘®«îè­ ¯® ¨£à¥ - FLASHBACK. FBHELP.RAR 11040 07-04-94 FlashBack FBKEYCRK.RAR 2856 22-07-97 FlashBack FBTRN.RAR 4813 22-07-97 FlashBack FDEFGUID.RAR 15327 02-07-95 FleetDefender FGT500.RAR 219483 19-03-97 °±²˜²±°° FreeGame Toolkit V. 5.00 °°±²˜²±° (Users! release) -= Freeware Version =- Toolkit including inside: Best game resour- ces cracker (not for crack passwords, pro- tect's, etc. !!!!!), VGA/SVGA screen grab- ber, viewer for screen grabber, comparator, library of cracked games & other utilities =========================================== Full compatible with: 286/386/486/PENTIUM; VGA/SVGA;MS-DOS 3.1+ FINAL.RAR 5594 27-04-95 Ž¯¨á ­¨¥ 㤠஢ ¢ MK2 FIREHAWK.RAR 742 29-05-94 Thexder II: Firehawk Invulnerability FLAS_ESL.RAR 7249 29-05-94 sol FLAS_RUS.RAR 83532 06-11-94 ãáá¨ä¨ª æ¨ï Flashback FLS5_EDC.RAR 10485 24-01-95 Flight Simulator v5.0 from Microprose Dox FLTTWTR.HA 2480 24-01-95 Tubular Worlds Final - [+1] Trainer FORMG_PS.RAR 2002 24-01-95 PASSW. FOR MICROPROSE'S FORMULA ONE GRAND PRIX FPTRN.RAR 2520 06-11-94 Fire Power Trainer FRANK.RAR 10685 27-04-97 sol FRED_EDC.RAR 23191 24-01-95 Doc for Freddy Pharkass Frontier Pharmacist FRED_RSL.RAR 12476 24-01-95 Freddy Pharkass ¤®ª¨ ­  àãá᪮¬ FREEGAME.RAR 47628 22-07-97 see name FRKPATCH.RAR 3192 24-01-95 Frankenstein +3 FRLOM160.EXE 126037 25-03-97 160 ªà类¢! FRM-CARN.RAR 10176 09-12-94 ALIEN CARNAGE +10 TRAINER FTH-BCRK.RAR 10135 16-09-93 Burntume crk FULLTRL.RAR 10526 07-12-96 sol F_19__TR.RAR 1868 29-05-94 F-19 Stealh Figher v.435.01 GABKNIG2.RAR 24591 20-11-96 sol GABRK_UP.RAR 196548 21-02-94 Gabriel Knight - patch to update GAMCHEAT.RAR 65276 13-11-96 description GAMCRK34.RAR 5293 12-05-97 ᡮ୨ª ªà类¢ GAMECRKS.RAR 800879 22-09-97 Many cracks, patches for Gamez! GAMES.RAR 12368 22-07-97 ᯨ᮪ ¯ à®«¥© ª ¤¨áª ¬ Classic Fond 5,6,7,8 ¢ë¯®«­¥­® ¢ ¢¨¤¥ bat ä ©«®¢ GAM_CD_C.RAR 12830 13-11-96 ᯨ᮪ ¯ à®«¥© ª ¤¨áª ¬ Classic Fond 5,6,7,8 ¢ë¯®«­¥­® ¢ ¢¨¤¥ bat ä ©«®¢ GATEWAY2.RAR 6525 20-05-97 sol GAUNTLET.RAR 729 29-05-94 crk GB2HINT.RAR 8048 07-04-94 Goblins 2 sol GETRDY01.RAR 22230 29-05-94 Game Magazin GETRDY02.RAR 24618 29-05-94 Game Magazin GFCRACK.RAR 4124 01-10-94 Gfleet crk GL-DS2CH.RAR 34744 31-05-95 Dark Sun 2 GL-TGFTR.RAR 14374 16-06-94 §˜˜˜êêê ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜êê˜ ˜˜˜êê ˜˜ ˜˜§ :²˜˜ ²˜˜ ²˜˜ ˜ ²˜˜ê ²˜˜˜˜˜: |±²˜˜ ±²˜ ±²˜˜˜˜ ±²˜ ˜ ±²˜˜ | +------ § Proudly Presents § ------+ The Grandest Fleet Trainer! [¯X¯] TRADEDšBYšRTA/J­M [¯X¯] GLALFIX.RAR 13091 04-07-94 §˜˜˜êêê ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜êê˜ ˜˜˜êê ˜˜ ˜˜§1 :²˜˜ ²˜˜ ²˜˜ ˜ ²˜˜ê ²˜˜˜˜˜:9 |±²˜˜ ±²˜ ±²˜˜˜˜ ±²˜ ˜ ±²˜˜ |9 +------ § Proudly Presents § ------+4 -------- ----- ---- --- -- - ëë §§ §§ HD Install Fix for Alien Legacy § §§ ë - -- --- ---- ------ --------- GLALTRN.RAR 22796 04-07-94 §˜˜˜êêê ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜êê˜ ˜˜˜êê ˜˜ ˜˜§1 :²˜˜ ²˜˜ ²˜˜ ˜ ²˜˜ê ²˜˜˜˜˜:9 |±²˜˜ ±²˜ ±²˜˜˜˜ ±²˜ ˜ ±²˜˜ |9 +------ § Proudly Presents § ------+4 -------- ----- ---- --- -- - ëë §§ §§ Alien Legacy +5 Trainer Patch! § §§ ë - -- --- ---- ------ --------- GLSMSHLS.RAR 19192 04-07-94 §˜˜˜êêê ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜êê˜ ˜˜˜êê ˜˜ ˜˜§1 :²˜˜ ²˜˜ ²˜˜ ˜ ²˜˜ê ²˜˜˜˜˜:9 |±²˜˜ ±²˜ ±²˜˜˜˜ ±²˜ ˜ ±²˜˜ |9 +------ § Proudly Presents § ------+4 -------- ----- ---- --- -- - ëë §§ §§ Smashing Pumpkins Level Select! § §§ ë - -- --- ---- ------ --------- GM20-CRK.RAR 1726 08-11-94 GAME MAKER v2.0 - 100% CRACK PATCH [1/1] GNBAS_CR.RAR 4869 16-02-94 Great Naval Battles GOB1_RSL.RAR 5100 29-05-94 „®ª¨ ­  Goblins GOB2_RSL.RAR 3956 29-05-94 see name GOB3.RAR 10828 25-08-94 see name GOB3BYTE.RAR 5495 10-12-94 ______/\_____/\________.__________/\ \_____ \____ \_____ | ________ \ | _ _/| |\ \/ ___| | || _ _/ | | \| |_\ \ \__| | || | \_ |__|_ /__|\___/\____|___ /|__|_ / <========\/======>CRACKED<===\/======\/==> Gobliins III - From CV - French Version 1 Byte Crack <==================>RF<==================> GOB3_RSL.RAR 12390 09-02-94 see name GOBL2.RAR 7257 07-04-94 see name GOBL2_TR.RAR 1786 29-05-94 Trianer for Goblins II GOBLIN2.RAR 4705 07-04-94 crk GOBLINS.RAR 74970 13-11-96 sol GOBLINS3.RAR 10497 29-04-97 see name GODFTRN.RAR 2617 22-07-97 GodFather GT3-323.ZIP 245500 22-07-97 .__/\_____/\ ____/\_____/\_____/\___ . :\ __ \_ Y \_ _ \_ _ \_ _ \_ : :/ | \_/___ / __/ ____/ . __/:FORCE / | \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ : \____ /:| / / / | /::::: :sAl1\___/ \___/::\___/::\___/::\__PRESENTS GAME T00LS v3.23 STRAIGHT FR0M H0NGK0NG KICKED INT0 THE STATI0N BY WiDGET GTA-RRHD.RAR 5587 06-11-94 [§ROLLING RONNY HD-INSTALL PATCH§] GUILTY.RAR 17232 17-04-97 sol GUNS_COD.RAR 3797 26-11-93 see name GUS-SYND.RAR 4275 09-07-93 Syndicate Sound Fix for GUS GUY_SPY.RAR 15764 07-04-94 see name GW32.RAR 576279 22-07-97 Game Wizard 32 GWAR.RAR 698 29-05-94 Guerilla War crk GWARCOD.RAR 5599 04-07-94 ______________________ _____ ________ ----/ // \/ \--- ---/ // \ __ \-- --/ / / //. / /_/ /-- --\/---/ /==\\//. / __/--- ------/ // _ / ___ /---- -----/ // // / /__/ /----- ----/ _______ // ____//____ /_______ /------ ----\/-------\//\/----------\/--------\/------- ---=* Codes For GREAT WAR 14-16 from SSi *=---- GWIZ32.RAR 354222 25-09-96 Game Wizard 32 Pro v3.0 Registered §-[Malice Traders '96!]-§ GWR.RAR 6575 10-11-95 Cracker for 47 games H2JAVA94.RAR 56447 06-11-94 HEIMDALL 2 MAPS,DOCS,RUNES,SPELLS! HARDLINE.RAR 6049 03-06-97 cheat HARDNOVA.RAR 1752 06-11-94 Hard Nova Remove password. HARVEST.RAR 3932 01-05-97 sol HEI2TERR.RAR 28698 23-05-95 HEIMDALL 2 COMPLETE SOLVE HEIM2-T.RAR 9022 02-08-94 HEIMDALL 2 [+2] QUICK TRAINER [1/1] ____: ___:______:______:______:_____:__ \ | \ ___/\ ___/\ ___/\ __ \_____ \ / _|__/_ _|/\/ |_ \/ _|/\/ | \ |/ \ / / | \ | \ | \ | \ \ \____\ /_______\______\______\_| \_____/ %%%%%%\/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|____/sD!%%% ç Jihad Crew import ç HERETIC.RAR 7672 22-07-97 see name HERO2CRK.RAR 7166 27-01-97 +----------------------------------· | Cracker for I | "Heroes of Might & Magic ][" I | (c) 1997, Roman Chubarov, I | AKA FANTOM. 2:5020/656.11 I ’==================================+ HEROMM.RAR 37274 13-11-96 +----------------------------------------· | ¥¤ ªâ®à ᥩ¢®¢ Heroes Might and Magic I ’========================================+ HEXENSOL.RAR 12163 21-01-97 see name HEXX__TR.RAR 42459 06-11-94 Hexx from Psygnosis : +6 Trainer! HFIGTER.RAR 1865 28-12-94 hint HIG_F_TR.RAR 4780 31-03-94 Highway Fighter crk HINTS.RAR 116424 19-03-96 see name HM&M.RAR 5339 22-07-97 +=================================+ I§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§I I§§§§§§§˜˜˜˜˜˜˜§˜˜êꘘ ˜˜§§§˜˜§§§§I ˜ I§§§§§§§˜˜§§§˜˜§˜˜§§§ê ˜˜§§§˜˜§§§§I ˜ I§§THE§§˜˜˜˜§êêêꘘ ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜§§§§I ˜ I§§§§§§§˜˜§§§˜˜§˜§§˜˜ ˜˜§§§˜˜§§§§I ˜ I§§§§§§§êꧧ§êê êêêêêê êꧧ§êꧧ§§I ˜ I §§§§§ PçRçEçSçEçNçTçS §§§§ I ˜ I §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ I ˜ I §§§§§§§§§§§ I ˜ I Resources cheater for -------+ I ˜ I +-----------------------------+ I ˜ I +-> HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC I ˜ I I ˜ +=================================+ ˜ êêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêê Coded by M/+D G()D Special thanx to KEchMan HM&M1.RAR 13706 17-04-97 sol HMA2_TRN.RAR 8676 11-04-95 ’७¨­£ ¤«ï Home Alone 2 HMM2.RAR 22961 17-04-97 description HMM2ED.RAR 40822 09-02-97 ¥¤ ªâ®à ᥩ¢®¢ for HMM2 (­¥ ª®¬¯ ­¨ï) ¬®£¥â: - ¯à ¢¨âì à¥áãàáë - ¯à ¢¨âì ¯ à ¬¥âàë £¥à®¥¢