G30.RAR 216065 07-07-94 Astrology stuff ASTRA.RAR 44332 19-12-94 ᪮ ASTRA1.RAR 172176 22-02-95 ,pᮢ ᬮp. ASTRAL.RAR 155969 23-02-95 Ho ஫᪠ ணࠬ. ASTRDICT.RAR 248360 25-10-96 ஫. ନ ASTRO.RAR 434354 26-09-97* SU.ASTROCLUB letters with reader ASTROL.RAR 110446 18-03-97 Astrology stuff ASTROL96.RAR 186585 11-03-95 Ho ஫᪠ ணࠬ. ASTROLAB.RAR 185723 20-04-97 etc ASTRONOM.RAR 223737 25-09-95 p᪠ pp (p䨪) BICONV.RAR 9163 24-09-97 BirthInfo Convertor 0.01 by Sergey Shpakov COSMOS.EXE 275155 09-11-95 . FIX_STAR.RAR 20933 23-07-95 - GEMMA.RAR 290530 09-10-94 魠 ஫᪠ ணࠬ. ⠥ ਨ, , 樨. ᪮ ࠪ⮢騪, ᮤন 塞 짮⥫ . GEMMA1.RAR 238128 13-02-95 Astrology stuff HIROMANT.RAR 70970 26-08-96 ஬ HOFF.RAR 23183 26-02-95 ࠪ⮢ ᪮ ⮤ . HORARY.RAR 177850 23-07-95 Horary astrology program v.1.03 - March 19, 1991 HOROSCO1.RAR 90388 22-02-95 Astrology Soft. HoroScopics I. MAG1.RAR 209890 19-12-94 ஫᪨ ஢ ୠ. "窨", PERSASTR.RAR 351270 12-09-95 ஫. 魠 p pp. p ᪮쪨 p . p . PRIMA.RAR 232433 26-03-94 Astrology stuff SINASTRY.RAR 43753 26-02-95 ᨭ᪮ ஫. SKYGLOBE.RAR 288516 19-12-94 . URAN4.RAR 295160 11-01-96 Astrology stuff URANUS.RAR 220708 19-12-94 M魠 ஫᪠ ணࠬ. V.3 ========================================================================== | # 21 | Information from me | Access Enable | +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ | | 4824669 Bytes in 25 Files | | ========================================================================== ANTIATS.RAR 31780 10-07-97 from RU.ANTI.ATS BARDAK.RAR 14672 28-06-97 - ᪨ , ᢠ GERMAN.RUS :)))))) CD1 277092 04-10-97* F i l e L i s t CDS.RAR 342985 03-06-97 ᮪ ᨤ ;) CHRIST.RAR 327771 14-09-97 RU.CHRISTIANITY messages CUR.CD 244477 30-05-97 Full listing of TEXT COLLECTION CD-ROM! DZAUTOME.RAR 2929 06-04-97 쬮 dz :) FAQSERVR.RAR 7713 16-06-97 FAQservers list FREELINX 14938 01-07-97 List of senders Linux *FREE* CD !!! FREESTUF 16956 01-07-97 Free Stuff in Inet GERRUS.RAR 221542 21-09-97 GERMAN.RUS messages HF.RAR 198065 28-09-97* HUMOR.FILTERED messages INETINFO.RAR 376510 26-09-97* some info by Inet, about Inet ... INTERNET.RAR 46471 30-09-97* INTERNET letters KITCHEN.RAR 661835 02-10-97* SU.KITCHEN letters LINKZ.RAR 2033 18-07-97 Hacker Sites (few) MYARCHIV.RAR 48762 30-06-97 see name :) OBEC.RAR 983553 14-09-97 OBEC.PACTET letters PRICES.RAR 121414 02-10-97* PVT.EXCH.PRICELIST SLIVKI.RAR 566210 14-09-97 Letters from different echos SUMUSLYR.RAR 119864 26-09-97* SU.MUSIC.LYRICS letters SUX.RAR 28367 21-08-97 Just SUX! TELEPORT.RAR 86056 07-08-97 List of USENET groups on NEWS@TELEPORT.SAMARA.SU TRAVEL.RAR 32707 04-08-97 SU.TRAVEL letters WAREZ.RAR 49967 29-08-97 List of Warez in Inet ========================================================================== | # 22 | SamaraSoft | Access Enable | +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ | | 3951356 Bytes in 6 Files | | ========================================================================== ADDRESS.EXE 1457626 07-06-97 Programm by /10.9 - Samara indexes ADDRESS.R00 1457626 07-06-97 Programm by /10.9 ADDRESS.R01 269274 07-06-97 Programm by /10.9 KAZAKOV.RAR 82162 26-08-97 Demo & info by Pavel Kazakov LANGUAGE.RAR 150428 20-08-97 Recode Inet Msg by Slava Andreev (/31.4) METADBG.EXE 534240 29-09-96 MetaDebuger for InterBase by /19.18 S T A T I S T I C =========================================================================== Area name | Files | New | Offline | Size, Kb =========================================================================== 1 - Antiviruses | 19 | 2 | 0 | 8326 2 - 娢 | 65 | 0 | 0 | 10404 3 - 窨 ᥩ | 25 | 0 | 0 | 11832 4 - Dos utils & tools | 733 | 3 | 0 | 100532 5 - Soft for Fidonet | 299 | 2 | 0 | 47873 6 - Drivers for all devices | 59 | 0 | 0 | 5462 7 - Win & W95 Programms | 58 | 4 | 0 | 19676 8 - US Robotics | 40 | 0 | 0 | 3775 9 - Cracks, HackTools etc | 871 | 4 | 0 | 29458 10 - DemoCoding, MusicMaking etc | 296 | 0 | 0 | 140770 11 - Hackers/Coders Magazines | 16 | 0 | 0 | 5506 12 - Programming: Libs, Tools ... | 97 | 0 | 0 | 17947 13 - InterNet | 42 | 0 | 0 | 84935 14 - Techdocs, FAQs, helps | 171 | 2 | 0 | 18912 15 - Other texts | 158 | 1 | 0 | 15689 16 - ( - 㦭?) | 478 | 0 | 0 | 13020 17 - 直/㫧 | 1177 | 0 | 0 | 38989 18 - 猪 稭 | 181 | 3 | 0 | 71104 19 - Spirit | 34 | 3 | 0 | 6250 20 - Astrology | 30 | 1 | 0 | 5513 21 - Information from me | 25 | 7 | 0 | 4825 22 - SamaraSoft | 6 | 0 | 0 | 3951 =========================================================================== Total areas 22 | 4880 | 32 | 0 | 664749 =========================================================================== ***************************** MY PGP PUBLIC KEY! ****************************** -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3i mQCNAzNnhRoAAAEEAMVdPvJxW3WIy07Kbu/JwPS9ojucSukb3o9EfhTZZm9gnvbZ AwcsABKp4M8fVs/o7oDE0fV5JAmRjBJ4AiDiv9+adyVzPCFcg1/I3l++O79B8gLR 0vSHEm4GPEOpwielm8efyMw5de3zPRKO3f/75daQZ2fnTnS5r4dHycaRQ/3BAAUR tA1QYXZlbCBQaWdhbm92iQCVAwUQM2eFGodHycaRQ/3BAQEZ4gP9GWeP4/fVVvLb FlKLsKs+qO3xNHhC9TGlmATBLVsLbFB9cPohb4Wl+AeENxF7NQeI6IEzoWesnWqd P3l4W4HH+r2+UhkPR+3zPCUQLKpc0WBNQiaaXqtLjhZisVKX/T0y7oF+cHIt0EM9 IyKxbuTx1gYEw7Y2hmjDq5587LdDKmQ= =wF1c -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ***************************** MY PGP PUBLIC KEY! ****************************** ꘘꘘ ꘝꘘ ꘝ SEE YA LATER ============================================================================= | FileList Generator ver. 5.3 by INSHALLA Soft (C) 1994-96, Moscow, Russia | ============================================================================= This list created for gHOST Station System operator CoReX CD 2 T h e B e s t F i l e B a s e o n C D b y C o R e X This list created at Thursday, 13-11-97, 13:14:51 ========================================================================== # 1 AntiViruses Access Enable +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ 6097782 Bytes in 6 Files ========================================================================== ANTI.RAR 464051 11-11-97* VirLists AV22.RAR 1018410 07-07-97 AVP PRO 2.2 AVP3016.RAR 948861 12-11-97* AVP 3.0 b114 for Win 16bit AVP3032.RAR 1442747 12-11-97* AVP 3.0 b114 for Win 32bit AVPUPD08.RAR 888034 23-10-97 Update for AVP 3.0! AVPVE30.RAR 1335679 12-11-97* --- AVPVE--- 1.3 + 97 . FREEWARE --------------------------------- , __ __ ____ _ _駢_ __ . __ , __ , __ , __ __ __ _. _+_ __ __ __ _, _駢_ __ __ . --------------------------------- ========================================================================== # 2 Shells Access Enable +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ 6182597 Bytes in 4 Files ========================================================================== DN150.RAR 964331 30-10-97 Dos Navigator 1.50 NC3.RAR 790903 30-10-97 Norton Commander 3.0 NC95RUS.RAR 1881078 12-11-97* Norton Commander (rus) for W95 NCNTW95.RAR 2546285 12-11-97* Norton Commander for NT4.0/Win95 v1.0.2 ========================================================================== # 3 Windows & WIN95 Programms Access Enable +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ 76386836 Bytes in 54 Files ========================================================================== 1CBW12.RAR 1346930 30-10-97 1C-+ (disk 1) 1CBW60.RAR 2397907 30-10-97 1C-+ 217PLUGS.RAR 582190 14-10-96 217 plugins for PhotoShop ALIEN.RAR 880997 17-10-96 Here they are, The long awaited for Black Box Filters v2.0a for PhotoShop 3.05 and W95. These fix the problem with small file sizes. Spread around. RenderMan ANDROMED.RAR 870195 16-09-96 Andromede Plugins for Photoshop 3.0 3D effects. Box-Spere-Cone and more The so long awaiting...has arrived. AWAVE31.RAR 295706 16-09-96 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - < -FMJ-Software-proudly-presents- - > - ,--\_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/--. =| - . . - |= =| - A w a v e - |= =| . . . - . v . - . . . |= =| . - 3 - 1 - . |= =| . - - . |= =|. + .|= =| )Audio & Wavetable Instrument File( |= =|( Format Converter, Editor & Player )|= =| \ + / |= =| .) for Windows 95, (. |= =|( or, Windows NT v3.51, )|= =| \ or, Windows 3.1 w. Win32s v1.3. / |= =|'-' + '-'|= =|_Import_formats:_____________________|= =| AIFC,AIFF, AIS,ALAW, AMS, ASE, AU, |= =| AVI, AVR, C01, CDR, DCM,DEWF, DIG, |= =| DMF, DSF, DSM, DTM, DWD, EDA, EDE, |= =| EDK,EDQ,EDS,EDV,EFA,EFE (Ensoniq), |= =| EFK, EFQ, EFS, EFV, EMD,ESPS, EUI, |= =| F2R, F3R, FAR, FFF, FNK, FSM,G721, |= =| GKH,HCOM, IFF, INI(MWave),INI(GUS),|= =| INRS, INS, IST, IT, KRZ(Kurzweil), |= =| MAT, MAUD,MED, MDL, MOD, MPA(MPEG),|= =| MP1, MP2, MPG, MTM, MUS10, NIST, |= =| O01(Typhoon), OKT, PAC, PAT(GUS), |= =| PCM, PLM, PLS, PRG(WAVmaker),PSION,|= =| PSM, PTM, RAW, SAM, SB,SBK(AWE32),|= =| SD,SDK(Roland),SDS, SDX, SDW, 669, |= =| SF, SF2(AWE32/EMU),SFD, SFI, SFR, |= =| SMP, SND, SNDR,SNDT,SPPACK, SOU, |= =| SPL, STM, S3I, S3M, SVX, SW, SYW, |= =| TXT, TXW, UB, UDW,ULAW, ULT, UNI, |= =| UW, UWF, V8, VAP, VOC, VOX, Wxx |= =| (Yamaha 12 & 16bit), WAV, WFB, WFD, |= =| WFP(TB WaveFront), XI, XM. |= =| + |= =|_Export_formats:_____________________|= =| AIFF,ALAW, AU, DES, DWD, EFE, FFF, |= =| G721, GSM, IFF, INI, MAT, MWS, UB, |= =| ULAW, UW, PAT, PRG, S3I, SB, SBK, |= =| SF2, SD, SDS, SND, SW, TXT, VOC, |= =| VOX, W01, WAV, WFB,WFP,'Clipboard',|= =| 'DigitalAudioCard', 'MidiSDSDump'. |= =| + |= =|_Midi_auditioning____________________|= =| Gravis UltraSound(Classic/MAX/ACE),|= =| TurtleBeach WaveFront(Maui/Tropez),|= =| Creative Labs SB AWE32(and family),|= =| Any digital audio sound card. |= `-------------------------------------' BLACBOX1.RAR 999387 16-09-96 BlackBox v2.0 [xx/o2] PhotoShop Plug-in ꘘ ꘝ ꘙꘝ A Group That Gives ꘘ Slightly ꘘ ꘘ Less Than ꘘ A Fuck. -XeN =/\/= RiSE iN SUPERiOR COURiERiNG =/\/= CAKEWLK5.RAR 3481825 29-10-97 Music Editor CDR60RUS.RAR 52275656 29-10-97 Corel Draw 6.0 rus CP32E40.EXE 15088914 11-06-97 Netscape Communcator Proffesional Edition 4.0 CRYPTXT.RAR 282034 25-04-97 Crypt-o-Text 1.20 CUBSC1.RAR 1155271 29-10-97 Cubase Score 3.0 CUBSC2.RAR 1113323 29-10-97 Cubase Score 3.0 CUBSC3.RAR 919665 29-10-97 Cubase Score 3.0 CYRCOLSW.RAR 57974 10-08-96 +---------[ CyrColSw v1.00 ]--------------+ 32-bit - Windows-95 DOS. Windows 95 DOS-, "" "" , DOS- - . SHAREWARE +----------- $10.00 ! ---------+ DELETER.RAR 264944 09-10-97 Complete Program Deleter/WIN v2.7 The Best uninstaller for DOS and Windows programs. FFACTORY.RAR 256095 17-10-96 Plugins for PhotoShop FON3_1R.RAR 317981 05-02-97 Fonts for Windows :) FR3SUB.RAR 12680845 30-10-97 Fine Reader 3.0 Pro FUNH1.RAR 140182 26-06-96 Plugins for PhotoShop FUNH2.RAR 154633 26-06-96 Plugins for PhotoShop GLOWEV.RAR 1154416 02-10-96 .aS"Pg. ., PRESENTING!!! "Sd. $$ $$ $$ ., ., o.`$P$$ $$ .dP"""Sb. $$ $$ $$ :::$$:::$$:$$:$$:::::$$:$$:::$$:::$$::: $$ $$ $$ `bo od' $$ $$ $$ `bod' `bod' `bod$$bod$$bod' :::::::Gorgeous:Ladies:of:Warez:::::::: ..Voice E-Mail for Eudora [32/16 bit].. ....We Release More Than Just Eggs!.... GRAB3211.RAR 846201 03-11-97 GRABBER v1.1.20 (c) TRONTECH PTY LTD * SERIAL NUMBERS+PROGRAM! * [dE!/MCC] ----------------------------------------- .d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b. 1+$ ' `$$' `$$' `$+1 9+$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $+9 9+$ $ $ $$ $sss$$ $sss$+9 7+$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $+7 !+$. $ ,$ ,$$. ,$$. ,$+! `@%@$@%@$%%@$$$&@%@%&$$$&@%@%&' ----------------------------------------- %%%mcc%%% [08/06/97] [W95] [01/01] %%%%%% NOTE: PLEASE READ INCLUDING FILE!!! STH -=- STH -=- STH -=- STH ICONS.RAR 74109 21-08-97 many icons KALEID95.RAR 84733 20-03-97 Generate stunningly beautiful geometric patterns which can even be controlled by music if you have a sound card. Can be used without a sound card for visually entrancing kaleidoscopic variations. You will be seeing kaleidoscopes in every time you close your eyes! Bursting with color and infinite variety, this is no ordinary screen saver. Best in 256-color. Enjoy! KARMAEND.RAR 4466850 30-09-96 ꘘ ꘝ ꘝ ꘙjaguar ꗘ ꘝ 겙 겘 ꘘ ꘘꗘ ꘲ [01/01] Eudora Pro v3.0 BeTa 26 *ReGiSTeReD* -/*\- LiGHTNiNG COURiERiNG -/*\- KOI8TTF.RAR 160436 01-03-97 p KOI-8 Windows. NU95OSR.RAR 13139044 13-10-97 Norton Utilities for OSR2 (eng) NU95RUS.RAR 5643424 30-10-97 see name ORGAN97.RAR 14229131 25-07-96 Lotus Organizer97 for Windows95/NT [xx/10] /(____________ ____________ ______ ____)\ \_________ \ \ \ > -/ __/ / \ \ / /- < __________(____/___/ /_____\______