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            Summary of aims

1) Find the boots
2) Find some money
3) Get hold of a bluxtre nut, then bluxtre pulp
4) Meet all the Wisemen of the temple and elsewhere
5)  Get  taken  on at the factory, to get into the assylum,  then
High Morals Club
6)  Give  all the syllables to the Wisemen in order to  form  the
7) Get taken on at the prison in order to meet Azimuth
8) Go to the party and seduce Coh Cott
9) Neutralize The Bigwig

Woodruff leaves the devastated house with a terrible headache and
vague  memories of a flash. He just has one word in  his  head  :
Schnibble. In the house there are traces of a struggle.  Woodruff
can't  read. He asks an onlooker what has happened in  the  house
and where he is.
Woodruff  notices a boot on the roof, impossible  to  get  to.  A
button can be picked up ; it's Woodruff's teddy bear's eye.
On  the  left,  Staircase  Street : a police  roadblock  prevents
Woodruff from exploring for the moment.
Go into the screen on the right.

You  can speak to the sad Boozook and the woman. Leave by the top
right hand corner.

Click on the river. You can't cross with bare feet.
Click  on the crate, then the nut and use it on the beggar. He'll
send back a boot which is in his bag.

Use  the  boot on the one on the roof. It will fall down. Inside,
Woodruff  finds a photo of Azimuth. Use the pair  of  boots.  Now
Woodroof is no longer barefoot.

Using  the photo on the young woman gives a newspaper article  in
return, but Woodruff can't read.

Cross  the  river  with the boots. Pick up the screw.  Leave  the
screen by the right.

Click  on  the  wino ; he's too drunk to give a  sensible  reply.
Click  on  the bag of feathers ; Woodruff gets some feathers.  Go
into the bar.

For the moment, Woodruff can't go into the Pleasure District.
Click  on the barmaid. She recognises Woodruff because she's  his
former  schoolmistress, and finds he's grown up a lot. She  gives
him a stone "A" and identifies JF Sebastian.
Click  on  JF Sebastian and Woodruff gets the cup of  coffee.  JF
Sebastian  tells what happened in front of Azimuth's house  :  He
had seen some men in black and recognised The Bigwig.

Flashback. Woodruff remembers : "Azimuth's kidnapping, The Bigwig
killing his teddy bear.....Woodruff has become an adult."
Now,  Woodruff has one sole aim : to find Azimuth and avenge  The
Pick up the paintbrush.
Go back to the bar by leaving on the right.

Use  the  newspaper article on the barmaid so that she can  teach
Woodruff  to  read. It's an article about Azimuth. Click  on  the
elastic  barman  while he's at the bottom, and  Woodruff  gets  a
bottle-opener.  Click  on the poster at the  bottom  to  get  the
tobozonic weather forecast channel.
Leave by the left.

Give  some coffee to the wino, who, once he's sobred up, gives  a
meteozon  watch. However, every time you address him after  that,
he'll answer that he can't remember a thing. Using the paintbrush
on the tar gives a sticky tar brush. Leave by the left.

Use  the stone "A" on the A imprint. Woodruff will get a tobozon.
From  now on, the tobozon is undergoing an inventory and has  the
first  number  :  that of the weather forecast channel.  Get  the
tobozon  out  of  the inventory : you'll receive a  message  from

Click on the shop window ; there is a Boozook kite.
Click  on the tin can ; Woodruff gives it a kick and a bean falls
out of it. Pick up the bean and the tin can.
Leave by the bottom left hand corner.

This  is the place that commemorates the Commander's founding  of
the  Town. He was the human who exterminated the Boozooks.  There
is a statue of the Commander here.
For the moment, we are in the present, and not much is going on.

            AZIMUTH'S HOUSE
Now that Woodruff can read, click on the elevator.

Click  on  the  Bureaucrat.  He's rude  and  arrogant.  He  tells
Woodruff  that The Bigwig lives at the top of the  Town,  but  in
order to reach the top, you have to work.
Leave by the left.

There's  a  poster  offering work at the  factory,  and  gives  a
tobozon number. Dial the number. The Recruitment manageress tells
Woodruff  that  in order to work he must send her  a  respiration
certificate  via  the  tobozon, as well as  a  Brotoflatron  I.D.

Click  on  the  Bureaucrat ; Woodruff asks him for a  respiration
certificate. The Bureaucrat asks him to bring him a breath sample
in a standard container.
There's  a  salesman selling bluxtre nuts, but  Woodruff  doesn't
know that he needs them yet.
There's  a closed door : It's the High Morals Club. If you  click
on  this  you  will learn that, in order to enter,  you  must  be
impeccably dressed.
Leave by the left.

In order to use the brotoflatron, you need at least one strul.
It's  impossible  to leave the screen by the  left,  towards  the
Virtual Trip Tower, for the time being.
The  storekeeper  at  the  Cui-cui store  is  sleeping  under  an
artificial  sun  lamp, with a fan blowing his hair.  Beside  him,
there  is a finger made of morphoplastoc, which is impossible  to
Click  on  the gambler at the entrance to te store : at the  back
there is a secret entrance into a clandestine betting shop.
Go into the store by the right.

A  rat  is  going round and round in a wheel ; this is the  wheel
that drives the storekeeper's fan. Use the screw on the wheel and
the  rat stops going round so that the storekeeper gets his  hair
in his eyes. Click on the plastoc finger.
There's a Lovebird in the foreground. It's impossible to speak to
him  as  he  is  gazing at a pinup. You have to  use  the  tarred
paintbrush (paintbrush in Headlines and tar in Wino Alley) on the
photo,  and this will dress the pinup again. Now you can talk  to
the Lovebird. He used to be a doorman at the High Morals Club but
was  thrown  out for indecency because he was going bald  at  the
back.  Give him some feathers. He will fly off to resume his  job
at the High Morals Club.
At  the back of the room, it's dark, but there is a switch  which
emits a ray of light which hits a flapper in three places. In two
out of three positions, the ray is reflected onto a clapper, also
in  three different places. Click twice on the flapper, then once
on  the  clapper, then once on the switch : a nose will appear  .
Use  the  morphoplastoc finger on the nose  to  open  the  secret
passage towards the clandestine betting shop.

Two  opponents  are  having an Indian  Wrestling  match.  In  the
corner, a champion is locked away in a cage. You can annoy him.
If  you  click on the barman, he will serve woodruff a  glass  of
water. If the champion is pushed far enough, he will throw a pill
into Woodruff's glass which will temporarily excite him. Leave by
the right.

This  is  the place that Woodruff's schoolmistress was forbidding
him  to enter at the bar. This is also where Azimuth was advising
him to go for help when he spoke to him on the tobozon.
You  can talk to the Spinning Top. She used to work as the King's
secretary  but was laid off through lack of money. She gives  the
access code to the Throne room : ZIG STO DRU BLAZ.
Click on the flipper three times to get a strul. Use this on  the
slot machine and Woodruff will get a few struls (if Woodruff  has
only got one strul, he will still obtain a few struls).
From now on, with these struls, Woodruff will be able to use  the
brotoflatron and pay for Virtual Trips.

Now Woodruff can play. Click on the bookmaker, who tells him that
he  can  win  money by betting a strul on either the red  or  the
Woodruff can win three struls or lose one.

At the store's exit, take the escalatot up.

Click  on the robot to get a false shirt front. Go into the false
parts store with at least 6 struls in order to buy some blue  eye
glasses and a plastic jaw.
Click on the poster on the left : it gives the channel for a  T.V
show  called  "Heart-to-Body". Dial this number on  the  tobozon,
Woodruff  gets through to the programme and falls  in  love  with
Miss Coh Cott.
Dial  the  programme number, Woodruff gets through to Coh  Cott's
secretary who calls him back later to give him Coh Cotts  private
The other poster is an advertisement for a Virtual Trip.
Click  on  the  stain, and a dustbin bag falls out. Woodruff  can
pick it up.
Take the lift back down.

Now  that  he has a strul, Woodruff can have a photo taken  :  in
order  to  do so, click on the brotoflatron to come forward  into
the  foreground,  then use a strul on it. Use the  photo  in  the
tobozon  player  to  send it to the Recruitment  Manageress.  She
replies that he must be well-dressed.
Optional :
Use  the  false  shirt front and the blue eyes on Woodruff,  then
take  a  photo. Send it to the Recruitment Manageress.  She  will
answer that the modern workman has a fine jaw.
Use  the  false shirt front, the blue eyes and the false  jaw  on
Woodruff,   then   take  a  photo.Send  it  to  the   Recruitment
Manageress.  She  will answer that she's sorry  he  doesn't  have
black hair.
Use  the false shirt front, the blue eyes, the false jaw and  the
tar  brush  on  Woodruff,  then  take  a  photo.Send  it  to  the
Recruitment Manageress who will say that he really needs  a  nice
Re-do  the  photo  with the same accessories  :  Woodruff  smiles
automatically.  Send the photo to the Recruitment Manageress  who
will say :"You call that a smile ? What about the teeth ?"
The  situation  is  blocked  because  Woodruff  doesn't  have  an
artificial smile.
Take the elevator to get to Bigwig Square.

Leave by the bottom left hand corner.

There's no water in the fountain. It's only full of earth.
There  is  a  public  tobozon which may  be  switched  on  :  The
President is talking a bout new taxes.
A Boozook is working lazily. It's possible to speak to him.
The Talent Wisemanis there, selling souvenirs. Buy a hat from him
by using a few struls on him .
The Talent Wisemansuggests that Woodruff go and visit his wife at
the  Boozook temple and gives him the access code to her  room  :
Woodruff  learns  that  he  must  bring  him  back  the  Artistic
Leave by the left.

There is a print of a fish on a rock.
In  front of the prison, there's a jailer, but Woodruff  can  get
nothing out of him for the moment.
Come back to Fountain Square by leaving via the bottom right.

Leave by the top left hand corner.

Members  of the Schnibble Sect are waving a banner. You can  talk
to  the  chief disciple. Woodruff is not very interested for  the
There  is  a newspaper, only if Woodruff has fallen in love  with
Coh  Cott. Click on this. Woodruff learns that Coh Cott  and  The
Bigwig are together. He is flabberghasted. He doesn't want to  do
anything  else.  Click on the bench. He goes to  it  and  remains
inert.  Click several on Woodruff several times so taht he begins
to  cry. Then click on the doorbell, and a Boozook will come out,
see  Woodruff  crying,  and bring him a  paper  hankie.  A  paper
aeroplane arrives and flies into the Boozook's house. You have to
click  on the doorbell again so that the Boozook brings the paper
out to Woodruff.
Woodruff reads. Its a message from Azimuth with a tobozon  number
on it.
Woodruff begins to take heart again.

The  guard at the Boozook temple announces that he will only open
the door in exchange for a bluxtre nut.

Woodruff goes back to see the nut salesman who tells him that  he
has  sold the last of the nuts to a certain Mr. Ernst Blinst (the
boss of the Virtual Trip Co.). Go back to THE PLEASURE DISTRICT.

Leave by the right.

Click  on  the large rock on the right. From now on  you  can  go
directly to Brotoflatron Square or to the Virtual Trip Tower.
You  can  win or lose struls by playing three cups : you have  to
find the eye under one of the three upturned bowls.
Click  on  the elevator to go down. Woodruff can take  a  Virtual
Trip provided that he has three struls. You just have to use  the
struls  on  Ernst Blinst, the director of the Virtual  Trip  Co.,
then click on the seat.
Ernst  Blintz tells Woodruff that he uses a bluxtre nut to  block
his  chest with as it's the hardest nut in the universe. He  will
accept  to part with it only in exchange for a stone that's  just
as hard.

Watch the weather forecast channel on the tobozon until you  hear
the  bulletin saying that there will be a meteorite  storm  in  a
certain  screen. Woodruff has to use his Meteozon watch  anywhere
on  the  screen mentioned, and this will cause a cross to appear.
After  a  while, a piece of meteorite will fall and this  can  be
picked up.

Get  the Director of Virtual Trip to exchange his bluxtre nut for
the meteorite chip.

When the bluxtre nut is offered, the guard says that its the pulp
he's interested in, so the nut must be opened.

Use the bluxtre nut on the tar barrel : you'll get a tarred nut.

To  open the bluxtre nut, you must mark the screen with the cross
at  the  place where a meteorite is going to fall. If the nut  is
tarred, it won't roll away. This is how Woodruff gets his bluxtre

Use  the  bluxtre  pulp on the guard who will then  open  up  the
Temple of the Boozook Wise men to Woodruff.

There are three doors wth access codes.
    One for the Taste Wiseman, whose digicode is unknown.
    One for the Health Wiseman, whose digicode is unknown.
     One  for the Time Wisemanbearing the message : "I am at  the
Council, digicode = BLAZ KAH ZIG DRU."
Click on the petrol tank and the cooking pot lid.
Leave by the top left hand corner to go on to level 2.

There are three doors with access codes.
    One for the Fertility Wiseman, whose digicode is unknown.
     One  for  the Talent Wiseman, who has given us the  digicode
KAH  LRZ  GOZ GNEE.  When you ring the doorbell, his wife appears
and speaks to us.
     One for the Advisory Wisemanfor whom we can use the digicode
given in the Time WisemanÂs message : BLAZ KAH ZIG DRU.
There  is  also  a character hanging around in the corridors.  He
says  he's forgotten which room is his. It's the Word Wisemanwho,
for some reason, is speaking in a strange way.
Leave  by the middle right to go on to level 3 (bottom right  for
level 1).

This is where we meet the Time Wiseman. Woodruff remembers seeing
a  Time  Syllable clock in the Cui-cui Store that wasn't  working
due to lack of water.

There are three doors, each with an access code.
         One  for  the  Strength Wisemanbearing a  message  :"I'm
with the King".
        One for the Word Wisemanfor which the code is unknown.
         One for the Throne Room : The spinning top has given  us
the         digicode : ZIG STO DRU BLAZ.

The  King  is accompanied by the Strength Wiseman. After  a  long
explanation, the King gives the Ruling Syllable. Use the  bottle-
opener  on  the King, he will give Woodruff a Boozook  Knighthood
and also the Brotherhood key-ring.
     As  for the Strength Wiseman, he's lost the Energy Syllable.
Now he knows that this is locked up with the ashes of the unknown
Boozook in a chest he doesn't have the code for. You have  to  go
into the Past to get it back.
     Click on the menu that shows the code for the Taste Wiseman:
KAH  BLAZ  ZIG  STO.  Click on the Boozook  chewing-gum  and  the
Boozook formulae parchment. Reading this parchment shows Woodruff
that  he  has to combine 9 Boozook syllables in order to  receive
the formulae for 7 powers.
    W = Ruling Syllable

In  order  to find some water for the Time Syllable clock,  watch
the weather report channel and look out for the news of rain in a
particular screen.
Use  the Meteozon watch anywhere in the screen mentioned,  and  a
cross will appear on it. Use the hat on the cross (impossible  to
use  the  tin can because there is a hole in it. After a  certain
time, it will begin to rain. Pick up the hatful of water.

Use  the Boozook chewing-gum on the pipe to stop the leakage. Use
the  hatful  of  water on the Troag Clock's tank.  Woodruff  will
obtain the Time Syllable.
        W = Ruling Syllable + Time Syllable
        Council = Time Wiseman

Use  the  Time Syllable on the Time Wiseman. He'll give the  Word
WisemanÂs digicode :
BNZ BNZ BNZ GLAP and also the Advisory Syllable.
        W = Ruling Syllable + Time Syllable + Advisory Syllable
        Council = Time Wiseman

Dial  the access code for the Word WisemanÂs room : BNZ  BNZ  BNZ
GLAP  and an animal comes out. There's a discussion. Use the bean
on him and he will give the Elementary Syllable.
         W  =  Ruling  Syllable + Advisory Syllable +  Elementary
Syllable + Time Syllable

Here  we  meet  the Word Wisemanwandering about  again.  Use  the
Elementary  Syllable on him. He will come back to his senses  and
ask  Woodruff to find the Health and Fertility Wisemen  who  have
disappeared. He gives their digicodes : POO ZIG DRU BNZ  and  BNZ
POO GLAP BLAZ. From now on he will be in the Council Room.
        Council = Time Wiseman+ Word Wiseman
         W  =  Ruling  Syllable + Advisory Syllable +  Elementary
Syllable +    Time Syllable

Dial  the  Health  WisemanÂs digicode :  POO  ZIG  DRU  BNZ.  The
skylight  opens  and can be opened from the outside.  We  find  a
notebook which tells us that the Health Wisemanhas gone off to de-
bug  the  Virtual Trip Co. and is asking for us to come and  save
Dial  the  Taste WisemanÂs code : KAH BLAZ ZIG STO. He's  got  no
more Schnaplure left so he can't make Bouzouïoli any more.

Dial  the  Fertility Wisemancode : BNZ POO GLAP  BLAZ.  His  wife
tells  us  her husband is on the trail of the Green Syllable,  at
the House of Happiness.

Go  on a Virtual Trip : Woodruff meets the Health Wisemanwho  was
stuck  inside. In his thanks to Woodruff he gives him the Medical
Syllable. From now on, he too will be in the Council.
         W  =  Ruling  Syllable + Advisory Syllable +  Elementary
Syllable + Time Syllable + Medical Syllable
        Council = Time Wiseman+ Word Wiseman+ Health sage
Now, with all these syllables we can make :
        The Memory Formula = Ruling + Elementary + Ruling
          The  Diagnostics  Formula  =  Elementary  +  Medical  +
        The Past Formula = Time = Elementary + Ruling

Use the Past Formula on the statue of the Commander : we will  go
back to the time when the City was founded.
    Past : (icon leaves to come back to the Present).
Woodruff  finds himself beside the Commander, with  the  sculptor
sitting  on a trunk, busy making  a sketch. If Woodruff tries  to
go to the right, the Commander dissuades him.
     Click on the upturned jar on the left which indicates that a
fish  has fallen down below. A "stony" area appears below.  Click
on the stone and a helmet will appear. Inside it, there's a fish.
Use  the fish on the commander's armour and he will become still,
no  longer  stopping Woodruff from moving about (in the  Present,
the Commander's statue has changed.
Now it's possible to move to the right of the screen.
     Click  on  the  dying Boozook. Show him the  Boozook  Knight
brotherhood key-ring and he will give the digicode for the  stone
chest  in the Boozook King's palace, GLAP POO GNEE ZIG, and  this
contains  the  Energy Syllable.He also gives Woodruff  a  Boozook
     Use  the horn, and you will hear a little whiny voice, which
creates  a  "stony"  area that you have to click  on.  A  Boozook
appears,  being crushed by a huge stone. Pick up the trident  and
use  it  on the stone ; another stone will fall. Use the  trident
again, then click on the Boozook's feet : Woodruff has freed  the
Boozook. To thank him, the latter promises to leave the Intuition
Formula in the statue of the Boozook warrior so that this can  be
picked up in the Present.
    Click on the Boozook warrior,
     Click  on the corn cob. Woodruff picks it up : it will  make
an excellent smile for the photo.
    Present :
There  is no longer a statue of the Boozook warrior - the  humans
have taken it.
Click on the Commander's statue to get the stone fish.

After  the  episode with the wounded Boozook, click on the  house
that's just appeared in place of the beautiful landscape, and the
Master will appear, offering to give free teaching in return  for
having  saved  his  ancester. He begins by  giving  Woodruff  ear
Click on the stone arm and the snail shell in the Master's house.
Use the fish on the stone imprint. Woodruff will obtain a message
from Azimuth who gives him a transportozon to go straight to  the
places  he's  already  visited. From  now  on  you  can  use  the
transportozon to get around.

Dial  the digicode for opening the chest as given by the  Boozook
who  was crushed : GLAP POO GNEE ZIG. Woodruff obtains the Energy
Syllable. Use it on the Strength sage so that he can get into the
          Make  the  strength  Formula  =  Energy  +  Advisory  +

     W  =  Ruling  Syllable  +  Advisory  Syllable  +  Elementary
Syllable + Medical Syllable + Time Syllable + Energy Syllable
     Council = Time Wiseman+ Word Wiseman+ Health sage + Strength

Use  the  Strength Formula, on the shop window to get  a  Boozook

Use  the  Strength formula on the Bureaucrat in order  to  get  a
respiration certificate. Use it on the tobozon player to send  it
to the Recruitment manageress.

Now,  with the corn, Woodruff can have a picture taken  with  all
the  necessary  accessories, and send  this  to  the  Recruitment
manageress. He receives a letter of acceptance to go and work  at
the factory.

Use  the letter of acceptance on the factory doorman and he  will
let Woodruff in.

You  can talk to the foreman who will explain the assembly  line.
You  have to package the Boozook hats after trying them on.  When
Woodruff has hold of a hat, he has to test it by using it on  the
mirror.  If it's no good, Woodruff has to put it in the  dustbin.
Pressing  on the switch makes a crate fall down near  the  second
conveyor belt. If the hat's a good one, Woodruff has to  go  down
and  put  the crate onto the conveyor belt,then put the hat  into
the  crate which goes into a machine press. Before it is  ejected
again, Woodruff has to catch it again by going to the left of the
machine in a patch of oil. There are 4 possible places : in three
cases, the crate falls off the screen. In the best case, it falls
onto the knotting machine and Woodruff has to put his finger  on,
to tie the knot.
            What he shouldn't do :
Let a hat go straight into the bin without picking it up.
Wrap up an untested hat.
Let the crates be projected off the screen.
Let  a  crate go onto the knotting machine while there's  already
one being tied.

When  Woodruff has managed to wrap up one good hat, he can  click
on  the  foreman before another hat comes along. As  the  foreman
isn't  satisfied, this annoys Woodruff who jumps on him. He finds
himself at the House of Happiness.

Woodruff  is  in a straightjacket hooked up to the ceiling  of  a
small cell. To unhook him, you must click on him 6 times. In  the
end,  he  gets unhooked together with a piece of chain. Click  on
the  piece of chain and he'll pick it up with his foot. Use  this
on the padded cell wall which will rip open a part of the wall to
reveal a screw. Click on the screw and Woodruff takes it out with
his  teeth. Use the screw on the lock. Woodruff gets out  of  the
cell  and  goes into a room full of lunatics. A guard is blocking
the closed door at the back.

There  is a madman with a funnel on his head. He's a former  tax-
collector,  muttering  GNEE BNZ GLAP POO. Click  the  screw  from
inventory on the hole next to the closet, and then click  on  the
closet  door. All of your inventory will be restored  to  normal.
Dial  the  code from the taxman on the tobozon and a dialogue  of
the  deaf will follow. Woodruff gets excited and manages to break
free  of  his  straightjacket. Click on the porter, then  on  the
lever. The door will open.

There is a mad professor doing experiments on a Boozook.
If  Woodruff  speaks to this guinea pig, he  learns  that  he  is
really the Fertility Wiseman, in search of the Green Syllable. He
thinks  he's  being held by a madman. Woodruff can  make  various
mixtures with the test-tubes and taste them.
There is a garbage chute leading to SLAMMERS End.
Leave by the left.

There  is  a  fan which is switched off. Click on  the  panorama,
Woodruff says he can see the Boozook statue that he has  seen  in
the Past. He'll have to get there, but how ?
Use  the petrol in the tank and click on the switch. The fan will
start  up. Click on the fan : Woodruff is sucked up, his  clothes
blown away, and he is projected downwards.

Woodruff lands at the High Morals Club : He gets dressed  quickly
!  The  censor  tells him off. The lovebird,  released  from  the
petstore, is there. He offers to open the President of  the  High
Morals  Club's private door. When this is approached, the  censor
protests. You have to use the bin liner on the brasier  to  smoke
her  out.  That way, you can go through the President's  doorway,
where  the  latter  is rehearsing his latest speech,  whilst  his
trousers are falling down.
Give  him the button. He'll put it on his trousers, change places
and start his speech again.
Click on the three video cassettes and use them on the videotron.
On  one  of  these  cassettes, there is a Boozook  opera  singer,
singing.  At  one point she lets out a false note : This  is  the
Artistic Syllable.

Now  Woodruff  can  manufacture the  Gaiety  Formula  :  Artistic
Syllable + Elementary Syllable + Advisory syllable

     W  =  Ruling  Syllable  +  Advisory  Syllable  +  Elementary
syllable  + Medical Syllable + Time Syllable + Energy Syllable  +
Artistic syllable

     Council  =  Time  Wiseman+  Word  Wiseman+  Health  Wiseman+
Strength Wiseman

The Master is there at the Club exit. Click on the graffiti ;  he
will teach something else : nasal control.

Use  the  Gaiety Formula on the autistic person : he'll begin  to
sing and give the Green Syllable.

     W  =  Ruling  Syllable  +  Advisory  Syllable  +  Elementary
syllable  + Medical Syllable + Time Syllable + Energy Syllable  +
Artistic syllable + Green syllable

     Council  =  Time  Wiseman+  Word  Wiseman+  Health  Wiseman+
Strength Wiseman

Use  the  Green Syllable on the Fertility Wise man  who  is  very
pleased  to find it again although he is still tied up. Take  the
Schnaplure seed from the bottom right of the screen.
Make  the  Growth  Formula : Basic Syllable +  Green  Syllable  +
Advice Syllable

     Council  =  Time  Wiseman+  Word  Wiseman+  Health  Wiseman+
Strength Wiseman+ Fertility Wiseman

Use  the  Growth formula on the professor and heÂll stop  working
due to laziness.

Use  the  Artistic Syllable on the Talent Wisemanand he'll  start
singing. From now on he can return to the Council.
Click  on  the  public tobozon ; the Master will teach  something
else : eye control.
Use the Schnaplure Seed on the fountain and a hatful of water  on
it. The seed will grow. Now you can obtain some Schnaplure Spice.

     W  =  Ruling  Syllable  +  Advisory  Syllable  +  Elementary
syllable + Medical Syllable + Time Syllable + Artistic syllable +
Energy Syllable + Green Syllable

     Council  =  Time  Wiseman+  Word  Wiseman+  Health  Wiseman+
Strength Wiseman+ Fertility Wiseman+ Talent Wiseman

Give the Scnaplure Spice to the Taste Wiseman. He will prepare  a
dish of Boozooïoli for Woodruff before going off to the Council.

     W  =  Ruling  Syllable  +  Advisory  Syllable  +  Elementary
syllable + Medical Syllable + Time Syllable + Artistic syllable +
Energy Syllable + Green Syllable

     Council  =  Time  Wiseman+  Word  Wiseman+  Health  Wiseman+
Strength  Wiseman+  Fertility  Wiseman+  Talent  Wiseman+   Taste

Now  that  all the Wisemen are together, the Council meeting  can
take place.
The  Wisemen  conclude that someone has opened the Chproznog  and
become infected with Evil which now rules over the Town.
They decide to make another one.
Put  the  tin  can  on the table, so that the  Wisemen  can  make
another  Chproznog which Woodruff puts into his pocket. It's  his
mission to capture Evil inside it (don't forget there's a hole in

Give  the  Memory Formula to the Wino. He will tell us that  they
are  taking on new jailers. He says that he lost his job  at  the
prison and they are refusing to take him on again because of  his
Give  him  a  I.D.  photo  taken in the  brotoflatron  booth.  In
exchange, he'll give the rules for playing rummy.
Click  once  or  twice  on the switch : The  Master  appears  and
teaches something else : hair control.

Now  Woodruff  can  apply to the jailer for work  at  the  prison
window. In order to be hired, he needs to bring back form  number
2b75(b)   which   he   can  get  from  the  Bureaucrat   at   the
Administration Centre.

Woodruff  asks the Bureaucrat for a form 2b75(b) but  the  latter
says  he's lost it. Give him the Memory Formula to help him  find
it again.

Woodruff  gives  the form to the jailer and goes through  to  the
prison yard.

Two  jailers are sitting at a table. A jailer on top of the tower
stops  you  from going on the prison ramparts. Pick up the  cloth
and  wipe  the  window pane with it. The jailer  says  there  are
robots for doing that and a robot arrives. It's possible to speak
to him.
If  Woodruff has the rules for rummy, he can sit at the table and
play.  This makes the guard come down from the tower  to  act  as
fourth player.
While  he  is playing, Woodruff may leave the table but  not  for
long.  Don't  leave too often or the game will be  over.  In  the
toilets,  you can escape through the skylight and hand the  rules
for rummy over to the robot who will take Woodruff's place.
Woodruff can then go through the door to the tower and climb  up.
From the ramparts, we go onto the next screen by the right.

Woodruff  finds himself at the foot of a huge tower.  No  way  of
getting up to the first level except with a strong gust of  wind.
You  have  to watch the weather report channel until there  is  a
strong  enough wind at that place. Use the Boozook  kite  on  the
cross  and Woodruff is blown up to the first level. Here  we  can
talk to a prisoner who produces stones which form a staircase  up
to the second level.
On  the second level, a rope is hooked up. You can use the  stone
arm  on it as a grabber. There are two gargoyles. Use the grabber
on  the  left one and the Master appears with something  else  to
teach us : facial control.

Now  that Woodruff has received all the Master's teaching, he has
the power of levitation. If he uses this power on the fan, he can
rise up to the Aristocrats Terrace.

There is a door with a secret access code. This is given by  Miss
Coh  Cott  who can be called up on the tobozon via her  secretary
who  has  given you her private number. If you say you're calling
on  behalf of Riri (The Master), Woodruff can be invited  to  the
Special  eye Party. While Coh Cott is confiding a little, telling
of her fears about The Bigwig, she is kidnapped by The Beast.

Dial  the access code given by Coh Cott : GLAP ZIG GNEE  LRZ  and
the  doorman  says that Woodruff is not in disguise. If  Woodruff
uses  his  special blue eye glasses, the doorman says this  isn't
original enough.
The  Boozook statue is there. There is a spiral imprint. You must
use  the snail shell on it. The statue's nose opens and gives the
Intuition Syllable.

     W  =  Ruling  Syllable  +  Advisory  Syllable  +  Elementary
syllable  +  Medical  Syllable +  Time      Syllable  +  Artistic
syllable + Energy Syllable + Green Syllable + Intuition Syllable.

Now  Woodruff  can  make  the Discerning Formula  :  Intuition  +
Intuition + Elementary.

Use  the  grabber on the right hand gargoyle and a "walled"  area
Use  the Discerning Formula on the walled area and Woodruff finds
himself inside Azimuth's Cell.

Woodruff  meets  a youth whom he recognises. It's  Azimuth  as  a
young man and he explains everything : It was The Bigwig who  had
opened  the  Chproznog by mistake and got infected  by  the  Evil
Spirit.  Azimuth  gives Woodruff a viblefrotzer  to  use  on  The
Bigwig to fight against him.

With the Discerning Formula, Woodruff can obtain an eye from  the
Bonneteau  player. You just have to use the formula  directly  on
the  player  (not play). The eye falls downwards  into  Staircase
Road. Go and pick it up.

Use the eye on the doorman and he'll let Woodruff in.

Miss Coh Cott is at her worst, as she's been zombified.
Woodruff can make the Diagnostics Formula, Elementary + Medical +
Elementary,  and  use it on her. Now you just need  to  make  the

Click on the test tubes to make the antidote.

Miss  Coh  Cott doesn't want the antidote straight away. Woodruff
must use it on the glass. She drinks it and returns to normal but
she's  not  convinced  that  this  is  really  Woodruff  and   is
mistrusting of him. She asks Woodruff to entertain her.  Woodruff
uses  the Gaiety Formula on her : he begins to danse. After that,
she falls into his arms.

They talk together and hold hands. Coh Cott has realised that The
Bigwig, having grown prematurely old, is a social climber  trying
to gain hold of the power.
She  explains that The Bigwig has created Schnibble's Sect to get
back his influential powers and control his disciples.

Click  on the chief disciple and this time Woodruff asks him  how
to join. The man gives him the mantra.

Use the mantra on the micro.

Woodruff  is invited to participate in the ceremony. There  is  a
hypnotic statue which influences disciples. There is a place  for
which  to  use the mantra each in turn. Woodruff can move  around
freely provided that he comes back in time for his turn to recite
the mantra. Use the mantra in position for this.
Woodruff  can't go left as he is blocked by a kind of robot.  You
can  click on the high priest who will give explanations  on  the
sect.  You'll  see that the self-service compyuter is  unplugged.
The  High Priest advises Woodruff to pay his contribution to  the
collection  tray. Put a strul into the Hole of the Cult  and  the
compyuter  will be plugged in. Now you need the sacred code.  The
High  Priest  explains that you must make a contribution  to  the
Scnibble.  You must put another strul in the Hole  of  the  Cult,
then  the  High  Priest will give the sacred code. The  compyuter
requests  another  contribution then delivers  the  concentration
You  must  succeed in reciting the mantra three times before  the
High Priest makes a declaration to choose the new disciple of the
day.  Use  levitation in order to be chosen : the  obstacle  will
Don't go into the initiation chamber (or else GAME OVER) but  use
the  great  gong and the small gong in order of the concentration
cycle. Then, everyone will go into concentration and Woodruff can
approach  the  statue.  Click on this  to  extract  the  hypnotic

Her house looks onto The Bigwig's window. She has the town's last
surviving  plant. Use the Growth Formula to make the  plant  grow
and get into The Bigwig's house.

The Bigwig doesn't see Woodruff. There is a ray which outlines  a
field  of  hatred. The first time Woodruff clicks  on  this,  the
Master appears and says that the only way to face the enemy is to
forget his hatred. Woodruff has to use the power of levitation on
the field of hatred.
If Woodruff clicks on the Bigwig, he shoots him. GAME OVER.
You  have  to  use the cooking pot lid in order to de-charge  his
cybernose. After that you can move around freely or jump  out  of
the window.
In  three  distinct steps, the Bigwig makes a clone  of  Woodruff
which explodes in the end. GAME OVER.
Woodruff  must go and put the hypnotic sidirom into  the  player.
Now  the Bigwig will become hypnotised. Woodruff may then use the
viblefrotzer  on him. The Bigwig's flesh image will disintegrate,
the  Beast comes out of him and positions itself in the top right
hand  corner.  You  can  retrieve the electronic  card  from  the
clothes which are left lying in the armchair. Woodruff may  speak
to the Beast but becomes infected. Use the bouzouïoli on Woodruff
and he'll expel the Beast.
Use  the  Chprotznog on the hook. Use the chewing gum on  top  in
order to lock up the Beast in it.
Go to the top left hand corner towards the exit : there's a lock.
Just  as  the Beast is about to jump, pull the red tag.  Use  the
electronic card on the lock.

Woodruff notices that the President is just a dummy. He takes his
place and begins a speech. Cheered by the crowd, he rises to  the
presidency. A new era has begun.

Elementary Syllable        Word Wiseman
Time Syllable             Time Wiseman
Energy Syllable            Strength Wiseman
Green Syllable            Fertility Wiseman
Artistic Syllable          Talent Wiseman
Medical Syllable           Health Wiseman

1 - Ruling Syllable THRONE ROOM      Discussion King
2   -  Advisory  Syllable     COUNCIL  ROOM      Discussion  Time
3 - Elementary SyllableVERB SAGE          Bean on Animal
4 - Time Syllable   TWEET BOUTIQUE    Troag Clock
5  -  Green  Syllable  HOUSE OF HAPPINESS      Happiness  formula
6 - Artistic Syllable    HIGH MORALS      Cassette diva song
7 - Medical Syllable     VIRTUAL TRIP     Save Health Wiseman
8  -  Intuitive  Syllable   ARISTO'S TERRACE        Snail  statue
9 - Energy Syllable THRONE ROOM      Unknown Boozook's trunk

Memory   Formula
WINO  ALLEY         Wino  tells   about   factory hiring
ADMIN CENTRE      Bureaucrat to find the form Happiness  Formula
HSE.  OF  HAPPINESS   Autistic  child  gives Green Syllable
PARTY              Dezombified   Coh   Cott, to seduce her
                   Discerning  Formula
VIRTUAL  TRIP       Three  cups   trick player to drop the eye
PRISON   TOWER      Prison  wall  to  find   stone staircase Growth  Formula
COH  COTT          Grow plant  to  enter  Bigwig's house
LAB               Mad   Prof.  to  free   Fertility Wiseman Past  Formula
COMMEM.  MONUMENT    Commander's  statue to enter the past Strength   Formula
ADMINISTR.   CENTRE    Bureaucrat   for respiration certificate
STAIRCASE        Shop window to get a kite Diagnostics  Formula
PARTY            zombified Coh  Cott  to get antidote

Memory   =   Ruling + Elementary + Ruling     1 + 3 + 1
Happiness=   Artistic + Elementary + Advisory      6 + 3 + 2
Discerning     =   Intuition + Intuition + Elementary     8  +  8
+ 3
Growth   =   Elementary + Green + Advisory    3 + 5 + 2
Past    =   Time + Elementary + Ruling           4 + 3 + 1
Strength =   Energy + Advisory + Elementary        9 + 2 + 3
Diagnostics    =   Elementary + Medical + Elementary      3  +  7
+ 3

Door  to  Taste WisemanÂs Room     KAH BLAZ ZIG STO    Menu  with
the King
Door  to  Health WisemanÂs Room    POO ZIG  DRU  BNZ         Word
Wisemangives it
Door  to  Fertility WisemanÂs Room      BNZ POO GLAP  BLAZ   Word
Wisemangives it
Door  to  Talent WisemanÂs Room    KAH LRZ GOZ  GNEE    Gives  it
Door  to  Council  Room            BLAZ KAH  ZIG  DRU    TimeW.Âs
Door  to  Throne  Room         ZIG STO DRU  BLAZ    Spinning  Top
Door  to  Word  WisemanÂs  Room       BNZ  BNZ  BNZ  GLAP    Time
Wiseman gives it
Aristocrats  Terrace Reception Door          GLAP  ZIG  GNEE  LRZ
Coh Cott on Tobozon
King's  trunk                   GLAP  POO  GNEE  ZIG   Dying  man
gives it

The weather channel            KAH ZIG STO BLAZ
Azimuth channel                POO POO ZIG ZIG
Heart-to-Body channel           POO BNZ BLAZ DRU
Recruitment No.                DRU BNZ POO GLAP
Heart-to-Body programme No.      ZIG DRU GNEE BNZ
Coh Cott's No.            BLAZ KAH POO GLAP
Tax Office No.            GNEE BNZ GLAP POO

Showers in the "PLEASURE DISTRICT"
Lightning strikes in "SLAMMERS END"

Strong wind in "BIGWIG'S SQUARE"
Uneven rain over "THE PLEASURE DISTRICT"
Meteorite storms in "BIGWIG'S SQUARE"

Lightning strikes in "SLAMMERS END"

Huge meteorites falling in front of "THE ADMINISTRATION CENTRE"
Strong winds near the tower in "THE PRISON"
Uneven rain over "SLAMMERS END"
Strong winds in front of "THE ADMINISTRATION CENTRE"

Huge meteorites falling in "BIGWIG'S SQUARE"
Strong winds in front of "THE ADMINISTRATION CENTRE"

                THE MASTER'S POWERS

SLAMMERS      END              Go     towards      the      house
Ear control
WINO     ALLEY                     Click    on     the     switch
Hair control
FOUNTAIN    SQUARE          Click   on   the    public    tobozon
Eye control
ADMINISTRATION  CENTRE    Click on  graffiti  when  leaving  club
Nasal control
CENTRAL   PRISON  TOWER     Use  grabber  on  lefthand   gargoyle
Face control

Last-modified: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 06:30:08 GMT
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