• °rchive-name: finding-addresses
  • Introductioß
  • °void public distribution of individuals' addresses
  • ° note about the Internet Gopher

  • Áollege Email Addresses*.
  • Inter-Network Mail GuidÕ*.
  • Usenet-addresses server*.
  • NIC.DDN.MIL 'whois' databasÕ*.
  • ¾ther directory services*.
  • Finding a host name and asking someone there for helà*.
  • Using "finger"*.
  • Netfind*.
  • Searching LISTSERV mailing lists*.
  • Direct contact*.
  • Get more help locallã*.
  • Âhe last resort -- soc.net-peoplÕ*.
  • References
  • Useful USENET Postings
  • Áredits

  • Size: 30248 bytes
    Last-modified: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:02:30 GMT