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; ⵺ÁÂË º¾¼¿¾·¸Æ¸¹ ¸· °»Ì±¾¼° "A Deeper Kind Of Slumber", 1997.
; ßµÀµ²¾´Ë - Polad Nagiyev (pnn@europe.com)

 Johan Edlund - vocals/rhythm guitar
 Thomas Petersson - lead guitar
 Anders Iwers - bass guitar
 Lars Skold - drums

Cold Seed - 03:52
Teonnanacatl - 04:18
Trillion Zillion Cenhtipedes - 01:29
The Desolate One - 03:44
Atlantis As A Lover - 05:28
Alteration x 10 - 05:09
Four Leary Biscuits - 04:07
Only In My Tears It Lasts - 04:48
The Whores Of Babylon - 03:52
Kite - 02:04
Phantasma De Luxe - 04:58
Mount Marilyn -
A Deeper Kind Of Slumber - 10:33

what heals our snowblind weary eyes
when all stars are slain by fiery skies
and every word upon your spiraling cross
is but a misled sun, a bitter loss
inject us out of here
all i asked for was a little love
but from my hands flew the maiden dove
while clouds like cotton snowwhite sheep
still calm beside their shepherd sleep
inject us out of here

not far from where i live
they glance in morning breeze
as dividing tiny rays
a morning tries to seize

greet me my proud little soldiers
of brown, purple and grey
carry us on your shoulders
carry us far away

if you begin to fall
please have some more
you could stay at my place if you want
i'll sleep on the floor

in shades of purple cloth
they guide us to the light
with irresistable pride
to the feast they us invite

greet me my proud little soldiers
of brown, purple and grey
carry us on your shoulders
carry us far away

if you begin to fall
please have some more
you could stay at my place if you want
i'll sleep on the floor

kicks this cadent purity
wraps this cadent purity

by a pool
of amber water
a sticky smell
of carrion kind
integrates with nature slowly
green fields i offer you
snowy mountains in present air
the sunflower tounge
on a wave comes the saturn king
to grant the man on the beach
surfing on his orbital rings
a frightened mental vortex we'll be
a sun we seek, a sun we flee
a scar
upon mother earth
a nebular each
the desolate one
the desolate one
the desolate one

soothe my skin
my sweetness of soul
your dream i dreamed
dear wateringhole
a bride divine
in ruby eyed crown
deep underneath
your soft waterdown

i breathe in the fumes
of oils unfathomed
with glory and pride
i confess myself doomed
you won again
godly different kind
my air has ceased
to the deepest peace of mind

what it once ment
is lost in the end
with profoundd words
of just being friends
a timeglass you turned
of hours getting late
how fatal then
is all of your hate

i breathe in the fumes
of oils unfathomed
with glory and pride
i confess myself doomed
you won again
godly different kind
my air has ceased
to the deepest peace of mind

it comes smoothly at start
stirs gently in the colour pot
restore amends
for every spiralchange
a snowflake bride
a heroine (---heroin, psilocybin, mescaline, psilocin, fucking oxytocin bitch)
a quark resolution of god
an angel in powder snow
symmetrical asymmetry a newborn star of logic a newborn star of magic
take a shortwave frequency ride
(any you like)
what you beliee in, you'll find
close your eyes to see
this will take awhile...
i wipe the steamy window lustre
today i'll attend a new planet earth
after you sir...

overhead my spirit flies
in plasticide and crimson skies
whispering winds in moonlit wood
a totem oak once golden stood
how i wish that you were here
before all flowers disappeared
we'd lay together in the sun
before the mindrape had begun
now stones are falling from my hands
are shaking all my beloed land
a watery glimse back on my past
and only in my tears it lasts

everything they do and say
might even fool a clever mind
just won't forget their price to pay
as silk betrays and truth unwinds

cling, cling to your mind, my words
never trust a foreign race
all the sweetness you have heard
has put your soul in carbon haze

everything they do and say
might even fool a clever mind
just won't forget their price to pay
as silk betrays and truth unwinds

cling, cling shattered nerves
to the queen you did adore
has turned to stiff ebonite cures
in scarlet waves on distant shore

everything they do and say
might even fool a clever mind
just won't forget their price to pay
as silk betrays and truth unwinds

this dole crowner gallows me
as this mere welkin hallowed be
whereupon i trick and train and tire
to limn my umbered love in fire
before this noble mare bewrays
as i clearly see it all decays
in debile coil of smoke suspires
ay our last orison quickens as we
are drumbling near this poize of free
quell me maculate slowly dyer
case my remains with sharpened brier
atone me to my throes curtail
to dim and dire fields i vail
and my eale's but a slumbering lier
then so lingered here but none
to buckle back what had begun
in molten aeons caged desire
dared phantasma us much higher
ceased to milch the clover flower
neither raindrops nor my lover
shall restore what has been done
when we're all keeled in freezing sun

the threne my love that opens now
in cattle blood of aery brow
con that life's a dream not to affy
as embodied matter love will die
you twinkle still in argentine
when i palmy dout the rapid din
to force the mure, the pain i hide
as you're not longer by my side
mazed i helmed this crater deem
stranger than a stranger seems
wished to shroud the sortance leer
and yarely wink the eyes of fear
splay the moon that foolish be
and let the sunshine ravin me
beyond the love i do behold
a ken i saw, a fane of gold
i'd peize in pounds our insane blend
and phantom laid a smile i send
eke an ounce of purple fire and fairy eyes no longer twire
would fain to stalk the colour fields
but tickle i shall stark lonely yield
merely in drowning water clay
as anguish wears but shades of grey
to retain the chains of elder squire
i'd prune the funeral skies denier
once in awhile he still appeals
to remind you all it's still for real
breathing smoke and fire
but the face of evil that haunted us
was never ever present thus
the cupid rainbow ties an orb
in which every demon shall absorb
do you think i care?
do you really think i care?

robin goodfellow
dianae, my muse
morpheus in my heart
your sand in my veins
it's a deeper kind of slumber
what is universe anyway
but a pouch of silver coins
the intense breathing
of a dying animal
a foreboding of afterlife
master keys in oaken chest
the somewhere is mine
and from there i'll continue
all i asked for was a little love
meet me on the other side
where as a rose i will wake
though blind i'll follow every step you take
dianae, my muse
dianae, my solitude
cease to exist, rise to exist no more
it's a deeper kind of slumber

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² ¿À¾ÆµÁÁµ ¿µÀµ²¾´°. â°º¶µ ¾¶¸´°ÎÂÁÏ: ANNIHILATOR, CANNIBAL CORPSE...

Ñôà  ±»°³¾´°Àµ½ ²Áµ¼, ºÂ¾ ¿Àµ´¾Á°²¸Â ¼½µ Á²¾¸ ²°À¸°½ÂË ¸ Àµ´°ºÆ¸¸ ¿µÀµ²¾´°
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 ßµÀµ²¾´  ¾ÁÃɵÁ²¸»  ß¾»°´  Ý°³¸µ²,  Ñ°ºÃ,  ¾ºÂϱÀÌ  1999.
 mailto: pnn@europe.com

Last-modified: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 14:38:37 GMT
¾æÕÝØâÕ íâÞâ âÕÚáâ: