â¾¼ Ò͹ÂÁ. Big time (¿µÀµ²¾´: Ú.س½°Â¾²) --------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright Tom Waits © Copyright Ú¸À¸»» س½°Â¾², ¿µÀµ²¾´ Email: Ignatoff@bigfoot.com ¡ mailto:Ignatoff@bigfoot.com Date: 16 Dec 1998 ß¾ÁË»°Î ¿µÀ²ÃÎ ¿°À¸Π¿µÀµ²¾´¾² Waitsa. Ò¾À°Ï ±Ã´µÂ ³¾Â¾²° ǵÀµ· ½µ´µ»ÌºÃ-´ÀóÃÎ. å¾Âµ»¾ÁÌ ±Ë ÃÁ»ËÈ°ÂÌ ¾Â·Ë²Ë ¾ Á¾´µÏ½½¾¼. --------------------------------------------------------------- TOM WAITS ²µÀÁ¸¸ س½°Â¾²° Ú. Ô. ¾ Áµ±µ: س½°Â¾² Ú¸À¸»» Ô¸¼¸ÂÀ¾²¸Ç, 1969 ³.À., ܾÁº²°. ¿¾ ²Áµ¼ ²¾¿À¾Á°¼ ¾±À°É°ÂÌÁÏ: ignatoff@bigfoot.com BIG TIME (video)  * Act 1 *  Frank's wild years (For Frankie Z.) Ô¸º¸µ ³¾´Ë äÀͽº° (Ô»Ï äÀͽº¸ ×) This is story about guy named Frank O'Bryan í¾ - ¸Á¾À¸Ï ¾ ¿°À½µ ¿¾ ¸¼µ½¸ äÀ°½º Þ'ÑÀ°¹½ Well Frank settled down in the Valley ß¾Áµ»¸»ÁÏ, ·½°Ç¸Â, äÀͽº ² Ô¾»¸½µ and hung his wild years ¸ ¿¾²µÁ¸» Á²¾¸ ´¸º¸µ ³¾´Ë on a nail that he drove through ½° ³²¾·´Ì, º¾Â¾À˹ ¾½ ²±¸» his wife's forehead »±¾¼ Á²¾µ¹ ¶µ½Ë he sold used office furniture Þ½ ¾À³¾²°Ï ¿¾´µÀ¶°½½¾¹ ¾Ä¸Á½¾¹ ¼µ±µ»ÌÎ out there on San Fernando Road ³´µ-¾ ½° á°½-äµÀ½°½´¾-à¾Ã´ and assumed a $30,000 loan ¸ ²·Ï» ÁÁôà ² 30,000$ at 15 1/4 % and put down payment ¿¾´ 15 ¸ 1/4% ³¾´¾²ËÅ on a little two bedroom place ·° ½µ±¾»ÌȾ¹ ´¾¼¸º Á ´²Ã¼Ï Á¿°»Ì½Ï¼¸ well, his wife, I don't know, she was a dog, she was a baby, â°-°-º, µ³¾ ¶µ½°, ½Ã Ï ½µ ·½°Î, ; Á¾±°º°, ; ±Í¹±¸, she was a killer, she was a spent piece of used jet trash ; º¸»»µÀ, ; ½µ²¾ÁÂÀµ±¾²°½½Ë¹ ºÃÁ¾º ´µÀ̼° made good bloody marys ³¾Â¾²¸»° žÀ¾ÈÃÎ ÚÀ¾²°²ÃÎ ÜÍÀ¸ kept her mouth shut most of the time ¸ ² ¾Á½¾²½¾¼ ¼¾»Ç°»° ² ÂÀñ¾ÇºÃ had a little Chihuahua named Carlos ã ½µµ ±Ë»° Á¾±°º° ç¸ÅðÅð ¿¾ º»¸Çºµ Ú°À»¾Á OK, I love dogs, let it be know, I love dogs! Ô° Ï »Î±»Î Á¾±°º! ßÃÁÂÌ ²Áµ ·½°ÎÂ, ï »Î±»Î Á¾±°º! The dog. IS A DOG! á¾±°º°, Í° ¿Á¸½°! that had some kind of skin disease ²ÁÏ ² º°º¸Å-¾ ¾¿°ÀËÈ°Å, I don't know that it was, they try everything, Ï ½µ ·½°Î Ǿ ; ±Ë»¾, ¾½¸ ¿µÀµ¿À¾±Ë²°»¸ ²Áµ, and was totally blind. They had a ±Ë»° ¾°»Ì½¾ Á»µ¿°. ã ½¸Å ±Ë»° thoroughly modern kitchen ²¿¾»½µ Á¾²Àµ¼µ½½°Ï ºÃÅ½Ï self-cleaning oven (the whole bit) Á Á°¼¾¾Ç¸É°Îɵ¹ÁÏ ´Ãž²º¾¹ (¿¾»½Ë¹ º¾¼¿»µºÂ) Frank drove a little sedan äÀͽº ²¾´¸» ½µ±¾»ÌȾ¹ Áµ´°½ they were so happy Þ½¸ ±Ë»¸ ÁÇ°Á»¸²Ë. One night Frank was on his way home Ø ²¾Â ¾´½°¶´Ë ½¾ÇÌÎ äÀͽº ¿¾ ´¾À¾³µ ´¾¼¾¹ from work, stopped at the liquor store, Á À°±¾ÂË, ·°Â°À¸»ÁÏ ² ²¸½½¾¹ »°²ºµ, picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouths ²·Ï» ¿°Àà »¸ºµÀ¾² Mickey's Big Mouths drank 'em in the car on his way ¸ ²Ë¶À°» ²Áµ ² ¼°È¸½µ ¿¾ ¿Ã¸ to the Shell station, he got a gallon of º ·°¿À°²¾Ç½¾¹ Shell, °¼ ºÃ¿¸» º°½¸ÁÂÀà gas in a can, drove home, doused ³°·¾»¸½° ¸ ·°»¸» ¸¼ ±Ãº²°»Ì½¾ everything in the house, torched it, ²Áµ ² ´¾¼µ, ²Áµ ·°¿°»¸», parked across the street, laughing, ßÀ¸¿°Àº¾²°» °Ǻà ½° ´Àó¾¹ Á¾À¾½µ û¸ÆË ¸ ´¾»³¾ Á¼µÏ»ÁÏ watching it burn, all Halloween ½°±»Î´°Ï º°º ²Áµ ;³¾ ³¾À¸Â, ¾À°½¶µ²¾µ º°º åµ»»¾Ã¸½ orange and chimney red then ¸ ºÀ°Á½¾µ º°º º°¼¸½, ¿¾Á»µ ǵ³¾ Frank put on a top forty station äÀͽº ²Àñ¸» ½° ¿¾»½ÃΠŸÂ-¿°À°´ ¿¾ À°´¸¾ got on the Hollywood Freeway ¸ ²ËÀû¸» ½° Ó¾»»¸²Ã´ÁºÃÎ âÀ°ÁÁà headed north ß¾µÅ°» ½° Áµ²µÀ Never could stand that dog ݸº¾³´° ½µ ¼¾³ µÀ¿µÂÌ ÍÂà Á¾±°ºÃ Shore Leave ã²¾»½µ½¸µ ½° ±µÀµ³ Well with buck shot eyes and a purple heart ×½°Ç¸Â, Á ²¾Á¿°»µ½½Ë¼ ²·¾À¾¼ ¸ ¼µ´°»ÌÎ ½° ³Àô¸ I rolled down the national stroll Ằ¸»ÁÏ Ï ¿¾ ÂÀ°¿Ã ½° ³À°¶´°½ºÃ and with a big fat paycheck á¾»¸´½°Ï ·°À¿»°Â° strapped to my hip sack ² ½°±µ´Àµ½½¾¼ º°À¼°½µ and a shore leave wristwatch underneath ¸ Ç°ÁË ½° ò¾»Ì½¸Âµ»Ì½ÃÎ my sleeve ¿¾´ ¼°½¶µÂ¾¹ ¸º°Î in a Hong Kong drizzle on Cuban heels Ò Ó¾½º¾½³Áº¾¹ ¼¾À¾Á¸ ½° Úñ¸½Áº¸Å ¿Ïº°Å I rowed down the gutter to the Blood Bank Ï ³Àµ± ²½¸· ¿¾ º°½°»Ã º Ñ°½ºÃ ÚÀ¾²¸ and I'd left all my papers on the Ticonderoga ¸ Ï ¾Á°²¸» ²Áµ ±Ã¼°³¸ ² ⸺¾½´µÀ¾³µ and was in a bad need of a shave ¸ öµ ´°²½¾ ½µ ±À¸»ÁÏ and so I slopped at the corner on cold chow mein â°º Ǿ Ï ¿¾Å»µ±°» ½° ó»Ã ž»¾´½¾µ ǾÃ-¼Í¹½ and shot billards with a midget ¸ ¿¾³¾½Ï» ² ±¸»»¸°À´ Á º°À°¿Ã·¾¼ until the rain stopped ¿¾º° ´¾¶´Ì ½µ ·°º¾½Ç¸»ÁÏ and I bought a long sleeved shirt ºÃ¿¸» Àñ°Åà Á ´»¸½½Ë¼ Àú°²¾¼ with horses on the front Á »¾È°´º°¼¸ ½° ³Àô¸ and some gum and a lighter and a knife ¶²°ÇºÃ, ·°¶¸³°»ºÃ ¸ ½¾¶ and a new deck of cards (with girls on the back) ¸ ½¾²ÃÎ º¾»¾´Ã º°À (Á ´µ²Ç¾½º°¼¸ Á·°´¸) and I sat down and wrote a letter to my wife Ø Ï Áµ» ¸ ½°¿¸Á°» ¿¸Á̼¾ ¼¾µ¹ ¶µ½µ and I said Baby, I'm so far away from home ¸ Ï Áº°·°» "Եº°, Ï Â°º ´°»µº¾ ¾Â ´¾¼° and I miss my Baby so ¸ Ï Â°º ¿¾ µ±µ ¾ÁºÃÎ I can't make it by myself ¸ Ï ½¸Çµ³¾ ½µ ¼¾³Ã Á Á¾±¾¹ ¿¾´µ»°ÂÌ I love you so Ï Â°º »Î±»Î µ±Ï" Well I was pacing myself ÝÃ, Ï ½¾Á¸»ÁÏ ²µ·´µ, ³´µ ¼¾³, trying to make it all last ¿Ë°ÏÁÌ ÃÁ¿µÂÌ Á´µ»°ÂÌ ²Áµ ¾, squeezing all the life Ǿ ½°º¾¿¸»¾ÁÌ out of a lousy two day pass ·° ¿Àµ´µ»°¼¸ ͸Š´²ÃÅ ²¾½ÎǸŠ´½µ¹ and I had a cold one at the Dragon ¸ Ï ²·Ï» ¾´½¾ ž»¾´½¾µ ² ÔÀ°º¾½µ with some Filipino floor show Á º°º¸¼-¾ 主¸¿¿¸½Áº¸¼ Ⱦà and talked baseball with a lieutenant ¸ ¿¾±¾»Â°» ¾ ±µ¹Á±¾»µ Á »µ¹ÂµÅ¾¹ over a Singapore sling ·° Á¸½³°¿ÃÀÁº¸¼ Á»¸½³¾¼ and I wondered how the same moon outside ¸ ²Áµ ´Ã¼°» ¾ ¾¼ º°º ° ¶µ Á°¼°Ï »Ã½° over this Chinatown fair ½°´ ͸¼¸ ¾³½Ï¼¸ ç°¹½°-°ý° could look down on Illinois ¼¾¶µÂ Á¼¾ÂÀµÂÌ Á²ËÁ¾º° ½° Ø»»¸½¾¹Á and find you there ¸ ²¸´µÂÌ Âµ±Ï °¼ and you know I love you Baby "Ø ÂË ·½°µÈÌ, Ǿ Ï »Î±»Î µ±Ï, ´µÂº°, and I'm so far away from home ¸ Ï Â°º ´°»µº¾ ¾Â ´¾¼° and I miss my Baby so ¸ Ï Â°º ¿¾ µ±µ ¾ÁºÃÎ I can't make it by myself ¸ Ï ½¸Çµ³¾ ½µ ¼¾³Ã Á Á¾±¾¹ ¿¾´µ»°ÂÌ I love you so Ï Â°º »Î±»Î µ±Ï" Shore Leave... ã²¾»Ì½¸Âµ»Ì½°Ï… Shore Leave... ã²¾»Ì½¸Âµ»Ì½°Ï… Way Down In The Hole ßÃÂÌ Ò¸· - ² ´ËÀà ``Well, I feel we should move right into "ç¾ ¶, Ï ÇòÁ²ÃÎ, Ǿ ¼Ë ´¾»¶½Ë ´²¸³°ÂÌÁÏ the religious material.'' ¿Àϼ¾ ² ´µ±À¸ Àµ»¸³¸¸. " When you walk through the garden, Ú¾³´° ÒË ±À¾´¸Âµ ¿¾ Á°´Ã, You've gotta watch your back. ÒÁµ ²Àµ¼Ï ºÂ¾-¾ ¿¾·°´¸ Well, I beg you're pardon; Ø Ï ¿À¾Èà à ҰÁ ¿À¾Éµ½ÌÏ Walk the straight and narrow track. Ø´Ï ¿¾ ÷º¾¼Ã ¿Ã¸ When you walk with Jesus, Ú¾³´° ÒË ¸´µÂµ Á ظÁÃÁ¾¼, He's gonna save your soul. Þ½ ´ÃÈà ²°Èà Á±µÀµ¶µÂ You've got to keep the Devil; ÒË ´¾»¶½Ë ÃÁ¼¸À¸ÂÌ ÔÌϲ¾»° Well, you've got to keep him Ô°, ´µÀ¶¸ÂÌ µ³¾ down in the hole. Ò½¸·Ã ² ´ËÀµ He's got the fire, people, ã ½µ³¾ ¿»°¼Ï, »Î´¸! he's got the fury at his command. Ø ÏÀ¾ÁÂÌ ² µ³¾ º¾¼°½´µ. Oh, you don't have to worry Þ, ½µ ²¾»½Ã¹ÂµÁÌ Hold on to, hold on to... Jesus hand ÔµÀ¶¸ÂµÁÌ, ´µÀ¶¸ÂµÁÌ ·° ... Àúà ظÁÃÁ° we'll all be safe from Satan ÜË ²Áµ Á¿°Áµ¼ÁÏ ¾Â á°Â°½Ë when the thunder, Ú¾³´° ³À¾¼, when the thunder starts to roll. Ú¾³´° ½°Ç½µÂ ³Àµ¼µÂÌ ³À¾¼. We've got to keep the devil, ÜË ´¾»¶½Ë ÃÁ¼¸À¸À¸ÂÌ ÔÌϲ¾»° keep him on down ÔµÀ¶°ÂÌ µ³¾ ²½¸·Ã down in the hole. Ò½¸·Ã ² ´ËÀµ That red horned, lousy, low life, underneath our boots.. í° ºÀ°Á½¾À¾³°Ï, ¿°Àȸ²°Ï, ñ¾³°Ï ¶¸·½Ì, °¼ ,¿¾´ ½¾³°¼¸. Praise the Lord. Ò¾ÁŲ°»¸Âµ Ó¾Á¿¾´°! I don't know what it is. ï ½µ ·½°Î, º°º¾²¾ ;. Two dollar - that demonmiester Ô²° ´¾»»°À° - ; ´µ¼¾½-¼°ÁµÀ. Three dollar - that prince devil âÀ¸ ´¾»»°À° - ¾ ¿À¸½Æ ´Ìϲ¾». Just see if you can come up with a figure â°º ¿¾Á¼¾ÂÀ¸Âµ, ¼¾¶µÂ ºÂ¾ ¿À¸´Ã¼°ÂÌ Ç¸Á»¾ that matches your faith Á¾¾Â²µÂÁ²ÃÎɵµ ²°Èµ¹ ²µÀµ He said, how much has Jesus done for you? Þ½ Áº°·°», Áº¾»Ìº¾ ظÁÃÁ Á´µ»°» ´»Ï Ò°Á? And we got to go in, with our hydrolic system, Ø ¼Ë Á¾±À°»¸ÁÌ Ç¾±Ë ²¾¹Â¸, Á ½°Èµ¹ ³¸´À°²»¸ÇµÁº¾¹ Á¸Áµ¼¾¹, and blast him out. Ø ²·¾À²°ÂÌ µ³¾. People, can I get an amen? Ûδ¸, Ï ¼¾³Ã ÃÁ»ËÈ°ÂÌ °¼¸½Ì? All the angels, pledge God to sing; ÒÁµ °½³µ»Ë, ¿¾Î ¿µÁ½Ì Ó¾Á¿¾´Ã; all about Jesus mighty sword. Þ ¼¾³ÃɵÁ²µ ¸ Á¸»µ ظÁÃÁ° . And they'll shield you with their wings Ø ¾½¸ ¾³À°´Ï ҰÁ Á²¾¸¼¸ ºÀË»°¼¸ People, they'll keep you Ûδ¸, ¾½¸ ·°É¸ÂÏ ҰÁ close to the Lord. àÏ´¾¼ Á Ó¾Á¿¾´¾¼. Now don't pay heed to temptation, Ø ¸ÁºÃÁà ½µÂ ¼µÁ° ² ½µ¼ For his hands are so cold. Ô»Ï µ³¾ Àú ; º°º »µ´ You've got to keep the devil, ÒË ´¾»¶½Ë ÃÁ¼¸À¸ÂÌ ´Ìϲ¾»°, keep him on down in the hole. ÔµÀ¶¸ÂÌ µ³¾ ²½¸·Ã ² ´ËÀµ Down in the hole Ò½¸· ² ´ËÀà Down in the hole Ò½¸· ² ´ËÀà Down in the hole Ò½¸· ² ´ËÀà People, I've got to speak about something... Ûδ¸, ï ´¾»¶µ½ Ǿ-¾ Áº°·°ÂÌ ²°¼… Can I get an amen? ܾ³Ã »¸ Ï ÃÁ»ËÈ°ÂÌ °¼¸½Ì? Can I get an halaluja? ܾ³Ã »¸ Ï ÃÁ»ËÈ°ÂÌ °»¸»Ã¹°? Praise the lord. Ò¾ÁŲ°»¸Âµ Ó¾Á¿¾´°. God bless you. Ô° ±»°³¾Á»¾²¸Â ²°Á Ó¾Á¿¾´Ì. The Lord is a very very busy man. Ѿ³ - ¾Çµ½Ì ¾Çµ½Ì ·°½ÏÂ˹ ǵ»¾²µº. I'll do what I can. ݾ Ï Á´µ»°Î ²Áµ, Ǿ Á¼¾³Ã. But Jesus is always going for the big picture... ݾ ظÁÃÁ ²Áµ³´° ²¸´¸Â ±¾»ÌÈÃÎ ¿°½¾À°¼Ã… But he's always there to help us out of the little jams too. ݾ ¾½ ²Áµ³´° ¿¾¼¾¶µÂ ½°¼ ´°¶µ ² »Î±ËÅ ¼µ»¾Ç°Å Down in the hole Ò½¸· ² ´ËÀà Down in the hole Ò½¸· ² ´ËÀà Down in the hole Ò½¸· ² ´ËÀà Keep him down in the hold ÔµÀ¶¸Âµ µ³¾ ²½¸·Ã - ² ´ËÀµ. You've got to keep the devil down in the hole ÒË ´¾»¶½Ë ´µÀ¶°ÂÌ ´Ìϲ¾»° ²½¸·Ã - ² ´ËÀµ You've got to keep the devil down in the hole ÒË ´¾»¶½Ë ´µÀ¶°ÂÌ ´Ìϲ¾»° ²½¸·Ã - ² ´ËÀµ Keep him on down in the hole ÔµÀ¶¸Âµ ´Ìϲ¾»° ²½¸·Ã - ² ´ËÀµ Down...down, down, down mighty devil Ò½¸·... ²½¸·, ²½¸·, ²½¸· ¼¾³ÃɵÁ²µ½½¾³¾ ´Ìϲ¾»° I send you down below my boots. ï ¿¾ÁË»°Î µ±Ï ²½¸·, ¿¾´ ¼¾¸ ±°È¼°º¸. down, down, filling my live with anger and strife Ò½¸·, ²½¸·, ·°¿¾»½ÏÏ ¼¾Î ¶¸·½Ì ³½µ²¾¼ ¸ ±¾À̱¾¹ Go down mighty devil. Ó¾½¸Âµ ¼¾³ÃɵÁ²µ½½¾³¾ ´Ìϲ¾»°. Find a place to live.Down down down... Ý°¹´¸Âµ ¼µÁ¾ ´»Ï ¶¸·½¸. Ò½¸· ²½¸· ²½¸· ... Hang On St. Christopher ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ° Hang on st. christopher through the smoke and the oil ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ° Áº²¾·Ì ¼°Á»¾ ¸ Á¼¾³ Buckle down the rumble seat Þº¸½Ì Á¸´µ½Ìµ ½°·°´ let the radiator boil Ô²¸¶¾º ¿¾Ç¸ ·°³´¾Å got an overhead downshift Ú¸¿¸Â ²¾¹ À°´¸°Â¾À and a two dollar grill Ø ´µÈµ²Ë¹ ³À¸»Ì öµ got an 85 cabin Ô°²½¾ »µ¶¸Â ² º°±¸½µ on an 85 hill Ý° 85 ž»¼µ Hang on st. christopher on the passenger side ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ° ½° ¿°ÁÁ°¶¸ÀÁº¾¹ Á¾À¾½µ open it up tonight the devil can ride áµ³¾´½Ï °¼ ¿À¾µ´µÂ ´Ìϲ¾», ¾½° ¾ÂºÀË° ²¿¾»½µ hang on st. christopher with a barrel house dog ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ° Á º°±°Æº¸¼ ¿°Àµ½Ìº¾¼ kick me up mt. baldy ܸÁµÀ ß»µÈÌ ² Âü°½µ throw me out in the fog á±µ¹ ¼µ½Ï ² ¿¸½º¾¼ tear a hole in the jack pot ßÀ¾À²¸ ´ËÀà ² ´¶µº-¿¾Â drive a stake through his heart á°²Ì Á°²º¸ ½°¾±Ã¼ do a 100 on the grapevine á´µ»°¹ Á¾Â½Î ½° »¾¶½ËÅ Á»ÃÅ°Å do a jump on the start Ý° Á°Àµ Á´µ»°¹ ±Ã¼ hang on st. christopher now don't let me go ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ°, ¼½µ ½µ ¿¾·²¾»Ï ¸´Â¸ get me to reno and bring it in low, yeah Þ¿ÏÂÌ ½µ ¿¾²µ·»¾ ¼½µ, ½¾ Ï ½° ²µÀ½¾¼ ¿Ã¸ hang on st. christopher with the hammer to the floor ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ C-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ° Á ¼¾»¾Â¾Çº¾¼ ´»Ï ¾À³¾² put a hi ball in the crank case ×°»µ¹ ¿À¸Á°´ºÃ ² º°ÀµÀ nail a crow to the door Û°¿ºÃ ²¾À¾½° ½° ´²µÀÌ get a bottle for the jockey Ô»Ï ¿°Àº¾²É¸º° ¿Ã·ËÀÌ gimme a 294 ܽµ - 294 there's a 750 norton bustin down january's door Ᾰ 750 ݾÀ¾½ ¿¾´ Ͻ²°ÀÁº¾¹ ´²µÀÌÎ hang on st. christopher on the passenger side ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ° ½° ¿°ÁÁ°¶¸ÀÁº¾¹ Á¾À¾½µ open it up tonight the devil can ride áµ³¾´½Ï °¼ ¿À¾µ´µÂ ´Ìϲ¾», ¾½° ¾ÂºÀË° ²¿¾»½µ hang on st. christopher now don't let me go ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ°, ¼½µ ½µ ¿¾·²¾»Ï ¸´Â¸ get to me reno got to bring it in low Þ¿ÏÂÌ ½µ ¿¾²µ·»¾ ¼½µ, ½¾ Ï ½° ²µÀ½¾¼ ¿Ã¸ put my baby on the flat car Ò ¶/´ ¿»°ÂľÀ¼Ã ¼¾Î ºÀ¾ÈºÃ ¿¾Á°´¸ got to burn down the caboose Ö°À¾²½Î À°Á¿°»¸ ´¾Â»° get 'em all jacked up on whiskey Ô¾ ǵÀ¸º¾² ¸Å ²¸Áº¸ ½°¿¾¸ then we'll turn the mad dog loose â¾³´° Á Ƶ¿¸ ¼Ë Á¿ÃÁ¸¼ ±µÈµ½½¾³¾ ¿Á° hang on st. christopher on the passenger side ÔµÀ¶¸ÁÌ Cµ½Â-ÚÀ¸Á¾ĵÀ° ½° ¿°ÁÁ°¶¸ÀÁº¾¹ Á¾À¾½µ open it up tonight the devil can ride áµ³¾´½Ï °¼ ¿À¾µ´µÂ ´Ìϲ¾», ¾½° ¾ÂºÀË° ²¿¾»½µ Telephone Call From Istanbul âµ»µÄ¾½½Ë¹ ·²¾½¾º ¸· á°¼±Ã»° All night long on the broken glass ݾÇÌ ¿À¾È»° ½° À°·±¸Â¾¼ Áµº»µ livin in a medicine chest Ỿ²½¾ ¶¸» ² ´¾¼°È½µ¹ °¿ÂµÇºµ mediteromanian hotel back ÞǽûÁÏ ² ¾Âµ»µ ½° áÀµ´¸·µ¼½¾¼¾À̵ sprawled across a roll top desk à°ÁÂϽòȸÁÌ ¿¾¿µÀµº ÁµºÀµÂµÀ° the monkey rode the blade on an Ü°ÀÂËȺ° ÁÂÀ¾¸Â À¾¶¸ ¼½µ overhead fan Ò »¾¿°ÁÂÏÅ ²µ½Â¸»Ï¾À° ¿¾´ ¿¾Â¾»º¾¼ they paint the donkey blue if you pay Ø µÁ»¸ ·°±°È»ÏÂÌ Â°¼ ±Ã´µÂ ³¾»Ã±¾¹ ¾Áµ» I got a telephone call from Istanbul Ø ²´Àó ·²¾½¾º ¸· ØÁ°¼±Ã»° my baby's coming home today áµ³¾´½Ï ¼¾Ï ºÀ¾Èº° ²¾·²À°É°µÂÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ will you sell me one of those if I shave my head Ø Ï ¿¾±ÀµÎ ±°ÈºÃ - ÂË ¿À¾´°ÈÌ ¼½µ ¾´½Ã ¸· ½¸Å get me out of town is what fireball said ßÀ¾ÇÌ ¸· ³¾À¾´° - ¸ ³¾²¾À¸» ¼µÂµ¾À¸Â never trust a man in a blue trench coat Ò¿Àµ´Ì ½µ ²µÀÌ ²Áµ¼ »Î´Ï¼ ² µ¼½¾-Á¸½µ¼ ¿°»Ì¾ never drive a car when you're dead Ø ½µ Á°´¸ÁÌ ·° ÀûÌ, µÁ»¸ ÂË ÂÀÿ Saturday's a festival Ò áñ±¾Âà - ĵÁ¸²°»Ì Oh, now Friday's a gem Ò ßϽ¸Æà - ±À¸»»¸°½Â dye your hair yellow á´µ»°¹ Áº¾±¾ÇºÃ ¿¾²Ëȵ and raise your hem Ø Á²¾¸ ²¾»¾ÁË ¶µ»Âµ¹ follow me to beulah's on Ôù ·° ¼½¾¹ º beulah's ½° dry creek road Ô¾À¾³Ã ÁÞ³¾ ÀÃÇÌÏ I got to wear the hat that my baby done sewed ï ½°º¾½µÆ ½°´µ½Ã ȻϿÃ, º¾Â¾ÀÃÎ ÂË Áȸ»° ¼½µ take me down to buy a tux Ò¾·Ì¼¸ ¼µ½Ï ²¿»¾ÂÌ ´¾, ¿¾ºÃ¿º¸ Á¼¾º¸½³° on red rose bear Ò ¼µ»ºÃÎ ºÀ°Á½ÃÎ À¾·¾ÇºÃ got to cut a hole in the day Ø ·°¿¾»½¸ Á¾±¾Î ²Áµ ¾Á°²È¸µÁÏ ´½¸ I got a telephone call from Istanbul ï ¿¾»ÃǸ» ·²¾½¾º ¸· ØÁ°¼±Ã»° my baby's coming home today áµ³¾´½Ï ¼¾Ï ºÀ¾Èº° ²¾·²À°É°µÂÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ Cold Cold Ground â°º°Ï ž»¾´½°Ï ·µ¼»Ï Crest fallen sidekick in an old cafe ã¿°²È¸¹ ´Ãž¼ º¾ÀµÈ ² Á°À¾¼ º°Äµ never slept with a dream before he had to go away â°º Á»°´º¾ ½µ ´Àµ¼°», ¿¾º° Á¿¸»ÁÏ Á¾²Áµ¼ there's a bell in the tower ÕÁÂÌ º¾»¾º¾» ½° ±°È½µ Uncle Ray bought a round ÔÏ´Ï à͹ ½°²µÁµ»µ don't worry about the army Þ± °À¼¸¸ ½µ ±µÁ¿¾º¾¹ÁÏ in the cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ now don't be a cry baby ç¾ ¾»ºÃ ¿»°º°ÂÌ, ±Í¹±¸, when there's wood in the shed Ú¾»Ì µÁÂÌ ² Á°À°µ ´À¾²° there's a bird in the chimmney Ý° ´Ë¼¾Å¾´µ ĻγµÀ and a stone in my bed Ò ¿¾Áµ»¸ º°¼µÈº° ¾²°» when the road's washed out Ô¾À¾³¸ ²Áµ À°·¼ËÂË they pass the bottle around Ø ¸¼ ½µ ²Ë¹Â¸ ¸· ¿µÂ»¸ and wait in the arms Ø ¾¶¸´°½¸µ ² Àú°Å of the cold cold ground â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»¸ cold cold ground â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»¸ there's a ribbon in the willow ß¾ºÀËȺ° ½° ²µÀµ²ºµ and a tire swing rope Ý° ¸²µ »µ½Â¾Çº° ²¸Á¸Â and a briar patch of berries Ý° Áº»¾½µ º¾Á¾³¾À° takin over the slope 踿¾²½¸º ϳ¾´¾¹ ¿µÁÂÀ¸Â the cat'll sleep in the mailbox Ò ¿¾Ç¾²¾¼ Ïɸºµ Á¿¸Â º¾Â and we'll never go to town Ø ² ³¾À¾´ ½µÂà ½°¼ ¿Ã¸ til we bury every dream in ß¾º° ¼Ë ³À¾±¸¼ ²Áµ ¼µÇÂË the cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ gimme a Winchester rifle and a whole box of shells Ô°¹ ¼½µ Ò¸½ÇµÁµÀ ¸ ¿°ÇºÃ ¿°ÂÀ¾½ blow the roof off the goat barn á Å»µ²° Á²°»¸ ºÀËÈà let it roll down the hill ßÃÁÂÌ ¾½° º°Â¸ÂÁÏ ¿¾´ ž»¼ the piano is firewood ä¾Àµ¿ÌϽ¾ - ´À¾²° times square is a dream ß¾Á¾ϽÁ²¾ - ¼µÇ° I find we'll lay down together in the cold cold ground ÜË ²Áµ °¼ ±Ã´µ¼ ²¼µÁµ ² °º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ call the cops on the Breedloves Ûµ³°²ËÅ ²Ë·¾²¸ ½° ÑÀ¸´»¾²Á bring a bible and a rope Ò¾·Ì¼¸ ²µÀµ²º¸ ¼¾Â¾º and a whole box of rebel â°±ÃÀµÂºÃ, Ѹ±»¸Î, and a bar of soap Ô° ¸ ¼Ë»° ºÃÁ¾º make a pile of trunk tires ß¾ºÀËȺ¸ Á²°»¸ ² ºÃÇà and burn 'em all down Ú ÇµÀÂϼ Á¾¶³¸ ¸Å ²Áµ bring a dollar with you baby áÇ°Á»¸²Ë¹ ´¾»»°À ½Ã¶µ½, ±Í¹±¸, in the cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ take a weathervane rooster Ø º¸½Ã² º°¼µ½Ì ² ³¾»¾²Ã throw rocks at his head Á±µ¹ ĻγµÀ-¿µÂÃȺ° stop talking to the neighbors Ø ½µ ±¾»Â°¹ Á Á¾Áµ´Ï¼¸ til we all go dead ¿¾º° ¼Ë ½µ ¿¾¼Àµ¼, ¿¾º°, beware of my temper ѵÀµ³¸ÁÌ ¼¾µ³¾ Å°À°ºÂµÀ° and the dog that I've found Ø ¿Á°, º°º¾³¾ Ï ¿À¸³Àµ» break all the windows in the à°·±µ¹ ²Áµ ¾º½° cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ cold cold ground Ò Â°º¾¹ ž»¾´½¾¹ ·µ¼»µ  * Act 2 *  Straight To the Top (Vegas) ßÀϼ¾ ½° ²µÀÅ (Òµ³°Á) I'm going straight to the top ï ¸´Ã ¿Àϼ¾ ½° ²µÀÅ oh yea up where the air is Þ ´°, Âô°, ³´µ ²¾·´ÃÅ fresh and clean ç¸Á ¸ Á²µ¶ I'm going straight up to the top ï ¸´Ã ¿Àϼ¾ ½° ²µÀÅ if you know me, you know what I mean ܵ½Ï ¸ ¼¾¸ ¼ËÁ»¸ ²Ë ·½°µÂµ ´°²½¾ I can't let sorrow ݵ ´¾¿ÃÁ¸² ¿µÇ°»¸ try and pull ol' Frankie down âÏ½Ã Ï äÀͽº¸ ²½¸· live for tomorrow I have found you Ö¸²Ã Ï À°´¸ ·°²ÂÀ°, Ï Âµ±Ï ½°Èµ» I'm going straight up to the top ï ¸´Ã ¿Àϼ¾ ½° ²µÀÅ up where the air is fresh and clean Ó´µ ²¾·´ÃÅ Á²µ¶ ¸ ǸÁ i know that I will never stop, oh no Ø Ï ½µ ¾À¼¾¶Ã, ¾ ½µÂ until I know I'm wild and free ï ´¸º¸¹, Ï - Á²¾±¾´µ½ just like a champagne bubble Ú°º ¿Ã·ËÀ¸ È°¼¿°½¸ pop pop pop 廾¿, Å»¾¿, Å»¾¿ I'm like those birdies ï - ±Ã´Â¾ ¿Â°Èº° high up in the trees ÒËÁ¾º¾ ² ²µÂ²ÏÅ I can't let sorrow ݵ ´¾¿ÃÁ¸² ¿µÇ°»¸ pull ol' Frankie down âÏ½Ã Ï äÀͽº¸ ²½¸· live for tomorrow Ö¸²Ã Ï À°´¸ ·°²ÂÀ° I have found you ï µ±Ï ½°Èµ» I'm going straight up to the top oh yeah ï ¸´Ã ¿Àϼ¾ ½° ²µÀÅ up where the air is Þ ´°, Âô°, ³´µ ²¾·´ÃÅ fresh and clean ç¸Á ¸ Á²µ¶ Strange Weather áÂÀ°½½°Ï ß¾³¾´° Will ye take me across the channel Ý° ¿À¾³Ã»ºÃ ¿¾ º°½°»°¼ London Bridge is falling down âË ¼µ½Ï Á Á¾±¾¹ ²¾·Ì¼¸ Strange a woman tries to save â°º ±»Ã´½¸Æ° ¾ Á¿°Á°»°, More than a man will try to drown ç¾ žµ» Ï Ã¾¿¸ÂÌ And its the rain that they predicted í¾ ²µÇ½Ëµ ¿À¾³½¾·Ë, And its the forecast every time í¾ ´¾¶´Ì, Ǿ Áµ¹Ç°Á ¸´µÂ The rose has died because you picked it ßÀϼ¾ ² ¿°»ÌÆ°Å ²Ï½Ã À¾·Ë And I believe that brandy's mine Ø »¸ÈÌ ±Àµ½´¸ ¼½µ ½µ ²ÀµÂ And all over the world strangers Ø ²µ·´µ ½µ·½°º¾¼ÆË Talk only about the weather â¾»ºÃΠ»¸ÈÌ ¾± ¾´½¾¼ All over the world its the same Þ ¿¾³¾´µ, ² Ƶ»¾¼ ¼¸Àµ Its the same! ÒÁµ ¾´½¾! ÒÁµ ¾´½¾! And the world is getting flatter Ø ²µÁÌ ¼¸À À°·¼Ë»¾ ² ¿»¾Áº¾ÁÂÌ And the sky is falling all around ݵ±¾ ¿°´°µÂ ²¾ºÀó Oh, when nothing is the matter ×°ºÃÀÎ Ï ¿°¿¸À¾ÁºÃ For I never cry in town ܽµ ·´µÁÌ ¿»°º°ÂÌ ½µ ´¾Áó And a love like ours, my dear ݰȸ ÇòÁ²°, ´¾À¾³°Ï Is best measured when its down ÜË ¾Æµ½¸¼ »¸ÈÌ ² ³À¾±Ã And I never buy umberellas ï ·¾½Â¾² ½µ ¿¾ºÃ¿°Î Because there's always one around ܽµ ²Áµ³´° ¾´¸½ ´°´Ã And all over the world strangers Ø ²µ·´µ ½µ·½°º¾¼ÆË Talk only about the weather â¾»ºÃΠ»¸ÈÌ ¾± ¾´½¾¼ All over the world its the same Þ ¿¾³¾´µ, ² Ƶ»¾¼ ¼¸Àµ Its the same! ÒÁµ ¾´½¾! ÒÁµ ¾´½¾! And you know that its the beginning ×½°µÈÌ, ; »¸ÈÌ ½°Ç°»¾ And you know that its the end ×½°µÈÌ, ; ¸ º¾½µÆ Once again we are strangers á°½µ¼ ²½¾²Ì ¼Ë ½µ ·½°º¾¼Ë As the fog comes rolling in Û¸ÈÌ Âü°½ Á¿¾»·µÂ Á ½µ±µÁ And all over the world strangers Ø ²µ·´µ ½µ·½°º¾¼ÆË Talk only about the weather â¾»ºÃΠ»¸ÈÌ ¾± ¾´½¾¼ All over the world its the same Þ ¿¾³¾´µ, ² Ƶ»¾¼ ¼¸Àµ Its the same! ÒÁµ ¾´½¾! ÒÁµ ¾´½¾! Gun Street Girl Ôµ²Ç¾½º° Á û¸ÆË ²¾À¾² Falling James in the Tahoe mud ß°´È¸¹ Զ͹¼Á ² ³ÀÏ·¸ â°Å¾Í Stick around to tell us all the tale á¾±¸À¸ÂµÁÌ ² ºÀó, Ï À°ÁÁº°¶Ã °º¾µ Well he fell in love with a Gun Street girl Þ½ ²ÂÎÀ¸»ÁÏ ² ´µ²Ç¾½ºÃ Á û¸ÆË ²¾À¾² And now he's dancing in the Birmingham jail ᵹǰÁ ¾½ ² ѸÀ¼¸½³µ¼µ, ² ÂÎÀ̼µ ¼¾Â°µÂ ÁÀ¾º Dancing in the Birmingham jail ᵹǰÁ ¾½ ² ѸÀ¼¸½³µ¼µ, ² ÂÎÀ̼µ ¼¾Â°µÂ ÁÀ¾º He took a hundred dollars off a slaughterhouse Joe ×°±À°» ¾½ Á¾Â½Î ±°ºÁ¾² Á¾ Áº¾Â¾±¾¹½¸ Ô¶¾ Brought a brand new Michigan twenty-gauge Ô²°´Æ°Â¾³¾ º°»¸±À° ¿À¸½µÁ Á Á¾±¾¹ Àö̵ He got all liquored up on that road house corn Ø ²·Ï² ½° ³ÀÃ´Ì ²ÁÎ ²Ë¿¸²ºÃ ² º¾ÀǼµ, Ǿ à ´¾À¾³¸, Blew a hole in the hood of a yellow Corvette Þ½ ¶µ»Â¾¼Ã Ú¾À²µÂà ² ±Àµ´Ã ´ËÀϲ¸» ½¾³¸ A hole in the hood of a yellow Corvette Öµ»Â¾¼Ã Ú¾À²µÂà ² ±Àµ´Ã ´ËÀϲ¸» ½¾³¸ He bought a second-hand Nova from a Cuban Chinese Úÿ¸² ¿¾´µÀ¶°½½Ë¹ ݾ²° à ڸ°¹Æ° Á ÚÃ±Ë And dyed his hair in the bathroom of a Texaco ß¾ºÀ°Á¸» Á²¾¸ ¿°Â»Ë ² ²°½½¾¹ âµÅ°Á¾ With a pawnshop radio, quarter past four à°´¸¾ ² »¾¼±°À´µ Áº°·°»¾ "¿¾»-ǵ²µÀ¾³¾" He left for Waukegan at the slamming of the door Ø Å»¾¿½Ã² ´²µÀÌÎ ¾½ õŰ» ² Òúµ³µ½ Left for Waukegan at the slamming of the door 廾¿½Ã² ´²µÀÌÎ ¾½ õŰ» ² Òúµ³µ½ I said John, John, he's long gone ï Áº°·°» Ô¶¾½, Ô¶¾½, ¾½ ´¾»³¾¹ ȵ» ÂÀ¾¿¾¹ Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home ãȵ» ¾½ ² ؽ´¸°½Ã - ½µ ²µÀ½Ã»ÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ I said John, John, he's long gone ï Áº°·°» Ô¶¾½, Ô¶¾½, ¾½ ´¾»³¾¹ ȵ» ÂÀ¾¿¾¹ Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home ãȵ» ¾½ ² ؽ´¸°½Ã - ½µ ²µÀ½Ã»ÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ He's sitting in a sycamore in St. John's wood Ḵ¸Â ¾½ ½° ¿»°Â°½µ ² »µÁà ᵽÂ-Ô¶¾½° Soaking day-old bread in kerosene Ø ¼¾Ç¸Â ² ºµÀ¾Á¸½µ ¿µÀµÁ¾Åȸ¹ Å»µ± Well he was blue as a robin's egg and brown as a hog ѵ»Ë¹ º°º Ϲƾ, º¾À¸Ç½µ²Ë¹ º°º ±¾À¾² He's staying out of circulation 'til the dogs get tired ß¾º° ²½¸·Ã Á¾±°º¸ Âô° ½µ Á»µ·µÂ ¾½ Out of circulation 'til the dogs get tired ß¾º° ²½¸·Ã Á¾±°º¸ Âô° ½µ Á»µ·µÂ ¾½ Shadow fixed the toilet with an old trombone âµ½Ì Á¿ÀÏ°»° Á¾À¸À ¿¾´ Á°À˹ ÂÀ¾¼±¾½ He never get up in the morning on a Saturday Þ½ ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ²Á°µÂ À°½¾ ¿¾ Áñ±¾Â°¼ Sitting by the Erie with a bull-whipped dog Ý° Á±¾À¸Éµ à ÕÀ¸¸ Á ±µÁ½ÃÎɸ¼ÁÏ ¿Á¾¼ Telling everyone he saw, "They went that-a-way, boys" ÒÁµ¼ ²ÁÂÀµÇ½Ë¼ ³¾²¾ÀÏ "൱Ï°, °¼ - ´ÃÀ´¾¼" Telling everyone he saw, "They went that-a-way" ÒÁµ¼ ²ÁÂÀµÇ½Ë¼ ³¾²¾ÀÏ "൱Ï°, °¼ - ´ÃÀ´¾¼" Now the rain's like gravel on an old tin roof Ô¾¶´Ì ÁË¿µÂÁÏ º°º ³À°²¸¹ ½° ¾»¾²Ï½½Ë¹ ½°Á¸» And the Burlington Northern pulling out of the world Ò áµ²µÀ½Ë¹ ѵÀ»¸½³Â¾½ Áµ¹Ç°Á ÂË Ã³¾´¸» Now a head full of bourbon and a dream in the straw ß¾»½° ±°Èº° ±ÃÀ±¾½°, ¼µÇÂË ±Ã´Â¾ Á¾»¾¼° And a Gun Street girl was the cause of it all ÒÁµ ; ¸·-·° ´µ²¾Çº¸ Á û¸ÆË ²¾À¾² A Gun Street girl was the cause of it all ÒÁµ ; ¸·-·° ´µ²¾Çº¸ Á û¸ÆË ²¾À¾² Well he's riding in the shadow by the St. Joe ridge ç¾ ¶, Áº°ÇµÂ ¾½ ² µ½¸ ÅÀµ±Â° Cµ½Â. Ô¶¾ Hearing the click-clack tapping of a blind man's cane á»ÃÈ°Ï Éµ»Çº¸ ¿»°Á¸½º¸-ÂÀ¾Á¾Ǻ¸ Á»µ¿¾³¾ He was pulling into Baker on a New Year's Eve ޱǸÁ¸» ßµº°ÀÏ ¾½ ¿Àϼ ¿¾´ ݾ²Ë¹ Ó¾´ One eye on a pistol and the other on the door Þ´¸½ ³»°· ½° ¿À¸Æµ»µ, ° ´Àó¾¹ ½° ´²µÀ¸ One eye on a pistol and the other on the door Þ´¸½ ³»°· ½° ¿À¸Æµ»µ, ° ´Àó¾¹ ½° ´²µÀ¸ Miss Charlotte took her satchel down to King Fish Row ܸÁÁ è°À»¾Â° À°½µÆ °ɸ ¿Àϼ¾ º Ú¸½³ ä¸È à¾Ã Smuggled in a brand new pair of alligator shoes Ö¸²µÂ »¸ÈÌ º¾½ÂÀ¾±°½´¾¹ ºÀ¾º¾´¸»¾²ËÅ È÷¾² With her fireman's raincoat and her long yellow hair á µµ ¿»°Éµ¼ ¿¾¶°À½¸º° ¸ ´»¸½½Ë¼ ¶µ»Â˼ Å°¹µÀ¾¼ Well they tied her to a tree with a skinny millionaire ßÀ¸²Ï·°»¸ µµ º ´µÀµ²Ã ²¼µÁµ Á¾ ÁºÀϳ¾¹ ±¾³°Çµ¼ They tied her to a tree with a skinny millionaire ßÀ¸²Ï·°»¸ º ´µÀµ²Ã Á¾ ÁºÀϳ¾¹ ±¾³°Çµ¼ I said John, John, he's long gone ï Áº°·°» Ô¶¾½, Ô¶¾½, ¾½ ´¾»³¾¹ ȵ» ÂÀ¾¿¾¹ Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home ãȵ» ¾½ ² ؽ´¸°½Ã - ½µ ²µÀ½Ã»ÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ I said John, John, he's long gone ï Áº°·°» Ô¶¾½, Ô¶¾½, ¾½ ´¾»³¾¹ ȵ» ÂÀ¾¿¾¹ Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home ãȵ» ¾½ ² ؽ´¸°½Ã - ½µ ²µÀ½Ã»ÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ Banging on the table with an old tin cup áÂú½Ã² ¿¾ Á¾»Ã ºÃ±º¾¼ ¸· ¾»¾²° Sing I'll never kiss a Gun Street girl again ῾Π"Ôµ²Ç¾½º° Á û¸ÆË ²¾À¾² - ½µ ¿¾Æµ»ÃΠµ±Ï Á½¾²°" Never kiss a Gun Street girl again Ôµ²Ç¾½º° Á û¸ÆË ²¾À¾² - ½µ ¿¾Æµ»ÃΠµ±Ï Á½¾²° I'll never kiss a Gun Street girl again Ôµ²Ç¾½º° Á û¸ÆË ²¾À¾² - ½µ ¿¾Æµ»ÃΠµ±Ï Á½¾²° I said John, John, he's long gone ï Áº°·°» Ô¶¾½, Ô¶¾½, ¾½ ´¾»³¾¹ ȵ» ÂÀ¾¿¾¹ Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home ãȵ» ¾½ ² ؽ´¸°½Ã - ½µ ²µÀ½Ã»ÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ I said John, John, he's long gone ï Áº°·°» Ô¶¾½, Ô¶¾½, ¾½ ´¾»³¾¹ ȵ» ÂÀ¾¿¾¹ Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home ãȵ» ¾½ ² ؽ´¸°½Ã - ½µ ²µÀ½Ã»ÁÏ ´¾¼¾¹ Clap Hands 廾¿°¹Âµ ² »°´¾È¸ Three, six, nine âÀ¸, ȵÁÂÌ, ´²°, The goose drank wine ÒË¿¸» ³ÃÁÌ ²¸½°. The monkey chewed tobacco Ḵ¸Â ¾´¸½ ¿¾²µÁ° On the streetcar line ½° ÂÀ°¼²°¹½ËÅ Àµ»ÌÁ°Å. The line broke Ò¸·³ ¾À¼¾·¾² ½µ Á»ËÈ°» - The monkey got choked µ¿µÀÌ Ã¶µ ½µ ´ËȸÂ. And they all went to heaven ÒÁµ ¸ž ² À°¹ ¿»Ë²Ã In a little row boat. ½° ¼°»µ½Ìº¾¼ ¿»¾Âà Clap Clap 廾¿, Å»¾¿ (Å»¾¿°Î ² »°´¾È¸) Sane, sane, they're all insane, ßÁ¸Å, ¿Á¸Å, Ï - ½µ ¿Á¸Å, fireman's blind, the conductor is lame ¿¾¶°À½¸º ¾ - Á»µ¿¾¹, ° ¿À¾²¾´½¸º - ÅÀ¾¼¾¹ A Cincinnati jacket and a sad-luck dame Ö°ºµÂ ¸· 渽Ƹ½°Â¸, Á¼µÈ½°Ï ´°¼° ² ½µ¼ Hanging out the window with a bottle full of rain â¾ÀǸ ² ¾º½¾ Á ±ÃÂË»º¾¹ ¸ ¼¾º½µÂ ¿¾´ ´¾¶´µ¼ Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands 廾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ ² »°´¾È¸. Said roar, roar, the thunder and the roar ൲, Àµ², ³À¾¼, Á ½µ±° ²¾´° Son of a bitch is never coming back here no more áú¸½ Á˽ ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ²¾·²À°Â¸ÂÌÁÏ Áδ° The moon in the window and a bird on the pole Ûý° ¾ÀǸ ² ¾º¾Èºµ, ¿Â¸Çº°-ĻγµÀ ½° ȵÁµ We can always find a millionaire to shovel all the coal ܸ»»¸¾½µÀ Á Á¾²º¾¼ ² »°´¾Èº°Å ·° ó»µ¼ Á¿µÈ¸Â öµ Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands 廾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ ² »°´¾È¸. Said steam, steam, a hundred bad dreams ï Áº°·°» ¿°À, ¿°À, Á¾Â½Ï ´ÃÀ½ËÅ Á½¾² Going up to Harlem with a pistol in his jeans ß¾º¸´°Î Ó°À»µ¼ Á¾ Á²¾»¾¼ ² ´¶¸½Á°Å A fifty-dollar bill inside a palladin's hat Ý° ¿¾»Â¸½½¸º ±°ºÁ¾² Áǵ ¿¾´ ȻϿ¾¹ ß°»»°´¸½° And nobody's sure where Mr. Knickerbocker's at Ó´µ ¼¸ÁµÀ ݸºµÀ±¾ºµÀ, ³´µ Í° Áº¾Â¸½° Roar, roar, the thunder and the roar ൲, Àµ², ³À¾¼, Á ½µ±° ²¾´° Son of a bitch is never coming back here no more áú¸½ Á˽ ½¸º¾³´° ½µ ²¾·²À°Â¸ÂÌÁÏ Áδ° Moon in the window and a bird on the pole Ûý° ¾ÀǸ ² ¾º¾Èºµ, ¿Â¸Çº°-ĻγµÀ ½° ȵÁµ Can always find a millionaire to shovel all the coal ܸ»»¸¾½µÀ Á Á¾²º¾¼ ² »°´¾Èº°Å ·° ó»µ¼ Á¿µÈ¸Â öµ Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands 廾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ ² »°´¾È¸. I said steam, steam, a hundred bad dreams ï Áº°·°» ¿°À, ¿°À, Á¾Â½Ï ´ÃÀ½ËÅ Á½¾² Going up to Harlem with a pistol in his jeans ß¾º¸´°Î Ó°À»µ¼ Á¾ Á²¾»¾¼ ² ´¶¸½Á°Å A fifty-dollar bill inside a palladin's hat Ý° ¿¾»Â¸½½¸º ±°ºÁ¾² Áǵ ¿¾´ ȻϿ¾¹ ß°»»°´¸½° And nobody's sure where Mr. Knickerbocker's at Ó´µ ¼¸ÁµÀ ݸºµÀ±¾ºµÀ, ³´µ Í° Áº¾Â¸½° Shine, shine, a Roosevelt dime á²µÀº°¹, Á²µÀº°¹ ³À¸¸²µ½½¸º à÷²µ»Ì° All the way to Baltimore and running out of time ØÁǵÀ¿°²È¸¹ ²Àµ¼Ï ±¾³ ²µÁÂÌ µÉµ º¾³´° Salvation Army seemed to wind up in the hole ÐÀ¼¸¸ á¿°Áµ½¸Ï, ¿¾-¼¾µ¼Ã, "ÂÀñ°" They all went to heaven in a little row boat ÒÁµ ¸ž ² À°¹ ¿»Ë²Ã ½° ¼°»µ½Ìº¾¼ ¿»¾Âà Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands 廾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ ² »°´¾È¸. Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands 廾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ ² »°´¾È¸. Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands 廾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ, Å»¾¿°¹Âµ ² »°´¾È¸. Time ÒÀµ¼Ï Well the smart money's on Harlow and the moon is in the street ç¾ ¶, ´µ½Ì³¸ ´µ»°Î ½° å°À»¾Ã ¸ ½°´ û¸Æµ¹ Ûý° And the shadow boys are breaking all the laws Ò´°»µºµ ±ÃϽ¸Â ¼µÁ½°Ï È¿°½° And you're east of East Saint Louis â°¼, º ²¾Á¾ºÃ ¾Â áµ½Â-ÛøÁ° and the wind is making speeches ²µÂµÀ ²¾´¸Â žÀ¾²¾´ And the rain sounds like a round of applause Ø Èü ´¾¶´Ï ±Ã´Â¾ ¾²°Æ¸¹ ³À¾¼ And Napoleon is weeping in a carnival saloon Ø Ý°¿¾»µ¾½ ¾ÀµÂ ² Á°»Ã½µ - ; º°À½°²°» ¾¿ÏÂÌ His invisible fiancee's in the mirror Õ³¾ ½µ²µÁ° ² ·°·µÀº°»Ìµ ½µ ²¸´½° And the band is going home,