Ø ²¾Â ´¶°·-±Í½´ ¸´µÂ ´¾¼¾¹, it's raining hammers, it's raining nails ´¾¶´Ì ¼¾»¾Â¸Â ¿¾ ¼¾Á¾²¾¹ And it's true there's nothing left for him down here Ø Í¾ ¿À°²´°, µ¼Ã ·´µÁÌ ½µÇµ³¾ µÀÏÂÌ And it's time time time, and it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼, ³´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼. And it's time time time that you love Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼ ²Àµ¼Ï ½°Èµ¹ »Î±²¸ And it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼. And they all pretend they're orphans ÒÁµ ¿À¸Â²¾Àɸº¸-Á¸À¾ÂË and their memory's like a train ¸ ¸Å ¿°¼ÏÂÌ - ¿ÃÁ¾° You can see it getting smaller as it pulls away âË Á¼¾ÂÀ¸, ¾½¸ ´µÀÃÂÁÏ ·° ¼µ´Ïº And the things you can't remember Ø Ç¾ ·°±Ë» ´°²½¾ À°ÁÁº°¶µÂ tell the things you can't forget ¾¼Ã, Ǿ ½µ ·°±ËÂÌ ½¸º°º That history puts a saint in every dream ßÀ¾ ; ¼¸À, ² º¾Â¾À¾¼ º°¶´°Ï ¼µÇ° Á²Ï°. Well she said she'd stick around until the bandages came off Þ½° Áº°·°»° "±Ã´Ã ÀÏ´¾¼, ¿¾º° ±°³°¶ ½µ òµ»¸" But these mama's boys just don't know when to quit ݾ ͸ ¼°¼¸½Ë Á˽º¸ °º ¸ ½µ ·½°ÎÂ, Ǿ ¿¾ ǵ¼ And Mathilda asks the sailors Ø Ü°Â¸»Ì´° à ¼°ÂÀ¾Á¾² Á¿À¾Á¸Â "Are those dreams or are those prayers?" "è°½Á ¸»¸ ¼µÇÂË?" So close your eyes, son, and this won't hurt a bit ×°ºÀ¾¹ ³»°·°, ¼¾¹ Á˽, ½µ ±µÁ¿¾º¾¹ÁÏ ½¸ ¾ ǵ¼ Oh it's time time time, and it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼, ³´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼. And it's time time time that you love Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼ ²Àµ¼Ï ½°Èµ¹ »Î±²¸ And it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼. Well things are pretty lousy for a calendar girl ç¾ ¶, ´»Ï ´µ²¾Çº¸ Á ¾±»¾¶º¸ ½µ °º°Ï ö ¾Áº° The boys just dive right off the cars â°¼ ³´µ ½° û¸Æµ ¼°»ÌǸȺ¸ and splash into the street ¼¾Î Áµº»° à ¼°È¸½ And when they're on a roll she pulls a razor from her boot Þ½¸ ¿¾´Å¾´Ï ·° ¾¿»°Â¾¹, ÂË ÂϽµÈÌ ±À¸Â²Ã ¸· ½¾Áº° And a thousand pigeons fall around her feet Ø ÁÂ°Ï ³¾»Ã±µ¹ »µÂ¸Â Áº²¾·Ì Á¸·Ë¹ ´Ë¼ So put a candle in the window and a kiss upon his lips Ø ³¾À¸Â Á²µÇ° ² ¾º¾Èºµ ¸ ¶¶µÂ ³Ã±Ë ¿¾Æµ»Ã¹ As the dish outside the window fills with rain Ø ¿¾Áô° ·° ¾º½¾¼ ²ÁÏ ¿¾´ ´¾¶´µ¼ Just like a stranger with the weeds in your heart Ø Ï º°º Á°À°Ï ·°½¾·° ² ÁµÀ´Æµ ÂÀµ¿µÂ½¾¼ ²¾µ¼ And pay the fiddler off 'til I come back again ÑÀ¾ÁÌ ¼¾½µÂºÃ ÁºÀ¸¿°Çà ¸ ¼Ë Á ¾±¾¹ Á¿¾µ¼ Oh it's time time time, and it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼, ³´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼. And it's time time time that you love Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼ ²Àµ¼Ï ½°Èµ¹ »Î±²¸ And it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼. And it's time time time, and it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼, ³´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼. And it's time time time that you love Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼ ²Àµ¼Ï ½°Èµ¹ »Î±²¸ And it's time time time Ó´µ-¾ °¼, °¼, °¼.