Solaris 2. Терминалы и модемы
* Виталий Филатов. Переводы из Solaris FAQ *
Оригинал этого фрагмента лежит на
Подключение модемов в SunOs5
Для того, чтобы использовать порт только для входящих звонков (dial-in) Вы должны:
Сконфигурировать файл /etc/remote для программы tip.
Установить длину слова и чЃтность для порта
Запрограммировать модем
Настоить порт-монитор для коррекной выдачи login
Tip и /etc/remote
Определите, какой из последовательных портов Вы будете использовать. РазъЃм порта
может быть помечен как "A", "B", "A/B" или даже "C" и далее. Если Вы используете порт,
помеченный "A/B" и не имеете Y-образного кабеля-разветвителя, то Вам будет
доступен только порт A.
Драйвер последовательного устройства расщепляет каждый физический порт на два
логических устройства: /dev/term/a или /dev/term/b для входящих сообщений и /dev/cua/a
или /dev/cua/b для исходящих сообщений.
Под "скоростью передачи" в данной секции понимается DTE -- скорость передачи
"Sun-модем". DTE не является скоростью обмена между модемами и модем 14400bps
может иметь скорость DTE равную 19200 bps.
Убедитесь, что устройство вывода последовательного порта принадлежит пользователю
uucp, а устройство ввода -- пользователю root.
Если это не так, то войдите как root и выполните эти команды, подставив имя вашего
порта (a, b, c, d или e) там, где это необходимо:
# chown uucp:tty /dev/cua/a
# chown root:tty /dev/term/a
1. Откройте на редактирование файл /etc/remote и найдите раздел, начинающийся с метки
"hardwire:". Этот раздел предназначен для программирования модема и используется
для звонка из компьютера, только если Вы собираетесь непосредственно применять
команды AT. Если Вы добавляете второй модем, то скопируйте весь раздел "hardwire" и
пометьте его меткой "hardware2".
Этот раздел имеет вид
и Вы должны заменить знаки вопроса на значения, соответствующие используемому
порту (/dev/cua/a) и скорости передачи, например, /dev/cua/a и 9600):
2. Вызовите программу tip.
Замечание: Никогда не выполняйте программу tip в cmdtool . Используйте shelltool, xterm
или какое-нибудь другое окно без прокрутки. Прокрутка может привести к неправильной
обработке .
# tip hardware (или "tip hardware2")
Вы должны увидеть "connected". Напечатайте:
Это работает на всех Hayes-совместимых модемах, даже на самых дешЃвых. Вы
должны увидеть "OK". Теперь подайте все необходимые команды для
программирования модема. Не забудьте записать новые установки в энергонезависимую
память модема! Если Вы не получили "OK", то посмотрите подключЃн ли модем,
проверьте параметры скорости и порт в /etc/remote, прозвоните модемный кабель.
Завершите программу tip, напечатав,
Эта команда также завершает rlogin, т.е. если Вы выполняете tip через rlogin Вы должны
в противном случае вы только выйдите из rlogin.
Пример /etc/remote:
# The next seventeen lines are for the PCMCIA serial/modem cards. Do not edit by hand
dialup1|Dial-up system:\
The attributes are:
dv device to use for the tty
el EOL marks (default is NULL)
du make a call flag (dial up)
pn phone numbers (@ =>'s search phones file; possibly taken from
PHONES environment variable)
at ACU type
ie input EOF marks (default is NULL)
oe output EOF string (default is NULL)
cu call unit (default is dv)
br baud rate (defaults to 300)
fs frame size (default is BUFSIZ) -- used in buffering writes
on receive operations
tc to continue a capability
В данном примере файл /etc/remote настроен для работы по порту "b" со скоростью
19200bps, 8-бит, без контроля чЃтности - 8N1, что соответствует p8. Для работы по порту
"a" используется 9600bps, 7-бит, бит чЃтности дополняет байт до нечетного количества
единиц -- 7E1, т.к. p8 отсутствует.
Входная точка cuaa позволяет Вам напечатать "tip cuaa" и непосредственно вести
диалог с модемом по порту "a" на скорости 9600bps, 7E1.
Входная точка cuab позволяет Вам напечатать "tip cuab" и непосредственно вести
диалог с модемом по порту "b" на скорости 19200bps, 8N1.
Конфигурация Solaris 2.x для работы bidirectional модема
Все одиночные кавычки в директивах -- обратные кавычки, за исключением
специально оговорЃнных случаев.
Будьте уверены, что Вы выполняете нижеприведЃнные команды как root из Bourn
shell (sh), а не из ksh, tcsh или csh. Лучше, если Вы будете использовать Bourn shell
Если после выполнения инструкций Вы получите ошибку модема, или, если скрипт
add_modem (см. ниже) даст сообщение об ошибке типа "ttyadm: -V:
invalid parameter", то проверьте, что для root установлен shell
по-умолчанию /sbin/sh, а не csh.
Вы можете иметь только единственный порт-монитор на данном порту. Если Вы
случайно получите два или более порт-монитора, выполняющихся на данном порту,
Ваша машина скорее всего запаникует.
Имеются определЃнные возражения: нужно ли использовать установки
eeprom.Предлагаю использовать их, и всЃ будет работать.
1. Войдите как root и напечатайте:
# eepom ttya-ignore-cd=true [это означает использование аппаратного
распознавания несущей]
# eeprom ttya-rts-dtr-off=true
2. Перегрузите систему, напечатав:
# init 6
Критично ли перегружаться сейчас? Нет, но далее это всЃ-равно будет нужно сделать.
3. Убедитесь, что модем правильно подсоединЃн к порту и запрограммирован.
Убедитесь, что кабель в порядке. Кабель должен иметь по крайней мере линии 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8 и 20. Все линии должны быть соединены напрямую без перекрестия.
Нуль-модемный кабель работать не будет.
4. Проверьте сконфигурирован и выполняется ли ttymon. Для этого войдите как root и
# sacadm -l -t ttymon
Если Вы получите сообщение вида "Invalid request, ttymon does not exist", то это значит, что
ttymon не сконфигурирован. В этом случае перейдите к пункту 5.
Если Вы получите результат вида:
zsmon ttymon - 0 ENABLED /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
то перейдите к пункту 6.
* Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems under Solaris 2.x *
Newsgroups: comp.unix.solaris
From: (Celeste Stokely)
Subject: Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems under Solaris 2.x
Message-ID: <>
Sender: (Celeste Stokely)
Organization: Stokely Consulting, Mountain View, CA
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 15:42:22 GMT
Lines: 706
Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems under Solaris 2.x
Revision 2/2/94
Section Description Page
A.........Setting up a terminal on Solaris 2.x......................2
ENABLING SOLARIS FOR A TERMINAL.......................2
add_terminal script...................................3
B.........Setting Up a Bidirectional Modem on Solaris 2.x...........4
add_modem script......................................6
C.........Setting up a Modem for dial-out only......................7
D.........Tip and /etc/remote ......................................8
/etc/remote example...................................9
E.........Setting other serial port modes..........................10
/etc/ttydefs examples................................11
F.........Random notes of various uses of serial ports.............12
Parity in UUCP.......................................12
Flow control with UUCP...............................13
This document uses a "cook book" approach to setting up modems and
terminals under Sun's Solaris 2.x. It is not a tutorial and does not
cover all variations of serial port usage. But, between the explanations
and the scripts, you should be able to get common asynchronous modems
and terminals working fairly quickly.
You must execute the commands as root and you will probably have to
reboot the machine. So, plan the system's downtime accordingly.
You may distribute this information to anyone who wants it, as long as
you never attempt to copyright it in any way. If you find errors in it,
or have suggestions for changes in future revisions, please let me know
via email.
Go for it--you can do it!
..Celeste Stokely
Unix System Administration Consultant, Stokely Consulting
Voice Line: 415-967-6898 / FAX: 415-967-0160
USMAIL Address: Stokely Consulting
211 Thompson Square / Mountain View CA 94043
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 2
A. Setting up a terminal on Solaris 2.x
*** 1. All single quotes in these directions are BACK QUOTES, ***
*** not FORWARD QUOTES, except where specifically noted. ***
*** ***
*** 2. Be sure and execute these commands as root, from a ***
*** BOURNE shell (sh), not ksh, tcsh, or csh. (If you put the ***
*** commands into a Bourne shell script, that's fine, too.) ***
*** ***
*** 3. If, after following these instructions, you get ***
*** terminal failures, and you're not using a script, then ***
*** make sure that root's default shell is /sbin/sh and not ***
*** csh. ***
- Set the terminal for the speed you wish (example below
assumes you are using 9600 baud)
- The only lines you really need in the terminal-to-Sun cable
are 2, 3, and 7. Be sure to cross lines 2 and 3 in your cable.
- Set the terminal for Xon/Xoff flow control
- Set the terminal for 7 bits, Even Parity. (1 stop bit, if
you have that setting.) If you want a different parity or
word length, see Section D of this document.
- Save the following script as add_terminal
- make it executable with "chmod u+x add_terminal"
- Edit add_terminal to meet your particular needs
- Execute add_terminal
- If the terminal doesn't give you a login when you hit
try rebooting the machine once.
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 3
# add_terminal shell script. Must be run as root.
# This script invokes pmadm with the following parameters.
# Change these parameters as needed for your particular needs.
# --------- -------
# PORT Port you want to set up. "a" or "b"
# TTYSPEED Speed setting, from /etc/ttydefs
# -s tty$PORT Terminal is on tty$PORT
# -d /dev/term/$PORT Actual port device. you may want
# -l $TTYSPEED Speed/stty setting from /etc/ttydefs. choose a
# $TTYSPEED entry that meets your needs
# -T tvi925 Your default terminal type for this port. This
# is a terminfo terminal type
# -i 'terminal disabled' Message sent to the tty port if the port is
# ever disabled
# QUOTE-ALERT: The single quotes in the "terminal-disabled" message are
# set PORT = either a or b
# choose your speed setting. See /etc/ttydefs for more settings,
# or build your own from the examples in the rest of this document
# contty5H = 19200 bps, 7 bits even parity
# contty3H = 2400 bps, 7 bits even parity
# conttyH = 9600 bps, 7 bits even parity
# change ownership of outgoing side of port to user uucp, group tty
# change ownership of incoming side of port to user root, group tty
chown uucp /dev/cua/$PORT; chgrp tty /dev/cua/$PORT
chown root /dev/term/$PORT; chgrp tty /dev/term/$PORT
# Remove any existing port monitor on the port
pmadm -r -p zsmon -s tty$PORT
# Create the new port monitor
# QUOTE-ALERT: The single quotes in the port-disabled message
# [terminal disabled] are FORWARD QUOTES
pmadm -a -p zsmon -s tty$PORT -i root -fu -v `ttyadm -V` \
-m "`ttyadm -l $TTYSPEED -d /dev/term/$PORT -T tvi925 \
-i 'terminal disabled' -s /usr/bin/login -S y`"
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 4
B. Setting Up a Bidirectional Modem on Solaris 2.x
Be sure that the modem is configured in the following way:
- Hardware DTR. When the Sun drops DTR the modem should hang up and
reset the modem.
- Hardware Carrier Detect. The modem only raises the CD line when
there is an active carrier signal on the phone connection. When carrier
drops, either when the other end of the connection terminated or if
the phone connection is broken, the Sun will be notified and
act appropriately. The CD signal is also used for coordinating dial-in
and dial-out use on a single serial port and modem.
- Respond with numeric result codes. (Usually this is ATV0)
- Sends BASIC result codes ONLY. (Sometimes this is ATX0 or ATQ0)
- Does not echo commands. (Usually this is ATE0)
- Modem is locked at a single speed setting between Sun and modem.
Speed may vary as needed between local and remote modem, but
should remain constant between Sun and modem.
*** 1. All single quotes in these directions are BACK QUOTES, ***
*** not FORWARD QUOTES, except where specifically noted. ***
*** ***
*** 2. Be sure and execute these commands as root, from a ***
*** BOURNE shell (sh), not ksh, tcsh, or csh. (If you use ***
*** the a Bourne shell script, that's ok.) ***
*** ***
*** 3. If, after following these instructions, you get ***
*** modem failures, or if step #7 gives an error message ***
*** about "ttyadm: -V: invalid parameter", then make sure ***
*** that root's default shell is /sbin/sh and not csh. ***
1. Login as root and type:
prompt# eeprom ttya-ignore-cd=true
prompt# eeprom ttya-rts-dtr-off=true
>> go to step 2
2. Reboot the system by typing:
prompt# init 6
>> Go to step 3
3. Make sure the modem is properly connected and configured.
Make sure the cable is ok. (A 25-pin cable, wired "straight through"
is fine. A Null Modem cable will NOT work.)
>> Go to step 4
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 5
4. Is zsmon configured and running?
(The following instructions assume that the modem is on serial port A.)
Login as root and type:
prompt# sacadm -l -t ttymon
If you get a message like:
"Invalid request, zsmon does not exist"
then the zsmon port monitor is not configured.
>> Go to step 5
If you get a result like:
zsmon ttymon - 0 ENABLED /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
>> Go to step 6
5. To configure the zsmon port monitor
prompt# sacadm -a -p zsmon -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon \
-v `ttyadm -V` -y "dial in/out on serial port a"
(Note: The string "zsmon" is known as a PMTAG.
"dial in/out on serial port a" is a helpful comment.)
>> Go to step 6
6. Is ttymon configured and running?
prompt# pmadm -l -s ttya (where ttya is the SVCTAG)
a) If there is no service, you will get a result like:
Service does not exist.
>> Go to step 7.
b) If you got a result like:
zsmon ttymon ttya u root /dev/term/a I - /
Then you need to remove the existing service by typing:
prompt# pmadm -r -p zsmon -s ttya
^ ^
>> Go to step 7.
7. Make a script which will remove any existing port monitor and create a new
bidirectional port service.
(Putting this in a script is a Very Good Idea because if you make a mistake,
you can easily fix the problem and rerun the script. Don't try to do this
without a script--there are too many typing errors waiting to be made in
this command.
Type in the following script as a file (for instance, /sbin/add_modem),
make it executable, then run it.
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 6
# add_modem shell script. Must be run as root from bourne shell
# This script invokes pmadm with the following parameters.
# Change these parameters as needed for your particular needs.
# --------- -------
# PORT Port you want to set up. "a" or "b"
# TTYSPEED Speed setting, from /etc/ttydefs
# -p zsmon PMTAG / name of this port monitor
# -s ttya SVCTAG / modem is on ttya. you may want ttyb
# -d /dev/term/$PORT Actual port device.
# -l contty5H Ttylabel, defined in /etc/ttydefs file. (speed
# setting. contty5H=19200 baud.
# -b Flag for bidirectional port use
# -S n Turn software carrier off (modem supplies hardware
# carrier detect signal)
# "dial in/out on serial port" This is a comment you'll see on pmadm -l
# set PORT = either a or b
# choose your speed setting. See /etc/ttydefs for more, or build your
# own from the examples in the rest of this document
# contty5H = 19200 bps, 7 bits even parity
# conttyH = 9600 bps, 7 bits even parity
# change ownership of outgoing side of port to user uucp, group tty
# change ownership of incoming side of port to user root, group tty
chown uucp /dev/cua/$PORT; chgrp tty /dev/cua/$PORT
chown root /dev/term/$PORT; chgrp tty /dev/term/$PORT
# Remove any existing port monitor on this port
pmadm -r -p zsmon -s tty$PORT
# Create the new port monitor
pmadm -a -p zsmon -s tty$PORT -i root -v `ttyadm -V` -fu -m \
"`ttyadm -d /dev/term/$PORT -s /usr/bin/login -l $TTYSPEED -b \
-S n -m ldterm,ttcompat`" -y "dial in/out on serial port"
#end of add_modem script
Make the script executable by typing
prompt# chmod 700 /sbin/add_modem
then run it with:
prompt# /sbin/add_modem
For more information, see Section D, "Tip and /etc/remote".
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 7
C. Setting up a modem for dial-out only
Be sure that the modem is configured for the following:
- Hardware DTR, when the Sun drops DTR the modem should hang up and
reset the modem.
- Hardware Carrier Detect, the modem only raises the CD line when
there is an active carrier signal on the phone connection. When carrier
drops, either when the other end of the connection terminated or if
the phone connection is broken, the Sun will be notified and
act appropriately. The CD signal is also used for coordinating dial-in
and dial-out use on a single serial port and modem.
- Respond with numeric result codes. (Usually this is ATV0)
- Sends BASIC result codes ONLY. (Sometimes this is ATX0 or ATQ0)
- Does not echo commands. (Usually this is ATE0)
- Modem is locked at a single speed setting between Sun and modem.
Speed may vary as needed between local and remote modem, but
should remain constant between Sun and modem.
- Modem is set to not answer the phone. (Usually this is S0=0)
If there is no port monitor running on the port, then the Sun will not
try to spawn a login.
1. Login as root and type:
prompt# eeprom ttya-ignore-cd=true
prompt# eeprom ttya-rts-dtr-off=true
>> go to step 2
2. Reboot the system by typing:
prompt# init 6
>> Go to step 3
3. Make sure the modem is properly connected and configured.
Make sure the cable is ok. (A 25-pin cable, wired "straight through"
is fine. A Null Modem cable will NOT work.)
>> Go to step 4
4. Is ttymon configured and running?
prompt# pmadm -l
If you got a result like:
zsmon ttymon ttya u root /dev/term/a I - /.....
Then you need to remove the existing service by typing:
prompt# pmadm -r -p zsmon -s ttya
^ ^
>> Go to section D, "Tip and /etc/remote".
If you see nothing listed for the port you're dealing with, then the
Sun will not spawn a login on that port.
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 8
D. Tip and /etc/remote
* NOTE: Never run tip from a cmdtool. Use a shelltool, xterm, or some *
* other window without scrollbars. The scrollbars may confuse tip's *
* processing. *
* *
* There are exceptions to this, but if you never run tip in a scrollbar *
* window, you won't have to remember all the ways it does and does not *
* work. *
1. Edit /etc/remote and find the entry beginning with "hardwire:". Change
the portion which says:
to read
:dv=/dev/cua/a: (or /dev/cua/b if you're using the B port)
Change the portion which says:
to read
:br#9600: (or 19200, or whatever baud rate you plan to use)
>> Go to step 2
2. Type:
prompt# tip hardwire
you should see "connected"
you should see "OK".
Congratulations! You're talking with the modem!
If you don't see "OK", you are not communicating with the modem.
See if the modem is plugged in, verify the baud rate of the modem
and the hardwire entry in /etc/remote, verify the modem cable.
3. The cuaa entry (below) allows you to type "tip cuaa" and talk
directly to a modem on port a at 2400 bps.
4. "tip some_phone_number" will look for the tip0 entry and use that
definition. (In the example below, it will use tip0, which points to
UNIX-2400, which sets up a dialup 2400 bps hayes compatible modem.
UNIX-2400 points to dialers, which references /dev/cua/a.
5. "tip mysystem" (below) looks up the "mysystem" entry, and dials the
number 14155551212 via a 9600 bps connection on /dev/cua/b.
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 9
/etc/remote example:
The following sample file is set up for
port a, 2400 bps hayes-compatible modem, 8 bits no parity ("p8" entry)
port b, 9600 bps hayes-compatible modem, 7 bits even parity (no "p8" entry)
The attributes are:
dv device to use for the tty
du make a call flag (dial up)
pn phone numbers (@ =>'s search phones file; possibly taken from
PHONES environment variable)
at ACU type
ie input EOF marks (default is NULL)
oe output EOF string (default is NULL)
cu call unit (default is dv)
br baud rate (defaults to 300)
tc to continue a capability
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 10
E. Setting other serial port modes
Serial port modes (the terminal I/O options found in stty(1) ) are set in the
file /etc/ttydefs. The name of the serial port mode (like contty5H) is used
as the argument to the "-l" option in the "ttyadm" portion of the "pmadm
-a" command. (This is the "speed" setting you use when you add a new port
monitor.) See the stty man page for all the available terminal I/O options.
The format of the entries in ttydefs is defined as:
ttylabel The string ttymon tries to match against the TTY port's
ttylabel field in the port monitor administrative file.
It often describes the speed at which the terminal is
supposed to run, for example, 1200.
initial-flags Contains the initial termio(7) settings to which the
terminal is to be set. For example, the system administrator
will be able to specify what the default erase and kill
characters will be. initial-flags must be specified in the
syntax recognized by the stty command.
final-flags final-flags must be specified in the same format as
initial-flags. ttymon sets these final settings after a
connection request has been made and immediately prior to
invoking a port's service.
autobaud If the autobaud field contains the character `A', autobaud
will be enabled. Otherwise, autobaud will be disabled.
ttymon determines what line speed to set the TTY port to by
analyzing the carriage returns entered. If autobaud has been
disabled, the hunt sequence is used for baud rate determination.
nextlabel If the user indicates that the current terminal setting is
not appropriate by sending a BREAK, ttymon searchs for a
ttydefs entry whose ttylabel field matches the nextlabel field.
If a match is found, ttymon uses that field as its ttylabel
field. A series of speeds is often linked together in this
way into a closed set called a hunt sequence. For example,
4800 may be linked to 1200, which in turn is linked to 2400,
which is finally linked to 4800.
WARNING: These stty modes are processed from left to right within each set
of "initial-flags" or "final-flags". So, the order of the modes in each
entry is significant.
** IMPORTANT NOTE: When setting the mode to 8bits, do NOT enter it as **
** ".... -parity ... sane", but as "... sane... -parity" because "sane" **
** resets the port to 7 bits. **
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 11
/etc/ttydefs examples:
1. contty5H, as supplied by Sun, is 19200 bps, 7 bits even parity
contty5H:19200 opost onlcr:19200 hupcl sane::conttyH
This is equivalent to:
contty5H:19200 evenp opost onlcr:19200 sane evenp hupcl::conttyH
contty5H:19200 parenb -parodd opost onlcr:19200 sane parenb
-parodd hupcl::conttyH
2. To change contty5H to "7 bits, no parity" (-parenb):
contty5H:19200 -parenb opost onlcr:19200 sane -parenb hupcl::conttyH
3. To change contty5H to "7bits, odd parity" (parenb parodd, or oddp):
contty5H:19200 parenb parodd opost onlcr:19200 sane parenb parodd
contty5H:19200 oddp opost onlcr:19200 sane oddp hupcl::conttyH
4. To change contty5H to "8 bits, no parity" (-parenb cs8, or -parity):
contty5H:19200 -parenb cs8 opost onlcr:19200 sane -parenb cs8 hupcl::conttyH
contty5H:19200 -parity opost onlcr:19200 sane -parity hupcl::conttyH
WARNING: These stty modes are processed from left to right within each set
of "initial-flags" or "final-flags". So, the order of the modes in each
entry is significant.
** IMPORTANT NOTE: When setting the mode to 8bits, do NOT enter it as **
** ".... -parity ... sane", but as "... sane... -parity" because "sane" **
** resets the port to 7 bits. **
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 12
E. Random notes of various uses of serial ports
1. Parity in UUCP:
People often get confused about running UUCP in 7 bits vs. 8 bits vs.
even vs. odd parity. Here's what's really going on and how to deal with it.
Both the caller and receiver must agree on parity (even, odd, none) during
the login sequence. 7 or 8 bit word length often doesn't matter, if you
"do the right thing" with parity.
Once the uucico's are running, UUCP's own protocol handles all these
issues for you, but you need to be concerned with it during login.
There are 4 parity-related options you can set up during the login chat:
P_ZERO - No parity
P_EVEN - Even parity
P_ODD - Odd parity
P_ONE - "1" or Mark parity
It is usually safest to set up parity on a per-system-to-call basis, in
the /etc/uucp/Systems file, but it can also be set for all uses of the
port, in /etc/uucp/Dialers file.
Example 1. Setting up a port within UUCP to run with no parity, on a
per-system-connect basis.
In the file /etc/uucp/Systems, include P_ZERO in the chat script,
as in:
outhost Any ACU 9600 5551212 "" P_ZERO ogin: mylogin ssword: mypass
This means that when you first start trying to contact the machine
"outhost" uucp expects nothing ("") and sets P_ZERO (no parity).
Example 2. Setting up a port within UUCP to run with no parity, for all
uses of this port.
(This example assumes you are using the "tbfast" entry in your
/etc/uucp/Devices file)
In /etc/uucp/Dialers:
tbfast =W-, "" P_ZERO "" \dA\pA\pA\pTE1V1X1......
Feb 2 Celeste's Guide to Terminals & Modems in Solaris 2.x Page 13
2. Flow control with UUCP:
With UUCP, either use hardware flow control or no flow control. Please
remember that there is no incoming hardware flow control on Sun CPU
serial ports, only outgoing hardware flow control. (There is no such
limitation on non-cpu ports which claim to have hardware flow control.)
Sun has released a patch to enable hardware flow control on some
systems' cpu serial ports. It may work on your system.
The lack of incoming hardware flow control is not a problem with UUCP,
usually, because the UUCP protocol is robust enough to request
retransmission of packets when the data isn't correct.
Using a good modem that has built-in UUCP protocol support (also known as
spoofing) will also help. If all else fails, slow down the connection
between the Sun and the modem to what you can support in your environment.
The string "STTY=crtscts" tells UUCP to use hardware flow control. It's
usually better to set this up on a per-port basis, rather than on a
per-system basis, but UUCP will let you configure it however you want.
Example 1. Setting up a port with UUCP to use hardware flow control for
all uses of this port. (Preferred way)
(This example assumes you are using the "tbfast" entry in your
/etc/uucp/Devices file)
In /etc/uucp/Dialers, add "STTY=crtscts" after the CONNECT\sFAST:
tbfast =W-, "" \dA\pTE1.... \EATDT\T\r\c CONNECT\sFAST STTY=crtscts
Example 2. Setting up a port with UUCP to use hardware flow control, on
a per-system-connect basis. (Do this if you feel you must, but there
are very few good reasons for it.)
In the file /etc/uucp/Systems, include "STTY=crtscts" in the chat
script, as in:
outhost Any ACU 9600 5551212 ogin: mylog ssword: mypass "" STTY=crtscts
Last-modified: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 17:41:37 GMT