72. At this time, Tyutchev was "nailed to his bed by illness". An improvisation addressed to Bogdanova. 380. December 30th. 1872. On the death of Napoleon III. Dictated to his wife, though having suffered his first stroke on December 4th. it cost him great effort. The poem copied by Ernestine was so incomplete that A. Maikov edited it at the request of the editor of the Grazhdanin/Citizen. According to Aksakov, "There is no doubt that Fyodor Ivanovich would have corrected it quite differently". As it is, we are not sure how much of the poem we are left with is actually Tyutchev's. One of Napoleon III's priorities had been to release France from what he saw as the restrictions imposed upon her by the Congress of Vienna. Tsar Nicholas was incensed when the French ruler took on the title Emperor. Napoleon was authoritarian and anti-parliamentarian, though certainly shrewd enough to realise that his universal plebiscite would keep the largely rural, anti-republican vote in his camp. 381. January, 1873. Dedicated to Evgeniya Shenshina (1833-1873), nee Arseneva. 382. Late January, 1873. Tyutchev based this verse on an article published on January 23rd. in the Journal de St. Petersbourg. It dealt with the Russian campaign to take the central Asiatic town of Khiva. From the khanate of Khiva, sorties to capture Russian workers on the eastern coast of the Caspian sea and use them as slaves had long irritated Russia. Characteristically agitated by Russian foreign policy, Tyutchev followed the news in the papers from the beginning. The entire matter of the Great Game, the cat-and-mouse play between Russia and Britain in that part of Asia, could not fail to spur him to the series of abrasive swipes at Britain encountered in the poem. Russia established a base on the eastern shores of the Caspian in 1869 and from there proceeded to subjugate much of Transcaucasia, ultimately pushing across to the Pacific. The insane Paul I had nursed grandiose plans to join up an army with the French and head via Khiva and other khanates for India, thereby undermining the British position on the sub-continent. The project remained a wild dream. 383. January 30th. 1873. The governor of Moscow, Pyotr Durnovo, and the head of the Moscow council, Ivan Lyamin, inspired this amusing piece. It seems that Durnovo was so incensed that Lyamin had visited him in tails rather than in full dress uniform, that throughout the visit he treated his guest as subservient. Tyutchev wrote to Anna: "I'd like you to let me have further details of this incident. I can't imagine what good it does a government to be represented by badly brought up people". From the middle of the XIII to the early XIV centuries, the baskaks collected the Golden Horde's taxes. 384. January 30th. 1873. There is a play on words here. Tyutchev says, "Of course, they would not have sent Durnovo", which sounds the same as saying, "... they wouldn't have sent a fool" (both words pronounced durnovo). 385. 1873. Addressed to Ernestine. On his death bed, Tyutchev is characteristically economical with his language. God has, he complains, taken away his "health", which prevents him from enjoying the "air" (that which for him is "a condition of life", he tells Bogdanova in 1870), his "will power", which he never had a great deal of to begin with, so perhaps there is a macabre joke here, and his "sleep" and ability to "dream". Of course, the most important thing remains, "love", embodied by his wife, allowing him to cling on to the faith he played with all his life. 386. February, 1873. Tyutchev offers a final combination of observation and, in the title, wish-fulfilment. 387. March 1st. 1873. The Empress Maria left for Sorrento on this day. 388. March 19th. 1873. On Darya's name-day. Gregg (A:14/205) points out that this poem, one of several he refers to as senilia, demonstrates a return to the childhood style of Lyubeznomu papen'ke/Dear Dad! [1]. 389. April 17th. 1873. On the 55th. anniversary of the birth of Alexander II. Tyutchev recalls how he and his father were visiting Zhukovsky in Moscow at the time. 390. April, 1873. Alexander II intended visiting the Tyutchevs, never having been to their house before, and, on hearing of it, Tyutchev characteristically noted that it would be extremely indelicate if, the very day after such a visit, he did not make a point of dying. It is not certain whether or not the visit actually took place. 391. April, 1873. Despite an inevitable looseness of structure as a result of Tyutchev's illness, this poem retains much power. 392. May 5th. 1873. Dedicated to the memory of A. Hilferding. 393. 1873. The last verses known to have been written by Tyutchev and sent to Alexander Nikitenko, professor of Russian literature at the University of St. Petersburg and a member of the censorship committee. Written after the text are the words: "When shall I see you, my friend, I'm frightfully depressed and sad". 341  * SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY *  TYUTCHEV'S LETTERS No complete edition of Tyutchev's letters has yet appeared, although before his death Pigaryov was working on such a project. To date, in the region of 1,330 letters written have been located. When referring to them I give only dates and addressees. ABBREVIATIONS AN SSSR Akademiya nauk SSSR KL Khudozhestvennaya literature L Leningrad M Moscow ML Moscow-Leningrad RAN Rossiiskaya akademiya nauk RL Russkaya literatura PS Polnoe sobranie SS Sobranie sochinenii SSt. Sobranie stikhotvorenii SP Sovetskii pisatel' TR Translated by UP University Press In the case of anthologies and collections, the first name after the title is that of the editor-in-chief or principal contributor. Titles not given in English are of works which, to the best of my knowledge, have not been translated into English. A. WORKS BY AND WHOLLY OR SUBSTANTIALLY ABOUT TYUTCHEV Most works about Tyutchev are in the form of the thesis, article or essay. Far from being exhaustive, Section A contains materials I have either quoted from or consulted for this book. 1. Aksakov, I. Biografiya Fyodora Ivanovicha Tyutcheva. M, 1886. 2. Barabtarlo, G. Tjutcev's Poem "Zdes', nekogda, moguchii I prekrasnyi": Textology and Exegesis of the Bogatyrev Manuscript. SEEJ, No.3, 1986. (pp.420-430) 3. Berkovsky, L. Stikhotvoreniya. BP, ML, 1962. 4. Bilokur, D. A Concordance to the Russian Poetry of Fedor I. Tiutchev. Providence, 1975. 5. Bryusov, V. F.I. Tyutchev: Letopis' ego zhizni. Russkii arkhiv 3 (1903, 1906). 6. Bukhshtab, B. Russkie poety: Tyutchev, Fet, Kozma Prutkov, Dobrolyubov. KL, L, 1970 (pp.9-75) 7. Chulkov, G. Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestva F. I. Tyutcheva. ML, 1933. 8. Coates, W. Tiutchev and Germany: the Relationship of his Poetry to German Literature and Culture. Ph.D. Harvard, 1950. 9. Conant, R. The Political Poetry and Ideology of F.I. Tiutchev. Ardis Essay Series, No. 6. Adis. Ann. Arbor, 1983. 10. Elzon, M. i. "My molodoi vesny gontsy". RL, 3, 1997. (p.198) ii F. I. Tyutchev v komitete tsensury inostrannoi: novye materialy. RL, 1, 1997. (pp.239-243) 11. Eikhenbaum, B. i. O poezii. SP, L, 1969. ii. Russkaya poeziya XIX v. "Academia", L, 1929. (With Yu. Tynyanov). 12. F. Wigzell Fet on Tiutchev in Russian Writers on Russian Writers, Berg, 1994. 13. Ginzburg, L. O lirike. SP, ML, 1964. 14. Gregg, R. Fedor Tiutchev: The Evolution of a Poet. Columbia University Press, 1965. 15. Grekhnyov, V. Vremya v kompozitsii stikhotvorenii Tyutcheva. AN SSSR, Seriya literatury i yazyka, t.32, vyp.6, M, 1973. (p.487) 16. Kozlik, I. 17. Kozhinov, V. Tyutchev. M, "Molodaya gvardiya". 1988. 18. Lane, R. i. An index and synopsis of diplomatic documents relating to Tyutchev's period in Turin (October 1837 - October 1839). New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 1989- 90. ii. Bibliography of works by and about F.I. Tyutchev to 1985. Astra Press, 1987. iii. Diplomatic Documents Concerning F.I. Tyutchev in Turin, 1838-1839. Oxford Slavonic Papers. New Series. Vol. XX, 1987. (pp.94-100). iv. F.L. Tyutchev's Diplomatic Career in Munich (1822-37). Irish Slavonic Studies, 15, 1994. (pp.17-43). v. F.I. Tyutchev's Service Absenteeism and Second Marriage in the Light of Unpublished Documents (1839). Irish Slavonic Studies, No. 8, 1987. (pp.6- 13). vi. Hunting Tyutchev's Literary Sources in Poetry, Prose and Public Opinion. In Memory of Nikolay Andreyev. Ed. W. Harrison. Avebury Publishing Company, 1984. (pp.43-68). vii. Pascalian and Christian Existential Elements in Tyutchev's Letters and Poems. Forum for Modern Language Studies, Vol. XVIII, No.4, October 1982. viii. The Life and Work of F.I. Tyutchev. Ph.D. Cambridge, 1970. ix. Tyutchev in the 1820s-1840s. An Unpublished Correspondence of 1874-5. Irish Slavonic Studies, No.3, 1982. (pp.2-13). x. Tjutcev's Mission to Greece (1833) According to Diplomatic Documents. Russian Literature XXIII. North-Holland, 1988. (pp.265-280). xi. Zagranichnaya poezdka Tyutcheva v 1853 g. LN, vol.97: Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, bk.2, "Nauka", 1988. (pp.464-470) 19. Liberman, A. On the Heights of Creation: The Lyrics of Fedor Tyutchev. JAI Inc. Russian & European Studies, vol. 2, 1991. 20. Literaturnoe nasledstvo. T.97: Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, "Nauka", 1988. 21. Maimin, E. Russkaya filosofskaya poeziya: poety-lyubomudry, A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. AN SSSR, "Nauka", 1976. (pp.143-184) 22. Matlaw, R. The Polyphony of Tyutchev's "Son na more". Slavic Review, 1957, 36 (pp. 198-204) 23. Murtagh, F. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev: Translations and Adaptations, Durham, 1983. Self-publication. 24. Nikolaev, A. Zagadka "K.B.". "Neva", No.5. 1985. This article was actually co-written by R. Lane. 25. Ozerov, L. Poeziya Tyutcheva. M, 1975. 26. Pigaryov, K. Zhizn' i tvorchestva F. I. Tyutcheva. AN SSSR, M, 1962, republished in 1978 as F. I Tyutchev i ego vremya.. 27. Pratt, S. Russian Metaphysical Romanticism: The Poetry of Tiutchev and Boratynskii. Studies of the Russian Institute, Columbia University, Stanford University Press, 1984. 28. Sagner, O. The Semantics of Chaos in Tjutcev. Slavistische Beitrage, 171, Munich, 1983. 29. Savodnik, V. Chuvstvo prirody v poezii Pushkina, Lermontova i Tyutcheva. M, 1911. 30. Slavica Hierosolymitana. Slavic Studies of the Hebrew University. The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1979. (pp.36-69) 31. Stremooukhoff, D. La Poesie et l'ideologie de Tiouttchev. Dissertation. Paris, 1937. 32. Surina, N. Tyutchev i Lamartin. "Poetika" 1-5. Heraus. von Dmitrij Tschizevskij. B. 104. Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Munchen, 1970. 33. Tyutchev, F. i. La Papaute et la Question Romaine; La Russie et la Revolution; Lettre a M. le Docteur Gustave Kolb, Redacteur de la 'Gazette Universelle'; Lettre sur la Censure en Russie in F.I. Tyutchev, 1913 in F. I. Tyutchev: PSS, P. Bykov, SPb, 1913. (pp.333-369) ii. Lirika. Izd. K. V. Pigaryov. "Nauka", M, 1965. iii. Tyutcheviana. Chulkov, G. M, 1922. B. WORKS BY AND ABOUT OTHER WRITERS 1. Ausonius Decimi Magni Ausonii Burdigalensis Opuscula. Ed. Sextus Prete. BSB BG. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, 1978. 2. Batyushkov PSSt. N. Fridman, ML, 1964. 3. Baudelaire Oeuvres Completes. Bibliotheque de la Pleiade. Texte etabli et annote par Y.- G. le Dantec. Librairie Gallimard, 1954. 4. Beranger One Hundred Songs of Pierre-Jean de Beranger with Translations by William Young. Chapman & Hall. London, 1847. 5. Bohme Jacob Bohme (1575-1624): Studies in his Life and Teaching. H. Martensen. Translated by T. Rhys Evans. Notes and Appendices by S. Hobhouse. Rockliff, London, 1949. 6. Byron Lord Byron. The Complete Poetical Works. Ed. J.J. McGann. Oxford, 1980. 7. Chaadaev, 1989. 8. Chateaubriand Grands ecrits politiques. T.I. Presentation et notes par Jean-Paul Clement. Imprimerie nationale Editions, 1993. 9. Derzhavin Stikhotvoreniya. SP, L, 1957. 10. Dobrolyubov SS. v 9 tomakh. M, 1952. 11. Dostoevsky i. Dostoevskii o Tyutcheve (k atributsii odnoi stat'i v "Grazhdanine". RL, 1975, No. 1. (pp.172-6) ii. Dostoevskii - chelovek, pisatel' i mify: Dostoevskii i ego "Dnevnik pisatelya". D. Grishin, Melbourne University, 1971. iii. F.M. Dostoevsky. PSS v 30 tomakh. Brat'ya Karamazovy (t.14), "Nauka", L, 1976. 12. , 1963. 13. Goethe i. Essays on Goethe. Ed. W. Rose. Cassell & Co. Ltd. 1949. ii. Goethe: A Critical Introduction. R. Gray. Cambridge University Press, 1967. iii. Goethe: The Poet and the Age. Vol. 1 The Poetry of Desire (1749-1790). N. Boyle. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1991. iv. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Samtliche Werke. Briefe, Tagebucher and Gesprache. Vierzig Bande. Deutscher Klassiker Verlag. Heraus von Hendrik Birus et al. Frankfurt am Main, 1987. v. Notes to Goethe's Poems. J. Boyd. Blackwell, Oxford. (2 vols.: 1749-86; 1786-1832). 14. Gray The Complete Poems of Thomas Gray. Ed. H.W. Starr & J.R. Hendrickson. Oxford, 1966. 15. Heine i. Briefe in 6 Bande. F. Hirth. Florian Kupperberg Verlag. Mainz, 1950. B.1. (p.353) ii. Heinrich Heine: Poetry and Politics. N. Reeves. OUP, 1974. iii. Samtliche Werke. 5 Banden. Winkler Verlag Munchen, 1969-72. 16. Herder i. Johann Gottfried Herder. Samtliche Werke. Heraus. von B. Suphan. Georg Ulms Verlagsbuchhandlung. Hildesheim, 1968. ii. Johann Gottfried Herder. Werke in zehn Banden. Deutscher Klassiker Verlag. Frankfurt am Main, 1990. B.3 Volkslieder, Ubertragungen, Dichtungen. iii. Vico and Herder: Two Studies in the History of Ideas. I. Berlin. The Hogarth Press, London, 1976. 17. Holderlin, F. i. Samtliche Werke und Briefe. Deutscher Klassiker Verlag. Frankfurt am Main, 1992. ii. Holderlin. D. Constantine. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1988. 18. Horace The Odes of Horace. Translated by James Michie. Penguin Books, 1964. 19. Hugo i. Theatre complet de Victor Hugo. I. Bibliotheque de la Pleiade. Purnal, Thierry, Meleze. Editions Gallimard, 1963. (pp.1262-1265) ii. The Perilous Quest: Image, Myth and Prophecy in the Narratives of Victor Hugo. R.B. Grant. Duke University Press, 1968. 20. Kalidasa Dramas of Kalidasa. Ed. C.R. Devadhar. Motilal Banarsidass. Delhi, 1966. 21. , 1966. 22. Lamartine i. Alphonse de Lamartine: A Political Biography. W. Fortescue. Croom Helm. London & Canberra, 1983. ii. Oeuvres de Lamartine. Les Confidences. Libraire Hachette. Paris, 1924. Livre IV, 5. (pp67-72). iii. Oeuvres poetiques completes de Lamartine. Bibliotheque de la Pleiade. Marius-Francois Guyard, 1963. 23. Lenau Werke und Briefe. Heraus. von Antal Madl. Deuticke Klett-Cotta. Wien, 1995. 24. Lomonosov i. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. A. Morozov, SP, 1965. ii. , 1961. iii. Russia's Lomonosov. Boris N. Menshutkin. Princeton, New Jersey, 1952. 25. Manzoni i. Manzoni, Alessandro. Gian Piero Barricelli. Twayne Publishers. Boston. 1976. ii. Tutte le opere di Alessandro Manzoni. Alberto Chiari. Arnolod Mondadori Editore, 1957. 26. , 1958. 27. Michelangelo Buonarroti i. Rime. G. Testori & E. Barelli. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli. Milano, 1975. ii. The Poetry of Michelangelo: An Annotated Translation. J. Saslow. Yale University Press, 1991. 28. de Musset. Theatre complet. Edition etablie par Simon Jeune. Editions Gallimard, 1990. 29. Nekrasov SS v 8 tomakh: Russkie vtorostepennye poety, (t.7), KL, M,1967. 30. Norse Old Norse Poems: the Most Important Non-Skaldic Verse not Included in the Poetic Edda. L. Hollander. New York, Columbia UP, 1936. (chap.1: The Old Lay of Biarki, pp.3-11) 31. Pascal Pensees precedees des principaux opuscules. G. Lewis. La Bonne Compagnie. Paris, 1947. 32. Pushkin SS v 10 tomakh. KL, M, 1975. 33. Raich Rassuzhdenie o didakticheskoi poezii. "Vestnik Evropy", 1822, Nos.7-8. (pp.190-208, 242-283). 34. Racine i. Classical Voices: Studies of Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Mme. Lafayette. P. Nurse. George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1971. ii. Oeuvres completes. I. Theatre-poesies. Presentation et commentaires par Raymond Picard. Editions Gallimard, 1950. (pp. 799-800). 35. Schelling i. Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature as Introduction to the Study of this Science. Trans. E. Harris & P. Heath. Intro. R. Stern. CUP, 1988. ii. Schellings Einflu? in der russischen Literature der 20er und 30er des XIX Jahrhunderts. W. Setschkareff. Leipzig, 1939. iii. Schelling's Idealism and Philosophy of Nature. J.S. Esposito. Associated University Presses, 1977. 36. Schiller i. Schiller's Drama: Talent and Integrity. I. Graham. Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1974. (chap.4: Health: Heiliger Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit. ii. Werke und Briefe. Deutscher Klassiker Verlag. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1992. 37. Shakespeare The Complete Works. Ed. C.J. Sisson. Odhams Press Ltd., London, 1954. 38. de Stael i. Corinne, ou l'Italie. Londres, chez Dulau et Comp., Libraires, 1834. ii. The Birth of European Romanticism: Truth and Propaganda in Stael's 'De l'Allemagne', 1810-1813. J.C. Isbell. Cambridge University Press, 1994. 39. Tolstoy Tolstoy's Diaries. Edited and translated by R. Christian. Vol. 1. The Athlone Press, London, 1985. 40. Turgenev i. Turgenev: His Life and Times. L. Schapiro. Oxford UP, 1978. ii. PSS i pisem v 20 tomakh., 1960-68. Un Incendie en mer: vol.14, p.186 41. Uhland Werke. (Samtliche Gedichte: B.1). Winkler Verlag Munchen, 1980. 42. Vergil The Pastoral Poems. Translated by E.V. Rieu. Penguin Classics, 1972. (pp.14-15). 43. Vico The New Science of Giambattista Vico. Translated by T. Bergin & M. Fisch. Cornell University Press, 1968. C. THE LITERARY, PHILOSOPHICAL, RELIGIOUS AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1. A Handbook of Russian Literature. Ed. V. Terras. Yale University Press, 1985. 2. A History of Russian Literature from its Beginnings to 1900. D.S. Mirsky. Ed. F.J. Whitfield. Vintage Books. New York, 1958. 3. Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Central Asia 1810-1895. Gerlad Morgan, Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1981. 4. Arkhaisty I novatory. Slavische Propylaen. Yu. Tynyanov. Heraus. von D. Tschizewskij. B. 31. Wilhelm Fink Verlag Munchen, 1967. i. Vopros o Tyutcheve. (pp.367-385). ii. Pushkin i Tyutchev. (pp.330-366). iii. Tyutchev i Geine. (pp.386-398). 5. A Source Book of Russian History. From Early Times to 1917. Ed. G. Vernadsky. New Haven & London. Yale University Press, 1972. 6. Barricades and Borders. Europe 1800-1914. R. Gildea. OUP, 1987. 7. Bismarck: The White Revolutionary. Vol. 2. 1871-1898. L. Gall. Allen & Unwin. London, 1986. 8. Du romantisme au symbolisme: l'age des decouvertes et des innovations. 1790-1914. H. Lemaitre. Pierre Bordas et fils, 1982. 9. Essays in Literature and Society. E. Muir. The Hogarth Press, London, 1965. 10. F. I. Tyutchev: Kto prav? Romany, povesti, rasskazy. G. V. Chagin, "Sovremennik", M, 1985. 11. German Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. E. Stahl & W. Yuill. The Cresset Press. London, 1970. 12. History of Nineteenth Century Russian Literature. D. Chizhevsky. Translated by R. Porter. Vanderbilt UP, 1974. (pp.150-157). 13. 14. Latin Literature: A History. Gian Biagio Conte. Translated by J. Solodow. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. 15. Mir russkoi usad'by. RAN, "Nauka", M, 1995. (p.61-78). 16. Pobedonostsev: His Life and Thought. R. Byrnes. Indiana UP, 1968. 17. Poet as Nature. Oxford German Studies, No.15, 1984 16. 18. 19. Pri dvore dvukh imperatorov. Dnevnik 1855-1882. A. F. Tyutcheva. Izd. M. i S Sabashnikovykh, 1929. 20. Rossiiskii arkhiv": Istoriya Otchestva v svidetel'stvakh I dokumentakh XVIII-XX vv. Studiya "Trite", "Rossiiskii arkhiv", M, 1991. 21. Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis. Ed. D. Rancour-Laferriere. John Benjamin's Publishing Company. Amsterdam/Philadelphia. 1989. (pp.225- 244). 22. The Crimean War: A Diplomatic History. D. Wetzel. East European Monographs. Boulder. Distributed by CUP. New York, 1985. 23. The Decline and Fall of the Romantic Ideal. F. Lucas. Cambridge, 1936. 24. The Diary of a Russian Censor. Alexander Nikitenko. Abridged, edited and translated by Helen Saltz Jacobsen. University of Massachusetts Press, 1975. 25. The Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. L. Stephen & S. Lee. OUP, 1917- 1964. 26. The Emergence of Russian Pan-Slavism 1856-1870. MN.B. Petrovich. CUP. New York, 1958. 27. The Mind of the European Romantics: An Essay in Cultural History. H. Schenk. Constable, London, 1966. 28. The Ottoman Empire and its Successors. 1801-1927. W. Miller. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1966. 29. The Russian Idea. N., Berdyaev. The Centenary Press, 1947. (chap. 3). 30. The Russian Landed Gentry and the Peasant Emancipation of 1861. T. Emons. CUP, 1968. 31. The Russian Religious Mind. G. Fedotov. Harvard UP, 1946. (vol. 1). D. WORKS ON THE QUESTION OF TRANSLATION 1. A Defence of Poetry in Shelley's Poetry and Prose. D. Reiman & S. Powers, W. W. Norton & Co., New York/London, 1977. (pp.) 2. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse. Translated from the Russian, with a Commentary, by V. Nabokov. 4 vols. Bollingen Series LXXII. Pantheon Books. New York & London, 1964. 3. Five Russian Poems: Exercises in a Theory of Poetry. D. Laferriere. (Subjectivity and Symbolism in Tyutcev's "Son na more", pp78-88). Transworld Publishers, Englewood. New Jersey, 1977. 4. Four Poems Translated from the Russian into Scots. E. Morgan. Scottish Slavonic Review, 16, Spring 1991. (p.89). 5. Friedrich Holderlin: Poems and Fragments. TR Michael Hamburger. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1966. 6. La traduction plurielle. (Le texte reflechi: quelques reflexions sur la traduction de la poesie, D. Jacquin, pp.). Ed. Michel Ballard. Presses universitaires de Lille, 1990. 7. Language and Silence. G. Steiner. Faber & Faber, London, 1967. 8. Linguistics and Literary Style. Ed. D. Freeman. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1970. 9. Nabokov Translated: A Comparison of Nabokov's Russian and English Prose. J. Grayson. OUP, 1977. 10. No Passion Spent, G. Steiner. Faber and Faber, London, 1996. 11. O poetakh I poezii. V. Veidle. YMCA-Press. Paris, 1973. 12. O teorii prozy. V. Shklovsky. "Krug", M-L, 1925. 13. On Translation. Various contributors. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature. Harvard University Press, 1959. 14. Poems of Paul Celan. TR Michael Hamburger. Anvil Press Poetry, London, 1988. 15. Problems of Translation: Onegin in English. Partisan Review, No. 22. New York, 1955. (pp.496-512). 16. . Brown UP, 1971. 17. Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics & the Study of Literature. J. Culler. Routledge & Kegan Paul. London, 1975. 18. The Complete Poems of Cavafy. TR R. Dalven. The Hogarth Press Ltd., London, 1961. 19. The Craft of Translation. J. Biguenet & R. Schultz. Chicago UP, 1989. 20. The footnote as a Literary Getre: Nabokov's Commentaries to Lermontov Pushkin". SEES, No. 2, 1986, N. Warner (pp.167-182) 21. The French Connection: Nabokov and Alfred de Musset. Ideas and Practices of Translation. J. Grayson. S.E.E.R., vol. 73, 1995. 22. The North Sea by Heinrich Heine. TR H. Mumford Jones. The Open Court Publishing Company, La Salle, Illinois, 1916. 23. The Poetical Works of Federico Garcia Lorca. C. Maurer. Vol. 2 of Collected Poems. Farrar Strauss giroux, New York, 1991. 24. The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice, W. Barnstone. Yale University Press, 1993. 25. The Translations of Ezra Pound. H. Kenner. Faber & Faber, London, 1953. 26. The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation. L. Venuti. London & New York, 1995. 27. Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida. Ed. R. Schulte and J. Biguenet. The University of Chicago Press, 1992. 28. Translating Poetry: The Double Labyrinth. Ed. D. Weissbort. University of Iowa Press, 1989. 29. Translation and the Nature of Philosophy: A New Theory of Words. A. Benjamin. Routledge, New York & London, 1989. 30. Translation/History/Culture. A Sourcebook. Ed. A. Lefevere. London & New York, 1992. 31. Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings. Vol. 1, 1913-26. M. Bullock & M. Jennings. The Bellknap of Harvard University, 1996. (The task of the Translator, pp.253-263). 32. Where Did the Narrator Go? Towards a Grammar of Translation. R. May, SEEJ, No.1, 1994. (pp.33-46).