ple creates an image element. When the user clicks the image, the form is submitted.



<CENTER><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="signnow.gif"></CENTER>





passwordName"                                                                                                                                                                required

MAXLENGTH="maxChar" specifies the maximum number of characters a password box can accept.

NAME="passwordName" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form.

ONSELECT="JScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user selects some of the text in the text element. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

SIZE="charsLength" specifies the length of the input field, in characters . When TYPE="text" or TYPE="password", value is the width, specified in characters, of the input field.

VALUE="textValue" specifies the initial value of the password, if any.

Used within



This example shows a password element. If the user enters a password containing more than 25 characters, the text scrolls to make room for the additional characters.



                    <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password" VALUE="" SIZE="25">




radioName"                                                                                                                                                                required
buttonValue"                                                                                                                                                                required

CHECKED indicates that the rradio button is selected. .

NAME="radioName" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form. All radio buttons that have the same name constitute a radio group; only one radio button of a group can be set at one time.

ONCLICK="clickJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user clicks the radio button. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

textToDisplay specifies the label to display next to the radio button.

VALUE="value" specifies the value that is returned to the server when the radio button is selected and the form is submitted. This defaults to ON.

Used within



The following example creates a radio button group.



<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="liv" CHECKED> Living

<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="din"> Dining

<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="bed"> Bedroom

<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="bth"> Bath

<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="grd"> Garden

<BR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="category" VALUE="shp"> Shop


_IMG SRC="tags2a11.gif" HEIGHT=186 WIDTH=378>



resetName"                                                                                                                                                                required

NAME="resetName" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form.

ONCLICK="JScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user clicks the button. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

VALUE="buttonText" specifies the text to display on the face of the reset button. .

Used within



This example displays a text element with the default value "CA" and a reset button with the text "Clear Form" displayed on its face. If the user types a state abbreviation in the text element and then clicks the Clear Form button, the original value of "CA" is restored.


<B>State: </B><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="state" VALUE="CA" SIZE="2">

<P><INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form">


_IMG SRC="tags2a12.gif" HEIGHT=136 WIDTH=377>



submitName"                                                                                                                                                                required

NAME="submitName" specifies the name of the input element. The name is not displayed on the form.

VALUE="buttonText" specifies the text to display on the face of the submit button.

Used within



The following example creates a submit button called SubmitButton. The text "Done" is displayed on the face of the button.


<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="SubmitButton" VALUE="Done">


_IMG SRC="tags2a13.gif" HEIGHT=105 WIDTH=377>



textName"                                                                                                                                                                required

MAXLENGTH="maxChar" specifies the maximum number of characters a text box can accept.

NAME="textName" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form.

ONBLUR="blurJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when the text element loses focus. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

ONCHANGE="changeJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when the text element loses focus and its value has been modified. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

ONFOCUS="focusJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user clicks the text element. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

ONSELECT="JScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user selects some of the text in the text element. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

SIZE="lengthChar" specifies the length of the input field, in characters . When TYPE="text" or TYPE="password", value is the width, specified in characters, of the input field.

VALUE="textValue" specifies the initial value of the text element.

Used within



The following example creates a text element that is 25 characters long. The text field appears immediately to the right of the words "Last name:". The text field is blank when the form loads.


<B>Last name:</B>

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last_name" VALUE="" SIZE="25">


_IMG SRC="tags2a14.gif" HEIGHT=112 WIDTH=377>

ISINDEX (indicate presence of searchable index)

The ISINDEX tag indicates that the document has a searchable index. An HTML index document can be read and queried using a keyword search, if the server has access to a search engine. Generally, documents with the ISINDEX tag include a user interface element (such as a button) or a prompt to initiate the search. You can control the text that appears as part of the search by using the PROMPT attribute.

The keywords are passed to the server by adding a question mark to the end of the URL followed by a list of keywords separated by a plus sign. For example: 

Note that ISINDEX does not require a closing tag.



PROMPT="text" specifies the text that appears as the search prompt in the browser. Navigator 1.1

Used within



The following example uses the ISINDEX tag.



<TITLE> Finding the Perfect Glaze </TITLE>




<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="SubmitButton" VALUE="Search">



_IMG SRC="tags2a15.gif" HEIGHT=165 WIDTH=380>

KBD (keyboard text)

The KBD tag indicates text that is a keyboard key. Netscape Navigator displays the specified text in the current fixed-width font as determined by the font setting (Options|General Preferences).



Used within



The <KBD>ENTER</KBD> key lets you ...

_IMG SRC="tags2a16.gif" HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=378>

See also


KEYGEN (generate key material)

The KEYGEN tag facilitates the generation of key material and submission of the public key as part of an HTML form. This mechanism is designed for use in web-based certificate management systems. It displays a menu of key-size choices from which the user must choose one. Then, when the submit button is pressed, a key pair of the selected size is generated. The private key is encrypted and stored in the local key database.

The public key and challenge string are DER encoded as PublicKeyAndChallenge, and then digitally signed with the private key to produce a SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge. The SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge is base64 encoded, and the ASCII data is finally submitted to the server as the value of a name-value pair, where the name is name as specified by the NAME attribute of the KEYGEN tag.


name"                                                                                                     required

NAME="name" specifies the name for the name-value pair.

CHALLENGE="challenge" specifies the challenge string to be packaged with the public key in the PublicKeyAndChallengefor use in verification of the form submission. If no challenge string is provided, then it is encoded as an IA5STRING of length zero.

Used within





<KEYGEN NAME="somekey" CHALLENGE="1125983021">



LI (list item)

The LI tag indicates an item in a list. A single list item can contain additional paragraphs, marked with the P tag.

The LI tag does not require a closing tag.


          "DISC"|"CIRCLE"|"SQUARE"          |                                                                                          
within UL
          "A"|"a"|"I"|"i"|"1"                                                                                                    within OL

TYPE specifies the type of symbol or numbering sequence to use before each item.

DISC specifies a solid bullet
CIRCLE specifies a hollow bullet
SQUARE specifies a square bullet
A specifies a sequence of uppercase letters
a specifies a sequence of lowercase letters
I specifies a sequence of uppercase Roman numerals
i specifies a sequence of lowercase Roman numerals
1 specifies a sequence of numbers.

VALUE="number" indicates the starting number for an item in a numbered list. This attribute is valid only in an ordered list. See "OL (ordered list)" on page 131 for information on the types of numbering available.

Used within



The following example defines three HTML terms. Note the use of &#60; and &#62; as one way to represent the less-than and greater-than characters.

The &#60;LI&#62; tag allows you to:<P>


<LI>Identify items in a numbered list

<LI>Identify items in an unordered list

<LI>Identify items in a directory list

<LI>Identify items in a menu


_IMG SRC="tags2a17.gif" HEIGHT=168 WIDTH=375>

MAP (define client-side image map)

An image map is a graphic that contains hyperlinks. The image map can be divided into many regions, and each region of the map can point to a different URL. When a user clicks a specific region of the image map, Navigator loads a specific URL.

Client-side image maps are defined by the MAP and AREA tags and loaded into the Navigator as hypergraphics. When a user clicks the image, Navigator determines what URL to load based on the information in the AREA tag. The USEMAP attribute of the IMG tag specifies an image as a client-side image map.


mapName"                                                                                                               required

NAME="mapName" specifies the name of the map.


In this example, an image map is used as a toolbar to help users navigate in a web site. The following illustration shows what the finished image map looks like to a user: _IMG SRC="tags2a18.gif" HEIGHT=80 WIDTH=612>

Each button on the toolbar is a separate region of the image map. The seven buttons correspond to regions defined by seven AREA tags. The following code defines the map:

<MAP NAME="mainmap">

          <AREA COORDS="0,0,65,24" HREF="/escapes/index.html">

          <AREA COORDS="66,0,132,24" HREF="/comprod/index.html">

          <AREA COORDS="133,0,185,24"



          <AREA COORDS="186,0,248,24" HREF="/newsref/index.html">

          <AREA COORDS="249,0,318,24" HREF="/assist/index.html">

          <AREA COORDS="319,0,390,24" HREF="/commun/index.html">

          <AREA COORDS="391,0,467,24" HREF="/business_solutions/index.html">


Because no SHAPE attribute is specified for any AREA tag, the shape of each region defaults to a rectangle. The third AREA tag uses the "_top" value for its TARGET attribute to specify that its URL is loaded into the full Navigator window.

The image used for the toolbar is nav.gif, an interlaced GIF. The IMG tag that loads nav.gif uses the USEMAP attribute to specify that the image is a client-side image map. The value of the USEMAP attribute, mainmap, is also the value used for the NAME attribute of the MAP tag. The following code associates the map with the image:

<IMG SRC="nav.gif"

          WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="25" BORDER="0"


See also


MENU (list of simple items)


The MENU tag defines a list of simple items, such as you would use to create a menu. This tag works just like the UL tag. The items should be short, no longer than one line. Each is begun by the <LI> tag.



. Example

The following example creates a simple menu.

Netscape Navigator supports these platforms:



<LI> Windows

<LI> Macintosh


_IMG SRC="tags2a19.gif" HEIGHT=128 WIDTH=378>

See also


Tag reference list Part 3

META (meta-document information)

The META tag specifies meta-document information or creates an HTTP response header. The META tag provides a way to store information about the document that is not available elsewhere in the document. For example, the META tag can contain catalog, author, or index information that various search engines can use.

The META tag creates a special HTTP response header that the server sends to the client before transmitting the HTML document. This form of the META syntax is frequently used to implement client pull.

When you create an HTTP header with META, do not override a response header field that is normally returned by the server. Use META to create a special response header field, such as a "refresh" field that implements client pull.


value"                                                                                           required

CONTENT="FieldContent" specifies the value of the HTTP response header field created by HTTP-EQUIV.Navigator 1.1

HTTP-EQUIV="FieldName" specifies the name of the HTTP response header field.

NAME="name" specifies a name for the meta-document information. Different programs that access meta-document information expect different values for this attribute

Used within



Example 1: indexing information

In this example, the META tag stores indexing information that a search engine uses when it accesses the document. This search engine expects the NAME attribute to have a value of "keywords" when a document is indexed. Search utilities and some webcrawlers used by web search servers will catalog this information. The index keywords are stored as the value of the CONTENT attribute.



<META NAME="keywords"

          CONTENT="HTML documentation reference Netscape">


This document is indexed under the terms "HTML", "documentation", "reference", and "Netscape".

Example 2: a special HTTP header

In this example, the META tag creates a special HTTP header field called "Creation_Date". This field is returned by the server when an HTTP connection for this document is established.


          <META NAME="Creation_Date" CONTENT="July 17, 1995 19:24:00">


This example creates the following HTTP header field:

Creation_Date: July 17, 1995 19:24:00

Example 3: a simple animation

In this example, the META tag creates a special HTTP header field that implements a client pull animation. The animation shows three different views of a dog; these views, when loaded sequentially, simulate the dog running. The CONTENT attribute specifies that each view of the dog is displayed for three seconds.

When a user loads spot1.html, the file is displayed for three seconds. Then the second file, spot2.html is loaded. After three more seconds elapse, spot3.html is loaded by the browser. The following code is contained in a file called spot1.html:


<TITLE>See Spot Run</TITLE>

<META NAME="refresh"




<IMG SRC="spot1.gif">


The file spot2.html contains the following information:


<TITLE>See Spot Run</TITLE>

<META NAME="refresh"




<IMG SRC="spot2.gif">


Similarly, the file spot3.html contains a reference to spot3.gif within an IMG tag.

See also


Tag reference list Part 3Go to Tag reference section, Part 3

MULTICOL (multiple column formatting)

Navigator 3.0

The MULTICOL tag establishes an area of the document as having multiple, equal-width columns.



COLS="number" specifies the number of text columns for the text display. Netscape Navigator attempts to flow elements evenly across the columns to make each column be about the same height. Unless the WIDTH attribute is present, column width is adjusted to fill the available view.

GUTTER="gwidth" specifies the number of pixels to appear between columns. If it is not specified, Netscape Navigator uses 10.

WIDTH="colwidth" specifies the width of each column in the group, in pixels. All columns are the same width. If WIDTH is not present, its value is determined by subtracting from the display width the number of pixels that constitute the gutter and then dividing by the number of columns


The following example uses the MULTICOL tag to display three columns of text.



HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a set of tags and attributes that
mark how text is organized and

displayed by web browsers.


HTML documents are files containing text and tags

written for the HyperText Transport Protocol

(HTTP)--the protocol used throughout the World Wide Web.


HTML tags define both the structure of a web page and

the way the marked text displays in a browser such as

Netscape Navigator. Tags mark the start and the end of

text. For example, you can use the H1 tag to mark text

as a first-level heading. When a web browser such as

Netscape Navigator displays that text, it appears in a

large font,


HTML documents may have different appearances on

different browsers. Even if all of your readers use

Netscape Navigator, they all might not see your

HTML page in the same way because they can co