hasn't noticed dawn to ramp,
She's sitting and her head's held low,
She hasn't yet decided t' stamp
The letter with engraved her seal though.
But quietly proceeding through the doorway
Grey-headed old Phillipyevna on tray
Brings to Tatyana her tea-cup:
Wake up, my child, it's time t' get up:
You're up and ready, what a day!
Oh, early birdie! But last night
I was afraid if you're all-right!
But, Lord all mighty, you're OK!
Your nightly yearn has gone without a trace
As poppy-flower fresh and nice's your face."
-- Ah! nyanya, sdelaj odolzhen'e. --
"Izvol', rodnaya, prikazhi". --
Ne dumaj... pravo... podozren'e...
No vidish'... ah! ne otkazhi. --
"Moj drug, vot bog tebe poruka". --
Itak, poshli tihon'ko vnuka
S zapiskoj etoj k O... k tomu...
K sosedu... da velet' emu --
CHtob on ne govoril ni slova,
CHtob on ne nazyval menya... --
"Komu zhe, milaya moya?
YA nynche stala bestolkova.
Krugom sosedej mnogo est';
Kuda mne ih i perechest'".
- Oh nanny! May I ask you t'undertake a mission?
"Go on, sweetheart, just tell what I can do"-
You shouldn't think...indeed... suspicion...
But see... oh, do not turn me down, not you. -
"My friend, I swear by the heavens high."-
So would you send your grandson on the sly
With this short letter to O... you know the one,
The neighbor. Tell him he to none
Would say a word however is inquired,
Would name me not...-
"Sweetheart, to whom, to what?
I have become slow-witted now and tired.
There're tons of neighbors all around; I am
Unable to remember all of them
- Kak nedogadliva ty, nyanya! --
"Serdechnyj drug, uzh ya stara,
Stara: tupeet razum, Tanya;
A to, byvalo, ya vostra,
Byvalo, slovo barskoj voli..." --
Ah, nyanya, nyanya! do togo li?
CHto nuzhdy mne v tvoem ume?
Ty vidish', delo o pis'me
K Oneginu. -- "Nu, delo, delo,
Ne gnevajsya, dusha moya,
Ty znaesh', neponyatna ya...
Da chto zh ty snova poblednela?" --
Tak, nyanya, pravo nichego.
Poshli zhe vnuka svoego. --
-- But, nanny, nanny, can't you guess? --
"But, dear friend, I'm growing old,
I'm old: my mind is in regress,
When I was sharp I got what told
Me lord or lady right away"
-- Oh, nanny, why do you this say?
I have no need your mind be better
You see, the matter's ‘bout this letter
To Onegin -- "Now I see, the mail.
Do not be angry, sweetie-pie,
You know, how muddle-headed I...
But why do you again turn pale?"--
Oh, nothing, nanny, nothing's about it.
Now will you send your male grandkid with it?
No den' protek, i net otveta.
Drugoj nastal: vse net, kak net.
Bledna kak ten', s utra odeta,
Tat'yana zhdet: kogda zh otvet?
Priehal Ol'gin obozhatel'.
"Skazhite: gde zhe vash priyatel'?"
Emu vopros hozyajki byl.
"On chto-to nas sovsem zabyl".
Tat'yana, vspyhnuv, zadrozhala. --
Segodnya byt' on obeshchal,
Starushke Lenskoj otvechal:
Da, vidno, pochta zaderzhala. --
Tat'yana potupila vzor,
Kak budto slysha zloj ukor.
A day passed by, and there was no response.
Another day: still there is none.
Tatiana's waiting, feigning nonchalance,
Though pale as shade: when will it come?
Then Olga's idolater arrived her to attend.
"Please tell us where is now your friend?" --
Asked him landlady to his face.
"It seems he has forgotten our place".
Tatyana, reddened, shook and shivered. --
He promised me to come to you today, -
But post must have delayed him on the way. --
Such answer Lensky to old lady then delivered -- Tatyana dropped her eyes and faded
As if she was maliciously upbraided
Smerkalos'; na stole blistaya
SHipel vechernij samovar.
Kitajskij chajnik nagrevaya;
Pod nim klubilsya legkij par.
Razlityj Ol'ginoj rukoyu,
Po chashkam temnoyu strueyu
Uzhe dushistyj chaj bezhal,
I slivki mal'chik podaval;
Tat'yana pred oknom stoyala,
Na stekla hladnye dysha,
Zadumavshis', moya dusha,
Prelestnym pal'chikom pisala
Na otumanennom stekle
Zavetnyj venzel' O da E.
Was growing dark. The evening samovar on table
Was hissing, warming the Chinese teapot.
And over it were curling rings unstable
Of light pellucid stream that hot.
And being poured by Olga's hand
To cups as if it was a dark pearl strand
The fragrant tea was flowing,
And cream the boy was serving;
Tatyana then in front of window stood
On the cool glass she breathed,
And, as in thoughts she lost and sheathed,
With her fine finger write she would
On misted glass the ‘E' and ‘O' --
The letters that she cherished so.
I mezhdu tem dusha v nej nyla,
I slez byl polon tomnyj vzor.
Vdrug topot!.. krov' ee zastyla.
Vot blizhe! Skachut... i na dvor
Evgenij! "Ah!" -- i legche teni
Tat'yana pryg v drugie seni,
S kryl'ca na dvor, i pryamo v sad,
Letit, letit; vzglyanut' nazad
Ne smeet; migom obezhala
Kurtiny, mostiki, luzhok,
Alleyu k ozeru, lesok,
Kusty siren perelomala,
Po cvetnikam letya k ruch'yu,
I zadyhayas' na skam'yu
And all this time her soul was aching,
Were full of tears her eyes and heart.
Hoof thud! -- her heart was breaking,
It's coming up! -- right to the yard!
Evgeniy! "Ah!" -- as shadow swift all of a sudden,
Tatyana jumps to other hall and runs to garden
Through the porch. She flies, flies,
Not daring to look back or to disguise.
In just a moment dashed across
The flower beds, the bridges and the lawn,
Took alley to the lake, to copse she then was gone
Broke through the lilac with tremendous force,
And, smashing flowers, flew to creek
Then, gasping, onto bench she sneaked.
"Zdes' on! Zdes' Evgenij!
O bozhe! chto podumal on!"
V nej serdce, polnoe muchenij,
Hranit nadezhdy temnyj son;
Ona drozhit i zharom pyshet,
I zhdet: nejdet li? No ne slyshit.
V sadu sluzhanki, na gryadah,
Sbirali yagody v kustah
I horom po nakazu peli
(Nakaz, osnovannyj na tom,
CHtob barskoj yagody tajkom
Usta lukavye ne eli,
I pen'em byli zanyaty:
Zateya sel'skoj ostroty!).
Fell down...
"He's here! Here is Eugeniy!
Oh, Lord Almighty, what he could've thought!"
Her heart, of tortures straining,
Preserves dark dream of hope not yet distraught;
She's shivering, and burning in a stir,
And waiting: is he coming? Nothing can she hear.
As maids in garden berries then collected,
In doing that they were directed
To sing in chorus out-loud
(The order based on an assumption
That silent lips begin consumption
Their masters' berries non-allowed,
Unless these lips are forced to sing:
Idea rustically keen!)
Pesnya devushek

Devicy, krasavicy,
Dushen'ki, podruzhen'ki,
Razygrajtes', devicy,
Razgulyajtes', milye!
Zatyanite pesenku,
Pesenku zavetnuyu,
Zamanite molodca
K horovodu nashemu.
Kak zamanim molodca,
Kak zavidim izdali,
Razbezhimtes', milye,
Zakidaem vishen'em,
Vishen'em, malinoyu,
Krasnoyu smorodinoj.
Ne hodi podslushivat'
Pesenki zavetnye,
Ne hodi podsmatrivat'
Igry nashi devich'i.
The Song of the Girls

Girls, you, girls ‘n' beauties,
Sweetie-hearts ‘n' friends,
Get to play, you, girls so dear,
And get going, girls so nice!
And begin to sing a ditty
Secret ditty of the girls,
And entice a fellow
For our round dance.
When the fellow is attracted,
Seen from far away,
We should run away, sweet-hearts,
Throwing at him cherries
Cherries and raspberries,
And as well red currents
Do not come eavesdropping
On our secret ditties,
Do not come to spy on
Our girlish games.
Oni poyut, i s nebrezhen'em
Vnimaya zvonkij golos ih,
ZHdala Tat'yana s neterpen'em,
CHtob trepet serdca v nej zatih,
CHtoby proshlo lanit pylan'e.
No v persyah to zhe trepetan'e,
I ne prohodit zhar lanit,
No yarche, yarche lish' gorit...
Tak bednyj motylek i bleshchet
I b'etsya raduzhnym krylom,
Plenennyj shkol'nym shalunom
Tak zajchik v ozime trepeshchet,
Uvidya vdrug izdaleka
V kusty pripadshego strelka.
And as they sang, Tatyana heeded
Their voice resonant with a slight,
The only thing impatiently she needed
Is her heart's trembling to subside,
To stifle fire of her lips,
And thrill in bosom and in hips,
Flame of her lips fades not although
Instead, it grows and raises over all...
Likewise a poor butterfly flops
With rainbow-colored wing when caught
By playful kid not many years old,
Likewise a hare palpitates in winter crops
When sees from pretty far away
A gunman hiding in the hay.
No nakonec ona vzdohnula
I vstala so skam'i svoej;
Poshla, no tol'ko povernula
V alleyu, pryamo pered nej,
Blistaya vzorami, Evgenij
Stoit podobno groznoj teni,
I, kak ognem obozhzhena,
Ostanovilasya ona.
No sledstviya nezhdannoj vstrechi
Segodnya, milye druz'ya,
Pereskazat' ne v silah ya;
Mne dolzhno posle dolgoj rechi
I pogulyat' i otdohnut':
Dokonchu posle kak-nibud'.
And finally she sighed
Stood up from bench and paced,
Then turned to alley, there -- right
In front of her -- she faced
Eugeniy, he was fire-eyed,
He stood like shadow spreading fright.
She stopped as if she was
Scorched from inside, and then she froze.
Describing aftermath, my friends,
To this encounter at alley
I just cannot go on today:
For this I have no strength.
I've got to take a break, to stroll:
I shall continue sometime after all.