Ocenite etot tekst:

1. & D.Holm.    Molot i Krest
2. & D.Holm.    Krest i Korol'
3. & D.Holm.    Korol' i Imperator
3. & D.Holm.    Imperator i molot

     3.Stal'naya  Krysa.  (The Stainless  Steel Rat  (1961)  [= The Stainless
Steel Rat (1957)
     7.Stal'nuyu Krysu - v prezidenty! (The Stainless Steel Rat For President
     8.Stal'naya Krysa poet  blyuzy. (The Stainless  Steel Rat Sings the Blues
     9.Stal'naya krysa v  gostyah u d'yavola. (The  Stainless Steel Rat Goes to
Hell (1997))
     10.Stal'naya Krysa  na  manezhe.  (Stainless  Steel Rat Joins the  Circus
     Ty  mozhesh' stat' Stal'noj  Krysoj! (You Can Be  the Stainless Steel Rat
(1988)) Roman - igra.
     Zolotye gody  Stal'noj Krysy. (The Golden Years of the  Stainless Steel
Rat (1993)) Rasskaz.

Last-modified: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 17:54:28 GMT
Ocenite etot tekst: