Oglavlenie fajla ( /LYNX/INOFANT/DUNKAN/bibliografy.txt )

  • Dave Duncan's bibliography
  • Chronicles of the King's Blades (Hroniki Korolevskih klinkov).
  • The King's Blades (Korolevskie klinki).
  • The King's Daggers (Korolevskie kinzhaly).
  • The Great Game. (Bol'shaya igra)
  • The Years of Longdirk (Saga o Logndirke)- pod psevdonimom Ken Hud.
  • A Handful Of Men. (Izbranniki)
  • A Man Of His Word. (CHelovek i ego slovo)
  • The Omar Books (Omar - rasskazchik).
  • The Seventh Sword. (Sed'moj mech)
  • Stand Alone Novels.

  • Size: 2506 bytes
    Last-modified: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 05:34:53 GMT