Rec.Skydiving FAQ Sheet (United Kingdom)
Rec.Skydiving F.A.Q. Sheet (United Kingdom)
1. The British training systems and how they differ from the US
1.1 Qualifications of parachutists
1.2 Ram Air Progression System (RAPS) or Static Line Squares to Cat 8
1.3 Static Line Round progression to Cat 8
1.4 Accelerated Freefall (AFF) to Cat 8
1.5 Progression to Cat 10.
1.6 Progression to "D" licence - just keep loggin" them jumps.
2. British medical and reserve packing requirements
2.1 Medical certificates
2.2 Reserve repacking
3. Requirements for UK jumpers abroad and foreign jumpers in the UK
3.1 UK jumpers abroad
3.2 Foreign jumpers in the UK
4. The British Parachute Association
5. British Drop Zone listing.
4. Disclaimer
Size: 31055 bytes
Last-modified: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 17:25:45 GMT