Oglavlenie fajla ( /LYNX/SONGS/BEAT/beat05.txt )

  • A hard day's night (August 1964)
  • 1. A hard day's night
  • 2. I should have known better
  • 3. If I fell
  • 4. I'm happy just to dance with you
  • 5. And I love her
  • 6. Tell me why
  • 7. Can't buy me love
  • 8. Anytime at all
  • 9. I'll cry instead
  • 10. Things we said today
  • 11. When I get home
  • 12. You can't do that
  • 13. I'll be bask

  • Size: 11636 bytes
    Last-modified: Thu, 16 May 1996 19:48:48 GMT