HTML Referece Guide: Tags for Netscape 3.0
  • Tag reference list, Part 1
  • APPLET (Java applet)
  • AREA (client-side image maps)
  • B (boldface)
  • BASE (set base URL)
  • BASEFONT (set default font size)
  • BIG (increase font size)
  • BLINK (make text blink)
  • BLOCKQUOTE (indent block of text)
  • BODY (main content of document)
  • BR (line break)
  • CAPTION (display table caption)
  • CENTER (center a block of text)
  • CITE (citation)
  • CODE (program code text)
  • DD (definition description)
  • DIR (directory lists)
  • DIV (section of a document)
  • DL (definition list)
  • DT (definition term)
  • EM (emphasize text)
  • EMBED (insert object)
  • FONT (change color, face, size)
  • FORM (create form)
  • FRAME (create an independent window region)
  • Tag reference list, Part 2
  • H1 through H6 (standard headings)
  • HEAD (define document header)
  • HR (horizontal rule)
  • HTML (outermost tag)
  • I (italic)
  • IMG (insert image)
  • INPUT (create input elements in a form)
  • ISINDEX (indicate presence of searchable index)
  • KBD (keyboard text)
  • KEYGEN (generate key material)
  • LI (list item)
  • MAP (define client-side image map)
  • MENU (list of simple items)
  • META (meta-document information)
  • Tag reference list Part 3
  • MULTICOL (multiple column formatting) NOEMBED (alternate text for plug-ins)
  • NOFRAMES (alternate text for frames)
  • NOSCRIPT (alternate text for JavaScript)
  • OL (ordered list)
  • OPTION (option in a SELECT list)
  • P (paragraph)
  • PARAM (parameter for an applet)
  • PLAINTEXT (display rest of document as-is)
  • PRE (preformatted text, fixed-width font, no join)
  • SAMP (insert sample)
  • S (strikeout type)
  • SCRIPT (client-side JavaScript code)
  • SELECT (selection list on a form)
  • SERVER (run a LiveWire script)
  • SMALL (decrease font size)
  • SPACER (horizontal and vertical spacing)
  • STRONG (strong emphasis)
  • STRIKE (strikeout type)
  • SUB (display as subscript)
  • TABLE (define a table)
  • TD (table data)
  • TEXTAREA (text field on a form)
  • TH (table heading)
  • TITLE (document title)
  • TR (table row)
  • TT (type writer font)
  • U (underline)
  • UL (unordered list)
  • WBR (word break)
  • XMP (sequence of literal characters) --------------------------------------------------------------- Tag reference, Part 1

    This chapter contains an alphabetical listing of all HTML tags supported in Navigator 3.0 and earlier. The tags are presented in the following format: _IMG SRC="tags1a.gif" HEIGHT=419 WIDTH=512_

    The following sections comprise an alphabetical reference of all tags supported by Netscape Navigator 3.0 and earlier.

    A (anchor or link)

    The A tag lets you define anchors and links.

    A as anchor

    An anchor marks a section of an HTML document and provides a way for links to connect that part of the document. The A tag typically encloses text or images that represent an anchor, such as a heading in a document or a logo. Navigator does not use any special formatting to indicate that the text or image represent an anchor.

    Anchors cannot be nested within other A tags. You can enclose most character and paragraph formatting within the A tag.


    AnchorName"                                                                                                                         required for an anchor

    Used within

    ADDRESS, DD, DT, H1 through H6, LI, P, PRE


    This example defines the heading text "Welcome to the Marine Mammal page" as an anchor in a document:

    <A NAME="mammal_intro"><H2>Welcome to the Marine Mammal page</H2></A>

    If this anchor is in a file called intro.html, you could define a jump to the anchor as follows:

    <A HREF="intro.html#mammal_intro">Introduction to marine mammals</A>

    A as link

    A link connects an HTML document to another document (such as another HTML file or a graphic file) or part of a document (an anchor in an HTML file). Navigator displays link text and ordinary text differently, so users can easily distinguish hypertext jumps. By default, Navigator displays links as blue underlined text or blue-bordered graphics and visited links as magenta. The default color for links can be changed in Navigator using the General Preferences command from the Options menu. When the user clicks a link or image, the reference specified by the HREF attribute is loaded into the window or frame specified by the TARGET attribute.

    The destination of the link is usually another document or a section of a document. The destination can also be a protocol that specifies items such as an email message or an FTP site. To jump to a specific section of a document, the HREF attribute should reference the NAME attribute of an existing anchor.


    Location"                                                                                                                        required for a link
    NAME="AnchorName"                                                                                                                         optional (and uncommon) in a link
    > ... </A>

    HREF="Location" specifies a destination URL for the anchor or link.

    NAME="AnchorName" specifies a name for the anchor. A link to the anchor uses this value for its HREF attribute.

    ONCLICK="clickJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user clicks the image or link text. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

    ONMOUSEOUT="outJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user moves the mouse pointer out of the image or link text. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

    ONMOUSEOVER="overJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user moves the mouse pointer over the image or link text. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

    TARGET="WindowName" is only used if the anchor is also a link. It specifies the window that the link is loaded into. Navigator 2.0.

    Used within

    ADDRESS, DD, DT, H1 through H6, LI, P, PRE


    This example uses both text and a graphic as a link. When a user clicks either the word "Download" or the image, Navigator loads the document specified by the URL in the HREF attribute in the current browser window. It loads in the current browser window because no TARGET attribute is present.

    This page is enhanced for Netscape Navigator.
    You can view this page using other browsers,
    but it will appear best with Navigator.<P>
    <A HREF="">Download
    </A>Netscape Navigator now!
    <A HREF="">
                        <IMG SRC="now_bu.gif" ALIGN="texttop"
                        ALT="Netscape Now">

    _IMG SRC="tags1a1.gif" HEIGHT=147 WIDTH=377>

    ADDRESS (format as address)

    The ADDRESS tag displays address information in a format determined by each browser (Netscape Navigator displays addresses in italic). An address can include authorship information and is usually placed at the top or bottom of a document.




    The following example displays the address in italic.

    You can reach us at:
    Netscape Communications Corporation<BR>
    501 East Middlefield Road<BR>
    Mountain View, CA 94043<BR>

    _IMG SRC="tags1a2.gif" HEIGHT=135 WIDTH=378>

    APPLET (Java applet)

    Navigator 2.0

    The APPLET tag specifies a Java applet for the Navigator to load. Applet resources (including their classes) are normally loaded relative to the CODEBASE tag. Use the PARAM tag to specify parameters required by the applet.


    appletURL"                                                                                                                         required
    HEIGHT="pixHeight"                                                                                                                         required
    pixWidth"                                                                                                                         required

    ALIGN specifies the alignment for the applet. If you do not specify a value for ALIGN, Navigator uses "BOTTOM" as the default.

    ALT="alternateText" specifies text to display for browsers that do not support the APPLET tag. Navigator 3.0

    ARCHIVE="archiveURL" specifies a file to be downloaded to the user's disk, and then searched for the classFileName specified in the CODE attribute. The archiveURL is sought relative to the classFileDirectory. The suffix on the archiveURL must be .zip, but the file must not be compressed. Classes not found in the archiveURL are searched for through the standard mechanism. Navigator 3.0

    CODE ="classFileName" specifies the filename of the applet you want to load. The file name must end with a .class extension.

    CODEBASE="classFileDirectory" changes the URL specified by the BASE tag. If the CODEBASE attribute is defined, it specifies a location to find applet resources. The value can be an absolute URL or a relative URL. An absolute URL is used as is without modification and is not affected by the document's BASE tag. When the CODEBASE attribute is relative, then it is relative to the document-URL defined by the BASE tag. If no base tag is specified, then it is relative to the directory where the HTML file is.

    HEIGHT="pixHeight" specifies the height (in pixels) that the applet needs.

    HSPACE="pixHoriz" specifies the horizontal space (in pixels) that the applet needs between itself and surrounding text.

    MAYSCRIPT permits the applet to access JavaScript. Use this attribute to determine whether or not an applet can access JavaScript on a page without your knowlege. Accessing JavaScript when the MAYSCRIPT attribute is not specified results in an exception. Navigator 3.0

    NAME ="value" specifies the name of the applet, so that different applets in the same window can refer to (and communicate with) one another..

    VSPACE="pixVert" specifies the vertical space (in pixels) that the applet needs between itself and surrounding text.

    WIDTH="pixWidth" specifies the width (in pixels) that the applet needs. The applet is scaled to fit the specified height and width.


    The following example displays a sky with moving stars.

    CODE="stars.class" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="100">
    <PARAM NAME="numstars" VALUE="50">

    See also


    AREA (client-side image maps)

    The AREA tag defines a client-side image map. An image map is a graphic that has clickable regions that link to different URLs. For example, you can have an image with a square and a circle where a click in the square takes you to one page and a click in the circle takes you to a different page.

    Different areas of an image map can jump to different Web pages. _IMG SRC="tags1a3.gif" HEIGHT=99 WIDTH=324>

    Client-side image maps are defined by MAP and AREA tags. When a user clicks the image, Navigator determines what URL to load based, on the information in the AREA tag. The USEMAP attribute of the IMG tag specifies an image as a client-side image map. The MAP tag contains one or more AREA tags. Each AREA tag describes a different region as a hyperlink in the image and specifies the URL to which it connects.


    x1,y1,x2,y2,..."                                                                                                                                                                required
    Location"                                                                                                                                                                 required

    COORDS specifies the coordinates of the region defined by the AREA tag.

    HREF="Location" specifies the URL of the document to load when a user clicks the area.

    NAME="areaName" specifies the map name to be used with the USEMAP attribute of the IMG tag. The value of the areaName must begin with an alphanumeric character.

    NOHREF specifies that no URL is loaded when a user clicks the area.

    ONMOUSEOUT="outJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user moves the mouse pointer out of the image or link text. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

    ONMOUSEOVER="overJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user moves the mouse pointer over the image or link text. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

    Defining regions in an image _IMG SRC="tags1a4.gif" HEIGHT=166 WIDTH=461>

    SHAPE specifies the shape of the map. Each shape has its own form of the COORDS attribute:

    If no SHAPE is defined, RECT is used.

    TARGET="WindowName" specifies the frame or window that the linked URL is loaded into. When a user clicks an area that has a TARGET attribute, the URL is loaded in the specified window or frame instead of in that containing the area. Navigator2.0.

    Used within



    In this example, an image map is used to help users navigate a web site. The following illustration shows what the finished image map looks like to a user: _IMG SRC="tags1a5.gif" HEIGHT=213 WIDTH=611>

    Each button is a separate region of the image map. The seven buttons correspond to regions defined by seven AREA tags. The following code defines the map:

    <MAP NAME="mainmap">
              <AREA COORDS="0,0,65,24" HREF="/escapes/index.html">
              <AREA COORDS="66,0,132,24" HREF="/comprod/index.html">
              <AREA COORDS="133,0,185,24"
              <AREA COORDS="186,0,248,24" HREF="/newsref/index.html">
              <AREA COORDS="249,0,318,24" HREF="/assist/index.html">
              <AREA COORDS="319,0,390,24" HREF="/commun/index.html">
              <AREA COORDS="391,0,467,24" HREF="/business_solutions/index.html">

    Because no SHAPE attribute is specified for any AREA tag, the shape of each region defaults to a rectangle. The third AREA tag uses the "_top" value for its TARGET attribute to specify that its URL is loaded into the full Navigator window.

    The image used for the toolbar is nav.gif, an interlaced GIF. The IMG tag that loads nav.gif uses the USEMAP attribute to specify that the image is a client-side image map. The value of the USEMAP attribute, #mainmap, is also the value used for the NAME attribute of the MAP tag. The value assigned to USEMAP is a standard URL, so the "#" signals that it is in the current web page. The following code associates the map with the image:

    <IMG SRC="nav.gif"
              WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="25" BORDER="0"

    See also

    AREA, BASE, IMG, and MAP

    B (boldface)

    The B tag displays text in boldface.




    The following example displays "Netscape Navigator" in bold.

    My preferred browser is <B>Netscape Navigator</B>.

    _IMG SRC="tags1a6.gif" HEIGHT=89 WIDTH=378>

    See also


    BASE (set base URL)

    The BASE tag specifies the base URL for the document (from which all relative links in the document are to be resolved) or the base target for the document (identifying the default window in which a followed link displays).

    When building complex, multi-page documents, you might want to specify a base URL for the main document (master HTML file). To do this, establish a base URL, then give relative URL addresses for all referenced documents.

    If the document is moved, and the base URL is specified using the BASE tag, all relative references to URLs are updated relative to the new location of the base URL.

    If you have a document that contains links, and you move it to a different URL, but do not specify a base URL, then when Netscape Navigator resolves any relative URLs within the document it will resolve them with respect to the new location, thus probably invalidating them.. If you do specify a base URL, the relative URLS are resolved with respect to that base.

    The BASE tag does not require a closing tag.


    baseURL"                                                                                           required          

    HREF="baseURL" specifies the location of the document as an absolute or relative URL. The absolute URL is used as is without modification. If a relative URL is specified, all subsequent links are relative to this URL.

    TARGET="WindowName" identifies the default window or frame where any links activated from the current document will display. Navigator 2.0.

    Used within



    The following example sets as the base URL for the document.

    <BASE HREF="">
    Information about Netscape and its products can be found at <A
    HREF="comprod/index.html">Company & Products</A>.

    BASEFONT (set default font size)

    The BASEFONT tag specifies a default font size. If the user has set a default font size in Navigator (using the General Preferences command from the Options menu), this tag overrides it. If the base font size is not defined, the default is 3.



    SIZE="fontSize" specifies the font size from 1 to 7 (the default is 3).Navigator 1.1


    The following example uses the BASEFONT tag to set the default font size to 2, then enlarges and decreases the font size using the FONT tag. All changes made to the font size are relative to the base font size (2).

    <I>Netscape Navigator</I> lets the user select a comfortable base font
    size, <BASEFONT SIZE="2"> but this can be reset for all or part of a
    page. <FONT SIZE="+3"> Doing so causes subsequent font size changes
    </FONT> <FONT SIZE="-1"> to execute relative to the new base font
    size.</FONT> <BASEFONT SIZE="3">

    _IMG SRC="tags1a7.gif" HEIGHT=123 WIDTH=377>

    See also


    BIG (increase font size)

    Navigator 2.0

    The BIG tag increases the font size from its current value by one.




    The following example increases the font size in three steps for "bigger, and bigger, and bigger."

    When he told a lie, his nose grew <BIG>bigger, and <BIG>bigger, and <BIG>bigger.</BIG></BIG></BIG>

    _IMG SRC="tags1a8.gif" HEIGHT=97 WIDTH=377>

    See also


    BLINK (make text blink)

    The BLINK tag makes text blink on and off in Netscape Navigator.




    The following example displays "Blinking text" as blinking text.

    <BLINK> Blinking text </BLINK> can be annoying, so use it sparingly.

    BLOCKQUOTE (indent block of text)

    The BLOCKQUOTE tag indents a block of text. Use the BLOCKQUOTE tag for longer quotations, and the CITE tag for short quotations.




    The following example displays the quotation in a block format.

    Marc Andreessen, vice president of technology and cofounder of Netscape,
    said recently:
    "Moving Worlds is extremely exciting because it extends Netscape
    Navigator into a whole new dimension. Moving Worlds enables developers
    to build 3D applications and content that leverage all the technologies
    supported by the Netscape software platform: Java, JavaScript, advanced
    HTML, frames, and Plug-Ins. Netscape is committed to integrating 3D
    technology into the Netscape software platform and to providing a
    seamless blend of 2D and 3D elements to bring rich, lifelike activity to
    the Internet."

    _IMG SRC="tags1a9.gif" HEIGHT=240 WIDTH=378>

    BODY (main content of document)

    The BODY tag specifies the main content of a document. Each HTML document begins with a <HEAD>...</HEAD>, then concludes with a <BODY>...</BODY>.) Within the body of your document you can include the tags that define global characteristics of the document--the layout and structure of the document and all links to text and graphics.

