der between them. A setting of BORDER="3" causes a border of 3 pixels. If no BORDER tag is present, the default is 5 pixels. The BORDER tag can be used only on an outermost FRAMESET tag. Navigator 3.0

BORDERCOLOR="color" specifies the color of a frame's borders. The value of color is a hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet, or a color name. See Appendix B, "Color values."Navigator 3.0

Because frame borders are shared, Navigator must resolve any border color conflicts.

    1. Any attribute appearing in the outermost FRAMESET has the lowest priority.
    2. This attribute is, in turn, overridden by any attribute used in a nested FRAMESET tag.
    3. Finally, any BORDERCOLOR attribute in the current FRAME tag overrides all previous FRAMESET tag uses.

If there is a conflict for two colors of equal priority both set on the same edge, the behavior is undefined.

COLS="ColumnWidthList" specifies a comma-separated list of values giving the width of each frame in the frameset. If one of the values is missing, the corresponding frame is sized to fit by the browser. The browser can approximate some values to make the total height of the rows equal to the height of the window or the total width of the columns equal to the width of the window. ColumnWidthList can be:

FRAMEBORDER determines how frame borders are displayed.Navigator 3.0

When FRAMEBORDER appears in the FRAMESET tag, it sets a default FRAMEBORDER value for all frames in that frameset. When FRAMEBORDER appears in a FRAME tag, it applies only to that particular frame, overriding any FRAMEBORDER established by an outer FRAMESET tag. A border shared between frames is plain only if all adjacent frames have the FRAMEBORDER attribute set to NO. When neither a FRAME nor a FRAMESET governing that FRAME has set FRAMEBORDER, the default setting is YES.

ONBLUR="blurJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when the window containing the frameset loses focus. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.Navigator 3.0

ONFOCUS="focusJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when the window containing the frameset loses focus. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.Navigator 3.0

ONLOAD="loadJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when the frameset is loaded into the frame. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

ONUNLOAD="unloadJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when the frameset is unloaded (exited). See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

ROWS="RowHeightList" specifies a comma-separated list of values giving the height of each frame in the frameset. If one of the values is missing, the corresponding frame is sized to fit by the browser. The browser can approximate some values to make the total height of the rows equal to the height of the window or the total width of the columns equal to the width of the window. RowHeightList can be:


Example 1: frameset with two frames

The following example creates a set of two frames. The frameset is kept in a separate document file, such as index.html, that contains no other information. When users navigate to the file, index.html is loaded, and the FRAMESET tag within index.html then loads the individual URLS referenced in the FRAME tag.

<FRAMESET COLS="30%,70%">

   <FRAME SRC="toc.html" NAME="listFrame">

   <FRAME SRC="topic.html" NAME="contentFrame">


The two frames appear as columns because COLS is specified within the FRAMESET tag. The left frame uses 30% of the available space, and the right frame uses the remaining 70% of the space. By default, the frames in this example have scroll bars and are resizable, because no values are specified for the SCROLLING and NORESIZE attributes.

The code in this example creates a set of frames similar to the following: _IMG SRC="tags2a.gif" HEIGHT=213 WIDTH=614>

The frameset described in this example acts as a table of contents. The table of contents entries in the left frame are always available to the user. When users click a link in the left frame, the right frame navigates to the chosen topic. Each link in the left frame (the toc.html document file) uses "contentFrame" as the value of its TARGET attribute, which forces the right frame to display the target text.

Example 2: nested frames

The following example creates a frameset that contains a nested frameset.

<FRAMESET ROWS="90%,10%">

   <FRAMESET COLS="30%,70%">

      <FRAME SRC="category.html" NAME="listFrame">

      <FRAME SRC="titles.html" NAME="contentFrame">


   <FRAME SRC="navigate.html" NAME="navigateFrame">


The code in this example creates two sets of frames similar to the following: _IMG SRC="tags2a1.gif" HEIGHT=213 WIDTH=574>

See also


H1 through H6 (standard headings)

HTML has six levels of headings, numbered 1 through 6, with 1 being the most prominent. Headings are displayed in different fonts (larger and bold) than normal body text.



ALIGN specifies the horizontal alignment of the heading. The value can be:


The following example demonstrates the use of the H1 through H6 tags.

<H1>Level 1 heading</H1>

<H2>Level 2 heading</H2>

<H3>Level 3 heading</H3>

<H4>Level 4 heading</H4>

<H5>Level 5 heading</H5>

<H6>Level 6 heading</H6>

_IMG SRC="tags2a2.gif" HEIGHT=248 WIDTH=378>

HEAD (define document header)

The HEAD tag defines the HTML document header. The header contains information about the document, and can be used to define JavaScript functions to be used in the document. None of the information in the HEAD tag is displayed by the Web browser, except for text contained by the TITLE tag. You should be careful not to put any of your document content (other than JavaScript) in the HEAD tag.



The tags that can occur in a header are <BASE>, <ISINDEX>, <META>, <SCRIPT>, and <TITLE>.



<TITLE> Mozilla speaks out</TITLE>



_IMG SRC="tags2a3.gif" HEIGHT=73 WIDTH=378>

HR (horizontal rule)

The HR tag draws a horizontal line across the document frame or window. You can use a horizontal line to visually divide information or sections. The HR tag doesn't require a closing tag.



ALIGN specifies the horizontal alignment of lines that do not span the width of the page. Navigator 1.1

NOSHADE removes any line shading, producing a solid black line. Navigator 1.1

SIZE="pixThick" indicates the thickness of the line in pixels. The default is 2 pixels. Navigator 1.1

WIDTH="pixPct" defines the horizontal width of the line. The default is the width of the page. The measurement value can be a number of pixels or a percentage of the page width or frame width. Navigator 1.1


The following example draws a horizontal rule between two sentences.

This text appears above a thick, unshaded, centered horizontal rule.


This text appears below the same horizontal rule.

_IMG SRC="tags2a4.gif" HEIGHT=114 WIDTH=379>

HTML (outermost tag)

The HTML tag identifies your document as an HTML document. These tags should be the first and last tags in any HTML document. This lets the client render the contents of your document correctly.




The following example begins and ends a short document with the HTML tag.



This is a small HTML file.



I (italic)

The I tag displays text in italic.




The following example displays "italics" in italics.

Putting text in <I> italics </I> can slant its meaning

_IMG SRC="tags2a5.gif" HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=376>

IMG (insert image)

The IMG tag specifies an image to include in an HTML document. Navigator supports the following types of image formats:


Location"                                                                                                                                                                 required

ALIGN specifies the alignment of the image in relation to the surrounding text. If you do not specify a value for ALIGN, Navigator uses "BOTTOM" as the default.Navigator 1.1

ALT="AlternateText" specifies the simple text that a browser should display if it does not support the IMG tag, or if the user has suspended image loading.

BORDER="value" specifies the width, in pixels, of an image border. Navigator 1.1

HEIGHT="pixels"|"value%" specifies the height of the image either in pixels or as a percentage of the window height. Navigator 1.1

HSPACE="value" specifies a margin in pixels between the left and right edges of the image and surrounding text and images. Navigator 1.1

ISMAP specifies the image as a server-side image map.

LOWSRC="Location" specifies the URL of a low-resolution version of the image.

NAME="imgName" specifies a name by which JavaScript can refer to the image.

ONABORT="imgAbortJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when the user terminates the loading of an image. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

ONERROR="errorJScode" specifies the JavaScript code to execute when the JavaScript encounters an error. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

ONLOAD="imgLoadJScode" specifies the JavaScript event handler to execute when the image is loaded. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

SRC="Location" specifies the URL of the image to be displayed in the document.

USEMAP="Location#MapName" specifies the image as a client-side image map. You must specify the URL of the file that contains the map definition, followed by a # symbol, and then the name of the map.

VSPACE="value" specifies a margin in pixels between the top and bottom edges of the image and surrounding text and images.Navigator 1.1

WIDTH="pixels"|"value%" specifies the width of the image either in pixels or as a percentage of the window width.Navigator 1.1

Used within

almost any tag


Example 1: high performance

The following example uses all the IMG attributes to improve performance:



          ALT="Welcome to Netscape" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="25"


This example uses the following attributes to improve performance:

Example 2: text wrapping around an image

In this example, an image is aligned on the right side of the Navigator window, and text flows around it to the left: _IMG SRC="tags2a6.gif" HEIGHT=146 WIDTH=505>

The following HTML code creates the image alignment and text wrap shown in the previous illustration:

<IMG SRC="logo.jpg"

          ALIGN="right" ALT="Welcome to Netscape"

          HSPACE="10" VSPACE="5">

<BIG><B>W</B></BIG>e are committed to ensuring that our customers
receive answers to their questions and that they enjoy trouble-free use
of our products.<P>

In this example, the HSPACE attribute creates a 10-pixel margin below the image, and the VSPACE attribute creates a 5-pixel margin to the left.

See also


INPUT (create input elements in a form)

The INPUT tag lets you create input fields inside a form. An input field lets the user enter information on an HTML form. The TYPE attribute determines the specific sort of form element to be created:

In addition to the fields defined using INPUT, two types of input fields--selection lists and textarea elements--are defined using the SELECT and TEXTAREA tags.



buttonName"                                                                                                                                                                required

NAME="buttonName" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form.

ONCLICK="JScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user clicks the button. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

VALUE="buttonText" specifies the text to be displayed on the button.

Used within



The following example is a JavaScript example that creates a button named CalcButton. The text "Calculate" is displayed on the face of the button. When the button is clicked, the function CalcFunction() is called.


<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Calculate" NAME="CalcButton"



_IMG SRC="tags2a7.gif" HEIGHT=105 WIDTH=379>



checkboxName"                                                                                                                                                                required

CHECKED indicates that the checkbox is selected.

NAME="checkboxName" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form.

ONCLICK="clickJScode" specifies JavaScript code to execute when a user clicks the checkbox. See the JavaScript Guide for information on event handlers.

textToDisplay specifies the label to display next to the checkbox.

VALUE="checkboxValue" specifies the value to be returned to the server when the checkbox is selected and the form is submitted. The default value is ON.

Used within



The following example displays a group of four checkbooks that all appear checked by default.


<B>Specify your music preferences (check all that apply):</B>

<BR><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="musicpref_rnb" CHECKED> R&B

<BR><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="musicpref_jazz" CHECKED> Jazz

<BR><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="musicpref_blues" CHECKED> Blues

<BR><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="musicpref_newage" CHECKED> New Age


_IMG SRC="tags2a8.gif" HEIGHT=158 WIDTH=377>



name"                                                                                                                                                                required

NAME="name" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form.

VALUE="value" specifies the initial value of the input element.

Used within



The following example creates a file upload element.

<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="_URL_" METHOD="POST">

<B>First name:</B><INPUT TYPE="text">

<BR><B>Last name:</B><INPUT TYPE="text">

<P><B>Brief description of the problem:</B>

<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="45">

<P><B>Please attach a file with your event log.</B>

<BR><B>File name:</B><INPUT TYPE="file">

<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Report">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Cancel" onClick="window.close()">


_IMG SRC="tags2a9.gif" HEIGHT=247 WIDTH=462>



hiddenName"                                                                                                                                                                required

NAME="hiddenName" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form. This tag provides a mechanism for delivering a value to the server without the user having entered it, but note that it is not very "hidden" because the user can discover it by using the View|Document Source sequence.

VALUE="hiddenValue" specifies the initial value of the input element.

Used within



This example creates a form called LoginForm that contains text fields for user name and password, a submit button with the text "Log in" displayed on its face, and a cancel button. A hidden element, DefaultPass, stores the initial value of the password field.

<FORM NAME="LoginForm">

<B>User name:</B>

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="userName" SIZE="10">


<INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password" SIZE="12" VALUE="treasure">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DefaultPass" VALUE="treasure">

<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Log in">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Cancel" onClick="window.close()">


_IMG SRC="tags2a10.gif" HEIGHT=167 WIDTH=375>




ALIGN specifies the alignment of the image in relation to the surrounding text. If you do not specify a value for ALIGN, Navigator uses "BOTTOM" as the default.Navigator 1.1

NAME="name" specifies the name of the input element. This value is the name portion of the name=value pair sent to the server when the form is submitted. The name is not displayed on the form. When Navigator sends the offsets of the image to the server, it sends them as name.x and name.y.

SRC="Location" specifies the URL of the image to be displayed in the document.

Used within



This exam