jpg( 71k) Random
Rendom (Teper' korol' Ambera)
5'6 " 135 funtov. Solomennye volosy, ostryj nos,
smeyushchijsya rot.
Cveta odezhdy: oranzhevyj, krasnyj, i korichnevyj.
Simvol - malen'kij nabor barabanov s barabannoj
palochkoj na nih.
jpg( 47k) Merlin
Merlin (Merl' Kori)
CHernye volosy, sinie glaza, muskulistyj.
Cveta odezhdy: seryj i fioletovyj.
Obuchlsya koldovstvu i masterstvu sozdaniya kart pri Dvorah.
Proshel Labirint i Logrus. Sejchas korol' v Dvorah Haosa. Simvol
- vertikal'nyj belyj pyatiugol'nik na fone temnogo kruga. V
nastoyashchee vremya nosit odin Spikkard i obladaet vtorym. Syn Dary
Savval i Korvina.
jpg( 62k) Luke
Rinal'do (Lukas Rajnard/Lyuk ) Syn Brenda i korolevy YAsry.
On podvergsya malomu ritualu uvelicheniya mogushchestva v Zamke CHetyreh Mirov.
Teper' korol' Kashpy. Simvol - feniks, vozrazhdayushchijsya iz plameni.
Cveta odezhdy: zelenyj.
Blizko znakom s Dvorami Haosa, tak kak ego mat' byla
zaverbovana iz blizlezhashchej teni Daroj.
jpg( 51k) Martin
Syn Rendoma i Morgany iz Rebmy.
Sejchas pankuet, chto otrazheno v ego manere odevat'sya.
Simvol - otrazhenie Zemlya v oreole radial'no
rashodyashchihsya luchej.
A tak zhe
jpg( 64k) Vialle
Vialle (Queen of Amber)
5'1", slim, brunette, fine featured and soft spoken. She
is the wife of Random she is the blind sculptress that
he was forced to marry in Rebma but has since grown to
love. She is adept in the healing arts and has uncanny
perception despite her disability (able to use Trumps).
Her symbol is of crashing waves.
jpg( 55k) Dara
Sawall, Dara (Mistress Of The Logrus)
Tall and thin with short brown hair and freckles, dark
eyes. Mother of Merlin, Jurt and Despil. Wife of
Rim-Duke Gramble Sawall. She has essayed the Logrus
and walked the Pattern. Possibly the great
grand-daughter of Benedict. Father was of House
Helgram, mother was of House Hendrake. Symbol is
a circle divided lengthwise, left side black and
right side white.
jpg( 69k) Mandor
Sawall, Mandor. Son of Sawall and Another. Powerful sorcerer from the
courts who uses metal balls as a foci. Very dignified
and regal. Has white hair and distinguishing/noble
characteristics. Symbol is four squares of a
chessboard, two black and two white, the white squares
diagonal from each other and containing a black pawn in
the upper left hand square and a black knight in the
lower right hand square all contained within a circle.
jpg( 65k) Dalt
Belokurye volosy, krupnyj, muskulistyj.
Cveta odezhdy: chernyj i zelenyj.
Zaklyatyj vrag YAntarya, potomu chto ego mat' vozmozhno byla
iznasilovana Oberonom.
Simvol - geral'dicheskij lev, razryvayushchij edinoroga,
kotoryj on nosit kak medal'on na shee.
Pervonachal'no iz |regnora.
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