ili korotkim c Vydavat' soobshcheniya o somnitel'nyh izmeneniyah tipov n Ne proizvodit' kontrolya bibliotek s To zhe, chto i h (po istoricheskim prichinam). LITERATURA 1. B.W.Kernighan and D.M.Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1978). 2. S.C.Johnson, "Yacc - Yet Another Compile-Compiler.", Comp.Sci.Tech.Rep., No. 32, Bell Laboratiries, Murray Hill, New Jersey (July 1975). 3. M.E.Lesk, "Lex - a Lexical Analyzer Generator", Comp.Sci.Tech.Rer., No 39, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey (October 1975) 4. S.C.Johnson and D.M.Ritchie, "UNIX Time-Sharing System: Portability of C Programs and the Unix System, "Bell.Sys.Tech.J.57(6) pp.2071-2043(1975). 5. S.C.Johnson, "A Portable Compiler: Theory and Prac- tice", Proc. 5th ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages, (January 1978). - 19 - SODERZHANIE ANNOTACIYA ......................................... 2 VVEDENIE .......................................... 3 1. Vyzov programmy ................................... 3 2. Nekotorye zamechaniya ............................... 4 3. Neispol'zovannye peremennye i funkcii ............. 4 4. Informaciya ob inicializacii i ispol'zovanii pere- mennyh ............................................ 5 5. Potok upravleniya .................................. 6 6. Znacheniya funkcij .................................. 7 7. Izmeneniya tipov ................................... 8 8. Ispol'zovanie simvolov, narushayushchee perenosimost'. . 9 9. Prisvaivanie celym tipa int znachenij tipa long .... 9 10. Strannye konstrukcii .............................. 10 11. O rannih versiyah yazyka ............................ 11 12. Vyravnivanie ukazatelej ........................... 12 13. Mnogokratnye ispol'zovaniya i pobochnye effekty ..... 12 14. Realizaciyach ....................................... 13 15. Perenosimost' ..................................... 13 16. Upravlenie vydachej soobshchenij ...................... 15 17. Fajly ob®yavleniya bibliotek ........................ 17 18. Oshibki i t.d. ..................................... 17 PRILOZHENIE. Spisok imeyushchihsya klyuchej komandy lint .. 18 LITERATURA ........................................ 19 - 20 -