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      .       75
      ,     75
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     ""   91
      .     114
      " " 118
       " ":    
 .   ""  154
        ""  158
       .         .    
      .    (1985-1995) 169
         90- .    
""  173
         ? 177

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  -  ,          
 ,      .   
  ,        XX  .  
.             (  
      90- ,        
  .   ,   
   ,         ,     
,         .
      .   ,
 ".  ,          
      XX , 
,       , 
.  ,      
  .    ,  
 ,  ,          
     .     ,  
   70- ,      - 
  .    ,      
  ,     ,   
        . ,      
       .    ,    , 
     .      ,  
 ,          ,   
)  ,      .
       . ,
  ,        , 
   ,      . 
            .    ,
:                  ,
      ,  ,
   ,     .
,       , 
        ,      ,
      .  ,
          ,             ,
           ,          ,   
 ,      , 
 ,    ,      
   ,     " ",   70- 
80- ,   .   90-   
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,        ,        
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,     ,      
.   " -    - 
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      .             ,   
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  .          ,
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.           ,  
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.   ,   ,               
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,               ,
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),    (  )      (
) ;       (50-   60- ),
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,       ;  
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  ,      "  -    -
     -    (   
  ,      -  ,     -
  , );
       -           (      
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     -      (    
    ,    -       
  -  ).
    ,    -    
      ,           -   
 ,        .  , 
   ,    -      
       .    ,    
    ,           ,
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(,   ,     
  .       ,
  ,         .  
,      .   
,         .    
             .  ,
      , ,      
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,       ,       
.   ,    ,    
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,  []            
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" Brzezinski Zh.  Between Two Ages. N.Y.. 1970. P. 9..     
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,        .    
,    ,     ,
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   ,        .    
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"",     contemporary  modem. 
,       .
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    XV  .: Toynbee  A. A Study  of History.  Vol.
VIII. L.,  1954.  P.  144.),        
.        ,    
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.,  .    .),     60-  -        
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80- -     (          .  
.-.      .).            
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"      ,           
  ",  "    
  ,          ,
   "1.  ,       ,
        ,  , 
     .     ,
,               ,           
,      ,     
,          .    , 
   ,   "" [disorganized] 
"" [late] .
  ,       , 
,              ,
      .   ,   
  (    ),   
"".      ,          
         ,      .    
          . ,   
  ,   ,    ,
 ,   .  consumation    
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    (needs)      (wants).     
,       ;      
          ,       -    
  ,      ,     
,     .   
   ,   .    
   .   ,
   ,       ,  
  .   ,     
            80-      ""  
        XVII-o      XIX      
  ,          ,     
  ; ., ,      
""     "  ";  .  
,         ;  .   
,    --  (modernity for  itself).    
 ,    ,  "  
,              ,  
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   ,     ,
  .      ,         
,         .
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    .    ,      
 -   ,     
,    ,    
        , -   
,    70-  80- .
 ,      ,
   .     ,    
   .  ,        
,       ,      
,           ,     
     2.       ,   
     4.    ,    
     7.     ,      ,
  ,       ?

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.  .    .   .  .. .  .,  1999.  .
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.,   1998.   .   97-163;     ..     :
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Worldly  Philosophy.  N.Y., 1988;  Heilbroner  R..  Milberg W. The Making of
Economic Society. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River (N.J.), 1998.
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,       ,  
.         ,
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.       .      
" "   ,        60-
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.  ., 1999.,       
,           ,    
,    -  .
             ,       ,  
   ,         "economy"       
 )  ,      
        .  ,   
  ,             ""  
"",  ,              
       - ,  
          (Oekonomie)   (Wirtschaft)
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Naturalwirtschaft     Geldwirtschaft,         Naturaloekonomie   
Geldoekonomie ., : Dopsch A. Natiiralwirlschaft und Geldwirtschaft
in der Weltgeschichtc. Wien, 1930..     
     , Wirtschaft  Oekonomie ,
,  .           (vie
materielle)                (economie  tres
elementaire)    (economic)      
  (.:  Braudel F. Civilisation materielle, economic et  capitalisme.
XVc-XVIIIe siecle. T. 2. P., 1979. P. 7)..
     ,       "" (economy)
     ,  , ,
    " "  (household economy).    ,
    (post-economic)  ; 
        Oekonomie   disappearance  of  economy
      (      ,         ,
        "    "        
         , ,   
         .  .  ,  
"             "
Schumpeter  J.A. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. L.-N.Y., 1981. P.  73.
.: Arrighi G. The Long Twentienth Century. Money, Power and the Origins of
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      ,          -     
.:  Habermas J. Toward a Rational Society. Boston, 1971. P. 97-98..  
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Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge, 1995. P. 55-57.,    
.   ;        
(non-economic).       . .:
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N.Y,  1988. P. 94.,       - ..  .: Galbraith
J.K. The Affluent Society. L.-N.Y., 1991. P. 267., .   .
.: Drucker  P.F. The  New  Realities.  Oxford, 1996. P. 183, 184.. 
,        ,  
..      ,      
     "         "    (oekonomische
.      ,       ",  ,
  ,   "   
"   "    .,   . . 2-
. .  13.  . 7,  8;  Marx/Engels  Werke.  Bd.  13. S.  9..    
   ,     ,  
  .            ,   
  .      ,    ,
    "  -     -   
";          "",     ""
   ,        -        .
 .,    ,  
         .  ,    
,     ,     -
,  ,         
,          ,    
,      ,     
,       .
,      .    
 ,      ,  
,        .
.   ,        
,   ,         ,   ,    
;             ,      
,     ,     
,        ,      
,   ,    -  
. ,     ,   
  ,      ;   
-           .  
    ,    .
,         .    
    :    , 
,    .
.      , ,    ,
  ,    -   
          ,     ,
,    ,       ,       
    .  - 
          .  -,   
   (  ) 
; -,        
    );  -,  ,      
;       ; 
        .     ,   
,    ,            ,
  ;    ,
   ,        .     
  ,         ,  -
   ,     .
     XXI , , ,  
  , ,     ,
       .   ,      
,           .
, ,       
,               ,
,          ;
.          - ,
    ,     , 
   .   -,        
     . -,  
      ,     -
   ,   ,     
   , -     
.  ,  -,      :
,         .  
,      ,      ,   
,  ,     ,
  .     , 
  .          ,  
 ,     ,    
,    .
,         ,
  ,    , 
            ,      ,   
  ,   ,   
.   ,        
,  ,   ,  .
       ,     ,
.   ,  ,         
,           ,
  -   ,      - 
  .      ,          
   ,     ,           
,           , 
    , .
 -           -
   ,     ,
    ,         ,   
. ,        
   ,          ,
,           ,   
         ,  ,
      -       ,      .   
    ,  ,  ,
          ,     ,
,           ,    
     ,     ,     ,     
        .   ,
,             ,
  .    ,       
    ,   , 
         , ,
  ,        ,    
             - ,
   ,      ,
,       ,    ,   
 .   ,   
,      ;  
    .     ,    
   .  ;  
.         ,      
.              ,   
    ,      ,       
     ,       -  
  ,    .
    ,       ,
          , -     
     .   ,     (backward)  
         .   ,  
        . ,   
    ,       . 
            ,      ,
.      ,       
,  ,    ,      
,    ,        
         ,   , 
 .          ,   ,  
  ,      ,
  , .

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,      ,   
,                      .
,       ,    
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,      .,  " ", 
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,               ,
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)       ,             
.,   ,      
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.        ,  
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,       ,   
     . ,       
- .
       60-     70-            
       . , 
            40-      .
,         -            
.    -    .
           ,       ,
     "  "  -    ,
  50            .
      ,    -    
 ,  ,         
  .   ,       XIX         
1,8  .  ( ,        
2 .),             30-   XX
,     ,        
     ,                .    
          ,           .   
,      ,   
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:  " ""        
,        ,  ,
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P. X.
  40-    . .: Clurk C. The  Conditions of Economic
Progress.  L..  1957.        
  :    (quaternary),      ,
 ,         ,   
(quinary),         ,  ,   
,         . 
;         .e,   "        
       ,        ,  ,
,  ,    ,      ,
       (   .   -..)"     ..   
 . . 18..
   .  70-  80-  
      ߂    70-      
            .    80-  
,         ,        
    , ,     ;  
  .                    ,
      , -    ,  
,    ..
  .    ,    1980 
1995  ,       
   250 ,      1200
.   ,   
  3-6  ,    , 
.              ,        
    .    ,    
1998  ,                    
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,   100 ,    40  .: The
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.    1997-1999            
  .:  The Economist. 1997. February 15. . 106; The Economist.
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  ,           70   
        ""  ,      70-
" ",      . 
  "   ",          
     ,   ,      
,      -         -    
 ,      (knowledge
goods),     (consumption goods)   (services)
.: Galbraith James  . Created Unequal. The Crisis in  American Pay. N.Y..
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3 ,     12        5
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62       ,        
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;     10;     
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]   " Daly H.E. Beyond Growth. The Economics
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22,7    21,3  ,     1974    .  
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"        23   
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  12      "  Drucker P. The  New  Realities.
Oxford, 1996. . 117..
.      -     
   ,       ,
  ,     ,  
     ,  1800        
344 ,      100   ;   1900    
   147 -,   -  3  -.  
   5  ,   1950 . ,  
  "  ",   1980    120
 ,     90-   10 , 
           650  .     
     1973 ,     40   
   . ,     2,5    
 ,     ,   1960
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1975   1987    1,5 ,    ( ) -   1,65  .
8,7     100   .    ,   
     ,    2,1 
  100 .
                .    , 
,      ,       
     ,     .     
 1973- 1978   2,7        , 
3,5 -  ,  3,8 -  ,   4,8 -    , 
5,7    -   .     -   
             1973  1985  
          32  ,   
  -    5  .: McRae  H.  The  World  in 2020. Power,
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""       ,    
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. ,        
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138   ,  , 
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.,           ,
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   25 . . ,  1996      
,  212 . .,      . 
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,       ,  
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 ,       , 
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     ,     ,
,    ,    -.
,     " ". ""   
(         ,   ,   
, ,    . .)     
     . ,   1980    1993    
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