: [koi-win-lat]

" " e-mail.

    27 Sep 2002
(570k)        doom1.txt			  ,  . DOOM:    
(406k)        doom2_.txt		  ,  . DOOM:   

    24 Sep 2002
(272k) unrealgrail.txt .
    11 Aug 2000
( 92k) labirint.txt 1983-1984.
    30 May 2000
( 23k) megamonkey.txt Games. Monkey Island-2
    16 May 2000
( 83k) quake2ctf.txt . Quake II: Capture the Flag ( 69k) quake2dm.txt . Deathmatch Quake2 -
    11 Jun 1999
(140k) internalworld.txt . " "
    07 May 1999
( 94k) quakeinstr.txt . Quake
    23 Mar 1999
( 7k) pilots2.txt Games. . (-2)
    05 Jan 1999
( 12k) quakeruss.txt , . "Quake"
    16 Oct 1998
( 10k) goldengate.txt Game. Golden Gate.
    05 May 1998
(133k) starcraft-trainer.zip ( 1k) starcraft.txt Games. Starcraft
    25 Mar 1998
( 12k) coloniz.txt Games. Colonization ( 16k) diab.txt Games. Diabolo ( 21k) dune.txt Games. DUNE II () ( 8k) dune1.txt Games. Dune-1. -1 ( 15k) kingbnty.txt Games. King's bounty (" ") ( 10k) pilots.txt Games. ( 9k) pray.txt Games. Pray for Death ( 12k) quake.txt Games. Quake
    13 Mar 1998
( 16k) Fal.txt Games. Fallout - ( 15k) Lba.txt Little Big Adventure - ( 24k) Lba2.txt Little Big Adventure -2 -
    09 Jan 1998
( 15k) nomouth.txt Solution for "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream"
    01 Dec 1997
( 6k) hippygrad.txt . "-"
    06 Oct 1997
( 15k)        ccedit/ccedit.txt		Games. CCEdit  --  a Command and Conquer Editor
( 42k)        woodruff.txt		Solution to woodruff

    04 Jul 1997
( 0k) pirates.dir FTP, WWW
    04 Jun 1997
( 20k) f19.txt F19 Fantom.
    03 May 1997
( 24k) 11h.txt . 11 hour ( 17k) aidt3rus.txt +===========================================================================+ ( 24k) aitd3.txt \ | / ( 9k) aliens.txt ALIENS.
( 12k)        alodi/al_odyss.slv	
(  1k)        alodi/disclame.r		
(  0k)        alodi/file_id.diz		
(  2k)        alodi/hack.nfo		
(  0k)        alodi/save.nfo		
(  0k)        alodi/solv.txt		Passed thru

( 15k)        alone_2.txt		                         
(  4k)        badmojo.txt		
(  1k)        bermsynd/bermsynd.dox	
( 14k)        bermsynd/bermsynd.wlk	
(  1k)        bermsynd/disclame.r	
(  0k)        bermsynd/file_id.diz	
(  8k)        bermsynd/town1e.sav	
( 16k)        bioforge.txt		The Coolest Game Of All Times
( 10k)        bra_solv.txt		+================================   ---==+
(  4k)        bthorne.txt		+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(196k)        c_and_c/c&cstr32.faq	
(  1k)        c_and_c/cdemu2.com	
(  0k)        c_and_c/dir		
(  0k)        c_and_c/gdi.bat		
(  0k)        c_and_c/nod.bat		
(  0k)        c_and_c/solv.txt		Passed thru

( 16k)        ccedit/ccedit.doc		
(131k)        ccedit/ccedit.exe		
(  0k)        ccedit/file_id.diz	
(  2k)        ccedit/history.txt	CCEdit Revision History

(  6k)        congo.txt			
( 14k)        congosol.txt		   H            H  
(  8k)        cyb.txt			
( 14k)        cyberia.txt		----------------------------------------------------------------------
( 14k)        daed.txt			
(  0k)        darkforc.txt		Dark Forces Cheat Codes!
(  4k)        darkseed.txt		   " Dark Seed "
(  0k)        descent.txt		Descent:  Cheat Codes
( 14k)        dig.txt			 GOBLIN  PC  ( 2:5020/397.18 )   P.R.E.S.E.N.T 
( 14k)        dir_rus.txt		 GOBLIN  PC  ( 2:5020/397.18 )   P.R.E.S.E.N.T 
(  4k)        dizzy.txt			MAGICLAND DIZZY SOLUTION
(  4k)        doom.txt			DOOM:  Codes, command line params., etc.
(  0k)        doom2.txt			DOOM 2: Codes
( 21k)        dott_rus.txt		+---------------------------------------------------------------+
( 42k)        duke3d.txt		Here's another edition of the FAQ.  I should have a "final shareware" FAQ
( 20k)        eden_rus.txt		--                              --- --
( 88k)        eob1cb.txt		
( 19k)        eob1sp.txt		
(  6k)        eob1sq.txt		From : Anatoly Pertkov                     2:5020/412.103  Mon 29 May 95 00:15
(  0k)        eob1sqh.txt		
(  1k)        ewj.txt			- SU.GAME (2:5025/2.20) --------------------------------------------- SU.GAME -
( 57k)        frontier.txt		
(  5k)        full_thr.txt		
( 18k)        fullthr2.txt		FULL THROTTLE
(  4k)        fxmoves4.txt		By Glue 'n'
(  6k)        gk2sol.txt		
(  0k)        heretic.txt		Heretic Codes
(  8k)        hexen.txt			- NETMAIL (2:5025/2.20) ---------------------------------------------- NETMAIL -
(  8k)        hq1.txt			+------------------------------------------------------------+
( 12k)        hq2rus.txt		+----------------------------+
(  7k)        igor_slv.txt		
(  0k)        infosvc.txt		
(  9k)        ioc_map.txt		GIF87a+@$@@$4444d@@dT``4`Tl4TT\4\\4\`L`,|`l`ttt\`4,`T,4T\44\4t`4L`4l`t,\4t\4t\`TL`4t44`d$d$`Tl`tL`44\\`+++\$+`++4\4t++\+44t4444++4+`tl+\`444\`+,4t+t\4+\4+`tt44`lL,`4\`\`,Ll|`쒜\`+L4,,t,+,t\\`t4+44t444`4444444l4L,,,`,4,t+\+\`+l`+`+4L4l4448$+@$$tLtL+L`쒜lLLL`L\888\`+``t@d씜+`l``tl+ltttttlll+\`+d++씜|+++++𜚚,+	+*\++#J+3j+ハ I+(S\+劗0I|=8s+|玟@
(  5k)        ja.txt			
(  1k)        jagged.txt		From : Sveta Samsonova
( 10k)        kgb_solv.txt		+================================   ---==+
( 10k)        killmoon.txt		
( 13k)        kirandia.txt		
( 29k)        kyr2doc.txt		          2077/13.43 DEN
( 19k)        kyr3.txt			------------------------------------------------
( 20k)        kyr3solv.txt		+================================   ---==+
( 16k)        kyrandia.txt		GIF87,+I8=+`(dihl,t|ߚ+,+r+l:tJZvz+L.+z=n+|N+~0,/+ ++5+|+++-)+I+++1++++++4*(=킜	H	hJ`+R$+# |8F덈"ads)|f^+,jl|R+LC*i%@6*
(  5k)        larry1.txt		Kirill Kriklenko present
( 20k)        laura2.txt		+------------------------------------------------------------+
( 15k)        lba.txt			GOBLIN  PC ,  ,   -    CD :
( 15k)        ll3.txt			
( 30k)        lolsterr.txt		
( 26k)        losttime.txt		
(  7k)        mim.dir			  
(  1k)        mk/codes.txt		Codes
(  1k)        mk/mk3cheat.txt		
( 17k)        mk/mk3rat20.faq		
( 26k)        mk/moves.mk3		
(  1k)        mk/read.me		
( 11k)        mk/tdtmk3.txt		For centuries Earth has used the tournament of mortal kombat to defend itself against the Outworld's Emperor, Shao Kahn. For the last nine tournaments Earth had been defeated by the deadly Outworlders, who dominated Mortal Kombat. For the rules were simple: Shao Kahn had but to win Ten consecutive tournaments in a row, and Earth and all that inhabited it would be his.....But Kahn grew furious after losing the tenth and most important tournament to the brave and determined Warriors of Earth, led by Rayden, the powerful god of thunder and lightning. Frustrated by his failed attempt to take Earth through tournament battle, he enacted a plan which began 10,000 years ago. 

( 13k)        mk/tdtmk3.wri		
(  1k)        mk3.txt			- SU.GAME (2:5025/2.20) --------------------------------------------- SU.GAME -
( 14k)        myst.txt			MYST
( 32k)        nb_s_f2b.txt		
( 12k)        odis/al_odyss.slv		
(  0k)        odis/alod.cht		
(  2k)        odis/hack.nfo		
(  8k)        pcdizzy.txt		
( 21k)        phantasm.txt		=====================
( 19k)        prophecy.txt		
( 14k)        relent.txt		- SU.GAME (2:5100/29.9@fidonet) -------------------------------------- SU.GAME -
( 15k)        reunion.txt		Games. Reunion:    
(  6k)        rott.txt			Rise of the Triad Codes, command line params., etc.
( 30k)        serf.txt			+-----------------------------------------------------------
( 72k)        settlers.txt		+---------------------------------------------------------------------
(724k)        solutions.zip		
( 11k)        sp_q1.txt												   
(  8k)        spycraft.txt		
(  3k)        sq4.txt			
(  9k)        sq5hints.txt		
( 21k)        sq5solv.txt		S I E R R A
( 13k)        sq6.txt			SPECE QWEST 6
( 35k)        t7g_sol.txt		PAGE:  I
(  9k)        teen_slv.txt		+================================   ---==+
( 15k)        torin.txt			
( 37k)        totalcon.txt		Total Control -  ,       
( 53k)        woodruff.DOC		
(  5k)        wwf.txt			  (PP+PK) -    -,    .