
            Steve Harris    - bass guitar
            Bruce Dickinson - vocals
            Dave Murray     - lead guitar
            Janick Gers     - guitar
            Nico McBrain    - drums.

She felt in love with his greasy machine
She learned over wiped his kickstart clean
She'd never seen the beast before
But she left there wanting more, more, more.
But when she was walking on down the road
She heard a sound that made her heart explode.
He whispered to her to get on the back
"I'll take you on a ride from here to eternity"

Hell ain't a bad place, Hell is from here to eternity.
Hell ain't a bad place, Hell is from here to eternity.

She must be having one of her crazy dreams
She'd never sat on a piece so mean
It made her feel like she's on eloud nine
She even thought she heard the engine sigh
But like all dreams that come to an end
They took a tumble at the Devil's bend
The beast and Charlotte they were two of a kind
They'd always take the line... from here to eternity

Hell ain't a bad place, Hell is from here to eternity.
Hell ain't a bad place, Hell is from here to eternity.

We live our lives in fever
In choking sweat of fear
In the heat of the night you can feel so much
In the heat of the night I scream "Don't touch!"

I remember a time when we used and abused
And we fought all our battles in vain
I remember a time we thought that passion was free
In the heart of the night... bodies aflame
We live in fever...

I hear your secret heartbeat
I can hear your silent cries
The kids have lost their freedom
And nobody cares till somebody famous dies.


Now we live in a world of uncertainty
Fear is the key to what you want to be
You don't get a say the majority gets its way
You're outnumbered by the bastards till the day you die...

Povtorit' pervyi kuplet.

I'd sail athe ocean
I'd walk a hundred miles
If I could make it to the end
Oh just to see a smile.
you see it in their faces
The sadness in their tears
The desperation and the anger
Madness and the fear.

No hope, no life, just pain and fear,
No food, no love, just greed is here.

Starvation and the hunger
The suffering and the pain
The agonies of all-out-war
When will it come again?
The struggle for the power
A tyrant tries again
Just what the hell is going on?
When will it ever end?


You see the full moon float
You watch the red sunrise
We take these things for granted
But somewhere someone's dying.
Contaminated waters
Pollution and decay
Just waiting for disease to strike
Oh will we learn someday?


No hope, no life, just pain and fear,
No food, no love, no seed -
        Childhood's End.

Maybe one day I'll be an honest man
Up till now I'm doing the best I can
Long roads. Long days, of sunrise to sunset
Sunrise to sunset.

Dream on Brother, while you can
Dream on Sister, I hope you find the one.
All of our lives covered up quickly
By the tides of time.

Spend your days full of emptiness,
Spend your years full of loneliness.
Wasting love in a desperate caress,
Rolling shadows of nights.

Dream on Brother, while you can
Dream on Sister, I hope you find the one.
All of our lives covered up quickly
By the tides of time.

Sands are flowing and the lines are in your hand
In your eyes I see the hunger        

And the desperate cry That tears, the night... Chorus.

    7. The Fugitive. (S.Harris)

On a cold October morning As frost lay on the ground Waiting to make my move I made no sound. Waiting for the mist To cover all around I carefully picked my time Then took the wall. I'm sick and tired of running The hunger and the pain A stop to look about Then off again. Being at the wrong place And at the wrong time Suspected of a hit That was my crime. Chorus. I'm a fugitive being hunting down like game, I'm a fugitive but I've got to clear my name. Always looking 'round me Forever looking back I'll always be a target For attack. Ever morning onwards Always on the run Waiting for the sight Of a loaded gun. Chorus. Even if I find them And get to clear my name I know that things Can never be the same. But if I ever prove My innocence some day I've got to get them all To make them pay. Chorus.

    8. Chains Of Misery. (B.Dickinson/D.Murray)

There's a madman in the corner of your eye He likes to pry - into your sunlight He wants to burst into street with you and I A world of shadows and of rain He's seen what love is... He wants to pay you back with guilt He lies to you he won't let you be He's got your Chains of misery He won't be still till he's turned your key He holds your Chains of misery. There's a prophet in the gutter in the street He says "You're damned!" and you believe him... He's got a vision but it shines out through your eyes And world of hatred and fear... He's felt what love means... He wants to pay you back with pain He lies to you - he won't let you be He's got your Chains of misery He won't be stiil till he's turned the key He holds your Chains of misery. It's only love that holds the key to our hearts... It's only love... He lies to you he won't let you be I He's got your Chains of misery I 2 He won't be stiil till he's turned the key I raza. He holds your Chains of misery. I

    9. The Apparition. (S.Harris/J.Gers)

Now I'm here can you see me 'Cos I'm out on my own When the room goes cold tell me you can feel me... 'cos I'm here. Here I'm, can you see me Passing through, on my way To a place I'd been to only in my dreams... before. In a world of delusion Never turn your back on a friend 'Cause you can count your real true friends on one hand..... through life. There are those that deceive you There are those that'll let you down Is there someone out there that would die for you..... thought not. Live your life with a passion Everything you do, do well You only get out of life what you put in...... so they say. In a world of confusion People never say what they mean If you want a straight answer go look for one..... right now. In a room full of strangers Do you stand with your back to the wall Do you sometimes feel like you're on the outside...... looking in? You can make your own luck You create your destiny I believe you have the power if you want to.... it's true. You can do what you want to If you try a little bit harder A little bit of faith goes a long way..... it does. Are we here for a reason? I'd like to know just what you think It would be nice to know what happens when we die..... wouldn't it? There are some who are wise There are some who are born naive I believe that there are some that must have lived before..... don't you? As for me, well I'm thinking You gotta keep an open mind But a hope that my life's not an open and shut case. Extra Sensory Perception Life After Death, telepathy Can the soul live on and travel through Space and Time? You know I feel so clated 'Cause I'm about to find it out And when I know all the answers Maybe then I'll come back....... to fill you in. You don't be alarmed now If I try to contact you If things so missing or get moved around..... it's me. And I don't disbelieve it No matter what your friends might say We'll meet up again some place some way..... one day!

    10. Judas Be My Guide. (B.Dickinson/D.Murray).

Lights out - we live in a world of darkness No doubt - everything's up for sale We sleep - all of the world is burning We pray - to God for a better deal Nothing is sacred - back then or now Everything's wasted.... Is that all there is? Can I go now? Chorus. Judas my guide Whispers in the night Judas my guide. Fight wars - die in a blaze of glory Come home - meat in a plastic sack Fall down - better pray to your God for mercy So kneel - and help the blade cut clean Nothing is sacred - back then or now Everyone's wasted.... Is that all there is? Is that it now? Chorus (2 raza). I live in the black I have no guiding light I'm whispering in your dreams... Chorus (2 raza).

    11. Weekend Warrior. (S.Harris/J.Gers)

The rebel of yesterday, tomorrow's fool Who are you kiddbeing that cool? Trying to break away from running with the pack But they ain't lidtening so you've gotta go back. You're a weekend warrior when you're one of the crowd But it's over, just look at you now... You're not so brave the way you behave It makes you sick, gotta get out quick. It's all bravado when you're out with your mates. It's like a different person goes through those gates And the game begins, the adrenalin's high Feel the tension maybe someone will die... Chorus. A weekend warrior lately A weekend warrior sometimes A weekend warrior maybe you ain't that way any more. You've gotta get out gotta get away But you're in with a clique it's not case to stray You've gotta admit you're just living a lie It didn't take long to work out why It's hard to say why you got involved Judt waiting to be part, just waiting to belong... Chorus. Some of the things that you've done you feel so ashamed After all it's only a game... isn't it? And after all the adrenalin's gone What you gonna do on Monday? A weekend warrior lately A weekend warrior sometimes A weekend warrior maybe you were never like that at all.

    12. Fear Of The Dark. (S.Harris)

I'm a man who walks alone And when I'm walking a dark road At night or strolling through the park. When the light begins to change I sometimes feel a little strange A little anxious when it's dark. Chorus. Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that something's always near. Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's always there. Havyou run your fingers down the wall And have you felt your neck skin crowl When you're searching for the light? Sometimes when you're scared to take a look At the corner of the room You've sensed that something's watching you. Chorus. Have you ever been alone at night Thought you heard footsteps behind And turned around and no one's there? And as you quicken up your pace You find it hard to look again Because you're sure there's someone's there. Chorus. Fear of the dark (8 raz). Watching horror films at night before Debating witches and folklore The unknown troubles on your mind Maybe your mind is playing tricks You sense and suddenly eyes fix On dancing shadows from behind. Chorus (2 raza). When I'm walking a dark road I'm a man who walks alone.

Last-modified: Wed, 27 May 1998 05:40:31 GMT