h and brake, in black and green; Twas Johnny, Johnny, every where. And while she crossed the bridge, there came A thought with which her heart is sore - Johnny perhaps his horse forsook, To hunt the moon within the brook, And never will be heard of more. Now is she high upon the down, Alone amid a prospect wide; There's neither Johnny nor his Horse Among the fern or in the gorse; There's neither Doctor nor his Guide. "O saints! what is become of him? Perhaps he's climbed into an oak, Where he will stay till he is dead; Or, sadly he has been misled, And joined the wandering gipsy-folk. "Or him that wicked Pony's carried To the dark cave, the goblin's hall; Or in the castle he's pursuing Among the ghosts his own undoing; Or playing with the waterfall." At poor old Susan then she railed, While to the town she posts away; "If Susan had not been so ill, Alas! I should have had him still, My Johnny, till my dying day." Poor Betty, in this sad distemper, The Doctor's self could hardly spare: Unworthy things she talked, and wild; Even he, of cattle the most mild, The Pony had his share. But now she's fairly in the town, And to the Doctor's door she hies; Tis silence all on every side; The town so long, the town so wide, Is silent as the skies. And now she's at the Doctor's door, She lifts the knocker, rap, rap, rap; The Doctor at the casement shows His glimmering eyes that peep and doze! And one hand rubs his old night-cap. "O Doctor! Doctor! where's my Johnny?" "I'm here, what is't you want with me?" "O Sir! you know I'm Betty Foy, And I have lost my poor dear Boy, You know him-him you often see; "He's not so wise as some folks be:" "The devil take his wisdom!" said The Doctor, looking somewhat grim, "What, Woman! should I know of him?" And, grumbling, he went back to bed! "O woe is me! Ž woe is me! Here will I die; here will I die; I thought to find my lost one here, But he is neither far nor near, Oh! what a wretched Mother I!" She stops, she stands, she looks about; Which way to turn she cannot tell. Poor Betty! it would ease her pain If she had heart to knock again; - The clock strikes three - a dismal knell! Then up along the town she hies, No wonder if her senses fail; This piteous news so much it shocked her, She quite forgot to send the Doctor, To comfort poor old Susan Gale. And now she's high upon the down, And she can see a mile of road: "O cruel! I'm almost threescore; Such night as this was ne'er before, There's not a single soul abroad." She listens, but she cannot hear The foot of horse, the voice of man; The streams with softest sound are flowing, The grass you almost hear it growing, You hear it now, if e'er you can. The owlets through the long blue night Are shouting to each other still: Fond lovers! yet not quite hob nob, They lengthen out the tremulous sob, That echoes far from hill to hill. Poor Betty now has lost all hope, Her thoughts are bent on deadly sin, A green-grown pond she just has past, And from the brink she hurries fast, Lest she should drown herself therein. And now she sits her down and weeps; Such tears she never shed before; "Oh dear, dear Pony! my sweet joy! Oh carry back my Idiot Boy! And we will ne'er o'erload thee more." A thought is come into her head: The Pony he is mild and good, And we have always used him well; Perhaps he's gone along the dell, And carried Johnny to the wood. Then up she springs as if on .wings; She thinks no more of deadly sin; If Betty fifty ponds should see, The last of all her thoughts would be To drown herself therein. Ž Reader! now that I might tell What Johnny and his Horse are doing What they've been doing all this time, Oh could I put it into rhyme, A most delightful tale pursuing! Perhaps, and no unlikely thought! He with his Pony now doth roam The cliffs and peaks so high that arc, To lay his hands upon a star, And in his pocket bring it home. Perhaps he's turned himself about, His face unto his horse's tail, And, still and mute, in wonder lost, All silent as a horseman-ghost, He travels slowly down the vale. And now, perhaps, is hunting sheep, A fierce and dreadful hunter he; Yon valley, now so trim and green, In five months' time, should he be seen, A desert wilderness will be! Perhaps, with head and heels on fire, And like the very soul of evil, He's galloping away, away, And so will gallop on for aye, The bane of all that dread the devil! I to the Muses have been bound These fourteen years, by strong indentures: Ž gentle Muses! let me tell But half of what to him befell; He surely met with strange adventures. Ž gentle Muses! is this kind? Why will ye thus my suit repel? Why of your further aid bereave me? And can ye thus unfriended leave me Ye Muses! whom I love so well. Who's yon, that, near the waterfall, Which thunders down with headlong force, Beneath the moon, yet shining fair, As careless as if nothing were, Sits upright on a feeding horse? Unto his horse-there feeding free, He seems, I think, the rein to give; Of moon or stars he takes no heed; Of such we in romances read: - 'Tis Johnny! Johnny! as I live. And that's the very Pony, too! Where is she, where is Betty Foy? She hardly can sustain her fears; The roaring waterfall she hears, And cannot find her Idiot Boy. Your Pony's worth his weight in gold: Then calm your terrors, Betty Foy! She's coming from among the trees, And now all full in view she sees Him whom she loves, her Idiot Boy. And Betty sees the Pony too: Why stand you thus, good Betty Foy? It is no goblin, 'tis no ghost, Tis he whom you so long have lost, He whom you love, your Idiot Boy. She looks again - her arms are up - She screams - she cannot move for joy; She darts, as with a torrent's force, She almost has o'erturned the Horse, And fast she holds her Idiot Boy. And Johnny burrs, and laughs aloud; Whether in cunning or in joy I cannot tell; but while he laughs, Betty a drunken pleasure quaffs To hear again her Idiot Boy. And now she's at the Pony's tail, And now is at the Pony's head, - On that side now, and now on this; And, almost stifled with her bliss, A few sad tears does Betty shed. She kisses o'er and o'er again Him whom she loves, her Idiot Boy; She's happy here, is happy there, She is uneasy every where; Her limbs are all alive with joy. She pats the Pony, where or when She knows not, happy Betty Foy! The little Pony glad may be, But he is milder far than she, You hardly can perceive his joy. "Oh! Johnny, never mind the Doctor; You've done your best, and that is all:" She took the reins, when this was said, And gently turned the Pony's head From the loud waterfall. By this the stars were almost gone, The moon was setting on the hill, So pale you scarcely looked at her: The little birds began to stir, Though yet their tongues were still. The Pony, Betty, and her Boy, Wind slowly through the woody dale; And who is she, betimes abroad, That hobbles up the steep rough road? Who is it, but old Susan Gale? Long time lay Susan lost in thought; And many dreadful fears beset her, Both for her Messenger and Nurse; And, as her mind grew worse and worse, Her body - it grew better. She turned, she tossed herself in bed, On all sides doubts and terrors met her; Point after point did she discuss; And, while her mind was fighting thus, Her body still grew better. "Alas! what is become of them? These fears can never be endured; I'll to the wood." - The word scarce said, Did Susan rise up from her bed, As if by magic cured. Away she goes up hill and down, And to the wood at length is come; She spies her Friends, she shouts a greeting; Oh me! it is a merry meeting As ever was in Christendom. The owls have hardly sung their last, While our four travellers homeward wend; The owls have hooted all night long, And with the owls began my song, And with the owls must end. For while they all were travelling home, Cried Betty, "Tell us, Johnny, do, Where all this long night you have been, What you have heard, what you have seen: And, Johnny, mind you tell us true." Now Johnny all night long had heard The owls in tuneful concert strive; No doubt too he the moon had seen; For in the moonlight he had been From eight o'clock till five. And thus, to Betty's question, he Made answer, like a traveller bold, (His very words I give to you,) "The cocks did crow to-whoo, to-whoo, And the sun did shine so cold!" - Thus answered Johnny in his glory, And that was all his travel's story. ‘‹€Ž“Œ›‰ Œ€‹œ—ˆŠ “¦ ᬥફ®áì. ®¢ë© ᢥ⠫ãë ‹¥¦¨â à®é å ¨ «ã£ã. ®£ ¢¥áâì ®âªã¤ £ã«ª¨© ª«¨ç ®¤à㣥 è«¥â ã£àî¬ë© áëç. ’®áª«¨¢® ¢ «ã®© â¨è¨¥ "“£ã!" - ¯«ë¢¥â - "“£ã-ã! “£ã-ã!". —â® â ª ᯥè¨èì, çâ® â ª ¤à®¦¨èì, —â® ¥ ¢ ᥡ¥ âë, ¥â⨠”®©? ‡ 祬 ¯®¨ ¢®¤à㦥 ¥¤ï¦ª á« ¡®ã¬ë© „¦®, ‘ë®ç¥ª £®à¥¬ëçë© â¢®©? “¦ ¢á¥ ¢ ®ªà㣥 á¯ïâ ¤ ¢®. ‘¨¬¨, ᨬ¨ ¥£® á ᥤ« ! Ž £®à¤, ® à ¤®áâ® ¬ëç¨â; ®, ¥ââ¨! ® «¨ ¢¤à㣠¯®¬ç¨â ‘ª¢®§ì áã¬à ª ¢¥è¨©, ª ª áâ५ ? ® ¥â⨠§ ¥â «¨èì ®¤®: ‚ ¡¥¤¥ á®á¥¤ª , ‘ì ƒ¥©; Ž áâ à , ® ¡®«ì , ‘®¢á¥¬ ®¤ ¦¨¢¥â ® , ˆ ®ç¥ì å㤮 ëç¥ ¥©. € à冷¬ ¨ ¤ãè¨ ¦¨¢®©, ¨ ¤®¬ ¢¥àáâã ¢®ªàã£. 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A little moment past so smiling! And still, perhaps, with faithless gleam, Some other loiterers beguiling. Such views the youthful Bard allure; But, heedless of the following gloom, He deems their colours shall endure Till peace go with him to the tomb. - And let him nurse his fond deceit, And what if he must die in sorrow! Who would not cherish dreams so sweet, Though grief and pain may come to-morrow? Glide gently, thus for ever glide, Ž Thames! that other bards may see As lovely visions by thy side As now, fair river! come to me. Ž glide, fair stream! for ever so, Thy quiet soul on all bestowing, Till all our minds for ever flow As thy deep waters now are flowing. Vain thought! - Yet be as now thou art, That in thy waters may be seen The image of a poet's heart, How bright, how solemn, how serene! Such as did once the Poet bless, Who murmuring here a later ditty, Could find no refuge from distress But in the milder grief of pity. Now let us, as we float along, For _him_ suspend the dashing oar; And pray that never child of song May know that Poet's sorrows more. How calm! how still! the only sound, The dripping of the oar suspended! - The evening darkness gathers round By virtue's holiest Powers attended. ‘’ˆ•ˆ, €ˆ‘€›… ‚…—…ŽŒ “ ’…Œ‡› ‚‹ˆ‡ˆ ˆ—ŒŽ„€ Š ª ïப ®â¡«¥áª ¢áâà¥çëå ¢®« ‚ ç á «¥â¨å á㬥४, ¯®ª «ë© § ¯ ¤ â¨å¨© 祫 ‘â६¨â ¢¥ç¥àïï ४ ! € ¯®§ ¤¨ à áâ ï« á¢¥â - “«ë¡ª ªà ⪮£® ¬£®¢¥ìï! ˆ «®¢¨â ¤¢¨¦ã騩áï ¢á«¥¤ Ž¡¬ 稢®¥ ®âà ¦¥ì¥. ’ ª îë© ¤ã¬ ¥â ¯¥¢¥æ, —â® ªà ᮪ íâ¨å ¢¥ç¥ ¯¨à, ®ª ¢ ¬®£¨«¥, ª®¥æ, ‘ ¨¬ ¥ ¨á祧¥â íâ®â ¬¨à. •®âì ¨ ã¬à¥â ¢ ¯¥ç «¨ ® - ãáâì £à¥§®© â¥è¨âáï ¤®â®«¥! 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