- SU.GAME (2:5025/2.20) --------------------------------------------- SU.GAME -
 Msg  : 494 of 550 -465 +542
 From : Andrew Orlov                        2:5030/465.58   ΑγΡ 01 ΌΠΰ 97 15:24
 To   : Alex Shurishin                                      ΑγΡ 01 ΌΠΰ 97 21:30
 Subj : MK3
           Hi       Alex !

26 Feb 97 20:33, Alex Shurishin wrote to Svetlana Rogova:

 AS> MK3.EXE NOBLOOD well, no blood in the game
 AS>         BLOOD   enables blood again.
 AS>         0666    smoke enable
 AS>         1000000 Shao Kahn and Motaro enable (2 player only)
 AS>         8000    hyper
 AS>         9966    flip X axis
 AS>         1995    predator mode
 AS>         1111    flying small figures
 AS>         8888    super fat people
 AS>         12345   tall people
 AS>         54321   short people
 AS>         831     shadow mode

            violence - Violence enabled

                                                   Orlov Andrew aka
                                                   CoSysOp of
                                                   MetallicA BBS
 * Origin: MetallicA BBS. (812) 259-9181 01:00-08:30 EveryDay. (2:5030/465.58)


Last-modified: Sat, 03 May 1997 08:56:01 GMT