´ Area: SU.MUSIC.LYRICS: ÂÕÚáâë ßÕáÕÝ ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´
  Msg#: 156                                          Date: 27 Dec 94  19:21:39
  From: vit slipchenko                               Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: äÐÝÐâÐÜ ...
Hello All!

In The Flesh                         Pink Floyd
                                                    G5     D5   E5




  D        E/D       F/D      E/D      D       E/D       F/D     G/D

% Guitar 1 Distortion
   A    A/C# Bm      A       D/F#    D   A/C#    E/B
  Guitar 2 Distortion

 Guitar 1
   A   A/C#  Bm      A      D/F#    D     A/C#   E/B
   Guitar 2 Distortion

  Guitar 1
   A   A/C#  Bm      A      Bm       D     A/C#  E/B
   Guitar 2 Distortion

 Guitar 1
   C#m             D    A/C#
 Guitar 2                       % E  (synth arranged for guitar)

 A                                  D
   So ya thought ya might like to go to the show

     A                                       D
 to feel the warm thrill o confusion That space cadet glow
     A                              Bm
  Tell me is something eluding     Is this not what you expected to see
                   you sunshine
      C#m                         E

If you want to find out whats   / just have to claw your way
   behind these cold eyes you'll   through this disguise   [return to % ]


-!- Legend of Musical Symbols ---

>     Bend up to the note in parenthesis. Ex: 2>(4) bend up a whole step.

p Pull off.
\ Slide up/down.
/ (Above the notes) Tremolo picking (pick as fast as you can).
x Unpiched percussive notes.

Regards ................ Vit

 ç InterNet: vvs@gu.kiev.ua   ç
 ç Team 0S/2                  ç

Last-modified: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:15:21 GMT