M. Prusta, govorit o vozmozhnosti postich' istinu cherez vospriyatie vkusa pirozhnogo, ili pejzazha -- sovsem neobyazatel'no krasivogo i «vozvyshennogo» -- ili dazhe cherez ochen' «nizmennye» v obydennom ponimanii veshchi (skazhem, izvrashchennuyu seksual'nost'). Kak by ni otnosit'sya k nauke, ona ne huzhe vsego perechislennogo; vozmozhno, ne luchshe (ne budem sporit' o vkusah), no i ne huzhe. V lyubom sluchae interesy i duhovnye zaprosy cheloveka Novogo vremeni sil'no otlichayutsya ot tradicionnyh, i s etim nevozmozhno ne schitat'sya. Vyn', druzhok, iz kivota lik Prechistoj ZHeny, vstav' semejnoe foto -- vid planety s luny. (I. Brodskij) No «Bog porugaem ne byvaet»; mozhno i tak. No chem vnimatel'nej, tverdynya Notre Dame, YA izuchal tvoi chudovishchnye rebra, Tem chashche dumal ya: iz tyazhesti nedobroj I ya kogda-nibud' prekrasnoe sozdam. (O. Mandel'shtam) Poskol'ku chelovechestvo na protyazhenii poslednih treh vekov vkladyvalo v razvitie nauki svoj luchshij intellektual'nyj i duhovnyj potencial, proryv v zapredel'noe vpolne mog proizojti kak raz v etom napravlenii -- i on proizoshel posle sozdaniya kvantovoj fiziki. My ni v koem sluchae ne schitaem vyvody kvantovoj mehaniki istinoj v poslednej instancii, tem bolee, chto tam ochen' mnogoe eshche ostaetsya neponyatnym dazhe v uzkom estestvennonauchnom smysle. Mezhdu prochim, cherez dvesti s lishnim let posle N'yutona rabotami Puankare nachalsya korennoj peresmotr i uglublenie klassicheskoj kartiny mira; ona tozhe okazalas' kuda bogache i slozhnee chem eto kazalos' v svoe vremya, skazhem, Laplasu (determinirovannyj haos i t. d.). «Duh dyshit gde hochet», i kopat' mozhno v lyubom meste. No kvantovaya kartina mira, kak my popytalis' prodemonstrirovat', uzhe otrazhaet mnogie vazhnye cherty «vysshej real'nosti». Sejchas fiziki podoshli k zakrytym vratam soznaniya, gde nachinaetsya oblast' svobody uma, prostirayutsya vladeniya duha, a vlast' tela zakanchivaetsya. Dal'she nam ostaetsya nadeyat'sya na obeshchannoe v Pisanii: Nashe znanie nepolno, i nashe prorochestvo nepolno; a kogda pridet sovershenstvo, nepolnoe uprazdnitsya. (1 Korinfyanam 13:9, per. S. Averinceva) «Nepolnoe», kak podrobno obsuzhdalos' na protyazhenii vsej knigi, -- diskretno, drobno, mnozhestvenno; vysshaya kvantovaya Real'nost' -- edina i nepreryvna. V tvarnom mire Edinoe umnozhaetsya i drobitsya na beschislennye peschinki, kak obeshchano Bogom Avraamu (Byt. 16:10). Kak skazano v drugom meste Biblii (Byt. 3:16), soputstvuyushchie lyudskie strasti chrevaty mnogimi skorbyami. V zaklyuchenie -- predosterezhenie i obeshchanie dlya zhelayushchih odnoznachno i tochno razobrat'sya v etih neprostyh voprosah: Vo imya Allaha milostivogo, miloserdnogo! Uvlekla vas strast' k umnozheniyu, poka ne [chtoby] navestili vy mogily. Tak net zhe, vy uznaete! Potom net zhe, vy uznaete! Net zhe, esli by vy znali znaniem dostovernosti... Vy nepremenno uvidite [adskij] ogon'! Potom nepremenno vy uvidite ego okom dostovernosti! (Koran, Sura 102. Ohota k umnozheniyu) KONEC OB AVTORAH Irhin Valentin YUr'evich rodilsya v 1960 g. v g. Ekaterinburge. Doktor fiziko-matematicheskih nauk (1992 g.), glavnyj nauchnyj sotrudnik Instituta fiziki metallov Ural'skogo otdeleniya RAN. Rabotaet v oblasti fiziki tverdogo tela, v osobennosti elektronnyh svojstv sil'nokorrelirovannyh sistem i kvantovoj teorii magnetizma. Im opublikovano okolo 120 nauchnyh statej v vedushchih rossijskih i mezhdunarodnyh zhurnalah. Kacnel'son Mihail Iosifovich rodilsya v 1957 g. v g. Magnitogorske. Doktor fiziko-matematicheskih nauk (1985 g.), professor, zaveduyushchij laboratoriej Instituta fiziki metallov Ural'skogo otdeleniya RAN. Izvesten svoimi rabotami po magnetizmu, teorii metallov, kvantovoj mehanike. YAvlyaetsya avtorom bolee 200 nauchnyh statej i ryada monografij. Pomimo svoej osnovnoj nauchnoj special'nosti, avtory posvyashchayut mnogo vremeni pedagogicheskoj rabote, udelyaya pri etom bol'shoe vnimanie filosofskim problemam estestvoznaniya. V 2000 godu imi byla opublikovana kniga «Ustavy nebes. 16 glav o nauke i vere» (Ekaterinburg, U-Faktoriya). Odnoj iz pobuditel'nyh prichin ih deyatel'nosti v etoj oblasti yavlyaetsya to, chto v trudah po dannoj teme, prinadlezhashchih psihologam, filosofam i drugim specialistam gumanitarnyh special'nostej, a tem bolee v massovoj «ezotericheskoj» literature izlozhenie estestvennonauchnoj kartiny mira pochti vsegda stradaet poverhnostnost'yu, esli ne pryamymi oshibkami. Specialisty zhe v oblasti tochnyh nauk obrashchayutsya k religiozno-duhovnoj problematike redko, poskol'ku ona kak pravilo vypadaet iz ih krugozora. Avtory nadeyutsya, chto ih kvalifikaciya pozvolyaet zapolnit' dannyj probel v literature. SUMMARY Valentin Yu. Irkhin, Mikhail I. Katsnelson Wings of the Phoenix. An Introduction to Quantum Mythophysics The authors, both distinguished theoretical physicists, discuss the philosophical and ethical problems of modern science. In particular, they attempt to find a correspondence between concepts of spiritual teachings and the scientific worldview, and to consider Ultimate Reality as a quantum reality where classical notions breakdown. To this end they use both the canonical texts of different religions and modern works in quantum mechanics, as well as numerous poetical illustrations. A review of biblical and indo-buddhistic traditions is presented. Various connections between science and developments in psychology, theology and linguistics are investigated. Commentaries on sacred texts are given in terms of «quantum mythology». A number of problems are treated which are typical for contemporary philosophy of science such as the EPR (Einstein-- Podolsky-- Rosen) and Zeno paradoxes, Schroedinger's cat, Bohr's complementary principle and the structure of scientific language. Besides that, the authors consider the difference between computer «thinking» and human consciousness and more general «traditional» issues such as freedom and causality, time and eternity, sin and salvation, entropy and death, the world of humans and the World of God, female and male symbols, scripture, and creation. Ethical and axiological problems connected with the impact of modern science on the individual are discussed, as are the personal and social aspects of gaining spiritual experience and intellectual progress for scientists. New interpretations of mythological and poetical symbols might be of interest for humanitarians. The book can be useful and facilitate spiritual growth for a wide circle of readers who seek truth in any form, or are simply interested in modern science and its relations to psychology, art and religion or just open to new knowledge. Podgotovka bumazhnoj i elektronnoj versij: A. V. Zarubin.