Oglavlenie fajla ( /LYNX/BULGAKOW/master97_engl.txt )

  • Mikhail Bulgakov. The Master and Margarita (1997)
  • Contents
  • Introduction

  • CHAPTER 1. Never Talk with Strangers
  • CHAPTER 2. Pontius Pilate
  • CHAPTER 3. The Seventh Proof
  • CHAPTER 4. The Chase
  • CHAPTER 5. There were Doings at Griboedov's
  • CHAPTER 6. Schizophrenia, as was Said
  • CHAPTER 7. A Naughty Apartment
  • CHAPTER 8. The Combat between the Professor and the Poet
  • CHAPTER 9. Koroviev's Stunts
  • CHAPTER 10. News From Yalta
  • CHAPTER 11. Ivan Splits in Two
  • CHAPTER 12. Black Magic and Its Exposure
  • CHAPTER 13. The Hero Enters
  • CHAPTER 14. Glory to the Cock!
  • CHAPTER 15. Nikanor Ivanovich's Dream
  • CHAPTER 16. The Execution
  • CHAPTER 17. An Unquiet Day
  • CHAPTER 18. Hapless Visitors

  • CHAPTER 19. Margarita
  • CHAPTER 20. Azazello's Cream
  • CHAPTER 21. Flight
  • CHAPTER 22. By Candlelight
  • CHAPTER 23. The Great Ball at Satan's
  • CHAPTER 24. The Extraction of the Master
  • CHAPTER 25. How the Procurator Tried to Save Judas of Kiriath
  • CHAPTER 26. The Burial
  • CHAPTER 27. The End of Apartment No.50
  • CHAPTER 28. The Last Adventures of Koroviev and Behemoth
  • CHAPTER 29. The Fate of the Master and Margarita is decided.
  • CHAPTER 30. It's Time! It's Time!
  • CHAPTER 31. On Sparrow Hills.
  • CHAPTER 32. Forgiveness and Eternal Refuge

  • Size: 963754 bytes
    Last-modified: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 04:58:05 GMT

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