it. That is why in practice it is impossible to distinguish, for example, in a molecule
of water the specific qualitative peculiarities of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen. It is
possible to do this only after having removed the said atoms from fnl. cells of the
molecule but then the atoms will have already other "out of systemic"
Principle 9
Functional cells (fnl. cells) and corresponding to them functioning units
(fng. units) of all organisational levels have different periods of time of existence in
a structure of a given systemic formation. All functional modifications are based on this
principle as well as the temporal continuance of the functioning of physical, chemical,
biological and even social systems.
Thus if a molecule of water because of some reason dissociates
to separate atoms then its three fnl. cells will terminate their existence while fng.
units - two atoms of hydrogen and an atom of oxygen - will occupy empty fnl. cells of
other systemic formations of a given organisational level. On the contrary, during the
process of oxidation of hydrogen sulphide H2S an atom of oxygen occupies the
fnl. cell of sulphur while sulphur in a free form falls out to a sediment.
In the same way we can trace rotations of fng. units - albumen
and protein in corresponding fnl. cells of organic cells as well as fng. units - workers
in structures of fnl. cells of enterprises.
Besides, it is necessary to note that in the process of motion
in quality Matter at first originates more and more new layers of fnl. cells which
are being filled in after that with fng. units corresponding to them while the number of
fnl. cells of conceptually "upper" layers always exceeds the number of being
originated fng. units corresponding to them. Meanwhile the process of reduction of
conceptually "lower" layers of fnl. cells is taking place, forcing functioning
units which have become free to migration, that is to occupying corresponding functional
cells in new structural formations.
The number of functioning units is regulated by the structural
requirement of this or that systemic formation. Any system of level n can be considered
integral and functionally complete only in the case that all the fnl. cells of its
structure are filled in with functioning units corresponding to them. Such a system
is hypothetically closed for all fng. units that cannot get into its filled in fnl.
cells. At the same time a system becomes open as soon as free functional cells appear
in its structure ready to accept corresponding fng. units. This feature of systems is
the basis of all chemical reactions, physical interactions, biological, social and
other systemic phenomena.
Principle 10
Groups of functioning units filling in structures of functional cells
of systemic formations of level n create different subsystems with distinctive fnl.
features while all fng. units by significance are equal in between only in one thing
- all of them are bearers of definite fnl. features that they realise in the process
of their functioning in a corresponding fnl. cell. But functional cells themselves
occupy in a structure of any system rather unequal positions dictated by the systemic
organisation of a given material formation. Consequently the more complex a system is
organised the more distinctly a particular structural coordination between its fnl.
cells is exuding in it regulated by created intercell links, and fng. units filling in
corresponding to them fnl. cells form certain kind of fnl. pyramids of coordination and
are distinguished in fact only by their fnl. significance.
Principle 11
The functioning of every dynamic complete system is happening under the
influence of the three factors:
1. Energetic - due to the action of which the
synthesis of systemic formations is carried out in the way of filling in fnl. cells
with corresponding fng. units and closing the system for excessive fng. units;
2. Entropic - with the help of which the breaking of
fnl. cells of systemic complexes having finished functioning happens and as a result
of that having become free fng. units move to fnl. cells of other systemic formations;
3. Accumulative - is used for accumulation of fng. units,
preventing their possible desintegration in order to use them actively later on in newly
formed systemic formations.
Therefore in every adiabatic (that is being in conceptual
isolation) dynamic system or subsystem the revealing of two as minimum active centres
is noticeable. For one of them a predominance of the energetic factor is typical, the
influence of which is exposing in origination of fnl. cells on different organisational
levels (predominantly along the hypothetical vertical line) and filling them in with
being available fng. units. This brings to lowering of the level of relative order in
a subsystem but procures its development in quality. For the other centre a predominance
of the entropic factor is typical, leading to the origination of functional cells
actually on one organisational level (along the hypothetical horizontal line) and
correspondingly filling them in with fng. units. This brings a given part of a system
to a more balanced state. A location of both centres in structures of systems is not
permanent and moves depending on changing intrasystemic conditions. As a result of the
effect of both factors an increase of a number of fng. units of one level in one of the
centres and shortage of them in the other one are happening. This is the reason for
displacements of fng. units from a donoric field, where they are in surplus, to an
accepting field of corresponding to them empty functional cells.
Thus the evolution of any dynamic material system can happen
only in the presence of both centres (energetic and entropic), that is during the effect
of the factor of bipolarity of developing systems. Its availability one can
trace practically in all processes and phenomena happening in the nature as well as in
events of social life (beginning from a chemical process of burning and finishing with
social phenomena of unemployment or shortage of labour force, etc.).
Principle 12
Regulation of motion of material formations is provided owing to its
systemness from which definite rules of motion of fng. units in quality-space-time
are following. The analysis of the progress of the evolution of the material substance
along the ordinate of quality shows that all material formations - fng. units by
functional signs are being divided into a great number of levels of systemic organisation
creating strictly regular organisational sequence while every new level includes in the
capacity of elements of its structure - fng. units - systemic formations of lower levels.
However, because of the fact that the total energy of the whole material substance is of
a constant magnitude, its quantity is strictly regulated for every organisational level
while the synthesis of systems of higher levels is connected with reduction of kinetic
energy of material microformations, which as if getting stuck in a structure of
macrosystems of a new level, is being transformed into its hypothetical energetic
Thus every system of a higher order filling in structures of
its functional cells with functioning units - material formations of previous levels as
if accumulates kinetic energy of their motion transforming it into potential energy of
connection in the structure of a given system. Therefore the formation of functioning
systems of each subsequent stage happens simultaneously with the compulsory accumulation
of energy of the motion in space-time of units of a previous level. And vice versa,
a desintegration of a system of fnl. cells of any level breaks an interconnection between
its fng. units, transferring them to the previous, lower level of systemic organisation
where they, following the regulations out of formula
, increase the velocity of their
displacement in space, transforming in that way potential energy of connection
in the structure of a disintegrated system into kinetic energy of motion in
space-time of functioning units which have become free.

The regulations and principles of the general theory of
material systems are partially well-known, but partially are not known at all though
in practical Life we have to meet them, often without realising, almost every day.
Therefore by tracing the processes of systemic formation and the evolution of the
material substance concretely through the already well-known organisational levels
one can get additional proofs of their existence and operation.

[ To Contents ]
[ Part III ]