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Emily Dickinson. Russian Translations
Vse privedennye materialy byli opublikovany v zhurnale "Vestnik" ot 20 fevralya
1996 g.
Aleksej Grishin. Stihotvoreniya |mili Dikinson (predislovie k perevodam).
Perevody stihotvorenij |mili Dikinson vypolnennye Alekseem Grishinym:


  Success is counted sweetest. Uspeh vsego dorozhe.
  Let down the Bars, Oh Death -. Otkroj vorota, Smert' -
  It's Coming - the postponeless Creature -. Podhodit - ne otlozhit vstrechu -
  Because I could not stop for Death. Ee by ya ne stala zhdat'.
  Because that you are going. Poskol'ku ty uhodish'.
Privodimye perevody vypolneny po izdaniyu: The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Edited
by Th.H.Johnson. Cambridge (Mass.), 1955, 3 vol. Numeraciya stihotvorenij
sootvetstvuet prinyatoj v etom izdanii.


          Success is counted sweetest
          By those who ne'er succeed.
          To comprehend a nectar
          Reqires sorest need.

          Not one of all the purple Host
          Who took the Flag today
          Can tell the definition
          So clear of Victory

          As He defeated - dying -
          On whose forbidden ear
          The distant strains of triumph
          Burst agonised and clear!

                *  *  *
          Uspeh vsegda tak sladok
          Ne vedavshim ego.
          Postignut' vkus nektara
          Lish' strazhdushchim dano.

          Nikto v purpurnom Voinstve
          Podnyavshem Flag s zemli
          Ne mozhet smysl Pobedy
          Tochnej opredelit'

          CHem tot - srazhennyj - Voin
          CHej ugasaet  sluh,
          K komu letit v agonii
          Triumfa dal'nij zvuk!


          Let down the Bars, Oh Death -
         The tired Flocks come in
         Whose bleating ceases to repeat
         Whose wandering is done -

         Thine is the stillest night

         Thine the securest Fold
         Too near Thou art for seeking Thee
         Too tender, to be told.

               *  *  *
         Otkroj Vorota, Smert' -
         Izmuchennym Stadam
         Okonchen put', ih golosa
         Smolkayut navsegda -

         Tvoya spokojna noch',
         Tvoj bezopasen Krov
         Blizka Ty - chtoby ne iskat',
         Nezhna - prevyshe slov.


          It's Coming - the postponeless Creature -
          It gains the Block - and now - it gains the Door -
          Choses its latch from all the other fastenings -
          Enters with a'"You know Me - Sir?"

          Simple Salute - and Certain Recognition -
          Bold - were it Enemy - Brief - were it Friend
          Dresses each House in Crape, and Icicle
          And Carries One - out of it - to God

                       *  *  *
          Podhodit - ne otlozhit Vstrechu -
          Nahodit Dom - i vot - nahodit Dver' -
          Mnogo zamkov - ona lish' svoj otkroet -
          Vhodit: “Znakomy so mnoyu, Ser?"

          Tihij otvet - Svidetel'stvo Priznaniya -
          Derzko - kak Vrag - i pospeshno - kak Drug -
          Dom ukrashaet Krepom i L'dinkami
          I k Bogu neset Odnogo iz nas


          Because I could not stop for Death,
          He kindly stopped for me -
          The Carriage held but just ourselves
          And Immortality.

          We slowly drove - He knew no haste
          And I had put away
          My labour and my leizure too,
          For His Civility

          We passed the School where Children strove
          At Resess - in the Ring -
          We passed the Fields of Gaizing Grain,
          We passed the Setting Sun -

          Or rather - He passed us -
          THe Dews drew quivering and chill
          For only Gossamer my Gown -
          My Tippet - only Tulle -

          We paused before a House that seamed
          A Swelling of the Ground -
          The roof was scarcely visible -
          The Cornice - in the Ground.

          Since then - 'tis Centuries - and yet
          Feels shorter than the Day
          I first surmised that Horses' Heads
          Were toward Eternity -

                *  *  *
          Ee by ya ne stala zhdat' -
          No Smert' - menya zhdala -
          My vmeste seli v |kipazh -
          YA, Vechnost' i Ona.

          Ej bylo nekuda speshit',
          A ya dela svoi
          Reshila v ZHertvu prinesti
          Ee Uchtivosti -

          Proehav horovod Detej -
          U SHkoly - v Pereryv -
          My prodolzhali Put' v Polyah -
          Zakat operediv -

          Vernee - Solnce mimo Nas
          Svoim Putem proshlo -
          Poholodalo - a na mne
          Byl tol'ko legkij SHelk -

          Potom my uvidali Dom -
          Kak Holmik zemlyanoj -
          S edva zametnoj Kryshej -
          S karnizom pod Zemlej -

          S teh  por proshli Veka - no vse zh
          Ih Den' dlinnee tot,
          Otkryvshij mne, chto |kipazh
          V Bessmertie vezet -


          Because that   you   are going
          And never comimg back
          And I, however accurate,
          May overlook your Track -

          Because that Death is final,
          However first it be,
          This moment be postponed
          Above Mortality -

          Significance that   each   has lived
          The other to detect
          Discovery not God Himself
          Can now annihilate.

          Eternity, Presumption,
          The instant I perceive
          That you, who were Existence,
          Yourself forgot to live -

          The "Life that is"  will  then  have been
          A thing I never knew -
          As Paradise fictiious
          Untill the Realm of you -

          The "Life that is to be", to me,
          A Residence too plain,
          Unless in my Redeemer's Face
          I recognize your own

          Of Immortality who doubts
          He may exchange with me,
          Curtailed by your obscuring Face
          Of everything but He -

          Of Heaven and Hell I also yield
          The Right to reprehend
          To whoso would commute this Face
          For his less priceless Friend.

          If "God is Love" as He admits,
          We think that He must be
          Because He is a jealous God
          He tells us certainly,

          If "All is possible for Him"
          As He besides concedes,
          He will refund us finally
          Our confiscated Gods -

                *  *  *
          Poskol'ku ty uhodish',
          I ne pridesh' nazad,
          A Cled tvoj mozhet poteryat'
          Moj pristal'nejshij vzglyad,

          Poskol'ku smert' - navechno,
          Hotya i v pervyj raz,
          Nad Propast'yu zavislo
          Korotkoe "sejchas".

          Vsyu zhizn' svoyu drug druga my
          Uchilis' ponimat'
          I vse, chto znaem my teper',
          Ne smozhet Bog otnyat'.

          No mne ostalos' Vechnost'
          Smelej predpolozhit' -
          Kto byl samoyu zhizn'yu,
          Zabyl chto znachit zhit'.

          I chto teper' izvestno mne
          O "ZHizni sej zemnoj"?
          Ne bol'she chem o Rae
          Do vstrechi tam s toboj.

          "ZHizn' budushchego  veka"  -  sut'
          Pustejshie slova,
          Poka v Spasitele svoem
          Ne razglyazhu tebya.

          Somneniya v Bessmertii
          Ischeznut u togo,
          Komu tvoj Lik zagorodit
          Vse, chto ni est' krugom.

          I budet mnoyu osuzhden
          Reshivshij obraz tvoj
          Na chej-to obraz zamenit' -
          Sravnim li kto s toboj?

          Raz "Bog - Lyubov'" - s Ego zhe slov,
          A eto tem vernej
          CHto govorit o revnosti
          Gospod' eshche yasnej,

          Raz "Vse vozmozhno" dlya Nego
          Kak sam On priznaet,
          On konfiskovannyh Bozhkov
          Nam nakonec vernet -

Send you questions and comments to Alexei Grishin at grishin_a@hotmail.com

Last-modified: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 17:44:57 GMT
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