Valerij Kurinskij. Autodidactics (per.E.Barinova) --------------------------------------------------------------- Valery A.Kourinsky home ¡ --------------------------------------------------------------- index

Avtodidaktika: tezisy i sonety.

U V.A. Kurinskij.

Email: , Moscow, Russia.

PostPsyLab (PPL)of Valery Kourinsky -

Teksty na anglijskom yazyke drugih rabot V.A. Kurinskogo:

Vmesto predisloviya (Instead of Preface)

Tema 1. Sushchnost' integral'nogo metoda (The Essence of Integrative Method)

Tema 2. Priemy samoanaliza i avtodidaktika (The method of self-analysis and self-studying in autodidactics)

Tema 3. Associirovanie (Associating [mnemonics])

Tema 4. Algoritm zanyatij avtodidakta [Na baze izucheniya treh inostrannyh yazykov odnovremenno] (Algorithms of selfstudying [in the basis of studying three languages simultaneously])

Tema 5. Algoritm zanyatij avtodidakta [Prodolzhenie]. Rechevoj uklad kak promezhutochnyj organ dlya sozdaniya morfologicheskogo organa -inostrannye yazyki (Algorithm of selfstudying [to be continued]. The speech apparatus as a go-between organ for producing the morphological organ - foreign languages)

Tema 6. Rodnoj yazyk i yazyk inostrannyj (The native language and a foreign one)

Tema 7. Komparativizm v avtodidaktike (Comparativism and selfstudying)

Tema 8. Povtor i povtoryaemost'. Povyshenie analitizma (Repetition, iteration and summing-up)

Tema 9. Sostavlenie plana raboty avtodidakta (Plan-making and plan-fulfilling)

Tema 10. Sposob uskoreniya v avtodidaktike (The methods of acceleration in selfstudying)

Tema 11. Nekotorye aspekty tehniki perevoda (Some aspects of translation technique)

Tema 12. Sociogruppa i lider (Social group and leader in selfstudying)

Tema 13. Stress ozhidaniya v avtodidaktike (Stress of waiting in self-studyin)g

Tema 14. Tehnika razdvoeniya "YA" (The "bifurcation" of Self)

Tema 15. Stroitel'stvo lichnosti v avtodidaktike (Construction of the personality in selfstudying)

Tema 16. "Vnutrennyaya kar'ra" avtodidakta ("Internal progress" in selfstudying)

Tema 17. Lichnost' kak rasshiryayushchayasya vselennaya (Personality as extending universe)

Tema 18. Predely poznaniya (The Limits of Knowledge)

Tema 19. Densaciya vremeni (Densation of time)

Tema 20. Prichastnost' (Participation - social and private)

Tema 21. Dialog i avtodidaktika (You + Me ... [Dialogue and selfstudying])

Tema 22. Potok soznaniya i yazyk. (The flood of consciousness and the language)

Tema 23. Kolichestvo chteniya (The amount of reading)

Tema 24. Prodolzhenie sleduet... (To be continued...)

Tema 25. Izuchenie kitajskoj ieroglifiki v avtodidaktike (Studying of Chinese characters in autodidactics)

Perevod tezisov na anglijskij: Barinova Elena

Podgotovka teksta: CHizhikov Igor'

Email:, Igor, Moscow, Russia.


Vmesto predisloviya

Instead of Preface

Kazhetsya pochti chudom, chto sovremennye metody obucheniya eshche ne sovsem zadushili svyatuyu lyuboznatel'nost', ibo eto nezhnoe rasten'ece trebuet, naryadu so svobodoj, prezhde vsego pooshchreniya. Bol'shaya oshibka dumat', chto chuvstvo dolga i prinuzhdenie sposobstvuet tomu, chtoby nahodit' radost' v tom, chtoby iskat' i uznavat'. Zdorovoe, hishchnoe zhivotnoe otkazalos' by ot pishchi, esli by udarami bicha ego zastavlyali nepreryvno est' myaso, osobenno esli prinuditel'no predlagaemaya eda vybrana ne im.

Al'bert |jnshtejn

It seems almost a miracle that the contemporary methods of teaching have not completely stifled the sacred curiosity, for this small tender plant first and foremost requires encouragement as well as freedom. It would be a great mistake to suppouse that sense of duty and duress enables the joy of research and learning. A healthy, predatory beast would refuse food, if he were forced by a whip to continuously eat meat, especially when it was not he who had made that coercive choice.

Albert Einstein

S vami budet delit'sya svoimi myslyami chelovek, ispol'zuyushchij v svoej rabote svyshe dvadcati inostrannyh yazykov (sredi nih takie, kak vengerskij i kitajskij).

A man who applying in his work over twenty foreign languages (among them such as Hungarian and Chinese) would like to share his thoughts with you.

Predlagaemye razmyshleniya posvyashcheny mnogim aspektam samoobrazovaniya, mnemotehniki, probleme skorosti izucheniya izbrannyh predmetov, gerontologicheskoj neobhodimosti uchit'sya v techenie vsej zhizni.

The ideas provided in this book deal with various aspects of self-education, mnemotechnique, speed of studying the subjects chosen, gerontological need for lifelong learning.

Sistemnyj podhod, o kotorom idet rech', sostoit iz treh chastej:

The systematic approach suggested consists of three parts:

I. Razmyshleniya o mehanicheskoj chasti avtodidaktiki (priobretenie umenij samostoyatel'no nakaplivat' znaniya).

I. Meditations on the mechanical part of autodidactics (acquisition of skills in independent assuming of knowledge).

II. Razmyshleniya o periferizacii samoobrazovaniya kak tako-vogo i vydvizhenie na pervyj plan duhovnogo (priobretenie evristicheskih navykov, razvitie tvorcheskogo nachala i t.d.).

II. Meditations on peripherization of selfstudying as such and focusing in the spiritual (acquisition of heuristic skills, development of creativity, etc.)

III. Razmyshlenie o stroitel'stve lichnosti, o svyazyah proshlogo i nastoyashchego, ob intensifikacii duhovno-intellektual'noj zhizni individa (priobretenie znanij, neobhodimyh dlya korrekcii zhiznennyh planov, osushchestvleniya pravil'nogo vybora, pereosmysleniya nravstvennyh prioritetov i t.d.).

III. Meditations on constructing a personality, on connections between past and present, on the intensification of spiritual and intellectual life of an individual (acquisition of knowledge, necessary for correcting plans of life, making right choices, re-evaluating moral priorities, etc.)

Biopsihicheskuyu sushchnost' sistemnogo podhoda k avtodidaktike sostavlyaet integral'nyj metod, t.e. metod, ob®edinyayushchij v sebe dannye mnogih nauk, kotorye, na pervyj vzglyad, ne imeyut otnosheniya k pedagogike. Odnako, kak pokazala praktika, imenno v etom sluchae vozmozhno bystroe razvitie tehniki aktualizacii interesa, yavlyayushchejsya, v svoyu ochered', osnovoj integral'nogo metoda.

Biopsychic essence of the systematic approach to an autodidactics lies in an integrative method, i.e. a method integrating data of various sciences not connected with pedagogy at the first sight. But, as practice proves, in this case it is possible to promptly develop the interest actualization technique on which in its turn the integrative method is entirely based.

Mnogie, na vzglyad neposvyashchennogo, paradoksal'nye priemy samoobucheniya, kotorye vam budut predlozheny, prodiktovany stremleniem primenit' novejshie dostizheniya nauki o mozge.

To an uninitiated eye, many of paradoxical methods of selfstudying, which will be offered to you, are prompted by the wish to apply the latest achievements in the sciences on brain.

S cel'yu intensivnogo nakopleniya samyh razlichnyh znanij avtorom "Avtodidaktiki" razrabotana tehnika primeneniya izvestnogo metoda associirovaniya, blagodarya chemu, naprimer, vozmozhno usvoenie chastotnoj leksiki vengerskogo yazyka za 1-2 mesyaca, ili vseh osnovnyh dat istorii za 2-3 nedeli.

With the aim of intensive accumulation of diversified knowledge the author of "Autodidactics" worked out the technique of applying known associative methods using which it is possible to assimilate frequent vocabulary of Hungarian within 1-2 months or all basic historic dates within 2-3 weeks.

Vo vseh svoih popytkah pomoch' delu avtodidaktiki (samoobucheniya) avtor rukovodstvuetsya mysl'yu velikogo russkogo pisatelya L. Tolstogo: "ZHizn' est' talant, dannyj nam dlya rosta".

In all his attempts to promote autodidactics (selfstudying) the author is guided by the thought of the great Russian writer L. Tolstoy: "Life is a talent given us for growing."

Osnovnye celi avtodidaktiki

Basic aims of autodidactics

- Priobretenie navykov samoobrazovaniya v lyuboj oblasti znanij (po sisteme V. Kurinskogo).

- Development of selfstudying skills in any field of knowledge (within the system by V. Kurinsky).

- Garmonizaciya myshleniya.

- Harmonization of thinking.

- Likvidaciya obuchennoj bespomoshchnosti.

- Liquidation of studied helplessness.

- Ovladenie kul'turoj dvizheniya (kak myshechnoj, tak i geshtal'tnoj).

- Mastering of movement culture (both muscular and gestalt).

- Algoritmizaciya processa odnovremennogo izucheniya kul'tu-rologicheskoj gruppy predmetov (na primere prakticheskoj podgotovki k parallel'nomu samostoyatel'nomu osvoeniyu anglijskogo, nemeckogo i francuzskogo yazykov).

- Algorithmization of studying simultaneously a culturological group of subjects (on the basis of practical preparation for simultaneous selfstudying of English, German and French).


* * *

Velichie v bytu nevynosimo -

poistine velikoe v bytu

skorej napominaet prostotu,

s kotoroyu ono nerastorzhimo.

CHem menee ognya, tem bol'she dyma,

i lzheproroka vidno za verstu

po shagu, chto obduman na hodu

tam, gde raskovannost' neobhodima.

Kak prostotoj Velikij sanovit,

kogda poroj nevzrachen on na vid,

v lice zh ego net nichego ot lika!

I ya podozrevayu, voshishchen,

kogda krasivo kto-to oproshchen, -

chto mne, naverno, vstretilsya Velikij!

* * *

Not lived at all but spent a bit of life

as if the summer days on yellow beach

on tiny standstill of the inner speech,

on birdy island near a ducky dive

on warming ground of needy new survive

in every quarrel's minute, time of which

is dead from illness - giant's rainy reach

that we in middle of us have and I've

so often thought is a gloomy helper

for young weak wills, when I was like a Kepler,

discovering the harmony of world

in every simple cluster of a dust

of invisible, thin and painy crust

that once upon a time the Love was called.

Tema 1.

Theme 1

Sushchnost' integral'nogo metoda

The Essence of Integrative Method

I. Tradicionnaya metodika - otorvannost' ot sovremennogo urovnya nauk.

I. Traditional methods are irrelevant to the contemporary level of sciences.

II. Krugozor i razvitie intellekta, obratnaya svyaz' (2-e psihologicheskoe serdce)

II. World outlook and intellectual development, feedback (the second psychological heart).

III. "Dvizhenie kak morfologicheskij organ" (B. Spinoza).

III. "Movement as a morphological organ" (B. Spinoza).

1. Osoznanie dvizheniya kak organa.

1. Comprehension of a movement as an organ.

2. Dvizhenie i obraz.

2. Movement and image.

3. Motorika i problemy pamyati.

3. Motorics and remembering.

IV. Zapominanie, pamyat' kak funkciya vsego organizma (otsutstvie organa).

IV. Remembering, memory as the function of the whole organism (memory has no its own organ).

V. Ustanovka, metod obdumyvaniya i osmysleniya predlagaemyh ustanovok.

V. Guidelines, methods of evaluating and analysing the guidelines suggested.

VI. Rassudochnost' i refleksivnost', abstragirovanie i konkretnoe associirovanie. Levyj i pravyj mozg: nastrojka.

VI. Rationality and reflectiveness, abstractedness and concrete associating. Left and right brain setting.

VII. CHto takoe avtodidaktika? (Otsutstvie teorii avtodidaktiki na sovremennom urovne.)

VII. What is autodidactics? (There is no theory of autodidactics at present).

1. Obrazovanie kak kontinuum (obrazovanie mozhet byt' tol'ko neokonchennym).

1. Education as a continuum (education may be only endless).

2. Immanentnost' lyuboznatel'nosti vsemu zhivomu.

2. Curiosity is immanent to all living beings.

3. |tika i intellekt (um - razum - mudrost').

3. Ethics and intellect (intelligence - mind - wisdom).

4. Protivlenie konformizmu i stremlenie k voploshcheniyu lichno-sti (tolkovanie ponyatij).

4. Resistance to conformism and vigour for self-realisation (interpre-tation of definitions).

5. Otkaz ot chestnosti kak otkaz ot istochnika energii.

5. Disuse of honesty as disuse of power sources.

6. Tshcheslavie i chestolyubie.

6. Vanity and ambitiousness.

VIII. Primenenie aktualizirovannogo interesa - osnova integral'nogo metoda v avtodidaktike.

VIII. The actualized interest made instrumental is the footing for the integrative method in autodidactics.

1. Opredelenie interesa kak samoyavlyayushchegosya potoka associa-cij.

1. The definition of interest as a self-appearing stream of associations.

2. Otsutstvie ob®ektivno interesnogo.

2. Objectively interesting is not existent.

3. Interesnost' i "nuzhnost'" (obligatnnost').

3. Being interesting and necessary.

4. Organizaciya "nuzhnosti" kak kul'turologicheskij process.

4. Making necessary as a culturological process.

5. Zapominanie i "nuzhnost'".

5. Remembering and "need".

IX. Pravila avtodidaktiki.

IX. The rules of autodidactics.

1. Nichego ne zapominat' "v lob".

1. Don't memorize head-on.

2. Delat' tol'ko to, chto interesno.

2. Do what you are really interested in.

3. Starat'sya zamenyat' umstvennuyu rabotu fizicheskoj.

3. Try to do physical work instead of mental one.

4. "Prav tot, kto smotrit v slovar' do 1000 raz v den'".

4. That one does well, who looks up in the dictionary 1000 times a day.

5. Zapominat' ne nado, no lyuboe vospriyatie dolzhno byt' mak-simal'no polnym.

5. Don't learn but try to take in to your heart's content.

6. Ne dobivat'sya srazu polnogo usvoeniya i sovershennogo znaniya.

6. Don't practise instantly complete full assimilation and perfect knowledge.

7. Stremit'sya k samonablyudeniyu.

7. Attempt introspection.

8. Neusvoenie predydushchego dlya perehoda k posleduyushchemu, dosta-tochnost' ponimaniya.

8. Non-assimilation of the previous for passing over to the following; sufficiency of understanding.

X. Zakon nemedlennogo primeneniya znanij.

X. The law of instant implementation of knowledge gained.

XI. Spravochniki pryamye i kosvennye.

XI. Reference books: direct and indirect sources.

XII. Prakticheskaya organizaciya kontinuuma zanyatij (preryvanie na interesnom meste, mantrovyj sposob zasypaniya).

XII. Effective arrangement of continual studies (making breaks when the interest is peak; mantra method of falling asleep).

XIII. Nekotorye lingvisticheskie problemy v avtodidaktike.

XIII. Some linguistic problems in autodidactics.

1. Instrumental'nye znaniya i rasshirenie krugozora.

1. Instrumental knowledge and embroadening of outlook.

2. Ispol'zovanie dvizheniya rechevogo uklada pri izuchenii yazykov.

2. Practising the speech apparatus movements when learning languages.

3. Pervyj etap raboty postanovki rechi.

3. The initial stage of speech production.

XIV. Strategiya i taktika avtodidaktiki.

XIV. The autodidact's strategy and tactics.

1. Zavyshennost' strategicheskoj sverhzadachi i zanizhennost' tak-ticheskoj.

1. Strategic super-goals shall be set very high; tactical goals shall be put very low.

2. Otnoshenie k uchebnikam i slovaryam (krugi) - vospriyatie v obshchem, dal'nejshee utochnenie.

2. Attitudes to handbooks and dictionaries (circles): perception and further clarification.

3. Taktika zanyatij so mnogimi uchebnikami, vospitanie aktuali-zirovannogo interesa.

3. Tactics of dealing with various handbooks; cultivation of the actualized interest.

4. Utomlyaemost' i associativnoe myshlenie.

4. Fatigue and associative thinking.

5. Upravlyaemost' interesa i kolichestvo informacii (knigi, lyu-di).

5. Guided interest and amount of information (books; people).

XV. Filosofichnost' podhoda k problemam avtodidaktiki.

XV. Philosophic approach to autodidactics.

XVI. |pikur. Poziciya poslednego dnya.

XVI. Epicure. "The last day status."

1. Vysshee chelovecheskoe naslazhdenie.

1. The peak human joys.

2. Voploshchenie prirodnyh zadatkov, idej.

2. Realization of natural inclinations and ideas.

3. Voploshchenie "YA" i greh nevoploshcheniya.

3. Realization of Self and the sin of underdevelopment.


* * *

Pokazhetsya, chto bol'she nikogda

ne napisat', ne vydumat', ne vstretit' -

i nikogo neschastnee na svete,

i ne pridumat' bol'shego vreda.

O! - "pesnya spit v predmete kazhdom", da,

no daleko ne kazhdomu v predmete

razbuzhennogo smysla predrassvet'e,

kak vymysla, daetsya krastota -

togda tochnej risunok mysli, skrytoj

pod vneshnim sloem skromnogo rechen'ya,

pod neizbezhnym veshchestvom slovesnym;

togda ty - nebo, i meteorita

v tebe vnezapno kolkoe svechen'e,

a posle - t'ma podobna luchshim Pesnyam.

* * *

Like painted are the shadows there in Hard

they move to us the evening. I am silent.

I am today as if my soul is island

in very middle of the sadness. Guard

against the gloomy curtain, my weak start,

and be afraid to think that you now is and

because of that will be tomorrow. Imprisoned

with nature's lie you are a hoax, smart

when we see you with an untrained eye

and that is necessary that don't dye

ourselves with night up to the dying

midst of the brightest beams of whole

our world, that always has a poll

a neutral one, where earthing's mixed with skying.

Tema 2.

Theme 2

Priemy samoanaliza i avtodidaktika

The method of self-analysis and self-studying in autodidactics

I. Samovospriyatie lichnosti.

I. The personality's introspection.

1. Dialektika edinstva obshchego (odinakovogo) i chastnogo (raznogo, nepovtorimogo).

1. Dialectics of the unity between the whole (common) and the particular (different; unique).

2. Samovospriyatie kak rezul'tat otrazheniya chuzhih suzhdenij o lichnosti (impriting).

2. Introspection as the result of other people's judgements about the personality (imprinting).

3. Umen'shenie neadekvatnogo samovospriyatiya lichnosti i aberracij samovospriyatiya pri pomoshchi samoanaliza, samopoznaniya (Itato Svevo).

3. Reduction by the personality of introspective inadequacies and aberrations with the help of self-analysis and self-studying (Italo Svevo).

4. Razbytovlenie otnosheniya k samoanalizu (neosuzhdenie dumaniya).

4. Release of self-studying from philistine judgements (thinking is not condemnatory).

5. Myshlenie i samoanaliz.

5. Thinking and self-analysis.

6. Interes i samovospriyatie, zainteresovannost' v ob®yasnennosti.

6. Interest and introspection (desire for explanation).

7. Rassudochnoe sozercanie vnutrennih dvizhenij.

7. Rational observation of inner movements.

8. Sovershenstvo samovospriyatiya i koncentraciya vnimaniya (krug koncentracii).

8. Development of introspection and concentration of attention (the circle of concentration).

II. Otchuzhdenie lichnosti ot samoj sebya.

II. Alienation of the personality from one's inner self

1. Neznanie istinnogo soderzhaniya momenta duhovnosti.

1. Unawareness of the actual sense of the "moment of spirituality."

2. Ispolnenie mehanicheskih dvizhenij i rutinnyh operacij.

2. Exercising in mechanical movements and routine operations.

3. Nizkij uroven' samosoznaniya.

3. Low level of self-awareness.

4. Diktat sociogruppy.

4. Dictate of the social group.

5. Rol' vnutrennego cenzora.

5. The role of the inner censor.

6. Nepolnoe razvitie.

6. Incomplete development.

7. Nedostatochnost' samoanaliza i nazvannosti yavlenij.

7. Lack of self-analysis and nomination of phenomena.

8. Porochnye i oshibochnye ustanovki: moda, vospitanie, "psihicheskie uvech'ya".

8. Corrupted and erroneous guidelines: fashion, education, psychic injuries.

9. Otsutstvie tvorchestva.

9. Lack of creativity.

10. Kompleksy, fobii, manii - t.e. psihopatologiya srednej tyazhesti.

10. Complexes, phobias, manias - i.e. psychopathologies on the average.

11. Samovospriyatie meshchanina:

11. Philistine self-attitudes:

a) udovletvorennost' dostignutym i otchuzhdenie ot samogo sebya;

a) satisfaction with the well-being gained and self alienation;

b) inerciya pokoya i bezdeyatel'nost