
11. Posle chetvertoj zakladki na kazhdom yazyke nachinat' vsluh (bez slovarya!) hudozhestvennuyu knigu srednih razmerov, zhelatel'no povest' ili roman.

11. After the forth "laying" in each language start reading fiction aloud (without dictionaries!), preferably novels.

12. Zamenyat' adaptirovannye uchebnye posobiya drugimi (ostav-lyat' v storonu, pryatat' podal'she, poka ne vozniknet zhelaniya vzyat' ih v ruki snova).

12. Replace the handbooks you've got used to with different ones (put them aside; hide faraway until you become eager again to get them back).

13. Pri pervoj vozmozhnosti smelo ispol'zovat' priobretennye znaniya (kak pri chtenii, tak i v ustnom obshchenii i pis'me).

13. In any circumstances boldly use the knowledge gained (when reading, communicating or writing).

14. Primenyat' pravila samoanaliza, avtodidaktiki i sovershen-stvovat' navyki po principu maksimal'noj zameny umstvennoj raboty fizicheskoj.

14. Use the rules of self-analysis, autodidactics and perfect the skill of doing physical work instead of mental one when - and wherever possible.

15. Starat'sya v techenie pervogo mesyaca obucheniya priiskivat' slova v tolkovom slovare kazhdogo izuchaemogo yazyka do 10000000 raz, ispol'zuya cepnoj metod dlya vyyasneniya soderzhaniya.

15. Try to look up for the new words in thesauruses of every target language for 1.000.000 times a day using "the chain method" for clarifying the meanings.

16. Snimat' vse psihicheskie bar'ery posredstvom tehniki osoz-naniya dvizheniya, primeneniya associacij ili ogranicheniya rassudochnogo myshleniya.

16. Remove all psychical barriers by the technique of movement comprehension, involving associations and minimizing rational thinking.

17. Lingvisticheskoe chtenie.

17. Linguistic reading.

III. Ritmicheskoe chtenie.

III. Rhythmic reading.

1. Nahozhdenie sintagmy.

1. Looking for syntagma.

2. Glavnoe udarenie frazy.

2. Main phrasal stress (emphasis).

3. Pauzy (cezury) i chlenenie materiala.

3. Pauses (caesuras) and division of material.

4. CHtenie stihov na inostrannom yazyke.

4. Reciting verses in foreign languages.

5. Ponyatie "literaturovedenie" i "pervichnyj analiz" pri chte-nii.

5. Comprehension of "literary criticism" and "initial analysis" while reading.

6. Peredacha golosom ottenkov (giperkontrastnoe chtenie).

6. Voicing of tunes and tones (hypercontrast reading).

7. Raspevnoe chtenie (poisk intervalov).

7. Sing-song reading (searching for intervals).

IV. Domashnee etimologizirovanie.

IV. Home-grown etymology.

1. Ponyatie "etimologiya".

1. The definition of etymology.

2. Povyshenie analitichnosti pri vyrabotki slovodvizheniya.

2. The development of analytical skills while practising "word-motion".

3. Ponyatie "soglasnaya - bar'er" i "soglasnaya - osnovnoj inst-rument slovesnoj semantiki".

3. The concept of "a consonant as an obstacle"; "a consonant as the main instrument in verbal semantics".

4. Akcentuirovanie vospriyatiya soglasnogo.

4. The accentuated perception of consonants.

5. Sopostavlenie soglasnyh v razlichnyh yazykah.

5. The comparison of consonants in different languages.

6. Zakony perehoda soglasnyh.

6. The laws of consonant conveyance.

7. Soglasnye kak opora dlya vyyasneniya smysla v neznakomom slove.

7. Consonants as the footing for identifying the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

8. Obratnye postroeniya.

8. Reverse building up.

9. Psevdoetimologizirovanie kak mnemopriem.

9. Pseudo-etymologizing as a method of mnemonics.

V. Obshchaya ideya i priem.

V. General ideas and techniques.

1. Primery, svidetel'stvuyushchie o pol'ze formalizacii.

1. Examples to prove that formalization is useful.

2. Dva dejstviya, prevrashchayushchie obshchuyu ideyu v priem:

2. Two ways of converting the general idea into technique:

a) poisk obrazov, ponyatijno-obraznogo ryada;

a) searching for images; building up of concept-and-image chain;

b) nahozhdenie formalizovannogo, vozmozhno bolee prostogo spo-soba dvizheniya obrazov.

b) searching for the easiest technique to formalize the motion of images.

VI. Interes kak "morfologicheskij organ cheloveka".

VI. Interest "as the morphological organ of a human being".

1. "Snob est' fal'shivomonetchik interesa".

1. "The snob is a counterfeiter of interest."

2. Kolichestvo interesa i kachestvo vospriyatiya.

2. Amount of interest and quality of perception.

3. Optimal'noe kolichestvo interesa i tochek ego prilozheniya.

3. Optimum amount of interest and the number of points for its implementation.

4. Uroven' prityazaniya v ponimanii togo ili inogo materiala; priznanie neponimaniya kak funkciya nedostatochnoj osve-domlennosti (ne iz-za sobstvennoj gluposti - inache paralich interesa).

4. Claim-level in understanding the material required; misunderstanding occurs due to the lack of information (not due to one's stupidity - otherwise it might result in the paralysis of interest).

VII. |ffekt gruppy i myshlenie individuuma.

VII. Group affects and individual thinking.

1. Stremlenie k stroitel'stvu gruppy edinomyshlennikov.

1. Eagerness to build a group of adherents.

2. Razvitie interesa k duhovnomu i effekt gruppy.

2. Developing interest for the spiritual and the effects of a group.

3. "Vnutrennyaya kar'era".

3. The "inner carrier."

VIII. Passionarij i subpassionarij.

VIII. Passionate and subpassionate individuals.

1. Passionarnost' kak forma sushchestvovaniya stojkogo interesa k duhovnomu.

1. Passionateness as a way of steadfast interest for the spiritual.

2. Prioritety i passionarnost'.

2. Priorities and passionateness.

3. Passionarnost' i sposobnosti (There is a will, there is a way!).

3. Passionateness and abilities (There is a will, there is a way!).

4. Vysshie chelovecheskie naslazhdeniya (katasteniya, |pikur).

4. Human peak joys (katastenia, Epicure)


* * *

Lyublyu raznoobrazie narodov!

Mnogoyazykim prolivnem imen

byl, vidno, um moj pereuvlazhnen

sred' polugramotnyh, no - poliglotov...
s teh por poshlo: vse rodstvennoe chto-to

nahodit on v narechiyah plemen,

kak budto imi byl usynovlen

v kakie-to dopamyatnye gody -

otkuda zhe, kak ne otsyuda, vzyat'sya

neob®yasnimym oshchushchen'yam bratstva,

zhelan'yu drevnost' ne svoyu sberech',

duhovnosti nezdeshnej udivit'sya,

i v muzyku myshleniya vlyubit'sya,

uslyshav chelovecheskuyu rech'!

* * *

The tree of Life - and we are here not stilted -

has me, its twig, or better, a small leaf.

And the Great World, that never can be deaf,

is hearing tiny brook by men entitled

somebody's life. And it was really - spilt it

a noise of the non-human movement, safe,

though touched by everything we leave

the holy stem and native branch, but bridled

is even most free fall. That barren is,

because there is eternal harness

for every man and it makes us unable

to get the fruits in happy chain of harvests

in fashionable turn that firmly starves

worse parts and better ones keeps stable.

Tema 5.

Theme 5

Algoritm zanyatij avtodidakta


Algorithm of selfstudying

(to be continued)

Rechevoj uklad kak promezhutochnyj organ dlya sozdaniya morfologicheskogo organa -inostrannye yazyki

The speech apparatus as a go-between organ for producing the morphological organ - foreign languages

I. Rechevoj uklad i ego ispol'zovanie s uchebnikom.

I. The speech apparatus and its employment when working with a handbook.

1. Vse uprazhdeniya i teksty prochityvayutsya vsluh, zatem maksimal'no likvidiruyutsya fonetiko-somaticheskie i psihicheskie bar'ery (metod osoznaniya dvizhenij i ih stadij).

1. All exercises and texts shall be read aloud with a maximum discharge of phonetic, somatic and psychic barriers (using the method of comprehending movements and their phases).

2. Uvelichivaetsya skorost' pri povtorah.

2. Growth of fluency with repetitions.

3. Kazhdyj povtor proizvoditsya s narochitym udovol'stviem.

3. Every repetition is made with an accentuated delight.

4. Proslezhivaetsya ritm frazy i intonirovanie.

4. Pursuit of the phrasal rhyme and intoning.

5. Osoznaetsya sinhronnost' ponimaniya frazy.

5. Being aware of the simultaneous understanding of a phrase.

6. Delaetsya popytka proiznesti vse uprazhneniya neprinuzhdenno i v dovol'no bystrom tempe.

6. Attempts shall be made to pronounce all exercises easily, naturally and quite fluently.

7. Snova vyyasnyayutsya bar'ery, kotorye likvidiruyutsya pri pomo-shchi povtorov (posredstvom metoda osoznaniya dvizhenij).

7. Focusing in the barriers, which shall be erased by continual repeating (using the method of movement comprehension).

8. Prochityvaetsya vsluh tekst sleduyushchego uroka, vyyasnyayutsya pro-bely.

8. Reading the text from the next unit with due focus in the gaps.

9. Ustanavlivayutsya znacheniya zabytyh slov.

9. Finding out the meanings of the words forgotten.

10. Vypolnyayutsya uprazhneniya i t.d. Perehod na sleduyushchij krug.

10. Practising exercises, etc. Moving ahead the next circuit.

- Do raboty nad osnovnymi uchebnikami obyazatel'no prohodyatsya foneticheskie kursy.

- Before studying the essential handbooks it is most advisable to cover phonetic courses.

- Stavitsya zonal'noe proiznoshenie i delayutsya zakladki s leksikoj vseh nalichnyh uchebnikov.

- Mastering of zonal pronunciation and practising the "layings" from all handbooks available.

II. Rechevoj uklad i ego ispol'zovanie bez uchebnika.

II. The speech apparatus and its employment without a handbook.

1. Trenirovka konstrukcij s energichnym proizneseniem i is-pol'zovanie pravila postanovki rechi.

1. Practise speech patterns with energetic pronouncing and simultaneous implementation of the speech production rule.

2. Fantazirovanie vsluh - sochinenie metafor, osmyslenie slu-chajnyh sochetanij, trenirovka vnimaniya, uprazhnenie "vyhod iz trudnogo polozheniya" (beretsya sluchajnoe sochetanie slov i delaetsya popytka opravdat' ego upotreblenie) i t.d.

2. Fancy aloud - try to produce metaphors; explain word combi-nations made at random; develop observation; practise an exercise: "The outlet from a deadlock" (try to make up a word combination at random and then invent an explanation to justify it).

3. CHtenie gazety s popytkoj razobrat'sya v soderzhanii.

3. Read a newspaper trying to understand its contents.

4. Zanyatie lingvisticheskim chteniem hudozhestvennoj knigi s pri-meneniem kontekstual'noj dogadki..

4. Linguistic reading of fiction with the attempts made to guess from the context

5. Proiznosya slovo, vslushivayutsya v ego zvuchanie.

5. When pronouncing a word listen to how does it sound.

6. CHitaya ili proiznosya slovo, obrashchayut vnimanie v pervuyu oche-red' na soglasnye zvuki.

6. When reading or pronouncing a word, pay primary attention to the consonants.

7. Zanimayutsya sravnitel'nym chteniem slovarej raznyh yazykov (anglo-nemeckij ili francuzsko-anglijskij, naprimer).

7. Comparative reading of dictionaries in different languages (English-German or French-English ones, for examples).

8. Proiznosya mnogokratno opredelennye trudnye zvukosochetaniya, pytayutsya likvidirovat' bar'ery i dobit'sya svobody, a takzhe razvivat' nuzhnye myshcy rechevogo uklada.

8. Repeated pronouncing of certain difficult sound combinations helps to erase barriers, gain ease and develop the essential muscles of speech apparatus.

9. Predstavlyayut predpolozhitel'nyj zhest, pantomimiku i mimi-ku nositelya yazyka.

9. Fancy a supposed gesture, pantomime or mimics of a native speaker.

10. Analiziruyut ritmiku i artikulyaciyu na rodnom i inost-rannyh yazykah.

10. Analyse rhythmics and articulation both in the native and foreign languages.

11. Pytayutsya postavit' proiznoshenie komu-nibud' iz znakomyh.

11. Try to train someone of your friends in correct pronouncing.

12. Vyuchivayut nebol'shoe stihotvorenie na kazhdom iz yazykov.

12. Learn a short verse in every language.

13. Vyuchivayut tri narodnye pesni na treh yazykah.

13. Learn three folk songs in three languages.

14. CHitayut pogovorki i poslovicy, nekotorye iz nih pri etom myshechno zapominayut (te, kotorye bol'she vsego ponravilis').

14. Read proverbs and sayings, try to memorize those you like most with your muscles.

15. Obrashchayutsya k sebe s nebol'shim monologom.

15. Address yourself with a small monologue.

16. Pytayutsya pogovorit' s tovarishchem na inostrannom yazyke.

16. Try to speak to your friend in a foreign language.

17. Perechityvayut "Vojnu i mir", pytayas', nakonec, vse chitat' v originale.

17. Re-read "War and Peace", trying to read it in the original at last.

18. Razmyshlyayut s uchastiem rechevogo uklada (vnutrennee govore-nie na inostrannyh yazykah).

18. Think with the employment of the speech apparatus ("inner speaking" in foreign languages).

III. Principy ezhednevnoj raboty.

III. Daily work principles.

1. Ispol'zovat' pravilo neotryvnoj raboty: iskat' vozmozh-nost' v lyubom polozhenii proizvodit' dvizhenie rechevogo uklada s cel'yu sovershenstvovaniya ego v nuzhnom dlya izbrannyh yazykov napravleniyah.

1. Use the rule of continual work: try to make it possible in any circumstances to move your speech apparatus with the aim of developing it for mastering the languages chosen.

2. Starat'sya prohodit' v den' kak mozhno bol'she (1-2 uroka na kazhdom yazyke).

2. Try to cover as much material as possible (1-2 units every day).

3. Proizvodit' maksimum uchebnoj raboty v dvizhenii kak pobochnuyu rabotu.

3. Focus in maximum studying at maximum through movements as by-the-way work.

4. Otdavat' predpochtenie uedineniyu s uchebnym materialom.

4. Give preferences to solitude with the material being studied.

5. Pomnit', chto tol'ko optimal'noe kolichestvo pogruzhenij v rabotu, opredelyaemoe individual'no, mozhet dat' polozhi-tel'nye rezul'taty.

5. Remember that only the optimum number of divings into work, discovered individually, may give positive results.

6. Vsyakoe razdrazhenie topit' v uchebnoj rabote.

6. Drown any occurring irritation in studies.

7. Isklyuchit' pryamoe smotrenie televizora - smotret' tol'ko kra-em glaza.

7. Don't watch TV straight - only with your eye's corner.

8. Uvelichit' skorost' prosmatrivaniya gazet kak na rodnom, tak i na inostrannom yazykah.

8. Speed up looking through newspaper both in the native and foreign languages.

9. Pomnit' postoyanno, chto sekonomlennaya dlya ucheby sekunda prodlevaet zhizn' na 1 minutu.

9. Always bear in mind that a second saved for studying makes your life a minute longer.


* * *

Hochu na ravnyh! I pri vsem pri tom -

klonyus' ot voshishcheniya umom

pri vide blagorodstva bez oglyadki,

pri sluhe o putyah otnyud' ne gladkih

k tomu, chto dlya profanov - tupiki,

no piki opyta dlya mudryh, dlya takih,

kto cenu znaet cenu zabluzhden'yam,

kto vozdavat' hvalu sposoben tenyam,

oshibochnym suzhdeniyam, strastyam,

kogda oni predosterech' speshat

to luch, to mudrost', to razumnyj shag,

vdrug ch'yu-to zhizn' kak budto nenarokom

svoim ispraviv gorestnym urokom.

* * *

It is time to be old


The suns of all my sunny days, unrivaled,

swim in the pond, already almost full.

The waves, that only dreams contain, are cool

so paradoxically. There's an island

of consciousness, and it congeals arrived

hot stars. And such a fury is a rule.

It orders everything and our time's pool

becomes a dirty puddle where you had lived

so happy, thinking by mistake: my lake

or even a sea, an ocean, never blake

because of all internal lustrous suns.

But it is so for outside gloomy view,

where there is not eternity in you,

and upper thoughts in either never runs.

Tema 6.

Theme 6

Rodnoj yazyk i yazyk inostrannyj

The native language and a foreign one

I. Rodnoj yazyk i otnoshenie k inostrannomu yazyku.

I. The native language and attitudes to a foreign one.

1. Sovershenstvovanie rechi na rodnom yazyke v svyazi s izucheniem inostrannogo:

1. Mastering the native speech when studying a foreign language:

a) rodnoj yazyk kak summa adaptirovannyh (rutinnyh) dvizhenij, predstavlenij, ponyatij (denotatov-konnotatov);

a) the native language as a sum-total of adapted (routine) movements, ideas, notions (denotations - connotations);

b) inostrannyj yazyk (na pervom etape) - ne dostatochno rutinen, chtenie na inostrannom vnimatel'nee, chem na rodnom:

b) a foreign language (at the fresh start stage) is not routine; every one reads in a foreign language more attentively than in the native one:

- propusk oshibok pri chtenii na rodnom yazyke, poverhnostnoe ponimanie, neglubokoe vospriyatie, legkaya zarazhaemost' mehanisticheskim chteniem;

- reading in the native language involves missing mistakes, superficial understanding, shallow perception, easy shifting to mechanical reading;

- prevyshennyj, analitizm grammaticheskih struktur pri chtenii na inostrannom yazyke (i naoborot - zanizhennyj pri chtenii na rodnom);

- reading in a foreign language involves excessive grammar analysis; while reading in the native one vice versa lacks it;

- kriterii opredeleniya masterstva lozhny (podmena vladeniya struk-turami fakticheskogo vladeniya yazykom);

- the criterion of the skill as the mechanical mastering of speech patterns is taken for actual speaking;

- kontekst tradicii, narodnogo haraktera, kul'turnogo areala.

- the context of customs and traditions, of the national character, of the cultural environment and background.

2. Priblizhenie instrumental'nosti inostrannogo yazyka k instrumental'nosti rodnogo:

2. Drawing closer together the instrumentalities of both languages:

a) uchet obstoyatel'stv na osoznannom i neosoznannom urovne (lingvostranovedcheskie obstoyatel'stva i okoloyazykovye);

a) taking into aware and unaware account of various linguistic and cultural phenomena and the ones indirectly connected with the language;

b) gravitacionnoe pole yazyka (nravstvennye privychki, etnicheskie tradicii, lokal'nye haraktery). Krome sebya samogo, yazyk upotreblyaet semanticheskie sistemy podsoznatel'nogo ryada.

b) the gravitational field of the language (moral ways and habits, ethic customs, local characters). The language employs not only itself but also the semantic systems from the subconscious.

3. Prakticheskoe primenenie vneyazykovyh znanij pri znakomstve s inostrannym yazykom.

3. Practical usage of extralinguistic knowledge when getting acquainted with a foreign language.

II. Vnutriyazykovye processy i ih vospriyatie nositelem yazyka kak rodnogo i kak inostrannogo.

II. Intralanguage processes and their perception by a native speaker both in the native and foreign languages.

Ukrupnennost' blokov semantiki na rodnom yazyke, s odnoj storony, i sokrashchenie semanticheskogo znaka do signal'nosti, s drugoj.

Enlargement of semantic blocks in the native language on the one hand, and reduction of a semantic sign to a signal, on the other.

- Ozhidanie predchuvstvovannogo slova ili vyrazheniya.

- Premonition of a certain word or phrase.

- Pleonazmy i povtory kak vyrazitel'nye sredstva yazyka i kak surrogaty novyh semanticheskih vyskazyvanij.

- Pleonasms and repetitions as both expressive means in a language and surrogates of new semantic expressions.

- Ispol'zo