vanie mezhdometij i chastic kak opornyh punktov rechi.

- Usage of interjections and particles as the footholds in speech.

III. Purizm i zadumannaya oshibka.

III. Purism and a conceived mistake.

Slishkom ochishchennaya rech' kak priznak nesvobodnogo govoreniya na inostrannom yazyke.

Overpurified speech as a symptom of restrained speaking in a foreign language:

1. Sistemy narushenij, prinyatyh v yazyke.

1. Standards of impurity admissible in a language.

2. Vvodimye slova kak narushiteli i kak kraska epohi (slova-parazity). Polozhitel'naya rol' slov-parazitov i ih "nuzhnost'".

2. Words introduced as violators and colourings of time (parasite words). The positive and necessary role they play.

3. YAzykovoj kich i hudozhestvenno-obraznaya rech'.

3. Language cliches and colourful metaphoric speech.

IV. Ritm i yazyk.

IV. Rhythm and language.

1. Svyaz' obraza i ritma.

1. Link between an image and rhythm.

2. Ritm i smyslovye (opornye) akcenty v rodnom i inostrannom yazykah.

2. Rhythm and semantic (foothold) accents in the native and foreign languages.

3. Rechevaya intonaciya i vospriyatie muzyki.

3. Speech intonation and perception of music.

V. Intonacionnaya sfera.

V. Sphere of intonation.

1. YAzyk kak sistema intonacij s organizovannymi foneticheskimi pregradami.

1. Language as a system of intonations with conceived phonetic barriers.

2. Nepodrobnoe govorenie na rodnom yazyke.

2. Undetailed speaking in the native language.

3. Osoznanie principov netshchatel'noj literaturnoj razgovornoj rechi na inostrannom yazyke.

3. Comprehension of the principles of careless literary colloquial speaking in a foreign language.


* * *

Popytka. Bravo!.. Net, ne to,

No vnov' ona stremit potokom

k vershinam bolee vysokim

i netu dlya nee plato,

gde chtut pokoj, ugomonyas',

gde kazhutsya sebe bol'shimi.

Popytki - eto to, chto imya

v obezymyanivan'i nas.

Arbuz sozrel. V nem spryatan zvon

i leta luchshego kusochek.

I esli on tak divno sochen,

to znachit vslast' pytalsya on

u solnca brat' luchistyj sok

i cvet ego menyat' na krasnyj,

i noch'yu, v chas tosklivyh krasok,

pod zvezdy podstavlyaya bok.

Lyublyu togo, kto vplav' i sam

peresekaet eto more,

i, kol' o chem-to boga molit,

tak eto chtob on dal rukam,

nogam i myslyam volyu, chtob

mogli oni pytat'sya snova,

kogda mig schast'ya zabrakovan,

vo imya neudachnyh prob.

* * *

Like every earthling I adore the heaven

or firmament or on simple sky

where we do live when on the planet fly,

and that consist, if trust a tale, of seven.

And I'm obedient to the order: << Cleave in

two parts - celestial and terrestreal. Spy

on evident yourself, on monarchy,

on inner land, on Stratford and on Avon!>>

May be the only joke that here is purposed

is that here everything is ever earnest.

We are in cage of seriousness, of which

nobody can get rid and, though we laugh

at every trifle, the act is sad enough,

because we may existence to impeach.

Tema 7.

Theme 7

Komparativizm v avtodidaktike

Comparativism and selfstudying

I. Lingvisticheskie znaniya i izuchenie yazykov. Komparativnoe chtenie i morfologicheskoe vospriyatie yazykov (algoritm).

I. Knowledge of linguistics and language studying. Comparative reading and morphological perception of languages (the algorithm).

1. Raspoznavanie struktur.

1. Identification of structures.

2. Poisk strukturnyh sootvetstvij.

2. Looking for structural patterns.

3. Ottenki i smysl.

3. Nuances and meanings.

4. Vosproizvedenie i smysl.

4. Reproduction and meaning.

5. Ritm i intonirovanie.

5. Rhythm and intoning.

6. Praktikum: mnogokratnost' vosproizvedeniya, vslushivaniya, analiz myshechnyh oshchushchenij.

6. Practise repeated reproduction, attentive listening, analysis of muscular sensations.

7. Vyyasnenie instrumentariya esteticheskogo vozdejstviya morfo-logicheskih struktur:

7. Focusing in the instruments of aesthetic appeal of morphological structures:

a) semanticheskoe (s chteniem vertikali);

b) intonacionno-ritmicheskoe;

v) foneticheskoe.

a) semantic (reading along the vertical line);

b) intonational and rhythmical;

c) phonetic.

8. Uchet aktual'nogo sostoyaniya duha.

8. Account for actual spiritual state.

9. Komparativnost' vospriyatiya:

9. Comparison of perceptions:

a) sopostavlenie vospriyatij - "Bah prezhnij" i "Bah segod-nyashnij" dlya obshchestva i dlya lichnosti; P. Bruk - perevody A. CHehova;

a) contrast the perceptions: "the day before yesterday's Bach" and "today's Bach" for the society and for the individual; P. Brook: translations from A. Chekhov;

b) neobhodimost' perechityvaniya:

b) necessity for re-reading;

- perechityvanie kak otkrytie novogo;

- perechityvanie i vospitanie vkusa;

- perechityvanie i adaptaciya (prituplenie vospriyatiya - shedevr ne vosprinimaetsya kak shedevr).

- re-reading as a discovery of the new;

- re-reading and development of taste;

- re-reading and adaptation (perception becomes dull: the masterpiece stops being regarded as a masterpiece).

10. Komparativnoe chtenie knig raznyh avtorov i razlichnyh is-tochnikov:

10. Comparative reading of books by various writers and from various sources:

a) chtenie knig raznyh avtorov, vybor po vzaimosvyazi;

b) sinhronnaya rabota nad razlichnymi knigami;

a) reading of books by various writers, choice by interrelations;

b) simultaneous work with various books;

v) medlennoe chtenie kak osnova obucheniya (peruzalij);

c) slow reading as a foothold for learning (perusal);

g) analitizm i polnota vospriyatiya;

d) analitism and complete perception;

d) bystroe chtenie: priem predpolozhitel'nogo dvizheniya mysli;

e) aktualizaciya sostoyaniya pri chtenii;

zh) nastrojka levogo ili pravogo mozga;

z) komparativnoe chtenie kak kontinuum;

i) fragment-proba i predstavlenie o stile (obrechennost' na prochtenie fragmenta ili na fragmentarnoe chtenie).

e) fast reading: method of supposed motion of thought;

f) actualization of feelings and experiences when reading;

g) left and right brain setting;

h) comparative reading as a continuum;

i) a fragment-sampling and perception of the style (the doom to read a fragment or the doom to fragmentary reading).

11. Komparativnoe chtenie i sravnenie mnenij:

11. Comparative reading and comparison of opinions:

a) vybor eksperta: intuitivnyj, social'no-eticheskij akt;

b) opornye ocenki i oshchushchenie vkusa;

v) avtoritet chuzhogo mneniya i vospriyatie (epidemiya chteniya toj ili inoj knigi, epidemiya smeha ili placha i t.d.);

g) ustanovki vechnye i ustanovki vremennye (vybor kompanii - anekdot o cygane).

a) the choice of an expert: the intuitive, socio-ethic act;

b) foothold estimations and sense of taste;

c) authority of someone else's opinion and perception (the epidemic of reading this or that book; the epidemic of laughing or crying, etc.);

d) eternal and temporary guidelines (the choice of a company - the anecdote about a gypsy man).

12. Sravnenie stilej, zhanrov i hudozhestvennyh epoh: Dzh. Donn i T. |lliot, U. Jejts.

12. Comparison of styles, genres and epochs: J. Donne; T Eliot; W. Yeats.

13. Divertismentnost' v avtodidaktike:

13. Divertissements in selfstudying:

a) sopostavlenie razvlechenij (vremya i narody) - grubost' i utonchennost', glubina i poverhnost';

b) interes, postizhenie i razvlechenie:

a) comparison of entertainments (times and nations) - rudeness and refinement; depth and superficiality;

b) interest, comprehension and entertainment:

Zakon neobratimosti vkusa

The law of the irreversible development of taste.

14. Dialektika rassudochnogo i obrazno-associativnogo v komparativnom chtenii:

14. Dialectics of the rational and imaginary - associative in comparative reading:

a) zakreplennost' plavayushchih obrazov, ih vliyanie na rassudochnuyu deyatel'nost', na sostoyanie;

b) povedenie vo vremya komparativnogo chteniya:

a) fixation of floating images; their influence on the rational activities and feelings;

b) behaviour during comparative reading:

- evristichnost' sostoyaniya;

- postepennoe nakoplenie elementov dlya celostnogo vospriyatiya.

- heuristic experience;

- step-by-step accumulation of elements for wholistic perception.

15. Avtodidaktika i komparativnoe chtenie. Primenenie vozmozhno bol'shego kolichestva raznovidnostej komparativnogo chteniya avtodidaktom.

15. Selfstudying and comparative reading. Usage of the greatest possible variants of comparative reading.


* * *

Kak hochetsya mne vse razbudorazhit'

v blagorazumnyh dushah i umah

i - zhizni ih na blago! - protiv blag

pomoch' pojti, pomoch' pereovrazhit'.

Vse k chertu, vse - i prosto lug, i pazhit',

chtob ne bylo vo vnutrennih krayah

ravniny gladkoj, na semi holmah

chtob gorod vstal i vek stoyal na strazhe

nam dlya pokoya nadobnyh trevog,

rozhdennyh vne - v pyli zemnyh dorog,

gde bylo iskoni neprohodimo

ot raznyh dushi predayushchih dush,

gde tol'ko b ne ujti v molchan'e, v glush'

vo mne samom razrushennogo Rima.

* * *

This quiet place is in some sense a torment,

the still of air hold hidden a whirl - wind.

I touch the piano like a bottom and my mind

again can push itself and it's existence from it.

The smoothness always lies, the false informant

we truly live when hills about themselves remind

when in a straight line different spirals wind

when an awaken thought has something dormant,

and every bottom hides another one,

thus we can take if always like a stone

another layer of the Sense, dispersed

in our living space, under the table

and in the bed, on every wall, that's able

to be a mask, in which the Cosmos forced.

Tema 8.

Theme 8

Povtor i povtoryaemost'. Povyshenie analitizma

Repetition, iteration and summing-up

I. Dvizhenie. |volyuciya i povtor (t.e. priroda i evolyuciya).

I. Motion. Evolution and repetition (i.e. nature and evolution).

|volyuciya dvizhenij pri povtore (sovershenstvovanie beskonechno, no v individual'nom sushchestvovanii ogranicheno fiziologicheski smert'yu i t.d.)

Evolution of movements through repetition (endless perfection but in an individual's existence is limited physiologically by death, etc.)

1. Sovershenstvovanie rechevogo apparata pri povtore.

1. Development of speech apparatus through repetition.

2. Povtor plodotvornyj i besplodnyj (zazhatost', ignoriro-vanie pravila postanovki rechi, analiza dvizheniya rechevogo uklada po stadiyam - izgotovka, rezul'tiruyushchee dvizhenie, relaksaciya).

2. Repetition: fruitful and fruitless (restraint, neglect of the speech production rule; disregard for the analysis of the speech apparatus movements through the phases: preparation -resulting movement - relaxation).

3. Povtor i avtomatizm. Usloviya dostizheniya avtomatizma.

3. Repetition and automation. Conditions of automation.

4. Povtor i adaptaciya, bor'ba s neanaliticheskim vospriyatiem.

4. Repetition and adaptation, resistance to nonanalytical perception.

Pravilo: Povtoryaya dvizhenie, po-novomu analiziruyu dvizhenie.

The rule: when repeating a movement, analyse it in a new way every next time.

5. "Otkuda brat' noviznu analiza?" (rassmotrenie razlichnyh as-pektov dvizheniya, uvelichenie analitizma, evristicheskie udovol'stviya, gedonika dostignutogo etapnogo rezul'tata).

5. "How to make the analysis in a new way?" (view different aspects of a movement; advance analytical approach and heuristic delight, hedonism of the result gained at this stage).

6. Povtor makrodvizhenij i mikrodvizhenij, osmyslenie detalej.

6. Repetition of macromovements and micromovements; compre-hension of details.

Pri povtorah est' dvizhenie razvitiya k obobshcheniyu (t.e. k szha-tiyu v predstavlenii). Kolichestvo duhovnyh makrodvizhenij pokazatel' razvitosti. Duhovnoe mikrodvizhenie - atom kul'tury. Rechevoj uklad. Svyaz' social'naya, estetiko-social'naya, eticheskaya i t.d.

With repetitions the development moves towards synthesis (i.e. the densation of ideas). The number of spiritual macromovements indicates the level of development. A spiritual micromovement is the atom of culture. The speech apparatus. The connection social, socio-aesthetic, ethical, etc.

7. Organizaciya povtoryaemosti i "dvizheniya po aktual'nomu inte-resu": istochniki razlichny, fakty odinakovy ili podobny.

7. Organization of repetition and "actualized interest movements": the sources are different, the facts are the same or similar.

8. Povtor i optimal'nyj period povtoryaemosti, podchinenie im-perativu mgnoveniya (sekunda-imperativ), obzornoe zrenie avtodidakta.

8. Repetition and the optimum period of repetition, obedience to the imperative of a moment (the imperative second), the autodidact's field of vision.

Pravilo: Mikropovtor dvizheniya delaj kak mozhno chashche, s makropovtorom vyzhdi, ne toropis', dozhdis' sekundy-imperativa.

The rule: Make microrepetition of a movement as frequently as possible; don't speed up a macrorepetition, wait for the imperative second.

9. Povtor kak precedent v associativnosti (povtor analogichnyh yavlenij - sobytij v istorii i v zhizni individuuma).

9. Repetition as a precedent for associating (the repetition of similar events - both in history and in the life of an individual).

10. Povtor i osmyslenie semantiki slov.

10. Repetition and comprehension of the semantic meaning of a word.

11. Povtor i esteticheskoe vospriyatie rechi. Ritm, intonaciya, pas-sazhi kak dinamicheskie stereotipy, vyrabotannye vsledstvie analiticheskih povtorov. Povtor i intensivnost' vpechatleniya.

11. Repetition and aesthetic perception of speech. Rhythm, intonation, passages as dynamic stereotypes, gained in the result of analytic repetitions. Repetition and intensity of impressions.

12. Fenomen vnutrennego golosa i povtor: vnutrennij golos kak instrument skorostnogo povtora, predstavlenie myshechnyh dvizhenij pri ispol'zovanii vnutrennego golosa, chetkoe vospriyatie vseh parametrov, vospitanie vnutrennego golosa (postanovka vnutrennego golosa, umenie slyshat' sebya i vnutrennij golos).

12. The phenomenon of the inner voice and repetition: the inner voice as the instrument of speedy repetition; picturing of muscular movements with the inner voice involved; precise comprehension of all parameters; cultivation of inner voice (the inner voice production, the ability to listen to oneself and one's inner voice).

13. Povtor i sovershenstvovanie masterstva.

13. Repetition and perfection of skills.

II. Povtor i translyaciya kul'tur.

II. Repetition and transmission of cultures.

1. Povtor kak transportnoe sredstvo pri peremeshchenii vo vreme-ni.

1. Repetition as the means of transportation for travelling in time.

2. Povtor i ritm povsednevnoj zhizni.

2. Repetition and rhythm in daily life.

Ritm kak chastota smen deyatel'nosti, chastaya podmena ritma aritmiej, podmena trehdol'nosti dvudol'nost'yu, blagotvornogo i estestvennogo vrednym m mashinno-rassudochnym (nuzhno: rassudok-obraz - mysl' - perevod v obraz - znak).

Rhythm as frequent shifting of activities; frequent substitution of rhythm by arrhythmia; substitution of the three-time rhythm by the two-time one; of beneficial and natural by harmful and automatically rational (the operational formula is: common sense - image - thought - transfer to image - sign).

Povtory v povsednevnoj zhizni (povtory-vosproizvedeniya dlya sebya, ili dazhe pro sebya, fragmentarnogo materiala vysokoj intellektual'no-duhovnoj cennosti i konstruirovanie nadezhnogo psihicheskogo karkasa-opory). Duhovno-intellek-tual'naya aritmiya kak prichina fizicheskogo nedomoganiya (neorganizovannost' retrasliruemyh povtoryaemyh blokov kul'turnoj informacii).

Repetition in daily life (repeating and reproducing for oneself, or even to oneself, fragments of high intellectual and spiritual values and building up a durable psychic framework to support oneself). Spiritual and intellectual arrhythmia as the cause of physical vulnerability (lack of well-produced retransmission of repeated blocks of cultural information).

3. Otbor vechnogo i razumnogo dlya povtora v avtodidaktike (vy-bor uchebnogo materiala dlya znakomstva s inostrannymi yazykami).

3. Selection of the eternal and rational for repeating in selfstudying (choice of studing material for learning foreign languages).

4. Povtor i ejdetichekoe voobrazhenie.

4. Repetition and eidos imagination.

III. Povtor sostoyaniya pri pomoshchi obraza (literatura, muzyka, izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo) i mysli (koncepciya, ih krasota, sliyanie etiki i estetiki).

III. Repetition of peak experiences with the help of images (literature, music, fine arts) and thoughts (concepts, their beauty, fusion of ethics and aesthetics).

1. Kul'turologicheskoe znachenie umeniya vyzyvat' povtor sostoya-niya (svyaz' s orientaciej vkusa).

1. Cultural significance of the skill to reproduce feelings and experiences (connection with taste orientation).

2. Bytovoe, povsednevnoe znachenie vyzyvaniya nuzhnogo sostoyaniya dlya avtodidakta.

2. Daily significance of the autodidact's skill to produce necessary feelings and states.

3. ZHizn' kak cheredovanie sostoyanij:

3. Life as a chain of states and feelings:

a) Lejtsostoyanie kak sterzhen' lichnosti;

b) sluchajnye sostoyaniya i ih preodolenie po pravilu:

Predstavlyayu - za etu minutu proshel god!

a) leitmotiv of states and feelings as the backbone of a personality;

b) accidental states and their erasing with the help of the rule:

I fancy that within this minute a year has passed!


* * *

Vse nevidal' dlya teh, chto videt' rady.

YAvleniya lyubogo storona

do beskonechnoj glubiny vidna

lish' bozhestvu, a nam stremitsya nado,

chtob udivlen'ya strannaya nagrada

dushe byla vnezapno vruchena

i cherez mig uzhe prevrashchena

v proklyatie dostignutogo lada -

inache ostanovitsya dvizhen'e

i ne nastanet snova udivlen'e,

inache strelka na nule zamret,

ischeznet skorost', ustupiv unyn'yu,

i koleso stremleniya otnyne

ne smozhet sdelat' dazhe oborot.

* * *

My room is full of savage silence and

quietness from very old still-life.

And all is like a jelly that a knife

of anxiety cuts and the message, sent

from antic deepness, where begins the end,

already's heard a noise of joy, as if

mad mariners by lost ship bless the cliff

and cruel tempest and our every <<can!>>.

But step by step the wild become domestic,

in a reality transforms the mystic.

A usuallity in the soul reigns.

But floods in your own mind are growing stronger

and you believe in nothing of an anger -

it is when you're lost and Great Nature gains.

Tema 9.

Theme 9

Sostavlenie plana raboty avtodidakta

Plan-making and plan-fulfilling

I. Obshchekul'turnaya podgotovka.

I. General cultural background.

1. Vnutrennaya kul'tura i ponyatijnyj mir avtodidakta. Vyyas-nenie znachenij eticheskih ponyatij kak pervichnaya rabota avtodidakta-yunoshi (korrelyaciya u avtodidakta starshego vozrasta).

1. The autodidact's inner culture and the realm of concepts. Clarifying ethic concepts and standards is primary for a young autodidact (correction and correlation for an elderly one).

2. Proinformirovannost' obshchaya i podrobnaya kak celevye usta-novki pri sostavlenii planov. Pravilo obyazatel'nogo obshchego znakomstva s istoriyami civilizacii, etnicheskih grupp, narodov i sobstvenno kul'tur (Dzh. Frezer, YA. Propp i t.d.).

2. General and detailed informativenes for goal setting goals when making plans. The rule of compulsory general acquaintance with the histories of the civilizations, ethnic groups, nations and cultures (J. Frazer, J. Propp, etc.)

3. Istoriya religii.

3. History of religions.

4. Pervichnaya (legenda libri) kak osnovnaya chast' kul'turo-logicheskogo plana.

4. Primary legenda libri as the basis for the culturological plan.

5. Znakomstvo s muzykoj.

5. Acquaintance with music.

6. Znakomstvo s zhivopis'yu. Periody i stili (po kul'turam) obshchee predstavlenie.

6. Acquaintance with painting. Periods and styles (in cultures) - general ideas.

7. Rol' yazykov pri sostavlenii plana obshchekul'turnoj podgo-tovki.

7. The role of languages in making plans for general cultural development.

8. Pafosnoe povedenie. Osvoenie i priblizhenie proshlogo k nastoyashchemu (prirashchivanie nastoyashchego k proshlomu), chuvstvo tradicii kak postignutoj real'nosti i t.d.:

8. Pathos behaviour. Assimilation of the past and drawing it closer together to the present, the sense of a tradition as a conceived reality, etc.:

a) pafosnoe povedenie kak sledstvie sistemy zanyatij po aktualizirovannomu interesu, pafos kak stojkij psihologicheskij i social'no obosnovannyj interes;

b) rol' pafosnogo povedeniya kak istochnika energii (uvle-chennost' pitaet);

v) "poumnenie" davno umershih kak priznak sozrevaniya avto-didakta;

g) ot zacepki k kriticheskoj masse znanij o proshlom;

d) zaplanirovannaya uvlechennost', problemy stojkogo interesa i sociogruppa (aktivnost' propagandy, proby izlozheniya tochki zreniya, mneniya, sobstvennogo videniya i t.d.);

e) plan kak konkretnaya rabota po ispolneniyu mechty;

zh) kar'era vnutrennyaya i vneshnyaya: prioritet pervoj (antinomiya "tshcheslavie - chestlyubie"), plany na budushchee i zavisimost' ih osushchestvleniya ot chistoty pomysla.

a) pathos behaviour as the result of work with the actualized interest engaged; pathos as the steadfast psychological and socially motivated interest;

b) the role of pathos behaviour as the source of energy (interest provides nourishment);

c) when the people who died long ago start "growing cleverer" in the eyes of the autodidact, it means that he/she is getting matured;

d) from "a clue" to the critical mass of knowledge about the past;

e) planned interest; the problem of the steadfast interest and a social group (active propaganda, attempts to express view-points, opinions, visions, etc.);

f) planning as a concrete attempt to realize a dream;

g) the inner and outer carrier: priorities are give