lp. I run the meat department at the Red Owl store and without no customers coming into town, I don't know what will happen. If we can't get any out-of-town trade, we'll have to close our doors. We can sell to the people here in town, of course, but there ain't enough trade in town to make it worth our while and in a little while the people here in town won't have any money to pay for the things they buy, and our business isn't set up so we can operate on credit. We can get meat, of course. We've got that all worked out, but we can't go on selling it and...' 'Now, just a minute,' said the senator. 'Let's take this a little slow. Let's not go so fast. You have problems and I know you have them and I aim to do all I can...' 'Senator,' interrupted a man with a big, bull voice, 'there are others of us have problems that are worse than George's. Take myself, for example. I work out of town and I depend on my pay cheque, every week, to buy food for the kids, to keep them in shoes and to pay the other bills. And now I can't get to work and there won't be any cheque. I'm not the only one. There are a lot of others like me. It isn't like we had some money laid by to take care of emergencies. I tell you, Senator, there isn't hardly anyone in town got anything laid by. We all are...' 'Hold on,' pleaded the senator. 'Let me get a word in edgewise. Give me a little time. The people in Washington know what is going on. They know what you folks are facing out here. They'll do what they can to help. There'll be a relief bill in the Congress to help out you folks and I, for one, will work unceasingly to see that it is passed without undue delay. And that isn't all. There are two or three papers in the east and some television stations that have started a drive for funds to be turned over to this village. And that's just a start. There will be a lot of. . .' 'Hell, Senator,' yelled a man with a scratchy voice, 'that isn't what we want. We don't want relief. We don't ask for charity. We just want to be able to get back to our jobs.' The senator was flabbergasted, 'You mean you want us to get rid of the barrier?' 'Look, Senator,' said the man with the bull-like voice, 'for years the government has been spending billions to send a man up to the moon. With all them scientists you got, you can spend some time and money to get us out of here. We been paying taxes for a long time now, without getting anything...' 'But that,' said the senator, 'will take a little time. We'll have to find out what this barrier is and then we'll have to figure out what can be done with it. And I tell you, frankly, we aren't going to be able to do that overnight.' Norma Shepard, who worked as receptionist for Doc Fabian, wriggled through the press of people until she faced the Senator. 'But something has to be done,' she said. 'Has to be done, do you understand? Someone has to find a way. There are people in this town who should be in a hospital and we can't get them there. Some of them will die if we can't get them there. We have one doctor in this town and he's no longer young. He's been a good doctor for a long, long time, but he hasn't got the skill or the equipment to take care of the people who are terribly sick. He never has had, he never pretended that he had . . .' 'My dear,' said the senator, consolingly. 'I recognize your concern and I sympathize with it, and you may rest assured...' It was apparent that my interview with the men from Washington had come to an end. I walked slowly down the road, not actually down the road, but along the edge of it, walking in the harrowed ground out of which, already, thin points of green were beginning to protrude. The seeds which had been sown in that alien whirlwind had in that short time germinated and were pushing toward the light. I wondered bitterly, as I walked along, what kind of crops they'd bear. And A wondered, too, how angry Nancy might be at me for my fight with Hiram Martin. I had caught that one look on her face and then she'd turned her back and gone up the walk. And she had not been with Sherwood when he had come charging down the walk to announce that Gibbs had phoned. For that short moment in the kitchen, when I had felt her body pressing close to mine, she had been once again the sweetheart out of time - the girl who had walked hand in hand with me, who had laughed her throaty laugh and been an unquestioned part of me, as I had been of her. Nancy, I almost cried aloud, Nancy, please let it be the same. But maybe it could never be the same, I told myself. Maybe it was Millville - a village that had come between us for she had grown away from Millville in the years she'd been away, and I, remaining here, had grown more deeply into it. You could not dig back, I thought, through the dust of years, through the memories and the happenings and the changes in yourself- in both yourselves - to rescue out of time another day and hour. And even if you found it, you could not dust it clean, you could never make it shine as you remembered it. For perhaps it never had been quite the shining thing that you remembered, perhaps you had burnished it in your longing and your loneliness. And perhaps it was only once in every lifetime (and perhaps not in every lifetime) that a shining moment came. Perhaps there was a rule that it could never come again. 'Brad,' a voice said. I had been walking, not looking where I went, staring at the ground. Now, at the sound of the voice, I jerked up my head, and saw that I had reached the tangle of parked cars. Leaning against one of them was Bill Donovan. 'Hi there, Bill,' I said. 'You should be up there with the rest of them.' He made a gesture of disgust. 'We need help,' he said. 'Sure we do. All the help we can get. But it wouldn't hurt to wait a while before you ran squealing for it. You can't cave in the first tune you are hit. You have to hang onto at least a shred or two of your self-respect.' I nodded, not quite agreeing with him. 'They're scared,' I said. 'Yes,' he said, 'but there isn't any call for them to act like a bunch of bleating sheep.' 'How about the kids?' I asked. 'Safe and sound,' he told me. 'Jake got to them just before the barrier moved. Took them out of there. Jake had to chop down the door to reach them and Myrt carried on all the time he was chopping it. You never heard so much uproar in your life about a God damn door.' 'And Mrs Donovan?' 'Oh, Liz - she's all right. Cries for the kids and wonders what's so become of us. But the kids are safe and that's all that counts.' He patted the metal of the car with the flat of his hand. 'We'll work it out,' he said. 'It may take a little time, but there isn't anything that men can't do if they set their minds to it. Like as not they'll have a thousand of them scientists working on this thing and, like I say, it may take a while, but they'll get her figured out.' 'Yes,' I said, 'I suppose they will.' If some muddle-headed general didn't push the panic button first. If, instead of trying to solve the problem, we didn't try to smash it. 'What's the matter, Brad?' 'Not a thing,' I said. 'You got your worries, too, I guess,' he said. 'What you did to Hiram, he had it coming to him for a long time now. Was that telephone he threw...?' 'Yes,' I said. 'It was one of the telephones.' 'Heard you, went to some other world or something. How do you manage to get into another world? It sounds screwy to me, but that's what everyone is saying.' A couple of yelling kids came running through the cars and went pelting up the road toward where the crowd was still arguing with the senator. 'Kids are having a great time,' said Donovan. 'Most excitement they've ever had. Better than a circus.' Some more kids went past, whooping as they ran. 'Say,' asked Donovan, 'do you think something might have happened?' The first two kids had reached the crowd and were tugging at people's arms and shouting something at them. 'Looks like it,' I said. A few of the crowd started back down the road, walking to start with, then breaking into a trot, heading back for town. As they came close, Donovan darted out to intercept them. 'What's the matter?' he yelled. 'What's going on?' 'Money,' one of them shouted back at him. 'Someone's found some money.' By now the whole crowd had left the barrier and was running down the road. As they swept past, Mae Hutton shouted at me, 'Come on, Brad! Money in your garden!' Money in my garden! For the love of God, what next? I took one look at the four men from Washington, standing beyond the barrier. Perhaps they were thinking that the town was crazy. They had every right to think so. I stepped out into the road and jogged along behind the crowd, heading back for town. 19 When I came back that morning I had found that the purple flowers growing in the swale behind my house, through the wizardry of that other world, had been metamorphosed into tiny bushes. In the dark I had run my fingers along the bristling branches and felt the many swelling buds. And now the buds had broken and where each bud had been was, not a leaf, but a miniature fifty-dollar bill! Len Streeter, the high school science teacher, handed one of the tiny bills to me. 'It's impossible,' he said. And he was right. It was impossible. No bush in its right mind would grow fifty-dollar bills - or any kind of bills. There were a lot of people there - all the crowd that had been out in the road shouting at the senator, and as many more. It looked to me as if the entire village might be there. They were tramping around among the bushes and yelling at one another, all happy and excited. They had a right to be. There probably weren't many of them who had ever seen a fifty-dollar bill, and here were thousands of them. 'You've looked close at it,' I asked the teacher. 'You're sure it actually is a bill?' He pulled a small magnifying glass out of his shirt pocket and handed it to me. 'Have a look,' he said. I had a look and there was no question that it looked like a fifty-dollar bill - although the only fifty-dollar bills I had ever seen were the thirty of them in the envelope Sherwood had given me. And I hadn't had a chance to more than glance at those. But through the glass I could see that the little bills had the fabric-like texture one finds in folding money and everything else, including the serial number, looked authentic. And I knew, even as I squinted through the lens, that it was authentic. For these were (how would one say it - the descendants?) of the money Tupper Tyler had stolen from me. I knew exactly what had happened and the knowledge was a chill that bit deep into my mind. 'It's possible,' I told Streeter. With that gang back there, it's entirely possible.' 'You mean the gang from your other world?' 'Not my other world,' I shouted. 'Your other world. This world's other world. When you get it through your damn thick skulls...' I didn't say the rest of it. I was glad I didn't. 'I'm sorry,' Streeter said. 'I didn't mean it quite the way it sounded.' Higgy, I saw, was standing halfway up the slope that led to the house and he was yelling for attention. 'Listen to rue!' he was shouting. 'Fellow citizens, Won't you listen to me.' The crowd was beginning to quiet down and Higgy went on yelling until everyone was quiet. 'Stop pulling off them leaves,' he told them. 'Just leave them where they are.' Charley Hutton said, 'Hell, Higgy, all that we was doing was picking a few of them to have a better look.' 'Well, quit it,' said the mayor sternly. 'Every one that you pull off is fifty dollars less. Give them leaves a little time and they'll grow to proper size and then they'll drop off and all we need to do is to pick them up and every one of them will be money in our pocket.' 'How do you know that?' Grandma Jones shrilled at him. 'Well,' the mayor said, 'it stands to reason, don't it? Here we have these marvellous plants growing money for us. The least we can do is let them be, so they can grow it for us.' He looked around the crowd and suddenly saw me. 'Brad,' he asked me, 'isn't that correct?' 'I'm afraid it is,' I said. For Tupper had stolen the money and the Flowers had used the bills as patterns on which to base the leaves. I would have bet, without looking further, that there were no more than thirty different serial numbers in the entire crop of money. 'What I want to know,' said Charley Hutton, 'is how you figure we should divide it up - once it's ripe, that is.' 'Why,' said the mayor, 'that's something I hadn't even thought of. Maybe we could put it in a common fund that could be handed out to people as they have the need of it.' 'That don't seem fair to me,' said Charley. 'That way some people would get more of it than others. Seems to me the only way is to divide it evenly. Everyone should get his fair share of it, to do with as he wants.' 'There's some merit,' said the mayor, 'in your point of view. But it isn't something on which we should make a snap decision. This afternoon I'll appoint a committee to look into it. Anyone who has any ideas can present them and they'll get full consideration.' 'Mr Mayor,' piped up Daniel Willoughby, 'there is one thing I think we've overlooked. No matter what we say, this stuff isn't money.' 'But it looks like money. Once it's grown to proper size, no one could tell the difference.' 'I know,' the banker said, 'that it looks like money. It probably would fool an awful lot of people. Maybe everyone. Maybe no one could ever tell that it wasn't money. But if the source of it should be learned, how much value do you think it would have then? Not only that, but all the money in this village would be suspect. If we can grow fifty-dollar bills, what is there to stop us from growing tens and twenties?' 'I don't see what this fuss is all about,' shouted Charley Hutton. 'There isn't any need for anyone to know. We can keep quiet about it. We can keep the secret. We can pledge ourselves that we'll never say a word about it.' The crowd murmured with approval. Daniel Willoughby looked as if he were on the verge of strangling. The thought of all that phony money shrivelled up his prissy soul. 'That's something,' said the mayor, blandly, 'that my committee can decide.' The way the mayor said it one knew there was no doubt at all in his mind as to how the committee would decide. 'Higgy,' said lawyer Nichols, 'there's another thing we've overlooked. The money isn't ours.' The mayor stared at him, outraged that anyone could say a thing like that. 'Whose is it, then?' he bellowed. 'Why,' said Nichols, 'it belongs to Brad. It's growing on his land and it belongs to him. There is no court anywhere that wouldn't make the finding.' All the people froze. All their eyes swivelled in on me. I felt like a crouching rabbit, with the barrels of a hundred shotguns levelled at him. The mayor gulped. 'You're sure of this?' he asked. 'Positive,' said Nichols. The silence held and the eyes were still trained upon me. I looked around and the eyes stared back. No one said a word. The poor, misguided, blinded fools, I thought. All they saw here was money in their pockets, wealth such as not a single one of them had ever dared to dream. They could not see in it the threat (or promise?) of an alien race pressed dose against the door, demanding entrance. And they could not know that because of this alien race, blinding death might blossom in a terrible surge of unleashed energy above the dome that enclosed the town. 'Mayor,' I said, 'I don't want the stuff...' 'Well, now,' the mayor said, 'that's a handsome gesture, Brad. I'm sure the folks appreciate it.' 'They damn well should,' said Nichols. A woman's scream rang out - and then another scream. It seemed to come from behind me and I spun around. A woman was running down the slope that led to Doc Fabian's house - although running wasn't quite the word for it. She was trying to run when she was able to do little more than hobble. Her body was twisted with the terrible effort of her running and she had her arms stretched out so they would catch her if she fell - and when she took another step, she fell and rolled and finally ended up a huddled shape lying on the hillside. 'Myra!' Nichols yelled. 'My God, Myra, what's wrong?' It was Mrs Fabian, and she lay there on the hillside with the whiteness of her hair shining in the sunlight, a startling patch of brilliance against the green sweep of the lawn. She was a little thing and frail and for years bad been half-crippled by arthritis, and now she seemed so small and fragile, crumpled on the grass, that it hurt to look at her. I ran toward her and all the others were running toward her, too. Bill Donovan was the first to reach her and he went down on his knees to lift her up and bold her. 'Everything's all right,' he told her. 'See - everything's all right. All your friends are here.' Her eyes were open and she seemed to be all right, but she lay there in the cradle of Bill's arms and she didn't try to move. Her hair had fallen down across her face and Bill brushed it back, gently, with a big, grimed, awkward hand. 'It's the doctor,' she told us. 'He's gone into a coma...' 'But,' protested Higgy, 'he was all right an hour ago. I saw him just an hour ago.' She waited until he'd finished, then she said, as if he hadn't spoken, 'He's in a coma and I can't wake him up. He lay down for a nap and now, he won't wake up.' Donovan stood up, lifting her, holding her like a child. She was so little and he was so big that she had the appearance of a doll, a doll with a sweet and wrinkled face. 'He needs help,' she said. 'He's helped you all his life. Now he needs some help.' Norma Shepard touched Bill on the arm. 'Take her up to the house,' she said. 'I'll take care of her.' 'But my husband,' Mrs Fabian insisted. 'You'll get some help for him? You'll find some way to help him?' 'Yes, Myra,' Higgy said. 'Yes, of course we will. We can't let him down. He's done too much for us. We'll find a way to help him.' Donovan started up the hill, carrying Mrs Fabian. Norma ran ahead of him. Butch Ormsby said, 'Some of us ought to go, too, 'and see what we can do for Doc.' 'Well,' asked Charley Hutton, 'how about it, Higgy? 'You were the one who shot off his big fat face. How are you going to help him?' 'Somebody's got to help him,' declared Pappy Andrews, thumping his cane upon the ground by way of emphasis. 'There never was a time we needed Doc more than we need him now. There are sick people in this village and we've got to get him on his feet somehow.' 'We can do what we can,' said Streeter, 'to make him comfortable. We'll take care of him, of course, the best that we know how. But there isn't' anyone who has any medical knowledge...' 'I'll tell you what we'll do,' said Higgy. 'Someone can get in touch with some medical people and tell them what's happened. We can describe the symptoms and maybe they can diagnose the illness and then tell us what to do. Norma is a nurse - well, sort of, she's been helping out in Doc's office for the last four years or so - and she'd be some help to us.' 'I suppose it's the best we can do,' said Streeter, 'but it's not very good.' 'I tell you, men,' said Pappy, loudly, 'we can't stay standing here. The situation calls for action and it behooves us to get started.' What Streeter had said, I told myself, was right. Maybe it was the best that we could do, but it wasn't good enough. There was more to medicine than word-of-mouth advice or telephoned instructions. And there were others in the village in need of medical aid, more specialized aid than a stricken doctor, even if he could be gotten on his feet, was equipped to give them. Maybe, I thought, there was someone else who could help - and if they could, they'd better, or I'd go back somehow into that other world and start ripping up their roots. It was time, I told myself, that this other world was getting on the ball. The Flowers had put us in this situation and it was time they dug us out. If they were intent on proving what great tasks they could perform, there were more important ways of proving it than growing fifty-dollar bills on bushes and all their other hocus-pocus. There were phones down at the village hall, the ones that had been taken from Stiffy's shack, and I could use one of those, of course, but I'd probably have to break Hiram's skull before I could get at one of them. And another round with Hiram, I decided, was something I could get along without. I looked around for Sherwood, but he wasn't there, and neither was Nancy. One of them might be home and they'd let me use the phone in Sherwood's study. A lot of the others were heading up toward Doc's house, but I turned and went the other way. 20 No one answered the bell. I rang several times and waited, then finally tried the door and it was unlocked. I went inside and closed the door behind me. The sound of its closing was muffled by the hushed solemnity of the hail that ran back to the kitchen. 'Anyone home?' I called. Somewhere a lone fly buzzed desperately, as if trying to escape, trapped against a window perhaps, behind a fold of drape. The sun spilled through the fanlights above the door to make a ragged pattern on the floor. There was no answer to my hail, so I went down the hall and walked into the study. The phone stood on the heavy desk. The walls of books still seemed rich and wondrous. A half. empty whisky bottle and an unwashed glass stood on the liquor cabinet. I went across the carpeting to the desk and reached out, pulling the phone toward me. I lifted the receiver and immediately Tupper said, in his businessman's voice, 'Mr Carter, it's good to hear from you at last. Events are going well, we hope. You have made, we would presume, preliminary contact.' As if they didn't know! 'That's not what I called about,' I snapped. 'But that was the understanding. You were to act for us.' The unctuous smugness of the voice burned me up. 'And it was understood, as well,' I asked, 'that you were to make a fool of me?' The voice was startled. 'We fail to understand. Will you please explain?' 'The time machine,' I said. 'Oh, that.' 'Yes, oh, that,' I said. "But, Mr Carter, if we had asked you to take it back you would have been convinced that we were using you. You'd probably have refused.' 'And you weren't using me?' 'Why, I suppose we were. We'd have used anyone. It was important to get that mechanism to your world. Once you know the pattern...' 'I don't care about the pattern,' I said angrily. 'You tricked me and you admit you tricked me. That's a poor way to start negotiations with another race.' 'We regret it greatly. Not that we did it, but the way we did it. If there is anything we can do...' 'There's a lot that you can do. You can cut out horsing around with fifty-dollar bills...' 'But that's repayment,' wailed the voice. 'We told you you'd get back your fifteen hundred. We promised you'd get back much more than your fifteen hundred...' 'You've had your readers read economic texts?' 'Oh, certainly we have.' 'And you've observed, for a long time and at first hand, our economic practices?' 'As best we can,' the voice said. 'It's sometimes difficult.' 'You know, of course, that money grows on bushes.' 'No, we don't know that, at all. We know how money's made. But what is the difference? Money's money, isn't it, no matter what its source?' 'You couldn't be more wrong,' I said. 'You'd better get wised up.' 'You mean the money isn't good?' 'Not worth a damn,' I said. 'We hope we've done no wrong,' the voice said, crestfallen. I said, 'The money doesn't matter. There are other things that do. You've shut us off from the world and we have sick people here. We had just one poor fumbling doctor to take care of them. And now the doctor's sick himself and no other doctor can get in...' 'You need a steward,' said the voice. 'What we need,' I told them, 'is to get this barrier lifted so we can get out and others can get in. Otherwise there are going to be people dying who don't have to die.' 'We'll send a steward,' said the voice. 'We'll send one right away. A most accomplished one. The best that we can find.' 'I don't know,' I said, 'about this steward. But we need help as fast as we can get it.' 'We,' the voice pledged, 'will do the best we can.' The voice clicked off and the phone went dead. And suddenly I realized that I'd not asked the most important thing of all - why had they wanted to get the time machine into our world? I jiggled the connection. I put the receiver down and lifted it again. I shouted in the phone and nothing happened. I pushed the phone away and stood hopeless in the room. For all of it, I knew, was a very hopeless mess. Even after years of study, they did not understand us or our institutions. They did not know that money was symbolic and not simply scraps of paper. They had not, for a moment, taken into consideration what could happen to a village if it were isolated from the world. They had tricked me and had used me and they should have known that nothing can arouse resentment quite so easily as simple trickery. They should have known, but they didn't know, or if they knew, had discounted what they knew - and that was as bad or worse than if they had not known. I opened the study door and went into the hall. And as I started down the hail, the front door opened and Nancy stepped inside. I stopped at the foot of the stairway that rose out of the hall and for a moment we simply stood there, looking at one another, neither of us finding anything to say. 'I came to use the phone,' I said. She nodded. 'I suppose,' I said, 'I should say I'm sorry for the fight with Hiram.' 'I'm sorry, too,' she said, misunderstanding me, or pretending that she misunderstood. 'But I suppose there was no way you could help it.' 'He threw the phone,' I told her. But of course it had not been the phone, not the phone alone. It had been all the times before the phone was thrown. 'You said the other night,' I reminded her, 'that we could go out for drinks and dinner. I guess that will have to wait. Now there's no place we can go.' 'Yes,' she said, 'so we could start over.' I nodded, feeling miserable. 'I was to dress up my prettiest,' she said, 'and we would have been so gay.' 'Like high school days,' I said. 'Brad.' 'Yes,' I said, and took a step toward her. Suddenly she was in my arms. 'We don't need drinks and dinner,' she said. 'Not the two of us.' No, I thought, not the two of us. I bent and kissed her and held her close and there was only us. There was no closed-off village and no alien terror. There was nothing that mattered now except this girl who long ago had walked the street, hand in hand with me, and had not been ashamed. 21 The steward came that afternoon, a little, wizened humanoid who looked like a bright-eyed monkey. With him was another - also humanoid - but great, lumbering and awkward, gaunt and austere, with a horse-like face. He looked, at first sight, the perfect caricature of a career diplomat. The scrawny humanoid wore a dirty and shapeless piece of cloth draped about him like a robe, and the other wore a breech-clout and a sort of vest, equipped with massive pockets that bulged with small possessions. The entire village was lined up on the slope behind my house and the betting had been heavy that nothing would show up. I heard whispers, suddenly cutoff, everywhere I went. Then they came, the two of them, popping out of nowhere and standing in the garden. I walked down the slope and across the garden to meet them. They stood waiting for me and behind me, on that slope covered by a crowd of people, there was utter silence. As I came near, the big one stepped forward, the little wizened character trailing close behind. 'I speak your language newly,' said the big one. 'If you don't know, ask me once again.' 'You're doing well,' I told him. 'You be Mr Carter?' 'That is right. And you?' 'My designation,' he told me, solemnly, 'is to you great gibberish. I have decided you can call me only Mr Smith.' 'Mr Smith,' I said, 'we are glad to have you here. You are the steward I was told about?' 'No. This other personage is he. But he has no designation I can speak to you. He makes no noise at all. He hears and answers only in his brain. He is a queerish thing.' 'A telepath,' I said. 'Oh, yes, but do not mistake me. Of much intelligence. Also very smart. We are of different worlds, you know. There be many different worlds, many different peoples. We welcome you to us.' 'They sent you along as an interpreter?' 'Interpreter? I do not share your meaning. I learn your words very fast from a mechanism. I do not have much time. I fail to catch them all.' 'Interpreter means you speak for him. He tells you and you tell us.' 'Yes, indeed. Also you tell me and I tell him. But interpreter is not all I am. Also diplomat, very highly trained.' 'Huh?' 'Help with negotiations with your race. Be helpful as I can. Explain very much, perhaps. Aid you as you need.' 'You said there are many different worlds and many different people. You mean a long, long chain of worlds and of people, too?' 'Not all worlds have people,' he told me. 'Some have nothing. No life of any sort. Some hold life, but no intelligence. Some once had intelligence, but intelligence is gone.' He made a strange gesture with his hand. 'It is pity what can happen to intelligence. It is frail; it does not stay forever.' 'And the intelligences? All humanoid?' He hesitated. 'Humanoid?' 'Like us. Two arms, two legs, one head...' 'Most humanoid,' he said.' 'Most like you and me.' The scrawny little being tugged excitedly at his vest. The being I had been talking with turned around to face him, gave him close attention. Then he turned back to me. 'Him much upset,' he told me. 'Says all people here are sick. Him prostrated with great pity. Never saw such terrible thing.' 'But that is wrong,' I cried. 'The sick ones are at home. This bunch here is healthy.' 'Can't be so,' said Mr Smith. 'Him aghast at situation. Can look inside of people, see everything that's wrong. Says them that isn't sick will be sick in little time, says many have inactive sickness in them, others still have garbage of ancient sicknesses still inside of them.' 'He can fix us up?' 'No fix. Repair complete, Make body good as new.' Higgy had been edging closer and behind him several others. The rest of the crowd still stayed up on the bank, out of all harm's way. And now they were beginning to buzz a little. At first they had been stricken silent, but now the talk began. 'Higgy,' I said, 'I'd like you to meet Mr Smith.' 'Well, I'll be darned,' said Higgy. 'They got names just the same as ours.' He stuck out his hand and after a moment of puzzlement, Mr Smith put out his hand and the two men shook. 'The other one,' I said, 'can't talk. He's a telepath.' 'That's too bad,' said Higgy, full of sympathy. 'Which one of them's the doctor?' 'The little one,' I told him, 'and I don't know if you can say he's a doctor. Seems that he repairs people, fixes them like new.' 'Well,' said Higgy, 'that's what a doctor's supposed to do, but never quite makes out.' 'He says we're all sick. He wants to fix us up.' 'Well, that's all right,' said Higgy. 'That's what I call service. We can set up a clinic down at the village hall.' 'But there's Doc and Floyd and all the others who are really sick. That's what he's here for.' 'Well, I tell you, Brad, we can take him to them first and he can get them cured, then we'll set up the clinic. The rest of us might just as well get in on it as long as he is here.' 'If,' said Mr Smith, 'you but merge with the rest of us, you can command the services of such as he whenever you have need.' 'What's this merger?' Higgy asked of me. 'He means if we let the aliens in and join the other worlds that the Flowers have linked.' 'Well, now,' said Higgy, 'that makes a lot of sense. I don't suppose there'll be any charges for his services.' 'Charges?' asked Mr Smith. 'Yeah,' said Higgy. 'Pay. Fees. Money.' 'Those be terms,' said Mr Smith, 'that ring no bell for me. But we must proceed with swiftness, since my fellow creature has other rounds to make. He and his colleagues have many worlds to cover.' 'You mean that they are doctors to the other worlds?' I asked. 'You grasp my meaning clear.' 'Since there isn't any time to waste,' said Higgy, 'leave us be about our business. Will you two come with me?' 'With alacrity,' cried Mr Smith, and the two of them followed Higgy as he went up the slope and out toward the street. I followed slowly after them and as I climbed the bank, Joe Evans came charging out of the back door of my house. 'Brad,' he shouted, 'there's a call for you from the State Department.' It was Newcombe on the phone. 'I'm over here at Elmore,' he told me in his cold, clipped voice, 'and we've given the Press a rundown on what you told us. But now they're clamouring to see you; they want to talk with you.' 'It's all right with me,' I said. 'If they'll come out to the barrier...' 'It's not all right with me,' said Newcombe, sourly, 'but the pressure is terrific. I have to let them see you. I trust you'll be discreet.' 'I'll do my best,' I told him. 'All right,' he said. 'There's not much I can do about it. Two hours from now. At the place we met.' 'OK,' I said. 'I suppose it'll be all right if I bring a friend along.' 'Yes, of course,' said Newcombe. 'And for the love of Christ be careful!' 22 Mr Smith caught onto the idea of a Press conference with very little trouble. I explained it to him as we walked toward the barrier where the newsmen waited for us. 'You say all these people are communicators,' he said, making sure he had it straight. 'We say them something and they say other people. Interpreters, like me.' 'Well, something like that.' 'But all your people talk the same. The mechanism told me one language only.' 'That was because the one language is all that you would need. But the people of the Earth have many languages. Although that is not the reason for newspapermen. You see, all the people can't be here to listen to what we have to say. 'So these newsmen spread the news...' 'News?' 'The things that we have said. Or that other people have said. Things that happen. No matter where anything may happen, there are newsmen there and they spread the word. They keep the world informed.' Mr Smith almost danced a jig. 'How wonderful!' he cried. 'What's so wonderful about it?' 'Why, the ingenuity,' said Mr Smith. 'The thinking of it up. This way one person talks to all the persons. Everybody knows about him. Everyone hears what he has to talk.' We reached the barrier and there was quite a crowd of newsmen jammed on the strip of highway on the other side. Some of them were strung along the barrier on either side of the road. As we walked up, the cameramen were busy. When we came up to the barrier, a lot of men started yelling at us, but someone quickly shushed them, then one man spoke to us. 'I'm Judson Barnes, of Associated Press,' he said. 'I suppose you're Carter.' I told him that I was. 'And this gentleman you have with you?' 'His name is Smith,' I said. 'And,' said someone else, 'he's just got home from a masquerade.' 'No,' I told them, 'he's a humanoid from one of the alternate worlds. He is here to help with negotiations.' 'Howdy, sirs,' said Mr Smith, with massive friendliness. Someone howled from the back: 'We can't hear back here.' 'We have a microphone,' said Barnes, 'if you don't mind.' 'Toss it here,' I told him. He tossed it and I caught it. The cord trailed through the barrier. I could see where the speakers had been set up to one side of the road. 'And now,' said Barnes, 'perhaps we can begin. State filled us in, of course, so we don't need to go over all that you have told them. But there are some questions. I'm sure there are a lot of questions.' A dozen hands went up. 'Just pick out one of them,' said Barnes. I made a motion toward a great, tall, scrawny man. 'Thank you, sir,' he said. 'Caleb Rivers, Kansas City Star. We understand that you represent the - how do you say it? - people, perhaps, the people of this other world. I wonder if you would outline your position in somewhat more detail. Are you an official representative, or an unofficial spokesman, or a sort of go-between? It's not been made quite clear.' 'Very unofficial, I might say. You know about my father?' 'Yes,' said Rivers, 'we've been told how he cared for the flowers be found. But you'd agree, wouldn't you, Mr Carter, that this is, to say the least, a rather strange sort of qualification for your role?' 'I have no qualifications at all,' I told him. 'I can tell you quite frankly that the aliens probably picked one of the poorest representatives they could have found. There are two things to consider. First, I was the only human who seemed available - I was the only one who went back to visit them. Secondly, and this is important, they don't think, can't think, in the same manner that we do. What might make good sense to them may seem silly so far as we are concerned. On the other hand, our most brilliant logic might be gibberish to them.' 'I see,' said Rivers. 'But despite your frankness in saying you're not qualified to serve, you still are serving. Would you tell us why?' 'There's nothing else I can do,' I said. 'The situation has gotten to a point where there had to be an attempt at some sort of intelligent contact between the aliens and ourselves. Otherwise, things might get out of hand.' 'How do you mean?' 'Right now,' I said, 'the world is scared. There has to be some explanation of what is happening. There is nothing worse than a senseless happening, nothing worse than reasonless fear, and the aliens, so long as they know something's being done, may leave this barrier as it is. For the moment, I suspect, they'll do no more than they've already done. I hope it may work out that the situation gets no worse and that in the meantime some progress can be made.' Other hands were waving and I pointed to another man. 'Frank Roberts, Washington Post,' he said. 'I have a question about the negotiations. As I understand it, the aliens want to be admitted to our world and in return are willing to provide us with a great store of knowledge they have accumulated.' 'That is right,' I said. 'Why do they want admission?' 'It's not entirely clear to me,' I told him. 'They need to be here so they can proceed to other worlds. It would seem the alternate worlds lie in some sort of progression, and they must be arrived at in a certain order. I confess quite willingly I understand none of this. All that can be done now is to reach proposals that we and the aliens can negotiate.' 'You know of no terms beyond the broad proposal you have stated?' 'None at all,' I said. 'There may be others. I am not aware of them.' 'But now you have - perhaps you would call him an advisor. Would it be proper to direct a question at this Mr Smith of yours?' ' 'A question,' said Mr Smith. 'I accept your question.' He was pleased that someone had noticed him. Not without some qualms, I handed him the mike. 'You talk into it,' I said. 'I know,' he said. 'I watch.' 'You talk our language very well,' said the Washington Post. 'Just barely. Mechanism teach me.' 'Can you add anything about specific conditions?' 'I do not catch,' said Smith. 'Are there an