. ,  --------------------------------------------------------------- © Copyright Home page: http://members.rotfl.com/bobleon/ http://members.rotfl.com/bobleon/ Email: bobleon@uniinc.msk.ru --------------------------------------------------------------- 32.973 681.3 - . 80 , . -- .: , 1998. -- 192 . ISBN 5-88548-067-2 , . , , . , , Internet, , . ... Copyright , 1998. Copyright " ", 1998. Copyright Design Studio M&C, 1998. . Copyright "" " ", 1998. , ", , " . , . , , , Internet. , , . , , . , , . - , , " " . No 069954 01.12.1991 . 06.07.98. 06.09.98. 60X84/16. . "Newton". . . . . 12. 5 000 . 48. Hacker's Manifest This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We make use of a service already existing without paying for what could be dirt cheep if it wasn't run by profiteering gluttons, and you call us criminals. We explore...and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias...and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, wage wars, murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it is for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. I am a hacker and this is my manifesto. You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike. , . , , . , , Internet, , . . , -- , . . , . , , , . . , -- . , . , , . ! . . . ? . ! -- . . , , . , . . - , , , - . . Milnet Rome . , , - ! - -. LAN! , . ( ) Internet . . firewall. "". Sun! Sun! Sun! - Sun! ! ! ! . ... -, , , Internet, . , . ! ? ! . . , UDP . ? ! , , TCP . , ! ? , ! , - , . Internet. . , Firewalls Internet , -. ! , . ? ! IP ? , ? ! . Telnet username/password logon?! 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Configuration. , Dial-up Adapter TCP/IP. , TCP/IP Dynamic IP Address. Windows 95. Control Panel Network, TCP/IP Protocol Properties. IP Address Obtain an IP Address automatically option, WINS Disable WINS Resolution ( Sovam Teleport IP- ). Client Microsoft Networks , DNS Configuration Enable DNS. localname Host, Domain online.ru. DNS Server Search Order IP ( Add. Domain Suffix Search Order . , , , Windows 95, My Computer Dial-up Networking. Make New Connection . Configure, General . . , Server Type Type of Dail-up Server . Log on to network Advanced Options ! TCP/IP Allowed network protocols. . , , . Dial-up Networking folder Connections, Settings , , . , Connect to UserID - UserID@online.ru. , Connect, , F7 , Connected to Dial-up PPP, . . . : ( , , , , , , ), (, , , ), (, , , , , ), ( ). . , , : n , . n . n . n , . n , , . n . n , . n . n . n - . n . n . n . n . n , , . n . n , . n . ? , Internet. , , , , . , . , -, , , . ? ? ? , . , - , -- -. , . , Internet ? , Internet, . Yahoo "crack"... , , Internet. FTP Telnet. - , , . -- , , . . , , . - . TCP. . , TCP , , , . , . ! . . , -- . , Netscape Navigator , ( ) CGI . , , Microsoft Windows. TCP/UP . , , , , , , , TCP/IP . n . n . n . n ARP. n NFS. n NetBIOS TCP/IP. CGI-BIN CGI-BIN . , Web. PERL, Web- CGI ( Submit, HTML, CGI). , , , , UNIX. , Web- . ! CGI, HTML . , Web-, , . Web-. -- Web-, CGI . -- , ( , Web, CGI). ( , Perl -- Practical Extraction and Report Language) CGI-BIN Web. , , CGI, , , , , . ? Submit ACTION ( ), CGI-BIN. CGI-BIN . , , , . finger, name , IP- ( Telnet). - . - . , telnet : n . n Internet, . n . : anarchy-online.com ntiabbs.ntia.doc.gov l0pht.com sfpg.gcomm.com telnet lust.isca.uiowa.edu 2600 pcspm2.dar.csiro.au prince.carleton.ca 31337 UNIX UNIX, . at / . batch . chmod . chown , . cron , batch at. crontab , - . ftp . . kill . logname . mail . news Usenet. nslookup IP- . passwd / . ps , . pwcheck . /etc/passwd. rm . sleep . su , . telnet . umask , . uucp UNIX . uuname UUCP. uux UNIX . who . whois . write . UNIX UNIX. n Technical Thug. , sed, C, awk, perl APL. n Administrative Fascist. , UNIX. n Maniac. . , , . n Idiot. , . , rcp rcp config.tel, , Internet. , : # cd /home; mkdir "Bob's home directory"# echo "Bob Leontyef: gandalf:0:0::/dev/tty:compress -f" > /etc/passwd Perl, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow /etc/group. . UNIX /etc/passwd. . , . . . -- root. : n Username n Encrypted password n User number n Group Number n GECOS Information n Home directory n Shell , /etc/passwd : bob:5fg63fhD3d5gh:9406:12:BobLeontyef:/home/fsg/will:/bin/bash : n : bob n : 5fg63fhD3d5gh n : 9406 n : 12 n GECOS: Bob Leontyef n : /home/fsg/will n Shell: /bin/bash Unix- . , password . , , . encrypted . Unix -- Crack by Alec Muffett, DOS -- CrackerJack. UNIX : /etc/passwd , , root. , getpwent, : #include main() { struct passwd *p; while(p=getpwent()) printf("%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%s:%s\n", p->pw_name, p->pw_passwd, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid, p->pw_gecos, p->pw_dir, p->pw_shell); } #include main () { struct passwd *p; while(p=getpwent ()) printf("%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%s:%s\n", p->pw_name, p->pw_passwd, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid, p->pw_gecos, p->pw_dir, p->pw_shell); } Linux /usr/local/sbin/initppp. : #!/bin/sh PPPD = "/usr/sbin/pppd" $(PPPD) connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v "" ATZH0Q0M1 OK ATDT3560100 \ CONNECT "" ogin: Suserid word: "`cat /etc/ppp/password`"' \ /dev/modem 115200 /usr/sbin/pppd , /dev/modem. , /dev/cua1. ln -sf /dev/cua1 ( ). /etc/ppp/password. : `cat/etc/ppp/password`. Network Information System UNIX UNIX NIS . UNIX NIS, /etc/passwd , : +::0:0::: ypcat passwd. . , . . /etc/passwd : bob:5fg63fhD3d,M.z8:9406:12:BobLeontyef:/home/fsg/will:/bin/bash . . , , , : M.z8 : , . , . . "..", . passwd . "..", . . (MAX) (MIN), ( root ). , su . VMS VMS SYS$SYSTEM: SYSUAF.DAT , UNIX, VMS . VMS , SYS$GETUAF , SYSUAF.DAT. : CHECK_PASSWORD GUESS_PASSWORD. - . . . ? . . , . IP -, ( UNIX- login) , . Login Hacker . , -, Brute Force Generator. . : , . , , (), , : vh@campus.de. , ( , ). , , . , Unix , , - . Unix.