, , . , , . . . . , . . DIP- ( , , ..). , . , Reset . , , Reset, . (, ). . , . -, . -, . BBS. . . . - T-MAIL. Front Door. . Gold Edit. . , CD ROM. . . . Microsoft Windows. DR-DOS. Turbo Pascal. Fox Pro. (). / Upload/Download. / . . Covox. , () . . , . , 486 . . - . (, ..). , -. error. . . Mouse. C -. , C . C . , , . . , Motherboard ( ). . SIMM. SIPP. (button). magic button ZX Spectrum. , /. . , -. .GIF. - .FLI. .MOD. . - , ZMODEM (DownLoad/ZModem). Netware. CorelDraw. ASCII. Checkit. . - Norton Commander Treeinfo. . . Access level . Access Privileges , . Access . Active Channel Web, . ActiveX Microsoft, WWW, , . ActiveX -- COM DCOM. Address , . AGP Accelerated Graphics Port. Alias (, ). Macintosh. , -- , - . Anchor , , . Anonymous . , -- . ANSI American National Standards Institute. APM Advanced Power Management. . , . Arcade Game , , . Archie , FTP . ARJ MS-DOS . Article , Usenet. AT- . , . Authorization , . AUTOEXEC.BAT , , . Backbone Internet. Internet! Background . . Backup . . Bad Sector . , . BAT . Baud rate . BBS Bulletin Board System. . . . Benchmark . Big mail . . BIOS -. , "" . . Bit , . Board , . , . Bookmark . Gopher WWW. , . Boot Block , . Boot . BPS . . Browser , . , . Bus . , . Busy , . Cabinet , . Capacity . Card . Carrier . . , . , connect. CATV . CGI Common Gateway Interface. , , Web. Channel . Chat . , , , , . ? . Check Box . . . Checkpoint , , . , Internet Intranet. Checksum , . Cnferencing C . CIX Commercial Internet Exchange. Internet. ClariNet , Usenet. Client . CLI Dos p Windows 95. VMM IF VDM. . . . Command line . Compress . , , -- . UNIX, . Compression/Decompression / . CompuServe . Cookies , . Cracker , . Cross-posting Usenet. Cybermall . Cyberpunk . Cybersex C, , Internet. Data compression . Data link . Datagram . , . DDE Dynamic Data Exchange. , . DejaNews Usenet , . http://www.dejanews.com. Dialtone . . Dial-up user . . Dial-up , , . . DirectX , . PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) Internet, . DNS Domain Name System. . , . Internet. . Domain Name Server . Internet . DNS . DNS- 32- IP, . DNS DNS Domain Name Server DNS. IP- DNS- IP- . DNS , IP- DNS. . DNS , , , , root.cache. , Internet. Domain Internet. . .com, .net, .mil, .org , , , . Download . E-mail . ( ) , , . . . , . . Ethernet . , TCP/IP Internet Ethernet. ! , . F2F Face to face. . Internet . Firewall . . , . , , , . (proxy) TELNET, Rlogin, FTP, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, Gopher, X11, LP, Rsh, Finger, NNTP, Whois RealAudio. Flame War . , , ! Flame . , . . Usenet. ? Follow up C Usenet, . FSF Free Software Foundation. . FSP , FTP. FTP File Transfer Protocol. . Internet , . -- FTP. . FTP-client FTP. FTP- FTP. FTP-mail . FTP . FTP-server FTP. Gateway . . Get a life , ! , Internet. GIF Graphic Interchange Format. WWW. Gophermail Gopher . GUI Graphical User Interface. . , Macintosh Windows. Guru , . . , . Hacker . , . . . , . , , , . . -- , , . , , , . Home . , . Internet . - . America Online! Host . , Internet. Hotlist . HTML HyperText Markup Language. , World Wide Web. HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol. , HTML World Wide Web. Hub . Hyper Terminal , . Hyperlink . Hypermedia . , , , . Hypermedia , . , web-. Hypertext , Internet. Inbox . Internet , 12 , 30 . FIDO. IP Address ( ) Internet, . IP , Internet. Internet. IRC Internet Relay Chat. WWW-. IRC - Usenet. , . , -- . . . . . -- . IRQ . ISDN Integrated Switched Digital Network. . . ISP Internet Service Provider. , . Killfile , Usenet. . Knowbot , . Lamer -. , . LAN Local Area Network. . ListServ , . Login . Lurk . , , Usenet , IRC. Mail server . , . Mail Internet . Mailing list C , . . Marquee HTML. Media , Multimedia. MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. , . . MIME ! MNP Microsom Networking Protocol. . Modem MODulator/DEModulator. , . Moose Usenet. -- . Mosaic , World Wide Web. X-Window, Windows Macintosh. MPEG Moving Pictures Expert Group. , . Multimedia , . Net server . Net . Net.god . Net.personality Usenet. Netiquette C , Usenet. Newcomer Internet. Newsgroup Usenet. NNTP , Usenet. No Dialtone . . Node . NTFS , Windwos NT. . OBS Online Bookstore. . Offline . Online . Password . . . PH Phonebook. - PH QI, . Phreake . , . PKZIP . Pointer URL. POP Post Office Protocol. . Popmail , . Posting Usenet. PPP Point-to-Point-Protocol. . SLIP. , Internet TCP/IP. Privacy . Prompt . Protocol , . Provider . , -- Internet. Pulse . QWK Usenet. Real Time ( ) . , . Remote computer , . Remote control . Remote . RFC Request For Comment. . , , Internet. RIP Routing Internet Protocol. , . Ripco . Robot , . , WWW. Router . RTFM Read The Following Materials. , ! , , , . Script . Security . . Server , . SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language. . , . , HTML. , . . Shareware - , . . , . Sharing . Shell . Site . Internet. SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol. . Internet TCP/IP. SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol. . Spam , Usenet. SSL Secure Socket Layer. Netscape. . : Netscape Communicator. Sysop System operator. . . TCP Transmission Control Protocol. . . (IP). TCP . TCP Telnet THP. TCP/IP Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. , Internet. Telnet , Internet. Tone . Traffic . Twisted pair . UDP , Internet. Upload . URL Uniform Resource Locator. , Gopher, WWW, Finger FTP. USB . USB IRQ. USB, . . AGP AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port). AGP . Usenet ( ). 10 000 . User node . Username . WAN Wide Area Network. . , Internet Worldwide WAN. Webmaster Web-. , . WDM Win32 ( Windows 98 Windows NT), , Windows NT. White Pages Internet. Whois . WINZIP , Windows 95. . Workstation . , . World Wide Web Internet, , . , , , , . Yahoo WWW Web (http://www.yahoo.com). ZIP . MS DOS. Russian Underground Club http://www.toptown.com/hp/RUC/ e-mail: night_elf@hotmail.com Russian Underground Server http://www.russian.lt/ Internet http://kpakep.home.ml.org/ ThE BLUES BROThERS BBS +7-812-178-8403 Master A. Pixel (SLY FOX) Master A. Pixel (SPY FOX) . . http://www.chat.ru/~wrkbench/1000.html Computer Security Basics Deborah Russell and G.T. Gengemi Sr Information Systems Security Philip Fites Martin Kratz Computer Related Risks Peter G. Neumann Computer Security Management Karen Forcht The Stephen Cobb Complete Book of PC and LAN Security Stephen Cobb Security in Computing Charles P. Pfleeger Building a Secure Computer System Morrie Gasser Modern Methods for Computer Security Lance Hoffman Protection and Security on the Information Superhighway Dr. Frederick B. Cohen Practical Unix Security Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford Unix System Security Rik Farrow Unix Security: A Practical Tutorial Derek Arnold Unix Security for the Organization Richard Bryant Network Security Secrets David J. Stang Sylvia Moon Complete Lan Security and Control Peter Davis Network Security Steven Shaffer Alan Simon Protect Your Privacy: A Guide for PGP Users William Stallings Codebreakers Kahn The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses Mark Ludwig Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and Evolution Mark Ludwig A Short Course on Computer Viruses Dr. Fred Cohen Engineering and Operations in the Bell System R.F. Rey Telephony: Today and Tomorrow Dimitris N. Chorafas The Hacker Crackdown Bruce Sterling Cyberpunk Katie Hafner John Markoff The Cuckoo's Egg Cliff Stoll Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution Steven Levy